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Fantasy The Labmates (Closed)

Darrel continued to push himself as Lana answered his question. Sure, he was "burning" the poison but at the same time not. You can't really burn a liquid. He was starting to wonder how far he could push until he bursts. "I get the feeling that I am effectively removing the poison from my system, but how long till I end up lighting up?" he asked with a chuckle. He's never been fully engulfed in his own flames, but who knows, this could be a first.

Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed
William Rundell Haus Code

William glanced back at the two and smiled reassuringly at them, "It'll be fine, don't worry about me. I've survived this long after all." If William could, he would have winked at them before he disappeared around the corner and out of their site, the common room's double doors closing on them. The two guards continued to march him down the dull corridor until they came across a set of large heavy steel doors that made even William doubt his ability to escape from. The electronic lock within opened and William plus his entourage continued through until they were met with another set of the same thick impenetrable doors, which opened yet again for him.

As he walked through, William felt the presence of the two guards fade as they waited, allowing him to go on alone. Confused by the whole situation, William came to a stop and jumped as the steel doors closed behind him with a loud clang. It was only then that he noticed another presence in the room. The rest of the scientists and guards had cleared the room by now as William sensed the male strapped to the table in front of him. Still fairly perturbed by the whole situation, William called out in uncertainty, "Hello? Who are you?"

Behind the tv screens hooked up to cameras in the room, the scientists seemed to be making notes as they watched the encounter. The termination had failed so the countermeasure was to be used. They had hoped to eliminate the trouble subject named 'Umbrella' as quietly and as quickly as possible, but apparently that would not be the case. So, in that event, a new subject would be chosen so that they may perform some testing on the two. The hopeful result was the elimination of Umbrella and it was that result that was expected as well. The subject had radiation resistance and was permitted an advanced weapon, but the specifications were not certain as to whether they could take on an individual such as William.

But of course, that was all part of the process. A loud voice appeared from over the speaker system, echoing throughout the room, "YOU WILL FIGHT TO THE DEATH NOW. FAILURE TO COMPLY WILL RESULT IN IMMEDIATE TERMINATION." William looked up towards the sound in shock, his mouth agape at the terrible order. It was simple as it was horrifying: they had to fight until one of them was dead. William had heard of terrible tests where many bad things happened, but so far his testing had been relatively tame. To kill another person? That was... That was wrong. For what purpose would it serve, to what ends would it meet?!

But William had to comply - what else could he do? He couldn't die yet, he still had friends and... family. He still had so much life yet to live. William wasn't prepared to die just yet, as guilty as it made him feel. Frowning, he clenched his hands as he struggled to make up his mind. Nearby, Umbrella would notice his weapon had been supplied and his straps had been released. The room was quite large and sported several damage marks from previous fights/tests. The halogen lights illuminated the room harshly with a stabbing white light, running along the ceiling with parallel strips. The room itself seemed prepared for whatever was about to occur.

Best Trekkie. Best Trekkie.
Dropping from the sky in the middle of the rain came umbrella, a few seconds later a sequence of many shiny strips of steel fell around him. Standing up and allowing the branching radiation to spread from his eyes, Umbrella unsheathed his umbrella off his back. Suddenly the strips of surrounding steel blinked purple and started to rapidly attach, first to the wing pack, and then attach to each other forming a set of glowing purple and shiny steel wings.

As the fight started, Umbrella jumped into the air and the wing pack gained lift, resulting in Umbrella flying into the rain filled sky and then beginning his dive towards his opponent.
William Rundell Haus Code

William was more than disgruntled with the position he now found himself in and he was not particularly looking forward to the fight ahead. It seemed his 'opponent' was more than willing to meet him in combat so there was apparently not much he could do in the way of stopping all this. Resigned to the fact that he had to fight, William let out a discontented sigh as he prepared himself, removing his glasses and placing them into his pocket. He winced slightly as the light fully reached his closed eyes, but otherwise he bore it well enough. His ears perked as he noticed the sound of steel components hitting the ground, his face turning as he heard them in places, unsure as to their purpose as they assembled on his opponent. It was not beforeong that Umbrella was sent soaring high above in an impressive display of flight, however it did not deter William.

As his assailant flew down at fast speeds, William put up his telekinetic power to good use by forming an invisible barrier between himself and Umbrella. It was a spherical shield, so it went the whole way around him in a 4m radius and it was stronger than any of Umbrella's weaponry he was fairly sure. His equipment sounded like steel, and William could easily crush that with his power. If Umbrella got within range then he would be met with either an impenetrable barrier or a crushing grip. William didn't enjoy this, but it seemed to be a necessary evil. He would be lying if he said he had never used his power for harmful purposes, but it was nothing something he was keen to return to. He could only hope he could end this quickly.

Best Trekkie. Best Trekkie.
As umbrella closed in on his opponent, his wings folded up and allowed him to gain speed, as he neared the opponent, he raised his umbrella un front of his face and dove towards the adversary in a burst of speed. However though, as he was closing the distance, Umbrella engaged his umbrella's Electromagnetic field in case of any hidden bullets, and simultaneously charged up his umbbella's ion cannon, and pulled the trigger...

Kloudy Kloudy
It was time, Zerica sensed. Why? She knew something was wrong. Her senses were tingling, and she could tell the guards were also antsy so something was up. It was dangerous, but her cat ears could pick up the sounds of nervous talking. Something was happening to William and Zerica didn't like the odds of him doing it alone. "Magik... We're going to do something crazy..." She whispered, trotting towards the guards. They watched her, tasers at the ready, but something stopped them. Zerica had taken off her blindfold and unleashed the power of her eyes. "You'll raise no alarm. Instead, give me to key to the door... You will shield us until we are out." Her tail swayed with the words, and a happy smirk crept onto her face as the guards handed her two guns and turned over their tasers. "Magik, we need to go. Now. William is in danger." She left out the part of her concerns about the sound of something heading towards them, hoping against hope that it would be nothing.

She then turned to the swaying guards, addressing them firmly. "Get all the others, and take them outside the lab to freedom." They nodded, simply in a daze. "Good. Go now." The second out of eight guards handed her the key before running off. The guards went everywhere, acting normal for the moment as they rounded up each subject. "Magik, can you come with me? We have to get William out. And, uh, Darrel too... I think he's in testing."
Raku Raku Kloudy Kloudy Best Trekkie. Best Trekkie. Magikkitten Magikkitten Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving Love of Cyanide Love of Cyanide TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior FrozenWolf FrozenWolf D duegxybus Profoundcactus Profoundcactus

Ackara perked up, jumping a bit. "I-I can go too! I can take out anyone too!" She cried, rushing after them. "Please? I can help!" Why so eager? Ackara wanted to fit in, and also possibly earn Magik's affection. It had been her desire for quite some time, so now seemed like a good chance.
Magikkitten Magikkitten

Zerica glanced at Magik with a grimace, unsure she wanted this clingy girl with them, so she let Magik deal with it and turned to Alissia. "Ali, can you get Beast out?" She asked, readying the guns and handing Magik a taser. "Hopefully we won't need this... I should be able to charm them into doing anything now. Let's go." And Zerica forged ahead towards the stronger sound of tense voices. Ackara trotted after, humming nervously.
Magikkitten Magikkitten

Alissia grinned at Zerica and nodded, wiggling free from Beast's grip and running to the corner to grab her stuffed animal. Then she came back and grabbed Beast's much larger hand and began dragging him after the guard leading them to a door. "We aw free!" She cried, moving a bit faster.
Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving

Doctor Lana simply smirked at Darrel, checking their watch. They didn't seem to care about Darrel's concern, instead moving around the lab to tidy things up and rearrange their liquids. "We'll see." Was all they had to say.
Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
Beast immediately growled. He had sensed something was up as well and didn't feel safe. When the child had jumped from his hands he had
Panicked a little till she came running back and grabbed his hand. Immediately he picked her up in his arms. Holding her in a cradled position in his right arm while he walked with his feet and left arm. It was clear he felt it as well.
Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed (sorry I didn't reply. The post must not have gone through)
Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed

"I-I i can't leave the facility though.. " She sets the taser down and walks back with her hands hugging her sides and going to the corner with the painting in it- Her blood (Which is the black substance) Creating a protective cage around her as the girl sits down and grabs hold of the painting WIlliam painted with her. Living in the lab is all she knew of and all she had.. Besides she needed the medicine they provided to keep her stable. the girl then looking at the beast which is now holding Ali.. "I- i have to stay here!"

She yelled it but she was calm slightly and had long ago came to terms with she would never escape unless those who controlled her wanted so..

Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
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Alissia giggled slightly, not quite understanding the seriousness of their situation. Their guard lead them through several locked doors, and eventually towards a large wooden one. It took several different keys, but the door opened and stayed open. Alissia blinked in surprise at the harsh light, trying to squeeze her eyes shut. "It's light!" She cried, clinging to Beast as the guard trudged ahead and into the woods surrounding the whole lab. "What's that?!" She squeaked, pointing at a dark raven that flew overhead. Alissia wouldn't have known, as she'd been in the lab her whole life.
Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving

Ackara looked really panicked as Magik refused. "B-But they'll kill you!" She cried, taking short sharp breaths as she tried to block out the voices crowding in her head. Dying, death! She's dead! Dead! Dead! Dead! "NO!" She shrieked, crumpling to the ground holding her head. "GO AWAY!" Zerica looked panicked, but she reached out to get Magik's hand.

"Magik, we can make them give us whatever you need. We can find more, or I can make them tell us how to make it. Come on... You have to come with us." This time, Zerica made Magik believe it. Sure, she didn't like using her hypnosis, but she needed Magik to come with them.
Magikkitten Magikkitten
Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed

As Zerica's hand reached out 1402's eyes went clouded and she just nodded, Taking the other female's hand as her powers deactivated and let down her shield. It isn't hard to get Magik to do things since she is an easy goer.. But in this situation the only option was to use powers on her to which she couldn't simply escape by her own. "Alright, I'll follow you Zerica.." The girls face completely blank as she spat out the words in monotone.. No personality there at the moment whatsoever..
Darrel gave an evil smile as he got the feeling that something was wrong. He could almost feel the conflict occurring. As Lana didn't seem to do much about releasing him, merely giving him one line, he chuckled. "That's why your my favorite!" he shouted out as a flame erupted in his hand. It wasn't aimed towards anyone, rather his constraints. He was burning out of the straps and once they were weak enough he snapped out.

Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed
Zerica's face saddened, but she knew what she had to do. "Magik, go outside to Beast and Alissia. Stay with them until I can get there. You'll be safe. Kill any guard who harms you. I'll get your medicine... Take Ackara with you." Ackara's head lifted at her name, with tears streaming down her face. Still, she got up and took Magik's hand in her gloved one. She said nothing, but lead Magik away.
Magikkitten Magikkitten

Doctor Lana's eyes widened in shock, and they quickly took off without grabbing anything. They didn't want to die, thinking they had much more in store. The guard came in, eyes blank. "We're getting out..."
Love of Cyanide Love of Cyanide
Theodore Welch
Theodore stumbled out of the room, slightly confused, the feeling fading quickly as a guard burst into the room. He stepped back before the guard took large strides easily getting right in front of Theodore. Through the guard's visor, he could see the slightly dulled features of his eyes. The guard shoved a gloved hand into his back pocket and drew out a ring of keys, he could see the distinctive features of the small silver key for the same choker on his neck.

The guard slowly drew his hand over Theodore's choker. A moment passed then a click sounded out as his air passage was cleared. He coughed violently from the high amount of oxygen going straight into his throat. He felt his mind spread out and he could feel the amount of chaos going on. Before the psychic knew it he was sprinting out of the room, towards any source of positive emotion, his senses still raw he felt like he was being burned alive, mind first.

He dodged through rooms and practically tackled the first source of positive emotion, the chaos getting almost too hard to bear. He started to try and grasp at the emotion, the pain receding quickly. His face turned from the pained expression it bore before into a relieved expression. The red faded from his vision turning back to normal as Alissia came into vision. He realized he had just taken Alissia into a slightly forceful hug. His hug faltered before he caught himself.

"I'm.. Sorry." Theodore apologized, quickly turning back to his emotionless state.
Prison Break!
Dr. Rudolph Lemur

In the darkness of a corner in the lab, Xyla smelled the smell of burning restraints and the entire facility basically being called for a release. She flicked her tongue out of her mouth and suddenly showed up with Dr. Lemur wrapped around in her tail. "Thisss should be interesting."

Lemur was trying to escape by biting on Xyla's tail, but to no avail. "Hey! Someone! Xyla, off!" The snake girl tore at her scrubs and slithered over to the others. Her grip on lemur tightened even further until...


Xyla finally dropped the dead doctor on the ground and nonchalantly began to bite any guard she found on the ground.

Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed @Magikkitten(idk who to tag)
Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed Kloudy Kloudy

With the girls gripped in hers she followed with blank eyes that streamed her tears- She didn't want to kill anyone.. She promised she wouldn't harm anyone else after arriving here but now she doesn't even have a choice in the matter. Ackara leading her down the hall that seemed desolate at this point along with herself.. "Where do we go.." A question she managed to get out, imprisoned in her own body to which she knew better than anyone else.

Magik severely wished that William was here, Even though they had just met she felt safe when having contact with the man.
Darrel chuckled. "Guess the feeling's mutual?" he said jokingly as Lana ran out. He wasn't gonna hurt them as what he said before was true. As he stepped out of the room with a smile, he caught the tail end (no pun intended) of Lemur's death at the hands of a snake woman. "Aww, did I miss the death of the true freak!?" he shouted out in disappointment.

(don't really know who to mention)
Alissia giggled slightly, not quite understanding the seriousness of their situation. Their guard lead them through several locked doors, and eventually towards a large wooden one. It took several different keys, but the door opened and stayed open. Alissia blinked in surprise at the harsh light, trying to squeeze her eyes shut. "It's light!" She cried, clinging to Beast as the guard trudged ahead and into the woods surrounding the whole lab. "What's that?!" She squeaked, pointing at a dark raven that flew overhead. Alissia wouldn't have known, as she'd been in the lab her whole life.
Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving

Ackara looked really panicked as Magik refused. "B-But they'll kill you!" She cried, taking short sharp breaths as she tried to block out the voices crowding in her head. Dying, death! She's dead! Dead! Dead! Dead! "NO!" She shrieked, crumpling to the ground holding her head. "GO AWAY!" Zerica looked panicked, but she reached out to get Magik's hand.

"Magik, we can make them give us whatever you need. We can find more, or I can make them tell us how to make it. Come on... You have to come with us." This time, Zerica made Magik believe it. Sure, she didn't like using her hypnosis, but she needed Magik to come with them.
Magikkitten Magikkitten
Hearing the child's cry of it being bright the beast naturally turned his back from it to shield the child so her eyes could adjust before letting her see you outside world once more. Though when she cried out about the black raven the beasts eyes immediately Shot to it. It's keen vision seeing what it really was. A jet packed with weapons. His memories from before the facility telling him of how dangerous they were and how if they were around they were only around to destroy. Growling deeply as he set the child down by his side he turned to his other side and slammed a hand into the ground then the other before lifting up. From the action he tore up the massive boulder that had been next to him. It easily being the size of him as he lifted it over his shoulder before he reeled back with both hands and took a step forward launching it into the air straight at the jet with a massive grunt. Quickly picking up the child once more and disappearing with the guard into the trees as the massive boulder rocketed for the jet heading for a course that would either take it out or damage it pretty well
Shadow looked to the guards who walked in and unlatched his bindings on his chair, essentially freeing him. One thing however. "Turn off the lights." The guards seemed too dazed to remember, as if they were in a dream, that they were never to let Shadow in a dark room. They complied. He burst away from his chair, the shadows coalescing around him as he slashed one guard to the ground and held the other with shadows on the wall. He rushed out of his room and attacked every one of the guards and doctors he met, using the shadows to move undetected until he struck.

He eventually saw the girl that normally wore a blindfold, and he knew the reason why she did. He seemed to float around in the shadows, as he smashed every light he could see. He approached the girl, and her entourage, and quite unexpectedly, laid a hand on her shoulder. His voice was like one would expect a snake's to sound like, cunning and cold. "Well done. I simply mussst thank you for your servicesss. As a token of my thanks, I owe you a favor. Care to cash in now or wait?"

Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed
Darrel moved past the carnage while causing his own. The smell of burning flesh came with him as he walked. To him this was heaven, ending those who had did wrong to him and the other subjects in the lab. It was a vengeful slaughter almost. Most would cringe up at the smell, but Darrel, he was laughing hysterically. He eventually came upon a woman he believed he met before. Lowering his heat slightly and with a burning hallway behind him, he approached her. "Need any help?" he asked with a smile.

Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed (Zerica)
Garret chuckled in his room as he heard the commotion. He was finally getting out, he was finally going to be free. As he rose from his bed he could hear the screams of guards and smell the stench of charred skin as someone laughed. He held his hand in front of him as he thought. Perks of augmented limbs, augmented strength he said in his mind. Then he continued to kick the door. After a few kicks the door blew open as it caved in. Garret walked out and looked down the hall to the source of the burning bodies, Darrel. Darrel was also with a woman, Zerica. Garret waved to them.

Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed Raku Raku
Annabelle was frightened running down the hall fear in her eyes. The place had gone to chaos so quickly she didn't know what to do. Part of her left sleeve on her jacket was scorched and she was covered in grime and dirt. Running through the halls frantically. Mostly trying to look for zerica. God she hopped zerica had nothing to do with this. As she turned a corner her eyes immediately locked onto the girl and a look of relief came over her as she started to run for the girl. But just before she could call her name a cell door exploded off its place. Barely missing Annabelle but nocking her down as some shrapnel cut her right cheek and right arm making her yelp in pain. Immediately looking. Yo as she brought a hand to her cheek her eyes widened at the sight of Garret. 'I'm gonna die aren't I?' She thought to her self as she just sat there frozen in fear, figuring this was her end and that him along with zerica and the others were gonna slaughter her.
Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed Raku Raku FrozenWolf FrozenWolf TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior
Zerica looked around at the group, a proud smirk on her face. "We're getting out today. Follow these guards to the exit. Darrel, Shadow, come with me. We need to get William and Umbrella out." She said with a nod. "The rest of you go out, and find Beast and Alissia. Ackara and Magik should be on their way. Take out anyone who tries to oppose you, if they don't, they are useful and under my control. Go n- Annabelle?" Zerica changed topics in shock, looking at her favorite person. With a wave of her hands, she meant to call back the others. "Take this one with us... She can be, um, a hostage." That was her way of protecting Annabelle. Even though she was well liked, Zerica didn't trust her chances otherwise.

Then she stood up and beckoned for Darrel and Shadow to follow her as she headed down the halls towards the lab rooms where the faint sound of fighting could be heard. "Darrel, can you burn through?"
Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving Raku Raku FrozenWolf FrozenWolf TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior D duegxybus

Ackara looked really rather panicked herself, squeezing Magik's hand tightly through the glove. "I-I think we go outside. It's up ahead..." She whispered, now breaking into a sprint towards the door and dragging Magik with her. The light was nearly blinding, but she could still hear people ahead. "They got out too! W-We should go to them!" Ackara sprinted out towards Theodore, Beast, and Alissia.

Alissia was currently squealing in delight, hugging Theodore as well. "We got out! We're free!" She cried, squirming around. "Beast got me out!"
Magikkitten Magikkitten Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving Love of Cyanide Love of Cyanide
Garret was surprised by another doctor, Annabelle, appeared to his side. She hadn't done anything wrong to him, to anyone as far as he's known. She seemed to be injured from the door he kick. Garret followed Zerica's request and went with the group. His hand folded down as his sword shot out from his wrist. "Loud and clear" he said as he went along.

Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving Raku Raku TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior D duegxybus
Darrel smiled as he followed Zerica. He felt a little better now that he had burned someone. The screams were like soothing honey and tea to him. When Zerica asked if he could burn though he chuckled as flames sparked up in his hands. "Oh yeah, I can get through" he said with a grin.

Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed (don't really know what he's burning) TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior

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