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Fantasy The Labmates (Closed)

Zerica slowly lowered herself onto the bed. "I'm fine... Just ready for testing now." She said firmly, a bit of a wild look in her eyes. It could have been the screams of the younger subjects, but it might have been her own hunger for revenge. "Testing is nice."

Doctor Lana sighed in annoyance, rolling their eyes. "Has anything unusual happen?! What do I have to do to make it work..." They growled, glaring at Theodore. Lana seemed to hate Theodore more than any other, but the reason seemed unknown. It could have been that they couldn't get a reaction, but it seemed to go deeper than that.
"now I know that's not true. And you know the wraps need to go back once once I leave but... I know you don't like not seeing... and if it were up to me I'd let you not have them on. But the others aren't like me. They are scared of you and force me to keep you blinded." She said as she gently rubbed the girls back. "I even took you today so you wouldn't be tested on." She said to her
Theodore Welch
Location: Labs​
He thought for a moment and nodded in confirmation. "Yes, Ackara had offered the table ice cream." Theodore admitted. He stared into Doctor Lana's eyes, both of them filled with a hatred. It confused him, why does she hate him so much?​
Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed
"now I know that's not true. And you know the wraps need to go back once once I leave but... I know you don't like not seeing... and if it were up to me I'd let you not have them on. But the others aren't like me. They are scared of you and force me to keep you blinded." She said as she gently rubbed the girls back. "I even took you today so you wouldn't be tested on." She said to her
Zerica sighed in defeat, now glaring at Annabell. It might have been worth it to make her favorite person do something terrible. Her eyes began to swirl a bit as she mentally tried to summon her power. Even a nice person wouldn't be able to talk her out of this now.

Theodore Welch
Location: Labs​
He thought for a moment and nodded in confirmation. "Yes, Ackara had offered the table ice cream." Theodore admitted. He stared into Doctor Lana's eyes, both of them filled with a hatred. It confused him, why does she hate him so much?​
Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed
Doctor Lana growled at Theodore, raising their fist. Instead of punching him, they slapped him across the face with the back of their hand. "That is not unusual! You are useless!" A sick sort of smile crossed their face. "I could just have a little accident... That would be fun wouldn't it?" They asked.
Out of boredom the lady walks out of her room and heads for the common one to play some games, Maybe even meet some new competent people or lively ones.. though she doubts it since she hasn't heard any activity anywhere. "Maybe they're all playing games." Shes happy since she left her room- The clashing of color having offended her eyes..

(this better Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed ? This should allow you to interact given she left the room now. Kloudy Kloudy and Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving )
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Zerica sighed in defeat, now glaring at Annabell. It might have been worth it to make her favorite person do something terrible. Her eyes began to swirl a bit as she mentally tried to summon her power. Even a nice person wouldn't be able to talk her out of this now.

Doctor Lana growled at Theodore, raising their fist. Instead of punching him, they slapped him across the face with the back of their hand. "That is not unusual! You are useless!" A sick sort of smile crossed their face. "I could just have a little accident... That would be fun wouldn't it?" They asked.
Annabelle immediately frowned. "Do you really think doing this is gonna make things better? You want to get out right? Well killing people isn't gonna make anything better. I wasn't supposed to tell you this but the board is considering terminating you and doing this is gonna make them do it. You need to calm down sweetheart." She said gently hugging the girl to her chest. "Please be the better person zerica. You like a child to me and o can't imagine losing you." She said softly to her gently kissing her forehead as she held tightly to the child waiting to see what would happen. "Please reconcider this sweetie. I don't want to lose you." She said quietly
Beast growled softly as he made his way down the halls. The scientists still despatetly trying to get his attention but he just ignored them all. Growling he neared the fame room. Smelling other people he wanted to go see them
Magikkitten Magikkitten Kloudy Kloudy
The more cautious girl could sense the beast but was unsure of what it was.. at first she just continued to play on a disconnected laptop that was sitting at a table. Waiting for the monster to appear and make an entrance.

Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving Kloudy Kloudy
Theodore Welch
Location: Labs​
Doctor Lana growled at Theodore, raising their fist. Instead of punching him, they slapped him across the face with the back of their hand. "That is not unusual! You are useless!" A sick sort of smile crossed their face. "I could just have a little accident... That would be fun wouldn't it?" They asked.

Theodore's head twisted from the force of the blow. His cheek already reddening, he turned his head back to the doctor as they spoke. "No, I think we could all get hurt if an accident happened," Theodore replied. Accidents were dangerous after all.
Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed
William Rundell Haus Code

William was painting.

He liked to paint rather than draw because it was easier for him to "feel" the picture created. Of course he still couldn't tell the difference between the colours, effectively making him colourblind as well as normal blind, but he liked how it still allowed him to express some creativity despite his disability. William was painting in the corner of the common room quietly and no one had quite seemed to notice him yet, but that was fine with him. A little peace and serenity went a long way with him, even if the other subjects like to cause disturbances on the daily.

But William didn't mind them either: sometimes they came over to talk with him and it was really interesting; sometimes they simply wanted to pick on him because he was blind. To say the least, they often did not get very far with their endeavours - although William had always had the philosophy to restrain himself when driven to anger, which was something he prided himself over. Of course there were always those times when the unfortunate soul pushed him past the point where regrets were taken into consideration and, well, William tended to squeeze things to relief his stress. Whether that be people or his stress ball, he'd been trying to keep to the latter.

So it would come as no surprise when William looked up in mild interest at those who seemed to be making a commotion in the commons room: supposedly a place where one could relax without worry. The young blinded man had hadn't chosen to use his power to attempt to "see" those that were currently here, but he could definitely hear them shuffling about and talking. His hearing had definitely improved over the years of his lack of sight - lose one sense and improve another, as they say. Still holding the paintbrush in his hand, William turned from his art to the others and spoke up in an uncertain tone, "Hello?", just to see if there was anyone there that wanted to talk.

Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving Magikkitten Magikkitten
Kloudy Kloudy

The girl seemingly bored of whatever she was playing set the laptop down carefully and sighed momentarily, looking at her hands as the man silently painted in the corner. Magik unaware of it at this point since she was more focused on playing with her powers for a little bit of entertainment. Though she did this always and was still not amused by things- She sat up eventually and looked around, spotting William and silently walking over, Surprisingly quiet making her hard to detect. Though not impossible since he then greeted. Taking her by surprise.

"Hello." She stated back sort of defensive since he was the first person except personnel to even interact with her in this new facility.. Shes never even been outside or had any actually interactions with anyone who's not a Subject or a Scientist.
William Rundell Haus Code
A smile touched his lips as William heard the guarded response, somewhat closer than he had anticipated but not enough to startle him. Inclining his head in a respectful nod of sorts, William put down the brush and turned his chair fully, so he was facing the direction of the voice. It sounded female and young, so he decided that it probably wasn't one of the guards. Besides, he had taught most of the guards that there was nothing to fear of him - sure, they knew of his incredibly overbearing power, but they knew he was sane enough to keep things civil. It was the scientists that didn't particularly care much for him, they had truly witnessed the extent of his... ability. Many had died as the price for witnessing such feats, something that weighed heavy on his mind.

William, now giving his undivided attention to the girl, gestured forward at a nearby chair with the same kind smile, his closed eyes creasing in kind, "I am William Rundell Haus Code, pleased to meet you." He extended his right hand towards her as an offer to shake it in greeting, "And you are?" It often confused people as to how William just seemed to know where everything was around him even though he could not see. There just was no fooling him apparently, magic tricks, sneaking about, concealing things from his view just in case he wasn't actually blind - William always knew. Of course they didn't know about his power yet either, that stuff was not openly disclosed to other subjects unless they themselves decided to tell everyone. William hadn't spoken to anyone else yet, so it was safe to assume no one knew. Not that he was hiding anything; he had no secrets of great value to keep after all.

Magikkitten Magikkitten
Kloudy Kloudy

She wasn't startled by his formality, Though this has never happened before to the point where someone has said hello and not an actual command at her. "i'm 1402." The girl states. Not telling him her real name, instead she tells him her code name that she was given back at her old home (a separate lab) as a form of self protecting.. Since she did not know the man's powers. "I like your painting, Lovely strokes." The girl compliments his work- smiling as she walks a bit closer to the man.

"Do you paint often?" She lets a question out in the most sincere and interested tone.. It's not faked either.
William Rundell Haus Code

William smiled wider at how genuine the girl was, even if her name was not. He had a knack for reading people: he could feel their pulse, their sweat, the quickness in their breath, tensing of their muscles, he could hear the doubt, the hostility, the love in their voice. He was by no means a lie-detector of any kind, but he was damn good at determining the truth when need be. Of course now William decided to take her response on the chin, leaving his powers dormant for the sake of holding an honest conversation with her.

"I see, it is a pleasure to meet you then 1402." He dropped his hand as the offer to shake it was rejected, turning to look at his painting thoughtfully. It was incredibly odd for him to do so considering he didn't have to turn his head to see, but it was simply just a habit he had picked up and he wasn't sure when or how, however it didn't bother him. He picked up the brush again and dabbed it back into the blue, pressing it gently to the top left corner of the canvas and sweeping right, finishing the last patch of the calm airy sky. The painting depicted a cool winding stream running down a beautiful valley filled with luscious grass and dotted with pretty flowers of varying colours and shapes. The sky backdropped the valley, clear from but a few smudges of white that allowed the couple of clouds to drift frozen in time.

After painting the final stroke, William placed the brush down again and turned back, a his smile fading slightly, "It's fine enough. It's only a shame I cannot see it as you do; I'm sure it looks quite beautiful in colour." A cryptic response indeed, for it would only raise questions as to how he could see it at all. However his sad little moment of self reflection ended abruptly as William seemed to snap himself out of it, a modest grin suddenly painting his own face as he realised the compliment, "Oh, from time to time. It's only a hobby, there isn't really much else to do around here. Or at least, they don't allow us much in the way of recreational entertainment."

He chuckled for a moment, running a hand through his hair before adjusting his glasses slightly. They were sunglasses to help reflect the light from his eyes, but sometimes it shifted from his face and light got in around the edges, irritating him. Not letting it bother him, William placed his hands on his lap and aimed his face towards the girl with a look that would clearly describe him as curious, "What about you? Any hobbies? Do you play a sports? I'm sure there must be something you like to do in your free time, surely."

Magikkitten Magikkitten
With clouded eyes the girl just stares at the painting- her breathing staggering slightly as if she was sad and in some sort of mood.. But it quickly stops as she just admires his work. Not caring for his comment because nevertheless, in fact.. he's probably seen more than her in the terms of the outside. "Have you been to a stream before?" her voice is genuine curiosity. Her eyes still firmly fixed on the painting made by a blind man.. Her hand reaching out but never touching the painting- Her wishing for a life she most likely will never have.

"Is this what freedom will look like?" Again a question shes been wanting answered but no one has bothered to take her seriously.. She too- has been bored of fake conversations. Wishing to enjoy the beauties in life and live every day to the fullest. Responding to his question she says "I have never done any activity other than the one i've just done without permission.. I've never left my facility... the only time was when i came here." Her voice monotone.

Kloudy Kloudy
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William Rundell Haus Code

The blind man frowned as he turned to the painting again, following the girl's eyeline to the stream. Freedom? Perhaps, but that depended on what a person defined freedom as. William would always be trapped as the way he was now, forever barred from the beauties that sight bore. No stream would liberate him as much as it did this girl, but he didn't let it get to him. It wasn't right to burden others with his own problems. His smile returned again, although this time it was slightly strained, as if he were trying not to show a certain emotion, "Yes, I suppose it is. Such an open space, one could just simply run free from all their problems here. A paradise, as it were..."

William tilted his head back and sighed, he could almost feel the cool breeze from the valley caressing his face smoothly, internally cursing that it was only his imagination. He had missed lunch due to testing not long ago and his stomach growled quietly, to which he ignored it, "I've been once, in Wales. It was quite nice actually. I can't imagine having lived my life in a facility though, that must be awful. Well, I guess I'm on right track right now."

Stretching his neck to the side, to which it clicked a little, and rubbing it stiffly, William turned to pick up the canvas and set it aside. He then picked up another once and placed it on the easel, cleaning the brush off in a water pot nearby. The young man then turned to the girl with his trademark kind smile, something that apparently came naturally to him, and offered 1402 the brush. He didn't say anything, interested to see if she wanted a turn.

Magikkitten Magikkitten
Kloudy Kloudy

With some thought she looks at the man. "I hope i get to see a stream one day.. With lots of flowers near the bay.. Maybe in death they will bury me near one so that my spirit will float away to a better place." She says with not even a hint of sadness.. Death is something she knew was a thing but she didn't really get the concept of not existing. "Also.. It wasn't so bad growing up, You get used to all the tests. I guess i was supposed to have parents but i was born from a machine.. So i guess the tank was my mother in a way."

the girl looks at the brush he is attempting to hand her- a bit confused as to why but she takes it. looking at all the paints that are already out and gets a blank canvas.. Her not giving him the chance to move as she climbs the chair and sits on his lap. Unaware if shes rude or not.
William Rundell Haus Code

William was so invested in listening to the girl's story that he failed to notice she had taken the brush, only realising it after she had already positioned herself in his lap so boldly. He froze up for a moment, startled by the odd choice of seating, but then relaxed as he smiled warmly at the cute gesture. Reach round, he placed a hand on her wrist so that he could guide the brush with her, "Here, I'll teach you to paint." Gently, he moved her hand down into the green so that the tip of the brush disappeared into its creamy dark hues. Pulling it out again, he moved the brush to the bottom of the canvas and pulled up, letting go part of the way so she could move the brush up for herself.

"There's the stem..." William murmured as he was concentrating, guiding the brush to create another parallel stroke to thicken the stem. He had a darker green nearby, so he moved 1402's hand to clean off the brush once they had completed the majority of the stem, to then dip it in the darker green and create a type of shading for the plant's midsection. William let go of the girl with a pleased smile, happy for her, "See? It's not that hard, now all we need is to draw the bud, petals and background." Grabbing another brush, William swiped it through the pink a struck a bold stroke coming from the tip of the stem, which lay halfway up the portrait-oriented canvas. Grinning now, he did it again, making a quick succession of wide pink leaves coming from the top of the plant, space in the middle for a bud to be placed. The blind man then cleaned the brush and put some red on it, adding detail to the petals by giving them a shader of the rouge colour like they were a red stream of nectar.
Kloudy Kloudy

With a bit of a smile she allowed the man to guide her hand, taking it that he is much wiser in the arts than her the girl is now genuinely amazed by his skill as he guides her hand to make such a beautiful flower to which she has never seen herself but would like to. "I wonder, i once heard a question. 'Does art mimic life or does Life simply imitate art?' I still do not know the answer.. I wish to know it but at the same time i do not. For what if i am simply some copy of a much better being..?" air comes out of her mouth in the form of a sigh, the girl seeming stressed but relaxes as her back presses against the much larger mans chest as she admires the man's work she somewhat helped to create.
William Rundell Haus Code

William considered the question for a moment, cocking his head to the side thoughtfully, "Hmm, that is a good question. I'd say... Hmm, no..." He seemed to mull it over a little more before answering, simply shrugging in defeat with a rueful smile, "You know what? I'm not sure to be honest. Do we capture life in the canvas and call it art, or does life capture us with its beauty - to which we label it art?" William cleaned off his brush again and dipped it in the yellow, applying a gentle bud into the centre of the flower that seemed to want to reach out for freedom.

"The best part about an imitation, or at least a good one, is that it's meant to replicate the real thing. And surely that must mean it is just as good, just as beautiful, just as real as the real thing?" The blind young man smiled again as he went back for the pink again, painting in some matching splodges around the edges of the canvas as if there were more flowers than just the single one that stoically stood bravely, alone. But alone for no longer, of course. William then painted a greenish-yellow background to give it some substance and leant back, deciding not to comment on how the girl was leaning on him, "There. Perfection - whether it's real or not."

The blind subject then took the canvas down and set it side by side with the other painting admiring them with a content smile. Times like these were nice, where two people could just simply relax and enjoy each other's company. William was aware that the girl was younger than him of course, so he didn't entertain any notions of romance: something that was probably very punishable both morally and legally. He wasn't sure how such things worked in the facility, or if love was even an option here, but as it stood it was most likely better to be safe than sorry.

Magikkitten Magikkitten
Kloudy Kloudy

"Thank you for teaching me." The girl turns to face him, her ass firmly on his lap as she stares into his eyes for the conversation.. Bewildered by the glasses she reaches out to take them off as 1402 wishes to examine them. Her fingers all cut up and so are her wrists but he detects no suicidal tendencies from her, so he might just assume its from her experiments.

"Sir.. If you're blind why do you wear glasses?" A question comes out of her pink gradient lips.. The girls crimson eyes focused on the task at hand.
Zerica growled at Annabelle, near tears now. She shoved the older girl away and began to tie the blindfold back on herself. "Fine. Wouldn't expect someone else to understand..." SHe stood and stormed out of the room, shoving others out of the way as she went into the lounge to escape Annabelle. She had started to escape her, but barreled into two people with a yelp. "Ack! Sorry sorry sorry! Not used to people in the way... What did I hit?" Her voice quivered a little bit, and her hands twitched to find out who she ran over. Knowing it was other people, she reached up to try and touch their face to get a feel for them. "Who did I hit?"

Alissia, still cat, angrilly scratched at her glass container, eager to find Magik. Magik was one of her favorites, so she began yowling at the top of her lungs to get their attention.
Magikkitten Magikkitten Kloudy Kloudy

Doctor Lana took a deep sigh and turned back to Theodore. "Obviously you aren't going to cooperate. Tonight you will sleep in here. For now, return to the lounge." The doctor unbuckled him and shoved him in the direction of the door. "Shoo now."
Love of Cyanide Love of Cyanide
William Rundell Haus Code

William glanced curiously at 1402's wounded fingers but didn't say anything about them: everyone had their own problems after all, or maybe it was just from the testing? Either way it wasn't particularly tactful to pry about it. Instead he simply allowed the girl to take his glasses from him, to which he winced slightly but otherwise kept still. They didn't look like normal sunglasses, if anything they just looked like regular glasses. However one side completely absorbed all light sent at it, whilst the other side allowed light through. This acted to form a 2-way mirror by allowing others to see William's features unhindered but blocked a large portion of light from reaching his closed lids. It was a nice little gift from the scientists in hopes that he didn't accidentally kill them during testing again. He wished they would understand that he didn't mean to, he just couldn't control it sometimes when they... pushed him.

William considered explaining all of this to the girl, but he suspected that she would probably grow uninterested through the long explanation, so he simply settled for a brief description, "It basically stops light from reaching my eyes. I'm hypersensitive to light and even with my eyes closed, it irritates them. These are to help with that." William glanced towards the door as he heard footsteps outside, it seemed someone would be joining them soon. He returned his smile to the girl as he remembered something, "Oh, and there's no need to call me Sir. I'm no knight in shining armour. Just William or Will will do." He chuckled slightly at the very bad play on words he had attempted there and might have commented on it were it not for the human body colliding with the two of them.

If anything, it was quite an impressive achievement: walking into two seated people in the corner of a room when there was no one else about, but hey, these things happen. William let out a surprised yelp as the footsteps he had heard earlier quickly approached, a tripped up person crashing into them very unexpectedly. William's chair was turned over as he and the girl were thrown from the furniture rather dramatically. William wrapped 1402 into a tight hug, one arm around her stomach, the other covering her head, as they fell together into the nearby easel. The wooden holder also fell over, directly onto one of the two paintings that were being stood to the side. With an audible "Oof", William hit the floor with the girl landing on top of him, safe from the impact. It wasn't a nasty fall, but he would be bruised nonetheless.

Checking to see if the girl was okay momentarily by using his powers, he detected no wounds thankfully. He would have been rather upset of their would be attacker had harmed his new friend. Speaking of which, as the blind man now sat up against the wall, William took the time to assess the situation. 1402 was okay, perhaps a little shaken, but okay enough. One of his paintings hadn't survived however, the valley picture had been completely torn down the middle, effectively making a cross with the river. The rose painting had survived at least, so he wasn't too displeased about what had happened. Finally deciding to move, William slowly and carefully stood himself up and turned his chair back over, replacing the easel back on its legs and taking a seat again, also brushing himself off, "Do pardon me, but are you okay?" He asked the newcomer, uncertain as to who it was. His power told him it was an older female, but he didn't recognise her face.

Magikkitten Magikkitten Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed
Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed Kloudy Kloudy

"Oh I see.. Your eyes let you see but in different means?" The girl asks right before being crashed into.. Feeling flushed as William protects her while they fall to the ground. almost as if it was in slow motion.. "My name is.. Magik." 1402 states rather softly as her head hits the ground rather harshly.. her body patches up everything fast to make up for the fact that her skin is like tissue paper. This was the way that she was made, an error in the scientists calculations..

"Will- are you alright." The girl sits up a bit more lively than before- ready to fully fight whoever knocked them over.. her teeth then biting the tips of her fingers and making her bleed, she can stop healing certain areas if need be to do access her other power.. William sensing a cage beginning to build around them at record speed.. made of a black substance he can't describe.
Zerica felt around the area, trying to find a wall. "U-Uh, sorry! I'm fine! Where are you? Did I hear Magik?" She asked, patting at the couches and trying to figure out where the two were. Eventually, she got to the the cage and recoiled at the touch. She couldn't seem to figure out how that had gotten there, a deep frown crossing her face. The mask blocked her eyes, and most of her eyebrows, so reading her was hard. "Magik? Who's with you?" She asked, frantically waving her arms around. Her voice was a little panicked, and she finally sat down on the couch to try and figure out what she'd ran into. Okay, it felt a bit wet, maybe... No, not oil... Paint? That might have been it. It seemed fresh, so I'm going to guess I ruined it. Zerica thought in annoyance with herself.
Magikkitten Magikkitten Kloudy Kloudy

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