The Elder Scrolls: Red Diamond {Rp}

Lyrillia looked up at Xijai-Teel and responded,

"Blood is but a form of raw power.

If disease doth strike me, my blood taint,

Then the generous beggar and Saint,

Will provide me a cure, no glower,"

Xijai-Teel slowly walks backwards from the crazy Dunmer bleeding profusely from their arm and sits down on a nearby log
Kelkemmeriil made himself fade into the group for a while silent, he waited for when they were all done with introductions it would be time to give the orders. He looked to his right and saw bands of adventurers on the move already but patience was key, if the divines wanted this when they start would have no effect. He began to rest, as much as he could with the foul smell.
"Oh trust me, a couple of months of selling the useless, ancient junk I find and you'll be living easy. It's how my parents were able to afford the huge library and studies that were passed down to me. I don't usually take too much from the caverns I delve, it only weighs me down, but if you want it, go crazy, I won't stop you." She thought about where she wanted to go, the alcohol was fading, and the pain in her leg wasn't as bad as before, but it was coming back. "They can't go too far, let's just stop by a store and get this fixed up." Lyg has always done her work alone, for better or worse, she's never been able to cope with the thought of someone dying doing her work with her. There's no excuse to waste someone's life for personal gain, but this khajiit would actually be helping the entire world if they do manage to find the saviours. She supposes that's a good enough reason if any. 

@An Unknown Person

 "Bah, are we going after those Dwemer caves to? If so... Khajiit could easily use the 'useless, ancient junk' from them to settle down on the Imperial City if he wanted" Ja'aasha said, but then shook his head. "What is Ja'aasha saying? Of course he won't leave Bravil, he needs to help the... guild..." The Khajiit whispered when 'guild' was mentioned. "But thinking about it miss, what if we hire someone to help bring the... junk to the surface? And even help us fight. He looked around before continuing "And not like Khajiit is doing self-shaming, but only a short sword and this armor is not a quite helpful if we find a... strong.. thing... that might lurk down 'there', don't you think?" He shook his head while mentioning 'thing' "And here we are." Ja'aasha noticed they were standing in front of the store. "Here, I'll wait outside..."
Lyg chuckled, truth be told, her age and knowledge had given her access to a large collection of spells. Usually it's been enough, but even she hasn't seen the full extent of what the world has to offer. Worst case scenario, running has never failed her. "I've never had a problem, us Bretons are usually known for their use of magic. I'm no exception. There's more than meets the eye than just a sword, and I use this armour for speed. If you can't handle it, just say so, let the adults do the dirty work..." Lyg teases, she steps into the store, greeting the keeper. She drops some money on the counter and asks for a small potion, immediately downing it the second the storekeeper puts it on the table. She sighs, coughing in disgust of its flavour. The wound feels better almost instantly, the pain that flowed through her leg washing away. She lets out a weak thanks and exits, turning to see the khajiit still there. "Well, I see I didn't scare you off. And if it's a problem with the..." She lowers her voice to a low whisper, "...Guild. I have plenty of money to possibly buy your way out. No need having a partner who can't dedicate their time to a cause."

@An Unknown Person
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Lyg chuckled, truth be told, her age and knowledge had given her access to a large collection of spells. Usually it's been enough, but even she hasn't seen the full extent of what the world has to offer. Worst case scenario, running has never failed her. "I've never had a problem, us Bretons are usually known for their use of magic. I'm no exception. There's more than meets the eye than just a sword, and I use this armour for speed. If you can't handle it, just say so, let the adults do the dirty work..." Lyg teases, she steps into the store, greeting the keeper. She drops some money on the counter and asks for a small potion, immediately downing it the second the storekeeper puts it on the table. She sighs, coughing in disgust of its flavour. The wound feels better almost instantly, the pain that flowed through her leg washing away. She lets out a weak thanks and exits, turning to see the khajiit still there. "Well, I see I didn't scare you off. And if it's a problem with the..." She lowers her voice to a low whisper, "...Guild. I have plenty of money to possibly buy your way out. No need having a partner who can't dedicate their time to a cause."

@An Unknown Person

The Khajiit let out a laugh. "Khajiit is pretty sure he is older than you.. unless you're immortal or something..." He spoke when she left the store. "But no, it's not a problem with the guild, it's just... the plain bad luck, but some say we angered lady Nocturnal, Khajiit highly doubts that, since no one died... yet" As he noticed her walking without help, he said "Well, do you still need to be carried around, miss?" The Khajiit had a very obvious sarcastic tone. "Alright, alright, back to what is important, should we head back to the Inn or search for the people in the prophecy that are most likely one in a hundred or a thousand, which will take time to find? Ah, know what? Ja'aasha has all the time in the world, so he wouldn't mind searching" A few seconds later, he was about to say something, but he was interrupted by someone yelling. "Listen to me everyone!! The Empire wants to control you! Leave while you can or suffer in the hands of the evil! I warn you, brothers and sisters! Please return to your home! To your family! Or do you want to die and leave them there, alone, forever?" It was very obvious it was a priest trying to make people give up on the septims. "Bah, what are those people doing?"
Lyg sighed, hearing priest drivel was one of the most annoying things for her. Everyone knows the divines teachings, that information is free and public knowledge, these priests that speak in public, shouting nonsense such as 'Praise Talos!' and among the likeness are just backwards thieves. True thieves under the goddess Nocturne are wise, stealing without batting an eye or being seen; thieves like the public priest are undermining only the people who have things to be scared of. Truth is, the gods were never meant to be worshiped. At least, that's what Lyg thinks, maybe she's wrong. She'd venture to guess that she knows more about the ancient gods than your everyday priest, who spend all day worshiping and 'spreading the word' instead of getting their hands dirty and dig, to uncover the secrets of the divines. "You steal to help your family, your guild, you steal with the goddess Nocturnal watching over you. He just steals from the public to feed his own greed. It's nothing to get ourselves involved in. Let's just go." She turns from the priest, pressing on. "I'd be in the right to guess you're not from around here, so unless you've got anyone or something waiting for you back at that inn, I'd say we get to work. A moment wasted not searching for the right answers is a moment you spend asking the wrong questions. I'm going to find those prophesied people, I won't stop until I do."

@An Unknown Person
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"Your easiest to talk to. The dunmer and high elf seem to preoccupied with their shared interest in magic. The argonian is just annoying so all that's left is you. To answer your question yes your doing Thisbe job for the money and your casting that ice spell because it's incredibly humid here."

"Well I wasn't talking about why I'm here, but why I'm casting this ice. But yes, it's because it's warm here. My kind were born in and raised in cold weather. Not a single one of us back then would like the heat. It's just not our natural place. But doing this helps me, cure the itch, if you get what I mean." She said softly. 

"Here in this place, I fear that I might be at at a loss for my full potential, and that this weather will slim my chances of winning because it makes me lose focus. But of course, I'm working on a way, mentally and physically. To get this weather to stop being a nuisance. Because for the most part, if you train your mind well enough, your body will follow." 
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"Well I wasn't talking about why I'm here, but why I'm casting this ice. But yes, it's because it's warm here. My kind were born in and raised in cold weather. Not a single one of us back then would like the heat. It's just not our natural place. But doing this helps me, cure the itch, if you get what I mean." She said softly. 

"Here in this place, I fear that I might be at at a loss for my full potential, and that this weather will slim my chances of winning because it makes me lose focus. But of course, I'm working on a way, mentally and physically. To get this weather to stop being a nuisance. Because for the most part, if you train your mind well enough, your body will follow." 

"I agree with you this heat while potent doesn't matter to me much even in this heavy armor. You get used to it after a while but I don't know if you will. I've met snow elves before, not falmer but snow elves. I can understand why this heat to me in bearable but to you it's akin to oblivion."
"I agree with you this heat while potent doesn't matter to me much even in this heavy armor. You get used to it after a while but I don't know if you will. I've met snow elves before, not falmer but snow elves. I can understand why this heat to me in bearable but to you it's akin to oblivion."

"You're not wrong there." She said standing up.

"Hey, Kelkemmeriil, When does this thing start? I'm getting bored, and this heat is fairly annoying." She shrugged. Waiting for a response from the high elf.

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"Hhm?.. oh yes, it starts when everyone is ready." He continued to sit and then speak more, "If you want to get going, then get everyone else attentive."
Lyrillia swings around to Riara and gazes into her eyes, getting extremely close to her, and she begins whispering into her ear,

"Thou wish to begin thy adventure,

Unbeknownst to thou, thou art the key.

Journey inside town for a trencher,

Inside the serving halls of brewed tea.

Instruct mortals to spread thy word,

Gathering heroes for our mission,

Word they shall go by and gather sword.

Take this advice from me, magician."
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Oreesu looked at the yellow man. "When do we begin? I sense death to be in the future of the enemy."

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Vorngor hears the other Altmer and says,

"Well I think we are all ready and waiting so let's get this show on the road."

He stands up from the rock and walkes over to the Altmer and stands with his arms folded. 

"As you wish..." He unraveled a small piece of parchment, "Ah, yes... all we need to do is make it across the Heart of the Black Marsh to the other side." He smiled realizing it's difficulty and asked but one more simple question, "Any questions?" 
"As you wish..." He unraveled a small piece of parchment, "Ah, yes... all we need to do is make it across the Heart of the Black Marsh to the other side." He smiled realizing it's difficulty and asked but one more simple question, "Any questions?" 

Xijai-Teel gets up and rejoins the conversation, "Very well, I doubt any of you will survive the journey."

She turns to look at the Orc, "You must travel light here, especially in the inner marshes."

Xijai-Teel returns her focus to the Altmer in the Psijic robes and continues, "How soon are we leaving? I must return to my room to prepare."
Xijai-Teel gets up and rejoins the conversation, "Very well, I doubt any of you will survive the journey."

She turns to look at the Orc, "You must travel light here, especially in the inner marshes."

Xijai-Teel returns her focus to the Altmer in the Psijic robes and continues, "How soon are we leaving? I must return to my room to prepare."

"As soon as we are all ready... so get ready feather head, that is if you wish to move in the relative future." He smirked and continued to sit there peacefully waiting for more responses, or questions. He had a love of starving people of what they wanted, what they needed, they had a tendency to squirm in their shells.
Lyg wandered off, the rag on her leg still tied tight. She grabbed the makeshift bandage, squeezing it. The blood was dried and starting to turn brown, she winced in disgust. There was no pain, however, everything felt normal. She untied it, replacing the bandage with a fresh rag. It was better than having a disgusting blood rag hanging from your leg, and also better than just showing off a healing wound. She sighed, not only did she fail her recent trip into the nearby dwemer ruins, but she also didn't find a single thing in town. She thought to herself of hiring a carriage, why walk when you can ride? She checked her pockets, very little gold left between the mead and potion she had bought. She didn't tend to keep much on her, only sums for emergencies. She started her way out of the town, taking the dirt road, it was only a couple thousand steps from the next town, she'd definitely trudged through worst.

She noticed a group of people just outside of town, grouped near a marsh. She swear she hadn't seen them on her way through the town, none of them looked familiar, yet all of them looked out of place, as if they didn't belong to this town. Her curiosity was piqued, but there was no way she could just march up to them and ask what they were doing. For all she knows, it could be some crazed cult, or a bandit group. 'No way...' she though, bandits don't dress, or armour themselves, as well as these people. They weren't heading on for some reason, they all seemed stopped, waiting to move on. Lyg decided to stay put, hiding behind a building just on the edge of town, watching them. She could wait for one of them to split, if that's their plan, or wait and trail them for a bit once they get moving. If one splits, she could easily 'meet' with them and find their intention. If they're going on some grand adventure down the dwemer ruins, there was no way they were going to go without her. 
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Lyrillia wrapped a piece of cloth around her arm and started following Riara into Gideon. While travelling she watched Riara and made notes on her.

Lyg stood up swiftly, one of them had branched off, and was heading back towards Gideon. This was her chance. She cut across the road and back onto the trail towards the town. She saw where the argonian was heading, and followed accordingly. She eventually got ahead of her on the opposite side of a building. She waited, listening for footsteps. She turned the corner, bumping into the person on 'accident.'  

"Oh, oh sorry, I'm so clumsy. I'm sorry, are you hurt?" In the back of her mind, she wanted to jump on the questions, but that seemed way too risky, the group couldn't be far behind her. "I'm terribly sorry... I'm Lyg." She stretched out her arm, offering a shake. 

Lyg stood up swiftly, one of them had branched off, and was heading back towards Gideon. This was her chance. She cut across the road and back onto the trail towards the town. She saw where the argonian was heading, and followed accordingly. She eventually got ahead of her on the opposite side of a building. She waited, listening for footsteps. She turned the corner, bumping into the person on 'accident.'  

"Oh, oh sorry, I'm so clumsy. I'm sorry, are you hurt?" In the back of her mind, she wanted to jump on the questions, but that seemed way too risky, the group couldn't be far behind her. "I'm terribly sorry... I'm Lyg." She stretched out her arm, offering a shake. 


Xijai-Teel had known someone was following her for some time and diverted to a more empty part of Gideon near the Marsh. This person wasn't even remotely difficult to notice, they obviously hadn't been trained by the Dark brotherhood or the Thieves Guild and their vampirism could be picked up by Xijai-Teel from half a mile away.

The Unknown Vampire turned the corner as Xijai-Teel approached and intentionally bumped into Xijai-Teel before holding out their hand, Xijai-Teel sidesteps and grabs the outstretched arm, pulling the Vampire twards them and off balance before and throwing them to the muddy ground and jumping on top of them.

Xijai-Teel, holding her tanto to the vampire's throat begins to speak in a hushed tone, "Why are you following me vampire? You aren't from a guild or it would take effort to notice you."

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Xijai-Teel had known someone was following her for some time and diverted to a more empty part of Gideon near the Marsh. This person wasn't even remotely difficult to notice, they obviously hadn't been trained by the Dark brotherhood or the Thieves Guild and their vampirism could be picked up by Xijai-Teel from half a mile away.

The Unknown Vampire turned the corner as Xijai-Teel approached and intentionally bumped into Xijai-Teel before holding out their hand, Xijai-Teel grabbed the arm and pulled the Vampire towards them, pulling them off balance and throwing them to the muddy ground.

Xijai-Teel, holding her tanto to the vampires throat began to speak in a hushed tone, "Why are you following me vampire? You aren't from a guild or it would take effort to notice you."

  • Arm Lock Takedown

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Lyg immediately fell to the ground, in an instant an array of emotions swept through her head. Confusion, fear, stress, pain, so on, so forth. She knew it was a bad idea to follow someone, but Lyg never made any progress playing it safe. Her arm was in the strong clutch of this stranger's hands, pain shooting through it. She held out her free arm in assurance. 

"Woah, woah, damn. Wow, you're better than I thought.It was definitely a weird time to praise this person, especially when she was down under their mercy. "I saw you guys, big group, I'm an independent archaeologist, no clan sent me, and... wait... vampire?Her realisation was highly delayed, this normal argonian that she'd never spoken with or seen before in her life managed to uncover a secret she'd kept hidden for the past 200 years. 

"How did... whatever, doesn't matter. I took this..." She pointed down to the wound on her leg, "In some dwemer ruins not far from here. I was hoping for you guys to be going there yourselves, so I can see what's down there. I mostly just want to know what you guys are doing, you're clearly not from this town, and I didn't see you on my way in, and you all look like you're about the fight the very armies of Oblivion themselves." Her breath was short, she hardly took any breaths or pauses, trying to get her message across.
Lyg immediately fell to the ground, in an instant an array of emotions swept through her head. Confusion, fear, stress, pain, so on, so forth. She knew it was a bad idea to follow someone, but Lyg never made any progress playing it safe. Her arm was in the strong clutch of this stranger's hands, pain shooting through it. She held out her free arm in assurance. 

"Woah, woah, damn. Wow, you're better than I thought.It was definitely a weird time to praise this person, especially when she was down under their mercy. "I saw you guys, big group, I'm an independent archaeologist, no clan sent me, and... wait... vampire?Her realisation was highly delayed, this normal argonian that she'd never spoken with or seen before in her life managed to uncover a secret she'd kept hidden for the past 200 years. 

"How did... whatever, doesn't matter. I took this..." She pointed down to the wound on her leg, "In some dwemer ruins not far from here. I was hoping for you guys to be going there yourselves, so I can see what's down there. I mostly just want to know what you guys are doing, you're clearly not from this town, and I didn't see you on my way in, and you all look like you're about the fight the very armies of Oblivion themselves." Her breath was short, she hardly took any breaths or pauses, trying to get her message across.

Xijai-Teel tightened her grip, "I could smell you from a block away vampire, stop following me and i won't kill you."
Xijai-Teel tightened her grip, "I could smell you from a block away vampire, stop following me and i won't kill you."

She was a bit annoyed, "Well, I can't just... well, leave. I've lived for my studies, and if you deny me access to them, I'd actually rather be dead." Lyg only spoke the hard truth, these people were definitely doing something, she just needed to know what it was. "Maybe if you just told me, and it turns out irrelevant, I'll leave, hm?" She spoke in a stern voice, trying her very best to get the point through. 

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