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The Day Haru Was Taken Away (Free! Rp)

Haru blushed and nodded, relaxing when Makoto held him close and kissed his head. He closed his eyes and found it a lot easier to fall asleep now, feeling as though things were back to normal temporarily.

The next morning, Haru found himself at the courthouse. He wore black dress pants, a white shirt button up shirt, a gray sweater, and a blue tie. He had to look nice for this or so he had been told. He was nervous as he stood right outside the doors to the courtroom, practically panicking as he clung to Makoto's arm and took in shaky breaths, he knew behind this door he would be meeting his captor again, he would have to face everything that happened. It terrified him. He didn't want to face the doctor nor did he want everyone in that room to know what he had been through.
//Actually, I messed up. Haru's lawyer is the prosecutor, the doctor's lawyer is the defendant. I'll be doing the defendant since he'll try to pin the blame on Haru//

Makoto wore a police uniform to court, which he had borrowed from the station for the day. Honestly, it was weird being back in these clothes. Over the four years that Haru was missing, the clothes had represented loss, guilt, and change. Now, looking back, he'd once again change tremendously.

They were sitting outside of the courtroom, holding hands, when they were called inside. Makoto had to remind himself that he needed to keep his cool and not strangle the bastard doctor because that wouldn't help Haru's case very much. It would help Makoto's anger, though.

The trail began when Haru's lawyer summarized what the accusations against the doctor were. "The prosecution call up Makoto Tachibana to the stand."

Makoto swore in and gave his side of the story. "My partner, Rin, and I got notified by the station that a similar case to Haru's had popped up. Someone had been filed as missing and their hoodie was found in the beach. This time, though, there were pieces of hair on the scene. The hair matched the doctor, so Rin and I investigated the house. I found the two victims in the basement of the house, tied up, though Nanase was in much poorer condition than the other victim. I'm told that the his hospital report was issued to the court as evidence."
//Oooh okay haha//

Haru sat down, looking to the floor and not wanting Makoto to leave his side, even if he knew he had to. He was reminded of the day he was rescued, seeing Makoto in those clothes, it was both nerve wracking and a reminder that he was out, free.

Still, his leg bounced nervously, he didn't once look at where he doctor and the defense team were. He couldn't, if he did he would probably run out of the courtroom. He listened to Makoto's side of the story quietly, glad that it was something right to the point. As much as he knew he shouldn't be this way, he didn't want to hear about how Makoto felt when he was gone. He knew it was bad and he didn't want to feel any worse right now for something he couldn't control.
Makoto was allowed to sit back down after a small amount of questioning. Next, Haru was called to the stand.

"The prosecution calls the victim, Haruka Nanase, to the stand."

In his head, Makoto was praying to just about anything that would listen. Please give him the strength to do this. This is probably the hardest thing he'll ever have to do, but just help him get through it.

He rubbed Haru's back encouragingly before allowing him to go up to the stand.
Haru paled as he was called up, he looked to Makoto then up at the stand before getting up, his legs wobbly. He walked to the stand and swore in, his voice quiet and shaky. It was obvious how terrified he was right now and Haru couldn't help but feel sick to his stomach. He was trying his best to look anywhere but at the defense team, where the doctor sat.
//Haru is totally going to lose his cool and freak out when the defense team questions him xD
//Makoto's gonna freak out too. Basically this whole trial is going to hell XD//

The defense attorney, Mr. Yamada, did not care if his client was innocent or guilty. The truth didn't matter. All he needed to do was press the frail-looking boy into slipping up. All he needed was one fault and he could make the entire case come undone at the seams.

"Mr. Nanase, can you tell the court why you're so sure that my client is guilty?" he asked.
//lol yep//

Haru looked down at his lap, mentally scoffing at the question. "..He held me captive for five years... H-he..did things no human being should do to another... How can I have any doubt...W-When every day I was being hurt by him?" His voice was shaky though loud enough to hear.
Mr. Yamada smirked, "The criminal held you captive. According to your medical report as well as the police description of the house, you were malnourished in a poorly-lit environment. I find it hard to believe that you'd be able to accurately identify your captor in such conditions."

Haru's lawyer objected, stating that they both Makoto and Rin had identified the doctor. Mr. Yamada tsked. "That is drawing upon the assumption that my client knew that the two victims were in his basement in the first place. Someone else, an aquaintance or roommate perhaps, could've been using the room without my client's knowledge. Ladies and gentleman of the jury, are you really going to convict an innocent man based on the uncertain claims of this one person?"

Makoto had changed his mind. First he'd take out the grease-ball lawyer. Then he'd kill the doctor. He couldn't believe his ears! This person was trying to clear the guilty person's name by creating hypothetical situations that didn't even happen. These claims also had little to no evidence. The jury couldn't buy into that...could they?
Haru tensed and took in a shaky breath. He knew it was the doctor, they all knew, and he wasn't going to let him get away with it.

"H-He had been right in front of my face, multiple times..H-He raped me, I-I saw him right up close..!" Haru said, angry at this man for trying to get someone like the doctor out of punishment.

If the doctor was let out free... Haru would live in terror for the rest of his life.

"H-How else would DNA get on the other v-victims sweatshirt? A-And how would he not hear us d-down there if he 'didn't know'?!"
"DNA is a tricky thing, it is." He said, shaking his head, "It can be withheld using special means like gloves, and it can also be placed in order to frame people. The problem is, we all assume that this is not the case because it is not easy to pull off. That point aside, I would also like to state that the basement was soundproofed. My client has officially submitted a statement claiming that the basement was already soundproofed when he bought it. It is possible for him to have been completely unaware of the existence of the two boys."

Haru's lawyer fires back with things that make more sense, like how there was no other sign of other people living in the house. He also points out the fact that the accused tried to attack Makoto and Rin. This detail was included in the official police report of the situation.

Makoto looked over at Haru, painfully aware of how completely uncomfortable he looked.
Haru shook with anger at the man in front of him, his eyes full of the pain he felt through out the years.

"N-Name me one person who would be at his house... able to hurt me EVERY day...with blonde hair and dark brown eyes.. W-Who had enough medical expertise to perform surgery and take organs he deemed useless so he could gain extra money! Y-You can't! B-because the only person who would fit every one of that criteria i-is him!!" Haru yelled, tears falling down his cheeks as he stood, nails digging into the wood of the stand.

"I-If you were raped, hurt, and tortured every day f-for five fucking years, you'd remember who did it to you. I-I can't get his face out of my fucking mind! I-I think out of everyone I'd be the one to remember! A-after everything he did t-to me how would I-I not have his face in my mind?!"
The court was in an uproar. Makoto was yelling across the room at both the doctor and his scum of a lawyer, Haru's lawyer was calling the defense team out for badgering a victim of rape, the jury was having what looked like a heated debate, and the onlookers were all murmuring to themselves.

The judge had had enough of this. He smacked the gavel down multiple times, the sharp sound only somewhat managing to cut through the noise. "Order! Order!" He looked at Haru, "I will not have foul and unnecessary language in my court." He then turned to the defense team, "Defense, I will warn you to watch how far you push the victim. If I see any signs of badgering, I will end the case with a guilty verdict. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, your honor," said the scum bag.

"Also, due to the rather heated nature of the cross examination and the health of the victim," he paused to give a sympathetic look to Haru, "I am going to end the first day of the trial. We will meet here again at the same time tomorrow. Court adjourned." With a final smack of the gavel, everyone in the courtroom began to leave.

Makoto jumped up from his seat and sped over to the stand where Haru was shaking with anger, concern written over his face.
Haru swallowed thickly, he didn't want to come back, he just wanted this to end. He wanted it all to end.

He saw Makoto come over, which barely even relaxed him right now, he felt sick to his stomach and his eyes began searching for the quickest way out of the courtroom.

When Haru spotted the closest and least occupied exit, he quickly went to walk out, knowing Makoto would follow. The cool air hit his face but did nothing to calm his nerves. He wanted to go back home, this was the first time he had been out of the apartment...

Haru couldn't keep his nauseousness back anymore. He leaned over a bush and threw up, his nerves causing him to literally be sick to his stomach.
//I'm gonna go to bed now. Good night!//

Makoto rubbed Haru's back warmly, whispering encouraging things that he can't even remember because he's so angry. Even Makoto doesn't want to come back and do all of this again the next day, so Haru must be driven up the fucking wall.

When he saw the defense lawyer leave the building, Makoto stuck him with a glare so murderous that Makoto wouldn't be surprised if he fell over and had a heart attack on the spot. But truly, that was just wishful thinking.

He turned his attention back to Hadu, "Let's get you home. Do you want me to stop and get you anything on the way?"
//aww okay, night//

Haru finished emptying his stomach and covered his mouth with the back of his hand. He shook his head and sniffled.

"...I-I....I just want to go home a-and sleep.." He mumbled, it was part of the truth, though Haru was beginning to get a new plan... He didn't want to exist anymore, seeing that there was other assholes like the doctor out there just...made him feel like there was no hope. Haru felt like he tried and just was done with it, he was ready to give up...

He just needed time to do it...which meant if he could get Makoto to sleep too...maybe he'd have enough time...

It's the right thing to do, he doesn't belong here anyways.
He waited a couple of minutes to let Haru catch his breath and, when he was ready, led Haru by the hand to the car.

He considered turning on the radio to fill the silence but decided against it. The silence was meaningful and he probably wouldn't find anything he liked anyway.

Makoto just wished he could look into Haru's head for a second because right now, he was clueless about what was running through the smaller male's head. "We're almost there", he murmured before letting out a light chuckle; "Saba is probably gonna yell at us to feed her."
Haru got in the car and buckled up, he stayed silent, just making a tiny nod at Makoto's attempt for conversation. He looked out the window the entire time and once they got to the apartment he got out of the car and went to head upstairs with Makoto. He just wanted to get all of this over with, he was exhausted....

When they got to the apartment, Haru unlocked the door, having been given a key from Makoto before, even though he never really left the house.
Makoto followed after Haru and closed the door behind him. He was incredibly tired and overall done with the day; his body felt like it was 5 times heavier than normal. He ran through his normal "getting home routine": kicking his shoes off, throwing his jacket onto the couch for him to pick up later, petting the cat. Makoto wanted to talk to Haru about what had happened, but he also knew that they were both still experiencing the aftereffects of such fresh emotions. Maybe they could talk after a nap.

"Hey, I think I'm gonna take a nap. Do you want to join me?" Makoto made a mental note to give Haru his medicine after his nap. He could try to do it at that moment, but decided against it. Haru didn't need Makoto forcing medicine down his throat. Besides, if Haru agreed to a nap, he wouldn't be able to do anything.
Haru took off his shoes and made a small nod, beginning to walk to the bedroom just so the two could lay together. He laid down once he got in the room, waiting for Makoto. If he pretended he was asleep then he could get up after Makoto slept.... He would have enough time to write a letter and get down to business.

Haru looked at the door quietly, he knew there was a lot he was going to be leaving behind but... Right now it didn't seem worth it. He was done with everything.
Makoto crawled into bed next to Haru and shifted until he was comfortable. His face was to Haru's and he smiled, suddenly struck by how stunning his boyfriend looked. He didn't know what it was about him, be it his soft hair, or the way his eyes reflected the light from the window, but Makoto knew that he was breath-taking. Reaching out one of his large hands, he brushed a stray lock of hair that had fallen over Haru's brow. "I'll see you when I wake up, cher. I love you."

Normally Makoto would just give him a simple "good night", but something told him that he should say those exact words. Though as to why, he had no idea.

After closing his eyes, Makoto fell into an easy sleep, not even remotely aware of the dangers that had not yet made themselves known.
//what is cher?//

Haru had to bite back a small cry at the words, he knew this would hurt Makoto but he just... He couldn't do this.

When he knew the other was asleep, he moved away, careful not to wake Makoto up. He first went to start with a note, he had been thinking of what to say the whole car ride... Yet it was still so difficult to explain everything that was going on in his mind and how important Makoto was. After a while, though, he finished the note and left it on the bed, taking up the space he had been laying and resting right next to Makoto's head so he would see it when he woke up.

After that, he left the room and began his search for something, anything, that could help him get this over with. He knew Makoto hid the knives but it took him a while before he found out where, he had to get a chair just to reach it.

With that, he began to cut, his mind blank and his body numb, no amount of slashes on the wrist were enough. With a shaky breath, he brought the knife up to his throat, and with a quick move slashed across it.
//It's French. It translates to dear, darling, or sweetie.//

"Makoto... Makoto...MAKOTO!" screamed a voice right in his ear. Makoto opened his eyes with a start and found himself face to face with his boyfriend. He groaned, "Haru, you how much I hate being screamed at."

"I tried shaking you but it wasn't working."


"Makoto," Haru said, caressing his cheek in his hand, "You can't stay here with me. You need to wake up, now. You're needed."


"No buts. If you don't do it now, you'll regret it later."

Makoto's eyes opened for the second time, but he was sure this wasn't a dream. The curling he was staring at was the same one he'd woken up to every day since moving here, and he was also alone. Haru would never leave in one of his dreams. Speaking of, Makoto looked to Haru's side of the bed and felt that it was still warm, he must've just gotten up. "Mm, what's that?" he mumbled when his eyes landed on the piece of paper on Haru's pillow.

Makoto grabbed the paper and opened it slowly, his sleep grogginess still dulling his nerves. When he began to read it, however, his eyes widened, all grogginess removed from his body in an instant. Dropping the paper on the spot, Makoto threw the cover off and bolted out of the room.

Instinct took over as adrenaline poured generously into his stomach, making him slightly nauseous. His feet brought him first to the bathtub, where he'd found Haru cutting before: nothing. The only place he could've gotten something dangerous would be the kitchen cabinet he'd hidden the sharp objects in.

He dashed across the house and into the kitchen. That's where he found him. He was slumped against the refrigerator, large amounts of blood pooling beneath his body. There was a slash across his neck. "No!" he screamed, immediately kneeling and removing his shirt, not caring that his knees were getting covered in his boyfriend's still-warm blood. He balled up the shirt and pressed it to the cut on Haru's neck, checking for a pile at the same time. It was faint, but Makoto thought he could still pick it up.

With that, he grabbed the kitchen phone that was conveniently right next to the refrigerator and dialed 911.

"My friend is bleeding from his neck and arms. We need help!" Makoto gave them the address as he talked, his voice loud and shaky.
Tears stained the note, fresh against the paper showing how soon it had been written. It read as followed:

‘Dear Makoto,

I… I’m sorry it came to this… I’m sorry I am selfish and can’t stay to keep you happy… I just... I can’t keep facing my demons. I’m tormented every day by them and I don’t think I can continue this charade anymore.

It hurts. It hurts so god damn much… Every day I don’t want to get out of bed… The only thing keeping me living is you and even then I feel like I am only causing you grief. You would do much better without me, Makoto. You should move on… Be happy. I sure as hell am not making you happy.

I… Can’t even begin to explain how amazing and perfect you are… I love you so much and I know I’m such a disappointment… But this isn’t your fault. It’s me who can’t live with this, you’ve been making things tolerable but… I’m not sure if anything can take away this pain.

I just want you to know, every moment I spent with you, you made my life better… You’re like sunshine… Sadly, though, my life has been consumed by darkness and no amount of light can seem to bring me out of it.

I wish we could just be back to when we were kids… I wish I could’ve just gathered up the courage to tell you how I felt without any doubts, without running away… I wish we could’ve made a family together, two perfect children with you, my perfect partner… I wish there could be a day where you went on one knee and proposed to me… Where we could live in a perfect house with a perfect life…. But things are far from perfect…. And I just can’t live with the reality.

I love you so much Makoto, never forget that.

Please….Forgive me.'

Haru was barely breathing, every once in a while it seemed to be disturbed by the blood coming from his neck. His eyes were closed and he was already passed out.
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The paramedics showed up quickly. Makoto can't really remember the exact time since every second, every breath, seemed to stretch on for years at a time. The 911 operator had said to keep him upright and to continue to apply pressure to the wound so that's exactly what he did. By the time that help arrived, Makoto's hands and clothes were covered in blood, so much that if anyone happened to glance at the scene, they'd think that Makoto was a murderer.

They rushed Haru to the hospital in an ambulance. The paramedics wanted Makoto to stay at home and get cleaned up, but Makoto had refused, anger and panic making him willing enough to fight if necessary. They'd agreed, but insisted on giving him a pair of scrubs to change in while in the ambulance.

Soon, Makoto found himself in the same place he'd been four months prior: the waiting room. It was crazy how different Makoto felt now compared to then. Before, he had been more accepting of the fact that it was possible for Haru to die. He'd had four years to cope with the fact that his friend could've been dead. But now, after spending four months with Haru, he was in complete denial. No, Haru can't die, not like this. Not after he survived being a captive for so long. We still have so much to do together.

Makoto felt like he couldn't quite keep still. The waiting room was noticeably emptier than the time before, only two others sat here and neither of them seemed close to as on-edge as Makoto was. Maybe they were in shock, Makoto thought he should be, but the extreme urgency of the situation had kept his brain running fast enough to cause smoke.

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