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Multiple Settings The Great fandom search! (OcxCanon, Doubling friendly) Updated~


New Member
:bishiesparklesl: Hello and welcome! I know I am not big on reading big introductory posts So bare with me. I will try to keep it relatively simple I am looking for some (most likely long term) fandom rps and want to know if anyone is interested! PM me if so.:bishiesparklesr:

What I am looking for:

- Adventure/action/horror, though most stories I write in I prefer some element of romance.

- OcxCanon. And occasionally canonxcanon. I rarely go for OcxOc but may be persuaded. Mostly seeking MxF pairings but I am open to double as anything. m/m f/f m/f, open, poly, non-bianary etc.

- Very open to Doubling. Honestly I think the more characters the better. You can't make an interesting world with just two characters so if we have at least four and then some secondary's there is a much better chance of it being long term and amusing!

-Literacy! I write on average about 2 paragraphs per character, sometimes up to 10. Now, in highly dynamic conversation scenes I am aware that posts may be small and I am fine with that as long as it helps to progress the story. I can only work with so many one-liners and semi paras. I prefer you have at least a basic understanding of English and grammar. I am not going to ding you for every misspelled word or misplaced comma we are all human. I just expect to be able to understand what you want to portray otherwise we will both just end up frustrated.

- Partners 18+. Even if content remains generally PG I am well into my 20's and I enjoy dark themes, drama, violence... etc... If you are under 18 I will feel like I have to dilute myself and my replies and that is bound to get boring. Nothing against anyone younger, I have met some incredibly talented younger writers. I just can't bring myself to take the 'kid gloves' off with people that young.

-Semi regular replies/warnings if going on Hiatus. I am not completely against people Ghosting, but I just prefer to know if it's for good or temporary... nothing worse then investing wholly in a story just to wait for a reply that's never coming. I am fine with long waits. I have waited months for replies before. I just ask that I am given some warning if it will be more then a week or so before I get to hear from you.

- OOC friendly! We don't have to be best pals OOC but I like to discuss story a little.. bounce ideas back and forth, share occasional memes... that sort of thing. I am of course fine with chatting and whatnot as well, but I understand that isn't something universally enjoyed and that is perfectly fine!

-Patience! This is a HUGE one for me. I try to get replies out regularly, but I do have a life. I have a full time job working overnights I have a family that I like to see and spend time with and I have friends (though I haven't seen them in a year thanks to the world being on fire x.x). Sometimes I am too mentally or emotionally drained to respond with quality and so I wait till I have the brain power. If it will be more then a few days I try to reach out. Please don't get frustrated or pressure me for replies. Checking in is fine, I do that too sometimes. Just please respect if I say that I am busy and will get to it asap. I of course will respect your need for time as well =)

What I have to offer:

-EXPERIENCE. I have been Roleplaying and writing creatively for well over a decade now. I am familiar with various different types of partners and I am flexible about style, formatting, length, tone...

-FRIENDLY. I am not exactly extroverted but I am nice, and enjoy a good sense of humor despite my dark streak. I am glad to give friendly critiques if asked and generally I am very accepting of out of the box ideas.

-A LOVE OF FICTION AND WRITING. I am always open to fangirl about any shared interests, as well as to bounce ideas off each other, whether for our rp or some other work of fiction you may be doing

A few quick notes:
  1. I say that I prefer romance in my Rpes... but to be clear romance to me does not mean instant true love like connections and fluff abound. Romance to me ~~~CAN~~~ be that.. but it can also be one-sided, toxic, dark, slow building, tragic or a million other things. I have canon characters I want to pair my OC's with.. but I in No way expect that to be easy in every instance. Part of the fun of romance to me is the build up, the chase, the angst of being turned down, the fear of rejection.. the playful loving back and forth before a pair realizes that their feelings are returned. Fluff is nice but I much prefer depth.
  2. Also on the topic of romance: It ~~DOES NOT~~ have to be the main or only focus and it does NOT have to end happy for me to feel satisfied. As long as the character I am looking for is played close to how they are actually represented, I am satisfied even if it does not end up working out with my OC. Them being in character is more important to me than a fairy tale romance.
  3. Horror, dark themes, violence.... I LOVE them all. I Love adding angst and drama. To me it is cathartic. Short of my characters dying I have very few limits when it comes this. Other characters dying ~sure~ my character being severely hurt ~sure~ basically anything short of killing my character, or detailed death of children I am fine with. If my partner has limits however I will of course adopt and respect them while writing together.
  4. I prefer discord over on-site rpes. HOWEVER I AM OPEN TO BOTH! I do not get notified if I get replies here, so I check about once a day unless I know I have a message waiting. I am much quicker on Discord. This is more a disclaimer than anything but I wanted to get it out there.

NOW THEN! Now that we are through with all that formal crap On to the Fandoms! I will post in them who I am looking for and who I have experience playing

means I am looking for someone to write as them
-Blue- means I have experience as them
-Orange- means I am Open to try playing them, though have yet to write for the character
<3 Is my current cravings.


Pirates of the Caribbean - WillxOC
Experience: Jack Sparrow
Willing to Play: Hector Barbossa, James Norrington, Elizabeth Swan

Supernatural - SamxOC, CastielxOC
Experience: Dean Winchester, Bobby, Jack
Willing to Play: Anyone but Sam Winchester

(More movies and shows to be added later)


Star ocean: Till the end of time- AlbelxOC, AlbelxNel
Experience: Fayt, Albel, Nel
Willing to play: Cliff, Sofia, Possibly others, give me name and I'll let you know


Hazbin Hotel- <3<3<3 AlastorxOC
Experience- N/A
Willing to play-
Angel Dust, Charlie, Vaggie, Husk, Sir Pentious, Cherri Bomb, Niffty, (Or from Helluva boss) Moxxie, Millie, Loona, Stolas

YuYu Hakusho- KuramaxOC, ToyaxOC
Experience- Hiei, Yukina, Yusuke, Genkai, Botan, various side characters
Willing to play- Anyone other than Kurama

Yona of the Dawn- <3 YonaxSoo won, YonaxKija, Soo wonxOC, Any dragonxOC
Experience- Hak, Yoon, Yona, Kye Sook, Jae ha, Shin ah
Willing to play- Anyone.
With this show I would prefer persons who are either caught up with the manga, or are Spoiler friendly because Soo won gets SOOO much better in the manga!

Psycho-Pass- GinozaxOC, MakishimaxOC
Experience- Kogami, Ginoza, Kagari, Masaoka
Willing to play-

If any of this appeals to you, Please feel free to message me!
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Yo so, like I'm a huge Undertale fan and I hope that we could maybe rp?
Psycho-Pass- GinozaxOC, MakishimaxOC
Experience- Kogami, Ginoza, Kagari, Masaoka
Willing to play-
I can see that Psycho Pass is crossed out, but I just thought I'd leave a message here just in case you were still the slightest bit interested. I've been craving it bad since I rewatched it, so if you're interested at all, I would love to work something out with you! Otherwise, no worries, glad you managed to scratch the itch :)

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