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Fantasy The Horde’s- Occ

Makes sense. My superpower is to dodge every punchline in the universe. Good to know it still works.

All i will say is Old stuff.

Ohh fancy old stuff. Cool. Goodies are indeed good yes.
Sorry for super slow update, been sick so kinda on and off. I just throw my WIP for character, will finish soon!
Thank you! It's nothing against those beautiful codes out there xD
Anyway I add some sections, could you check? Because it's the tricky part (skills, belongings, magic), thankies!
So far it looks good but i would like to nerf her in like two ways. But i feel as if they are small changes that could be easily done.

Shrink tornado, Limit cutting power of wind Scythe.

Thats about it tbh. Very adorable familiar
So far it looks good but i would like to nerf her in like two ways. But i feel as if they are small changes that could be easily done.

Shrink tornado, Limit cutting power of wind Scythe.

Thats about it tbh. Very adorable familiar
Okies! I changed it to medium-sized tornado and the cutting power equal to tornado instead of hurricane (which is weaker I assume?)
I love the familiar as well!
Im making minor changes as I find errors and things just an FYI.
k posted my charrie lmk if changes needed

i'mma just do the small write-ups for the survivor npcs later k?
No big edits needed, could you give a radius to your rain and perhaps a maximum range for the chain lightning effect of the bolts? Like how close will they have to be for it to arc to the next.
Kaylemm Kaylemm lunara is pretty much acceptable. Just give me ranges for her healing. Like a radius for area heal, is minor and major touch based, how close must you be for healing that sort of thing.
Excellent. With that done…phenomenal work on our storm Sorceress , Consider the captain of the Devastation accepted. Very excited to see how the crew comes into play.
cool cools tysm!!

Yeah so like there is a lot of them but thinkin that with 2 captains there and one being the daughter of the Matriarch pirate, they'll behave. sorta. lol
hi i hope i get accepted this jawn reads so epic..also womp womp @no discord aaa
grinweavers a lonely soul they need a fren x(
Also. In light of having come up with another character that i cannot for the life of me push down to an NPC ive got good news everyone.

There will be a third character slot given to all.
k sooooo like questions about familiars then:

- sooooo like they store Mana pools? does that mean you can sense they are magical with magic sense?
- like can you describe how that pool works? like say you are at a locked door and you use a spell to try to force it open, like does the familiar make that spell more powerful?
- can you cast spells on familiars and they use their mana to make it more powerful? like say you cast for your mouse to fly, can it use its Mana to fly faster?
- are familiars like witch's consorts and spies? like are they more intelligent and can they 'speak' or relay info to them or like use witch clairvoyance to see thru their eyes?
- what happens to a caster if their familiar dies or is killed?
Gotta love writers block
happy father ted GIF
k sooooo like questions about familiars then:

- sooooo like they store Mana pools? does that mean you can sense they are magical with magic sense?
- like can you describe how that pool works? like say you are at a locked door and you use a spell to try to force it open, like does the familiar make that spell more powerful?
- can you cast spells on familiars and they use their mana to make it more powerful? like say you cast for your mouse to fly, can it use its Mana to fly faster?
- are familiars like witch's consorts and spies? like are they more intelligent and can they 'speak' or relay info to them or like use witch clairvoyance to see thru their eyes?
- what happens to a caster if their familiar dies or is killed?
Oooooo good ones.

Familiars are any creature without a soul that links or is linked on to a human soul. The boons that come with this are not limited to just having additional mana pools. But yes they are a backup mana pool, every mage recovers mana at a certain rate depending on the individual. However regardless of your level of mana or experience, running out during combat can be hellish, not only will it remove your ability to cast magic, but you’ll be mentally and physically exhausted thus the method of contract familiars was developed. You can put any amount of mana into one per day, and it can store a good amount of mana that you can withdraw at will. Some familiars like a Cat Or an owl, Will be able to be trained to have an even amount of mana with their caster. Allowing a mage to replenish their mana at a moments notice, though they must then recharge their familiar overtime.

If you have 100 mana And your familiar has 100 mana. You approach the locked door, (assuming mundane) and spend 2 mana to unlock it. You now have 98, your familiar 100. But your pretty sure there is a threat on the other side. So you pull two from the familiar to recharge. Now you have 100, and the familiar has 98. Replace numbers as you see fit so long as the number is greater than zero.

One could certainly do so, as familiars use your magic they can Actually learn YOUR spells. It takes a long time, longer than most familiars will be alive tbh, about 6 years to learn a spell. And being a familiar is dangerous business. But the animal can be trained to use your spells. Also spells can be cast on the familiar, just don’t mix them up, animals are likely to flee from contracts as they will magically know what happened to previous contract holders.

Yes. A familiar can be as and more intelligent than a human dependent upon many variables, namely the intelligence of the human in question. That said Familiars having access to a soul (even if its yours) and mana (again yours) grants an introspection and self awareness that definitely constitutes a boost in intelligence. NOT ALL familiars can learn to speak. Some mages might have access to the Universal Tongues spell, that can make it possible, but for all intents and purposes only parrots can speak. Magical items and enchantments can change this.

Honestly not much. Its a long time and mana investment down the drain, and others will be less likely to form contracts with you. Luckily the same is true in reverse so if you cant make it out, by all means send your furry friend away that they may live.

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