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Fantasy The Great War (SirLostBoy x Chibi_Girl)

"shit....is that you?" He whispered out as he quickly hopped over a rock and ran over to the sound of yelping. "God you're a mess....what happened...?" He asked as he leaned her back against the cave wall and assessed her injuries. "This doesn't look good..." He muttered more to himself than her as he started to try and heal the wound.
"...yeah its me.....I was attacked..." Jyn answered him quietly, wincing slightly as he tried to heal her wound but she hesitantly put her hand over her upper arm to cover it so he can't see it, "...don't bother...you're magic won't work on this....let's just....get out of here....you don't want them to find us....trust me" Jyn muttered while trying to pick herself up once more, her breathing started to sound more labored.
"Yeah....I can tell...seems to be some kind of poison.... Merlin will be able to help... I told you something like this was going to happen you idiot...m" He said softly as he put his hand down before stopping her from standing. "Stop moving you're going to make the poison spread faster!" He objected before turning his back to her and motioned for her to get on his back. "Come on...hop on... it'll be faster this way...."
As much as she didn't want to ride on his back, she knew that she didn't have much of a choice and sighed in defeat before hoping onto his back, the action taking up much more of her energy than she would've liked. "...fine....just get us out of here...now.....please..." Her voice was sounding weaker and weaker as she breathed heavily against him. Much to her horror though, the sound of a bush rustling could be heard just outside the cave.
I know, I know.... we'll be out of here and back home before you know it...." He said with a sigh as he put his hands behind to hold her as he kind of shimmied her up onto his back for a better grip before he started walking. Arty was too preoccupied at that moment thinking of the quickest ways to get back to the castle, mumbling ideas to himself that he didn't notice the initial rustling outside the cave.
Jyn tried to get his attention by tapping on his back since that was about all that she could manage at this point, "...Arty wait...there's someone.....outside..." Despite her current condition, she was sure that she heard rustling from just outside the cave and she feared just who it could be, even tough it had grown quiet now, which actually only made her even more fearful
He paused at the mouth of the cave at her warning. "Yeah....I hear it now...." He whispered to her as he finally started listening to the rustling outside. His eyes darted around outside as he tried to identify the origin of the noise and think of a plan. "Okay.....I'm going to need to you to hold on as tight as you can ok? While I can more than likely handle who or whatever is out there I don't think you have that time nor do I think I should fight....so, the plan is I'm going to use my lightning step to dash as fast as I can out of here back to the castle. Let me know when you're ready..." He said softly as he explained his plan to her as he also slowly stepped out of the cave and watched for any sudden movements.
Jyn really didn’t want him to use his lightning step but it's not like they made many options at this point so she just held on as tight as she could, which really wasn't all that tight at this point while she weakly mumbled, "...okay...I'm ready". She tried to sniff the area to see if she could smell out who or what the origin of the noises were but the poison seemed to be messing her senses so it was no use. All of a sudden though, the bushed nearby them started to rustle again and a small voice could be heard from the bushes, it was a child's voice, "...M-Miss Jyn?" A little non human girl then emerged from the bushes, she looked to be no older than 5 or 6 and seemed to be frightened for some reason.
Arty made sure that she was secure before he knelt down and tensed up. His body began to glow and crackle softly as he almost jumped before he heard the soft voice come from the bushes and he watched a small girl appear from the bushes. He quickly stopped himself in surprise at her arrival and nearly tripped over himself. "Goddamnit...." he muttered to himself before he knelt down, but made sure to keep his distance to not scare the little one. "hey....what are you doing out here? It's not safe to be wandering out here. Ms. Jyn isn't doing so great right now kid....I gotta go find her some help okay?" he said softly to the child.
Despite the apparent age of the child, she seemed to understand what was going on pretty quickly. The girl's skin was tinted light red and had small dark horns poking out from her head, her hair stark white, long, and an absolute mess of twigs and leaves though she didn't seem to mind. Her hands were also large claws when put into proportion with the rest of her body but she looked as if she wouldn't harm a soul. The gown that she wore was dirty and ripped at the edges, it looked as if it had once been a beautiful white nightgown but by now the seams barely even passed her knees. The monster child said nothing at first and took a step closer to them before sniffing the air, before she made a face of disgust as if she could smell something putrid. Though, her face soon shifted into one of worry as she spoke, ".....I was looking for Ms. Jyn....but I found a strange device instead, so I brought it here before going back out to look for her...cause they're after her...they called her a 'traitor'...but I don't believe them....so I wanted to help her....but they seemed to have found her first, I can smell the poison from them on her....but..if you can help her, then please do so....we can't go on without her....the others are scary...especially then they are angry like this...." Jyn slowly lifted her head a little to see who it was and weakly muttered, "....Lili?"
"What is this device?" Arty asked softly as he knelt down to try and get a better look at it. "And it is good to hear that you want to help her but there isn't much you can do right now....I promise I'll keep her safe ok? I'll take whatever you found and you get back home okay?" he said softly as he held his hand out to her. "And you, shoosh....no talking right now. You need to save your strength. We can do this some other time, I promise." he said as he turned his head slightly to talk to her. He didn't know what poison this was or how it worked but the one thing he knew for sure is that she needed to save as much strength as she could.
Lili looked at Jyn with a sorrowful expression before looking back at Arty, soon reaching out her large clawed hand before handing him a small crystal, ".....I found it in the bushes around here...I don't know what it does it looked important so I picked it up. And okay...as long as you promise to keep her safe. But, I might know of something that may help her, as the lizards have to make cures in rare cases of emergencies and there is a plant that they always use in that mixture..though I'm not exactly sure where that plant is right now or if it even still exists..." There was also something else about the girl, her eyes, or well eye, as one of the assumed two of them were covered by the girls messy hair. The one that could be visibly seen was a bright yellow. Jyn seemed to quiet down after being shooshed, only her heavy breathing could be heard.
Arty wasn't quite sure what the crystal was either as he gingerly took the crystal from her and out it in one of his pouches. "Thanks you Lili and while that sounds great; you not knowing what the plant looks like isn't really helpful at all right now..." He said somewhat exasperatedly as he knew they needed to move on. "How about this? I'll drop Jyn off with a friend who will keep her safe and I'll come back and we can find this plant together?" Arty wasn't sure why he was pandering to this child but maybe because there wasn't something different about her that he couldn't explain but all the same he knew he was wasting too much time at this point as he stood back up. He was glad at least that Jyn was quiet again and saving her strength.
Lili nodded, "okay, just keep her safe...she takes care of me and the rest after all.....especially since mom went away" Her yellow eye seemed to dull a bit as she spoke, "....and I may not know what the plant looks like exactly, but it's supposed to have a strong odor to it, one that you might even be able to smell..but we have to hurry though, the others are around and you don't want them to see you..."
Arty was caught off guard by her comment about her mother, but he tried to not them sway him as he knew he had to take care of Jyn. "That is good to know....and I'll be back before you know it....just watch kid...." Arty said with a slight smirk as he tightened his grip on Jyn, took his stance, and in a quick flash of light they were sped off into the forest. It took them maybe a few minutes to traverse the distance before they were right outside the castle. "Just hang in there Jyn....we'll be there before you know it...." he said softly as he ran quickly up the tower stairs before they reached Merlin's quarters. "Merlin I need your help now!" the prince shouted aloud as he basically kicked in the wizard's door. "My goodness Artorius did you really have to kick in my door like that....." the older man said incredulously as he ran up to the door but his voice trailed as he spotted Jyn on Arty's back. "Look, I know you have many questions, but we don't have time....she's been poisoned by the lizard men....I don't suppose you have an antidote do you?" Arty said as he took Jyn and laid her down on the spare cot, before running to grab a towel and some water. "No....no I do not actually....I haven't really had to deal with lizard men for a while and I had used the last of the ingredients for a different experiment..." the wizard said sullenly as he examined Jyn's wounds. "Well then, I gotta go back out there and find some of the plant or whatever I need. Do you have any references of what it looks like?" he asked Merlin as he folded up the wet towel and placed the cool compress on Jyn's forehead to control the fever. "Yes I do actually.....and I'll use what magic I can to keep the poison from spreading...." Merlin said as he quickly ran into his study, grabbed a book, and tore a page from it to hand to Arty.

"Thanks Merlin....I know I can always count on you..." Arty said before running back out towards the forest. "Of course Arty....anything for you...."the wizard said, more to himself, than to Arty, before he went back to using his magic on Jyn. Arty quickly flash stepped back to the cave where he found the girl, hoping she was still there and safe. "Hey, I'm back! I also got a picture that could help us find the plant!" He called out as he reached the cave.
Lili watched in amazement as he flash stepped away and back towards the castle, though seeing him made a question linger in her mind that she was a bit hesitant to ask. Especially with the way she had seemed to catch him off guard with the comment about her mother, which only pushed her to want to ask him when he got back. No non human got out of the war unscathed though,none of them. They all had lost something, what that something was could vary though. Lili waited patiently for the princes return.

Jyn was mostly quiet for the trip, except for a small cough that actually brought up a bit of the black substance and her grip on him gradually became weaker. She shivered a little from the fever as she was placed on the cot but seemed to find some relief when the cool compress was placed on her forehead, her pained grimace relaxing a bit. The black veins had covered the entirety if her arm by now and were starting to reach up to her neck, but thankfully Merlin's magic was able to stop it from spreading any further at the moment.

When Arty returned and called out to her, she followed his voice and approaching him, smiling, "okay, that's great. I'm sure that we'll find it in no time then. We better get going though...but first.." She sniffed him a bit before jumping onto him and hugging him tightly all of a sudden, her grip surprisingly strong for a child. The monster child rubbed her head against his chest a little before letting go of him and landing back on the ground with her feet, smile still in place "there! now they won't be able to smell you. Now let's go!" She said as she headed out of the cave and began to venture deeper into the forest, motioning for him to follow.
"Whoa, whoa there kid what are you....?!" Arty called out suddenly as she hugged him and started rubbing herself all over him. He tried to push her off for a second but realized that she was surprisingly strong for her age. A very uncomfortable look washed over the prince's face as he just stood there awkwardly and just let this happen. "That. Was.......uncomfortable....." Arty said, more to himself than to anyone else, as he tried to regain his composure; shaking the weird nerves out of his body and the embarrassment leaving his face and replaced by his normal, serious composure. "Well.....thank you then I guess.....that should be helpful." he said as he followed her. "Don't get too far away from me....if something happens then I might not be able to do anything for you...." he said softly to the girl as they ventured deeper into the forest; worried about what ear might be lurking around to try and peak into their conversation. "Also here....that's what we are looking for...." he said as he showed the girl the picture of the plant they needed.
Lili didn't seem to notice, or even care much about how uncomfortable she made him, she just smiled and nodded in a child like manor, "Your welcome and okay, but I don't think it's me that you should be worrying about here. Even if someone does manage to find us then it won't be me they go after....they made a promise to leave the children alone in all circumstances. Besides, I know how to look after myself." She seemed to take a closer look at the picture he showed her after that before completely disregarding his statement earlier about staying close."wait! I've seen that before! follow me I think I know where it is!" And without another word, she took off into the trees, going as fast as her little legs could take her which was still pretty fast.
"I guess that's fair....well then, I guess let me know if you see anything I should be worried about..." he said softly as he tried to not be so conspicuous though him waltzing around in a suit of armor was not helping at all. As he showed her the picture he was taken aback by her quick speed as she ran off deeper into the woods. "Hey! Wait up!" he called out as, at first, lightly stumbled in surprise, but quickly found his footing and chased after her. She was fast for such a small child and was worried that, coupled with her small size, he would quickly lose her in these woods, but he was able to keep up with her for the most part.
Her childish laughter ran through as trees as she did, as if this was like a game of chase to her. Of course, she had no ill intent but was simply just acting her age, not worrying much about anything at the moment as she couldn't smell any of her kind nearby at all. However, all childish notions must end eventually and despite the happiness that she puts forward, that's mainly used as a distraction to make her forget the horrors underneath, the children weren't only spared just for the sake that it would be cruel not to anyways. Lili soon started to slow down her pace and she seemed to be looking at something in the distance, her eyes seeming to dull once more and her bright smile fading, her laughter becoming nonexistent too. Eventually, she stopped running all together and seemed to stare right in the direction of something,a bunch of bushes, but those bushes didn't appear to be the thing that she was looking at as she more so seemed to be looking through them for something that may be lying behind them. Her back was towards him as she looked on, that same question as before was still burning in the back of her mind as she stared and she soon couldn't help herself before quietly muttering, the childlike tone in her voice now gone and replaced with a great sadness, ".....is it true?"
The prince tried to fervently watch the forest as he was chasing after the girl, but, her speed made it difficult and he found himself concentrating more on keeping up with her than trying to follow. "I hope she knows where she is going...." he mutters under his breath to himself as they continue deep into the forest. All he could think to himself is that any surprise or hiddeness they had in the forest was lost with the loud sound of thrashing foliage and armor clanking in the distance. Arty was somewhat glad that they had finally stopped to give himself a minute to assess the situation. All seemed quiet in the forest which was good, but he also noticed that they still had not come upon the plant that they were looking for. maybe she doesn't know where this plant is, the prince thought to himself but put that thought behind him as it would not be helpful here at all. All of a sudden he heard her question pierce the silence like an arrow whizzing past his ears. "Is what true?" he asked still somewhat unsure of the question she as asking, but could tell the sadness in her voice as he knelt down to hear her better.
She didn't turn to face him when she heard him, but instead used one of her large clawed hands to push down some of the bushes, revealing an opening and breaking of the dense trees surrounding them. But, it wasn't just an open space, as countless peculiar looking dirt mounds with rocks on them lay there...a burial site. After what seemed like an eternity, Lili spoke up once more, ".....did you kill them?" Her voice held many emotions, none of which should he heard from a child her age, and it was at that moment that she finally looked back at the prince, an unreadable look on her face. A small gust of wind then blew past them, just enough to move her hair away from her covered eye, showing off her sewn shut eye. She didn't look like a child in that moment, but much older, much...sadder..angrier..hopeless. Her one yellow dull eye stared at him, seemingly though him and into his soul as she waited patiently for a response.
The prince let a heavy sigh leave his body as he witnessed the burial sight which turned into a small surprise when he saw what had happened to the small girl. He went from kneeling to standing as he looked at the sight before him. "I don't know who they are.....I'm sorry that they have all died." He said in his most sincerest tone. "I have killed many people.....humans and non-humans alike.....my hands are definitely not clean." The prince said this as he glanced down at his own hands as he said so. "And I could stand here before you and claim that I did this all in the name of the safety of my friends and family but that wouldn't be totally true...." he continued to explain as he looked at the site before him. Arty paused as he allowed himself to take in the scene before he spoke up again. "All I can say now is that I've rededicated my life to ensuring the continued existence of all races and to end the senseless killing....does that satisfy you enough?" he asked, looking down at Lili to see her reaction.
Lili seemed to contemplate her answer for a few grueling moments as she just blankly into the distance after having shifted her gaze for what seemed like an eternity. Finally though, she looked back at him as her sewn eye was covered once more by her long white hair, her eye softening as she spoke softly, "....I've been taught my entire life that your kind were to blame for everything.....my eye, my mother...all of these fallen soldiers...the fact that I may join them one day....and even though I didn't want to believe it, it gets hard at times when almost everyone around you sees things in a different way, so I just had to ask. But...I believe you, whether that be a mistake or not I don't know, but all I know is that I trust you....Thank you for being sincere and honest...and you want to save as many lives as you can from both sides, right? You're going to have to put an end to this war if you want to do that.....you'll even save me and my peers if you do....I'm not supposed to tell anyone..but the truth is that our leaders make sure to keep the children safe so they can be used as soldiers if they need to. We are to start training at a certain age....and there's no way out of it, not unless the war is stopped...I've seen the training....it's brutal...and I'll be old enough to join them soon...."
"Well I mean if a soon-to-be-king can't be honest with people than what does he have left? All a leader can really give to his people is himself and his all..." he said as he gave her a soft pet on the head. "I'm sorry that you are having to go through all this, and I promise that I will do everything I can in my power to prevent children like you from having to fight..." he promised as he felt a small tear well in his eye. "children shouldn't have to grow up so early...." he muttered to himself as he shook himself out of his stupor and wiped away the tear. "Anyways, before we can do anything else, we have to save Jyn, now come, let's go find that flower." Arty said as he gestured to her to lead the way

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