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Fantasy The Configuration - OOC

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The life and times of an aristocratic secret vampire society and their newly adopted fledglings. Shenanigans abound!


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The Configuration OOC

Welcoommeee my prettiieesss... *Cough* I mean, hi everyone!
SapphireSkylines SapphireSkylines Thank you for you character sheet! Few things I'd like to address. You said you couldn't decide on a family-- Based on your Bio, the family you would be better suited for would be the Dygarians. Adrian only has 1 living next of kin, Leone Walters, and therefore it doesn't make sense for you to be woken up in front of a group if you were apart of his lineage. Ajax has the most next of kin, so it's plausible these are the people who turned your character.

Second, your unique ability to control and grow plants. Being able to both grow AND control plants seems too powerful for a newborn vampire. Growing them for now is appropriate -- Maybe your character can grow plants that are poisonous, and use them to create deadly concoctions. Or you can change the ability if you like.

Third, in your bio when your character is coming back from visiting her father-- As stated in the Vampire Lore tab, those who are turned by vampires are people who rarely have people who will miss them. Your character should be isolated and detached from friends and family. Perhaps since your character started school, she hasn't had time to speak to her family or interact with friends, etc. Having those around your character that will notice they are missing draws attention to The Configuration, and they are all about secrecy.

The rest seems fine, just make sure you're reading all the lore and everything very carefully. :)
GamerKitty205 GamerKitty205 Thank you for your character sheet! Everything seems to be in order, however after being turned your character doesn't just 'get up and go home.'

It'll be explained better when we start the RP, but after being turned you don't go back home, your character will live with whoever turned you. Like I said it'll be explained later, so don't worry about trying to come up with a living situation for your character. She just doesn't go home. :)
And the oldest by far. Among the normal vamps at least. Do we have an estimate on how long our characters have been vampires?
It says at the top of the lore page it's been only a few days. Things will be explained more when we start the RP. :)
It says at the top of the lore page it's been only a few days. Things will be explained more when we start the RP. :)
Oh does it? I didn't see it actually

Edit: Yep. Saw it. Gonna meet our creators. Interestinggggggggggggg
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Yeah I think I'm going to have to change a lot of things because the character I have had a lot of friends along with her dad. I wanted to do something where she loved her human life so she would be depressed and it would be hard for her to adapt to vampire life since she lost nearly everything.
Okay I fixed her backstory and I decided to put her in the Sionis family. So instead of a group of vampires, she is with Leone Walters when she is changed. She also moved to another city several hours away from her hometown in hopes of getting more business for the flower shop. Also changed her ability. She can just grow plants now, not control them. I also made her older and changed her appearance picture for no particular reason, just because I want an older character.
Okay I fixed her backstory and I decided to put her in the Sionis family. So instead of a group of vampires, she is with Leone Walters when she is changed. She also moved to another city several hours away from her hometown in hopes of getting more business for the flower shop. Also changed her ability. She can just grow plants now, not control them. I also made her older and changed her appearance picture for no particular reason, just because I want an older character.
Thank you for your changes! Any reason in particular you decided to change your characters vampire family? It's not a bad thing, I'm just curious.
Thank you for your changes! Any reason in particular you decided to change your characters vampire family? It's not a bad thing, I'm just curious.

It was a close call between the two families, but ultimately I decided Sionis because there were already two Dygarians and I figured it'd be nice to have at least one person in each bloodline for variety. Plus a crazed religious guy sounds like a fascinating concept for a vampire leader.
It was a close call between the two families, but ultimately I decided Sionis because there were already two Dygarians and I figured it'd be nice to have at least one person in each bloodline for variety. Plus a crazed religious guy sounds like a fascinating concept for a vampire leader.
I just grabbed the teleporting boi cuz his ability complimented a brawler like my guy lol.
It's up! BE MINDFUL OF OTHER PLAYERS! after everyone has posted ONCE to introduce their characters, THEN you can have your characters talk among each other.
Yo venus, I must say, that is a hell of an opening post. Like goddamn. I respect that shit.
Whatever your character was wearing when they were killed.
Hmm, was the blood they were served human or animal blood? Probably animal blood.
Ill leave that up to your imagination. so far, characters wouldnt know the difference because they've only tasted one kind. Hmmm... :hornstongue;
Ill leave that up to your imagination. so far, characters wouldnt know the difference because they've only tasted one kind. Hmmm... :hornstongue;
Lol, okay. By the way, this might be a stupid question but just to confirm, our characters currently have sharp vampirey fangs right?
Lol, okay. By the way, this might be a stupid question but just to confirm, our characters currently have sharp vampirey fangs right?
your characters have fangs, but they only come out when you are about to feed, or reach a point of uncontrollable hunger.

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