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Futuristic The Frontier: A Space Western Chat Club

= New areas available for exploration: Capernaum Colony ("Rock Bottom"), The Martian Ice Caps, House of the Archer, Rasputin Outpost
= New establishments in New Eden Colony: Welcome Center, Keith's Government-Issue Eatery, The Trading Post
= Update for the Finch Mission: Finch is in town to intercept a shipment of weapons from Holland-Mayes Arms, Inc., due in one in-game day. Keep him from getting his hands on them, STAT.
= New Khodai clan available: Clan Ferros
= New organization available: The Iron Band (players accepted here will be rare)
= New Lore
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finally finished my character

Snackofthefuture Snackofthefuture

I'll have a reply up tonight.

Khodai hunting will commence soon, anyone else interested approach us in the bar and ask, just have your character overhear something, cause tact isn't being used in the conversation lol.
Uncultured Uncultured J I was working on a character who's the sherriff of new eden> Could I say he has knowledge of the plan or is the bar the first time you're discussing it? (He'll be in support of it and want to join regardless.)
Uncultured Uncultured J I was working on a character who's the sherriff of new eden> Could I say he has knowledge of the plan or is the bar the first time you're discussing it? (He'll be in support of it and want to join regardless.)

I'm not 100% sure but I think that hunting Khodai for their body parts is illegal.

capMARVELOUS capMARVELOUS is that true or am I off?

As a sheriff hed have to be one of those "off the reservation" types or just a scumbag. Maybe it's like a "well they're getting rid of the problem so I dont care if it's done illegally" kind of thing.
I'm not 100% sure but I think that hunting Khodai for their body parts is illegal.

capMARVELOUS capMARVELOUS is that true or am I off?

As a sheriff hed have to be one of those "off the reservation" types or just a scumbag. Maybe it's like a "well they're getting rid of the problem so I dont care if it's done illegally" kind of thing.
It's not quite illegal, but it's not exactly legal, either.
I'm not 100% sure but I think that hunting Khodai for their body parts is illegal.

capMARVELOUS capMARVELOUS is that true or am I off?

As a sheriff hed have to be one of those "off the reservation" types or just a scumbag. Maybe it's like a "well they're getting rid of the problem so I dont care if it's done illegally" kind of thing.
I prefer it being illegal, Itd add spice to the story I think
Plus im betting that the harvesting of the limbs and bodies of any sentient being would be horribly offensive to human rights groups
Those cant not exist in the future right?
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