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One by one the arms of the large monster were destroyed by unimaginable horrors. Gianna was last, and when it seemed impossible she blew her flute. The flute rang loudly but didn't seem to do anything to the other demigods. The monster wasn't so lucky. The arm up to the head exploded; blood and brains sprayed the entire Colosseum. Nadia had been lucky enough to avoid the carnage from getting on her.

"Holy Hell you guys we did it!" Nadia let out a small squeal of excitement. She had been holding her breath the whole time, she was completely floored that they took it down! The adrenaline rushing in her veins craved another fight already! She couldn't wait to test out what this staff could do-hell! She couldn't wait to see what everyone's weapons were capable of!

"Can I say, flute girl, wow. Impressive." Nadia's smile was beaming despite the fact that the voice spoke once more. Wow! Congratulations, you have survived the trial. As much as we want to let you hone your new abilities the reason you were all summoned is time sensitive. There is more than one group alone that needs to be investigated. Aster, Alek, Clay, and Gianna you're needed in Olympus. There has been a shift in the air and things have been out of place...you need to research how and why. Nadia I need you to take Tobias, Raven, and Cyrus to the Underworld. You need to question the dead demigods and fates...you'll find the deceased in the Asphodel Meadows. The Fates live past those meadows near Phlegethon the river of fire. It's a treacherous journey but surely the daughter of Hades herself can navigate through the Underworld.

Nadia didn't get a second to react. All of a sudden she was standing in a dark underground are in front of a black river. She quickly looked around and found Tobias, Raven, and Cyrus with her. "I guess we don't ever get a say in what happens, do we?" The cave was scary quiet, something that would have freaked the old Nadia out. This one found comfort in the silence though.

Once the anger and frustration subsided Aster felt remorse for the creature. It had probably been trapped for years, maybe even alive for only this purpose. What a life. And there they were just killing the poor thing. Aster let out a quiet sigh and slid the trident on her back with the strap wrapping around her. Was this their purpose? What was their purpose before? She wanted the truth because she damn well didn't want this. Poor Gianna must have felt the same way, the poor thing was over in the distance vomiting for heaven sake!

The voice spoke and she felt sick to her stomach. Aster couldn't take much more of this, she was completely exhausted. He spoke of splitting apart and doing separate investigations, he announced the groups...that was it. The next thing she knew she was back in the clouds standing in the square they had all met up on. "Wait what?" Aster looked around and noticed Gianna, Clay, and Alek standing with her. "Things happen quickly around here I see. We're supposed to investigate anything out of place here...anyone have any idea where to start?"

Clay was one of the people in the Colosseum that wasn't proud of what he had done. He didn't like taking lives. Clay? He was a lover. He loved things, he wanted to see the beauty in things...he didn't know much about himself but he knew that at least. And this? This wasn't beautiful. "Are you okay?" Clay approached Gianna with a small frown. He went to give her a pat on the shoulder but he froze. What if he was so strong he accidentally hurt her? He clenched his fist shut and dropped it to his side. Thankfully the voice broke the tense atmosphere.

He spoke of investigations, the Underworld, and Olympus. Clay was part of the Olympus team as were Gianna, Alek, and Aster. What a ragtag group. Alek was kind of the odd one out, his dark powers would have made Clay assume he was going to investigate the Underworld. Soon enough they were back in the clouds.

"Well we should look at entrances and exits shouldn't we?" A cloud path appeared from the square and Clay smiled slightly. "Maybe we're on the right track?" He walked onto the path and headed towards the golden gate entrance.

"Wicked!" Cyrus let out a small chuckle as the monster crashed to the ground. They were all just starting out and this was what they could do. Imagine what they could do when they had time to train and hone their powers! "Yo Raven, that's a dope ass weapon you have there. And shadow boy? That was fucking lit dude." Cyrus was geeked to say the least. Where was the next fight? He was born for this.

The voice spoke and Cyrus let out a large sigh. He was over this guy, seriously. He had to play along with it though. And a free trip to the Underworld? Didn't sound too bad. Better that then Olympus.

Suddenly the four of them were standing in a dark cave with a river. "I don't think we'll ever have a say in what he wants us to do. Not until we do what he asks, as shitty as that is." Cyrus tucked his daggers in their holsters on his hips and ran his hand through his dark hair. His eyes faded back into their usual charcoal color when the blades left his hands. "Anyone got a boat on hand? I don't feel like walking down that river but it doesn't look safe to swim in."

He walked close to the black river and he swore he could see souls flowing down the river. "Is this the Styx?"

Gianna looked over at Clay as he offered her nice words and just gave a small sheepish smile, "Yeah fine just clearly not used to all of this. My body said no apparently." She gave a small chuckle before standing and wiping her hands off on her once pristine dress that was now covered in blood and dirt. How lovely. The voice returned and Gianna let out a low whine of annoyance as she listened. If this guy was so powerful why wasnt HE doing all this?! God! Then suddenly they were in a different place again and this time Gianna noticed her dress had been returned to clean as if nothing just happened with the monster. It was honestly getting creepy at this point.

Before she knew it, Clay was already marching off in the direction of a gate before Gianna could even catch her breath. "Hey hold on!" She shuffled along the path quickly, holding her dress in her hands to avoid tripping. "Didn't he say someone was murdering demigods? Shouldn't we be a little more cautious before just walking off." She eyed Clay for a moment before letting go of yet another sigh as they reached the giant gold gates.

"Well this is just extra dont you think?" Gianna huffed as she dropped her dress and began walking around slowly inspecting the giant glittering metal. Carefully she reached out and gently touched the bars and tried to push but got no where. "Well at least they're not for show I guess."

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