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Fantasy The Deadlands

By time Dynis split the crowd enough to move forward, a headache had formed in the back of her head, dull and throbbing with the tempo. She could hardly see straight. Then, all at once, the world fell silent. A wave of relief crashed over her and her head spun, the headache mysteriously disappearing. The song had ended. Around her the people ceased dancing, but the smiles never left their faces. Finding Lilith at this point would be impossible if Dynis hadn't insisted on pressing forward so much; almost directly in front of her sat a woman with a cittern. In face, she looked almost exactly like Councilor Lyander, but with slightly softer features. Her skin, however, was slightly darker - a tan, most likely - and her hair, also in a ponytail, highlighted from the sun.

"I call this one, 'Fitting the Shoemaker'!" She smiled at one of the people nearby. Dynis saw her strum the strings and, almost instantly, the magic was back, this time clawing at her mind instead of simply prodding it.

- Interrupt Lilith
- Dance
- Do something else
"Wait, Councillor!" Dynis exclaimed, hopefully loud enough to be heard over the music. She knew this wa bound to get her more attention than she wanted, but she did not mind it then. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but I have something important to discuss."

Lilith's fingers fumbled at the commotion, her eyes seeking out Dynis' among the crowd. The people around them looked a mixture of confused and irritated at having the music interrupted, but Lilith simply smiled in welcome once their eyes met. "You're the Priestess who came in this morning, right?" Her eyes flicked towards the stained spots on Dynis' robe but she didn't seem perturbed by it. Interested, actually, though she did not put down her cittern. "We can talk later. I'm kind of in the middle of something," she said. "The people wanted a show, haha, so who am I to deny them? Right, everyone?" Her voice raised on the last part, earning a cheer from the party-goers in return.

Her fingers strummed the strings again and, just like before, the magic pounded against Dynis' mind. "If you enjoyed the last one, you'll definitely like this one!" From her fingertips, wisps of green magic - similar to that of what Helen produced - floated into the air, twisting and turning as though it were dancing.

- Yell
- Plead
- Give up
- Something else
"I'm sure the people will hold out for a little while!" Dynis urged, taking a step closer. "I will only take a moment. Please. It is really important."
The crowd broke into hushed - and some not so hushed - whispers of disapproval, especially when Lilith ceased playing again. The woman sighed. "Alright, alright," she said. Shooed the surrounding crowd away with a flick of her wrist. Reluctantly, the crowd dispersed enough in the immediate area to give them some semblance of privacy. Beside her, Lilith patted an empty cushion resting atop the sand. "Sit. What's going on?" Pulled a colorful, likely enchanted, drink from beside her own seat and took a sip. It was a bright, swirling orange.

As with Lyander, Dynis could take four distinct approaches: play off the councilor's emotions, if she had any on the subject; a logical approach explaining the Nightmare situation; boldly pointing out the city's selfish vices; or a wild approach that was completely up to Dynis and her instincts. Likewise, she could try gauging her opinion on the subject beforehand, but Lilith looked antsy and eager to get back to the party.

- Ask opinion on the situation
- Emotional approach
- Logical approach
- Bold approach
- Wild approach
- Something else
"Thank you." Dynis said, taking a seat. "I will be brief. I just talked to councillor Lyander about the same matter. As I'm sure you know, a monster is prowling around Magdarene, preying on those not allowed in the city. Well, my friends are out there right now, it's prey. We had nowhere to go and the guards let only me in. I came to ask you to vote on pulling down the barrier and letting them inside. Your brother agreed to help us and I hoped you will too, because we have nowhere else to turn to."
Lilith tapped the rim of her drink cup, eyes flicking towards the crowd and back to Dynis. "That's all? Sure," she said. Took a sip of her drink. "I improvise on the votes anyway. Don't really like politics. Now, if we're done...?" She set the drink down and gestured to her cittern. The way her fingers fidgeted against the wood indicated impatience. Councilor Lyander had mentioned Lilith's tendency to change her mind, but she seemed eager to end the conversation. Dynis could leave things as they were or continue pressing the topic, if only to make sure Lilith understood the weight of the situation.

- Press the topic
- Leave
- Something else
"Councillor, I'll leave you alone, but you have to bear in mind that if my friends die out there, this city will soon follow." Dynis said, slightly narrowing her eyes. "And no, this is not me trying to make threats, this is me stating the simple facts." With a polite bow, she made her way through the crowd and back to the stall with drinks to find Isaac.
The councilor's brows lifted in surprise, but as Dynis walked away, she could hear the woman's voice begin gathering the crowd. She sounded no less excitable than she had before their chat. By time Dynis reached the drink stall music had resumed, but it was far enough away to only incite a small need to tap her foot. There, Isaac was waiting for her.

"That was... ugh. Her magic is nauseating if you try to fight it," he said. "I assume you found the councilor? How did it go? Also, are you okay?" Isaac asked question after question at a rapid speed. There were a few hours left before the vote but they only had one more person's favor to earn. Lady Michelle. Things seemed to be going rather smoothly so far, though, so Dynis had time to relax at the Oasis if she so chose. The female bartender from before noticed her and offered a smile.

- Take a break
- Seek out Lady Michelle
"I don't know." Dynis shrugged. "She said she'll support us, but I don't think she fully realised what I was asking of her. She didn't care much." There was still no time to rest, Dynis did not like feeling uncertain. "Let's go find the last one just to be sure."

Isaac frowned. "Sounds like her... a-anyway, yes, let's go. Luckily I know just where to find her." Motioned for Dynis to follow. From the oasis, Isaac lead her into the Market district. Like the rest of the city its architecture was grand, each building seemingly cut from marble. There were nearly as many people there, if not more, than the oasis party yet far more room than the shoreline to navigate. Only a few people looked at Dynis as though she were an outsider; most of them were busy chatting to each other or making sales.

An armored gryphon waltzed past them, beak held high, as a man likely to be its rider walked beside it on foot. Overhead, banners of fine - but worn at the edges - silk swayed in the breeze. Considering the barrier, the wind was probably magic-derived. Artificial.

"Lady Michelle rarely leaves her office during work hours," Isaac explained. "Not too far of a walk away. Really, the city is smaller than it appears."

As they walked down one of the streets, Dynis saw vendors of all sorts. A fresh pastry cart; a cart for more types of herbs than Dynis could count; as well as a cart potions, tinctures, and poultices that glowed similarly to those she'd seen in the alchemy factory earlier. There was even a small weapons vendor, yet the merchant looked bored. It did not seem he got much business.

- Continue to Lady Michelle
- Pastry vendor
- Herb vendor
- Potion vendor
- Weapons vendor
"Let's take a small detour." Dynis said, turning directly to the weapons merchant. She had to get a sword for her. With Manir now basically ignoring her, she could not rely on him providing a weapon for her every time. And she needed something better than a staff. Perhaps she ought to look for some herbs, but she had no idea what she should get. Maybe when Helen got in they could visit this place again.
Upon their approach the merchant - a green orc with large tusks pierced with several shining rings - perked up and smiled. "Afternoon. What can I interest you in?" There laid an assortment of weapons on the cart surface, as well as hanging from its rafters. Each one had a price tag attached to it, made of parchment and string with very concise writing. Whoever created them had a steady hand. Most of the prices were out of Dynis' 13 coin price range, however - including a sword.

- Dagger (5 silver)
- Shield (10)
- One-handed weapons (15)
- Bow or crossbow (20)
- Two-handed weapons (25)
- (Optional) Bargain
Well, she couldn't afford a sword and she did not want to haggle as no matter the price, it would still take most of the money out of her pocket. But, a dagger was a nice thing to have. It was no sword, but it was something at least.

"Would you sell the dagger for 3 coins, sir?" She asked with her best smile at the ready. She would buy it anyway, it was just worth a shot.
The orc looked ready to decline, then sighed heavily. Pushed one of the daggers towards her, palm splayed for payment. "Considering you're my first customer and the day is more than half over..." A moment later, he seemed to regard her more carefully. "Are you the one they let in this morning?"

"Word does travel fast..." Isaac murmured beside her.

- Answer honestly
- Lie
- Leave to find Lady Michelle
"Thank you." Dynis nodded, taking the knife and giving him the coins. "Yes, I am. Why?" She asked, slightly curious, but a bit more guarded.
"Word has it you're trying to get your friends inside," he said. His voice dropped a bit. "Whether it's true or not, watch your back. People aren't too happy with you right now."

Isaac frowned. "Does that include you?"

Shaking his head, the orc leaned on his cart and beckoned them closer. Even quieter, he added: "Unlike most of the folks here, my boy and I support the idea. Hell, we'd dissolve the barrier if we could." Gestured towards his well-stocked inventory. "Weapons and armor business is failing badly. Most of our military is comprised of cushy mages who don't know how to wield a sword, much less buy one. We are of half a mind to leave Magdarene, but we're just simple merchants. We'd never survive out there."

Out of nowhere, Isaac dropped five coins of his own on the cart. "I'll take a dagger, too, then." The orc smiled.

- Ask about the orc's family
- Ask about the economy
- Ask about Lady Michelle
- Go find Lady Michelle
- Something else
"It's... actually very nice to hear that." Dynis smiled, shoulders relaxing. "Well if things to awry, we are coming to you for help." She was only partially joking. "Now, excuse us, we have to find Lady Michelle. Would you know anything interesting about her?"
Nodding, the orc continued. "If you can bring change, you've an ally in us," he said. Glanced down the street where they'd been heading before stopping. "As for Lady Michelle, I don't know much worth mentioning except that she's wre-..." He dropped his voice again. "Wretched, and a coin-pinching shrewd like no one else."

"Have you gone to her about the drop in business?" Isaac asked.

The orc grunted, frowning. "Several times. Much as she hates losing money, she hates outsiders worse. The twin councilors are much more amicable; they care about the people. At least, Lyander does. General Ezra might care too much. But Lady Michelle?" He shook his head. "Numbers are her only priority." Looked back at Dynis with sympathy written across his face. "Good luck talking to her. And, ah, if you're going to be in the city for a while, feel free to stop by. I can't promise any discounts but I can do minor repairs and the like. Bring your friends, if you get them inside. Oh, the name's Torhal, by the way." Pointed to the painted letters on his stall titling his small business 'Torhal's Weaponry'.

- Thank him and leave
- Ask more questions
- Something else
"Thank you, Torhal." Dynis nodded. "I'm Dynis and it was nice meeting you." She turned toward Isaac then, ready to meet the last councilor and finish the damn job already. She was getting very anxious, the diplomacy was getting to her. "Let's find the Lady and then we can take a break. To be honest, I'm already starving."
Leaving the stall, Isaac pocketed the dagger. "We'll find something to eat soon," he promised. Offered her a smile, "At least you had the drink to hold you over, though? Kidding, kidding." Truth be told, the oasis drink had not affected Dynis much. Either her tolerance was rather strong or the drink was weaker than advertised, possibly due to all of the extra ingredients they added. Perhaps that was why they sold it for so cheap. It did little to nothing to fill her belly, unfortunately.

Several minutes later Isaac pointed a building out at the end of the street. "That's the- Ahh!" He suddenly fell forward, knees and palms crashing into the ground; simultaneously, a hand grabbed Dynis by the hair and yanked her backwards. The two were grappled into a nearby alley, the loud sounds of the street drowning out the scuffle. Before Dynis knew it, the tip of a dagger had pressed lightly against the skin of her neck. A warning. "Try fighting and we'll slit your throats," came a deep murmur in her ear, "scream and we'll make it painful." The voice of a man.

- Struggle
- Be still
- Plead
- Something else
Dynis kept her breathing calm and her voice steely, though she knew her heart was beating, though mostly due to the ticking clock. They did not have time to get robbed in an alley! "Can we not do this later, we are kind of in a hurry here." She said as calmly as possible, though there was a whine in her tone.
"And let you destroy our city?" He asked. Beside him, pinning Isaac face-first into the wall, was another man - that one much taller and bulkier. "We don't think so." Dynis was dragged further into the alleyway, Isaac forced to follow close behind. He looked terrified.

Signalling to Isaac would be easy, as they were not separated, and should Dynis try to fight it would be two versus two. Assuming Isaac could fight, anyway, and not get his neck sliced trying to wriggle free. She could also try to talk with the men and perhaps find out into behind the attack - or lower their guards, at least.

- Fight back
- Start conversation
- Something else
- (Optional) Signal Isaac
"Look, I don't want to fight. And I don't want to ruin your city. It might not seem like that at this moment, but this is going to be better for Magdarene on the long run too. You cannot stay isolated forever." Dynis spoke, but she was carefully observing Isaac, ready to signal him to attack if things felt awry.
"Does she ever shut up?" The man restraining Isaac asked. Dynis' own captor shrugged and did not answer her attempts at conversation. Eventually, after several alleyway turns, the four came to a door. Nobody was around and the sounds of the marketplace seemed far away.

The blade against Dynis' neck relented some as her captor grappled with a door handle. The building it looked similar to the apartments in the Residential district, but Dynis did not remember crossing the stream.

- Attack
- Wait
- Talk

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