Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts

A voice that seemed to resonate everywhere containing Avatar's voice answered the two " Hmm... Perceptive. While you are correct in that most people who have the eye of the hero dies , not everyone does whom share these traits. The eye of the hero means those who stand against the odds, rising against circumstances that are against being overcome , yet succeeding regardless of the hardships. Whether you die or not... Well... That is dependent on how much you are risking in the end, and how much you lead your heart astray. Risk too much, and your fate... may be sealed "

With that, the voice fell silent, but can still be talked to. He's talking vague on purpose.
Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts

A voice that seemed to resonate everywhere containing Avatar's voice answered the two " Hmm... Perceptive. While you are correct in that most people who have the eye of the hero dies , not everyone does whom share these traits. The eye of the hero means those who stand against the odds, rising against circumstances that are against being overcome , yet succeeding regardless of the hardships. Whether you die or not... Well... That is dependent on how much you are risking in the end, and how much you lead your heart astray. Risk too much, and your fate... may be sealed "

With that, the voice fell silent, but can still be talked to. He's talking vague on purpose.
Rex says goodbye to them for another time.

“I’ll keep that in mind. Anyways I got to go, I’ll see you some other time Dora!”

Rex said while walking off

“It’s SORA!”

Sora said annoyingly. While leaving the training room, Rex felt a little tired suddenly.

“Wha...? What’s.. going on?”

He passes out

Rex will return in Blood Gulch Blues. ( Andrita Andrita )
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SPARK-001, designation Praetorian
Status: Interested
Actions: Heading Off
"Further sub-queries have been identified."
"What, in your world, is a butterfly?"
"And a wish..."

Praetorian shot right up.
"Similar to the literature piece: "The Monkey's Paw"?"
Well, the robot seemed interested, but Praetorian quickly added on.
"I must report to the vehicle pool. If you wish to follow, you may."
Praetorian then turned around to head to the vehicle pool.
( 5cookie 5cookie )​
Ladybug / Marinette Dupain-Cheng

“Wait, what?” The miraculous heroine exclaimed after Praetorian stated that it was going to report to the vehicle pool. She was clearly worried, and turned to Chat Noir.
“I mean, we should follow him. In case if you’re looking for answers about the miraculous hunting and the people that could steal the miraculouses and disrupt the balance, this is a superhero agency, so I think we’re safe unless this information gets leaked to the public,” he answered, fastening his staff to his back. Ladybug quickly attached her yo-yo to her waist, where she usually put it, but ready to use it if needed. The two started following the robot as it headed toward the vehicle pool.
GearBlade654 GearBlade654
A convoy of 4 armored vehicles were driving through the city at night. Inside of one of the armored vehicles was the commander of this rebel faction, Lars Alexandersson. The Red Lion. The Lost Mishima. Fearless, pridefull and terribly hungry. He had just waken up from a terrible dream of a family reunion gone wrong. Even in his dreams, he was the odd one out. Just shy above Lee who wasn't even in the dream at all on the account of him being adopted. Now he was sitting, waiting to get back to base so he could eat something. He looks to the soldiers soldier "How much longer until we get to HQ?"

"Another 20 minutes sir!" Says the driver. Lars leans his head backwards and groans irratantly as his stomach feels like it's shrinking. None of his soldiers have any food on then, no surprise. They're all wearing armor afterall, so there's no where for them to store even a snack. Can't even story a magazine. A design flaw in his mind. "Sir! We're coming up on something just up ahead!" The driver announces. "What is-" Before Lars can finish they can feel the vehicle shake violently for a few seconds before they're hit with a bright light. The driver comes to a stop as it skids across the gravel. The rest of the caravan come to a screeching halt aswell. "Okay...Scratch that what was that? What happened?" Lars asks the driver. "I-I don't know, sir.I saw a bright light just up ahead and I could react fast enough to avoid it.". Lars sighs "I see. Open her up and lets take a look around" Lars commands.The driver pulls a lever with lets the back of the vehicle open.

Lars and the soldier riding with him get out of the vehicle and join up with the other soldiers that were apart of the caravan. They all find themselves in the middle of a clearing in a ruined city. They see no roads and there are heaps of debris surrounding them "Where are we?" Lars asks himself "Alright men, survey the area!" Lars orders as he and his soldiers look around. After a moment, Lars' kicks something. He looks down to see the face of a bald man is sticking up halfway from the ground. He kneels down and examines the head closely before picking up the dismembered head from the ground to reveal that half of its face is gone and it's skeleton is made of metal "What the hell..."

Resistance soldiers gathered around a campfire heard noises.

“Connor, potential allies upcoming..”

General Connor heard his communications device “Alpha dawn seven I need you to find out who’s coming..”

“Got it handled, sir.”

So Team Alpha Dawn seven nodded “Where’s the location, sir.”

“Somewhere outside the camp.”

“Right, we are on our way.”

A voice came on the new team’s communication devices on the 4 armored convoys on the way to the Techcom Human Resistance camp. “This is Team Alpha Dawn seven, under the direction of General John Connor, Human Resistance. You are here to help?”

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
Lars and his small troop of soldiers were driving again. Slowly. They still couldn't tell where they were but they didn't want to be sittiing ducks in what seemed to be a warzone, so they began to tread carefully across this wasteland. Lars was sitting in the passenger seat when their coms had received the message:
“This is Team Alpha Dawn seven, under the direction of General John Connor, Human Resistance. You are here to help?”. Lars was curious as to how they managed to pick up an unknown signal. Lars presses the coms button "This is Yggdrasil Troops 1-4. This is the leading officer, Commander Lars Alexandersson. What is it you need assistance with?" He asks

"Sir, you think that's the right move to make? We don't know who these guys are, much less where we are." The driver worries

"It's better than we get answers from them than to fnd out ourselves. I'm feeling rather unneasy about this whole predicament as it is."
Lars and his small troop of soldiers were driving again. Slowly. They still couldn't tell where they were but they didn't want to be sittiing ducks in what seemed to be a warzone, so they began to tread carefully across this wasteland. Lars was sitting in the passenger seat when their coms had received the message:
“This is Team Alpha Dawn seven, under the direction of General John Connor, Human Resistance. You are here to help?”. Lars was curious as to how they managed to pick up an unknown signal. Lars presses the coms button "This is Yggdrasil Troops 1-4. This is the leading officer, Commander Lars Alexandersson. What is it you need assistance with?" He asks

"Sir, you think that's the right move to make? We don't know who these guys are, much less where we are." The driver worries

"It's better than we get answers from them than to fnd out ourselves. I'm feeling rather unneasy about this whole predicament as it is."

"Apologies, Commander Lars. We are going to need all the help we can get. You are in the year 2029. We are a day before the man vs machine war final battle. General Connor is our leader against Skynet, a rouge AI that killed roughly 3,000,000,000,000 of our earth's population and those who are left along with everyone else form pocket Human and more Resistance against Skynet. Connor leads the Worldwide Resistance against Skynet."

"By chance, did you find metal parts nearby? If you did, those metal skeletons? They are Skynet's army. Terminators. Advanced killing machines with skin, blood everything."

If you want more details, meet us in 10 klicks.

"My name is Simon."

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
Lars releases the the coms button and sinks back in his seat in utter disbelief from what he just heard. They somehow made it to the future. A future where humanity is on the verge of near extinction at the hands of these machines called 'Terminators'.

"Sir, we can't possibly be heading their way, right? This has to be a setup or something?" The driver suggests in a vain attempt to rationalize everything they've just heard

"Look outside! Does this look like a joke to you? Some how....Some how whatever you saw lead us here. One of those time rifts you hear about from quantum physicists....And now we gotta help save humanity."
Lars states with finality
The Year 2029- One Night before the Final Battle Between Man vs Machine-

The group of soldiers who mysteriously showed up would suddenly come across a clearing in the middle of nowhere, with a dozen or so more green tents. Those in the Resistance wore either red patches or red blood-soaked bands around their arms.

"We have visitors!" A few Resistance soldiers called out "Skin (Men)? Tunnel Rats (Resistance?)

Lars and his men would come across men and women warming their hands near the fire wearing green coats.

Simon heard the call of the men and women outside the camp at the sound of visitors as he alerted General Connor for a tiny bit.

"Sir, human visitors appearing. "

General Connor turned and raised his eyebrow "Hm? Do you mean now? I'm with my wife right now, can it wait?"

"These men are waiting to talk to you, sir."

"Kate, this will have to wait. I must talk with some late night visitors for now."

Kate turned to: "I understand, duty calls. I'll be here though."

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
One day Lilith was sitting around in her haunted mansion when she went outside and noticed something in the mailbox, she decided to read it and was invited to the multiverse protection foundation. She seems somewhat interested so she decided to follow the note’s detections and before she knew it she was in the cape where there where many different people from many different multiverses. After the tour she went into her dorm and thought it looked a little plain and boring, so she decided to decorate the room with Halloween decorations. One Lilith was finally done she let out a relaxed sigh, laid down on her bed and watched some tv.
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Lar's and his forces stop once they've entered the camps and begin to get out for their vehicles. The Yggdrassil troops looks around at all the tents of some of whats left of humanity.

One of the troops approaches Lars "Sir...This...This is..."

"Unbelievable..." Lars finishes off the sentence. They were in the future. A future that mankind itself is dwindling into extinction and death machines are out to eradicate all organic life. Something like this was like from a movie or a comic book but never reality. Whichever the case, they're here now. It's not a trap and isn't a dream. They're here to help these survivors anyway they can.
darkred darkred
The night was full of commotion and fear for the day as a man in a simple fur coat and his wife, Kate Connor, walked forward.

"Welcome, I'm assuming you caught word of my message from my friend, Simon here?"

"I am General Connor and this is my wife, Kate Connor."

He walked forward and frowned "I'm sorry this place isn't much to look at, we have been at war for years. The biggest fight of our lives starts tomorrow morning.

"There is a tent open for you and your men, Lars. Pack up and get ready if you wish to fight with our side tomorrow morning.

Kate Connor looked over at John for a second and then at Lars and his men.

"Welcome. Have you and your men gotten informed on what exactly you need to know?"

Those who were on the mission earlier could either sleep, talk with the others (NPC Human Resistance soliders, or get ready for tomorrow morning.

FactionParadox FactionParadox Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- P PopcornPie @others?

Lilith left her dorm to explore the place a little more. "I'll admit this place is pretty spacey." she said with a small smile on her face.

While she was exploring she decides to take a seat at the cafeteria, she wasn't particularly hungry but she decided to order herself something anyway, although she didn't know if there was anything for ghosts to eat.
She decided to ask one of the staff members if there was anything for her to eat.

(Open for interaction)
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Saiki Kusuo & Akechi Tomoko

Saiki didn't like the feel of this place. It was too cheerful. Too perfectly tailored to everyone's needs - yet that Phil Coulson guy had been pretty stern about not going off of the facility. So basically they wanted everyone to be happy, while not letting them leave.

"World's most perfect prison," he thought to himself.

But he had to stay anyway, because next to him stood...

"Saiki, this place is amazing!" Akechi gushed, eyes sparkling as she looked at Saiki. "A shame we can't share rooms, hm? It would be nice to have someone I trust nearby..." She sighed, obviously disappointed about that. "Well, for now, I'm going to the recreation room to see what games they have! What about you? I saw some coffee jellies in the cafeteria!"

Saiki hesitated, but shook his head. "I'm going with you. I'm... Not hungry."

Akechi seemed shocked, but pleased, that Saiki was choosing her over coffee jelly. It was a small price, Saiki thought. He would get the chance to try one of those jellies later - for now, he wanted to be sure that Akechi would be safe here. So, together, the two of them headed towards the recreation room.

Open for interaction
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Lilith left her dorm to explore the place a little more. "I'll admit this place is pretty spacey." she said with a small smile on her face.

While she was exploring she decides to take a seat at the cafeteria, she wasn't particularly hungry but she decided to order herself something anyway, although she didn't know if there was anything for ghosts to eat.
She decided to ask one of the staff members if there was anything for her to eat.

(Open for interaction)
While she was looking around for anything she could eat, a certain teenage girl had approached her from the side with a relaxed smile.


"So, you're a ghost? Nice."

ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials

Once Saiki and Akechi had made their way to the recreational room, they would have found a multitude of activities to be doing. Though, perhaps out of all of this, the most perplexing thing they would find is... a maroon haired boy. His hair was a mess, to put it simply. He wore a thick pullover, and for whatever reason, he had a pair of ski goggles strapped to his neck. But no, the most off thing about him was that, despite the room's name... he was on the couched, hunched over, frantically taking notes?


Why exactly he was doing this was unclear, but that didn't really appear to matter much at all. Because, as soon as the duo had the time to process the fact that some hunched over kid in a sweater was taking notes, a much taller man suddenly walked by and scooped Leo up by his collar. Leo wasn't suspended in the air for long, however, for as soon as he was picked up he was placed right back down on his feet.


"Leo, kid... you've gotta chill out with all this work you're giving yourself, man," The male in question said as he gazed over Leo, who was for all intents and purposes, a hot mess at the moment. "I'm pretty sure I can see a fuckin' vein popping outta your head if I look at it right." Leo, which was apparently the boy in question's name, let out a sheepish chuckle and rubbed at the back of his scalp in response as he attempted to formulate an answer.

"I'm sorry, Jason. It's just that... well, after what happened with Zant and everything, I thought that I'd--"

"Discuss this later?" Jason interrupted with a smile. If either Saiki or Akechi were paying attention, they would have seen Jason nervously glance up at them at the mention of 'Zant'. Leo slowly turned to face them, and when he saw them, he almost jumped out of his skin in shock.

"Y-yeah! Of course!" He exclaimed, hoping that he didn't seem too out of the ordinary there. Jason simply nodded in response, before walking back off. On the way out, he would have nodded towards Akechi and Saiki as well, most likely as some sort of formal greeting to the pair.

SheaFlower SheaFlower
Saiki narrowed his gaze over at the unfamiliar man who'd just left, obviously untrusting of anyone who didn't trust him - at least not enough to inform him of 'Zant'. And from the guy's thoughts, who or whatever it was, was something they rightly deserved to know about... Saiki would have to interrogate him later, though - Akechi was on the move, rushing towards Leo, eyes alight with curiosity and interest. Saiki followed her quickly - someone had to be there to reign in her gregarious speech.

"Hello!" Akechi said to Leo. "I'm Akechi Tomoko! You can call me Akechi. Or Tomoko! Or Tomo-chan! Not Akechan, though, because I'll punch you. It probably wouldn't hurt, though, because I'm not that strong! Not like Kusuo here! He's amazing! He could- Ah, never mind, that's personal. But he's very strong!" She said all of this in a rushed breath, then giggled, turning to Saiki. "Kusuo, you're being rude! Introduce yourself!"

Saiki shook his head in vague amusement at Akechi - though he was relieved she didn't go on for as long as she usually would. She was obviously so eager to make friends here and it would be a shame if Saiki had to scare her up some instead of her making them on her own.

"I'm Saiki Kusuo. Only Akechi here is allowed to call me Kusuo, for the record. It's Saiki to you." His voice was calm and cool, but his eyes spoke of deadly threats. Threats of what punishment, or for what actions, were unclear - though it definitely didn't seem to have to do with his name. His voice maintained its casual tone as he said, "So, what games have you got in this place... Your friend said your name was Leo?"

"Yea being a ghost is pretty cool." she said in her usual monotone voice, "The only thing that's kinda lame about it is that I can't really eat anything."
"O-oh..." Leo said as Akechi approached, smiling slightly as he met eyes with the pair. He had noticed them before, but he didn't really feel comfortable approaching unless they had talked to him first. He just wasn't very... social, he guessed would be the word. He wasn't very social. He watched in confusion as he listened to her ramble on, unsure of how to actually reply. When she finally finished, he just kept smiling, before nodding. "I'll just stick to Akechi, if that's alright." He said finally. He would then listen to Akechi's apparent friend, nodding in response to her words as well. When she asked him if his name was Leo, he nodded again. "That's right."

When asked about what kind of games they had their, Leo shrugged in response before turning to look at the rest of the room. "Well... just about everything, really," He explained. "Videogames, pool, mini-basketball, mini-golf, foosball... just about every recreational activity imaginable."

SheaFlower SheaFlower

"Yeah, that does sound kinda lame..." The teen girl said as she pulled out a juicebox from... somewhere and began to nonchalantly sip on it. "I'm Janna, by the way," She eventually said.

ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials
Saiki and Akechi looked around the room in interest. "Video games would be good, huh Saiki?" Akechi said, turning to look at him with a grin. "I think that's about the only thing I can have chance of winning against you in." She turned to Leo, leaning forward and giving a stage-whisper as she said, "He cheats at everything else. Can't cheat in video games, though!" She paused, then spoke in a normal tone, "Well, I guess there are cheat codes though... But I'd notice if he put one of those in!"

"A place like this probably has the cheat codes disabled on the systems anyway, Akechi,"
Saiki noted. "They clearly want everyone to be happy - hard to be happy if there's someone around not playing by the rules, though."

Akechi nodded sagely, as if that made complete sense and the way he'd worded it wasn't strange at all. It was commonplace for Saiki to make odd comments like that, after all.

"Name's Lilith, nice to meet cha." she said.

Lilith and Janna chatted for a few minutes until she decided to go over to the recreational room, so they said bye to each other and went their separate ways

Lilith got to the recreational room to relax until someone came to sit down on the couch to strike up a conversation.

(Open for interaction)
"Well... making everyone happy is certainly one way to put it," Leo said in response to Saiki and Akechi as he sat down on the couch next to them, smiling slightly. He leaned forward and picked up the controller, motioning for them to join him. "I mean... it's more so dedicated to just protecting the univese---" Leo would stop for a moment and clear his throat. "Sorry, multiverse. Still getting used to that." He said, following up his words with a light chuckle as he faced the two. "I'm assuming you two were recruited by Agent Coulson, correct?" He asked. When Lilith joined them in the Rec. Room, Leo would smile up at her and wave slightly. "Oh... hey there!" He exclaimed.

ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials SheaFlower SheaFlower
"Ah, yes we were!" Akechi chirped, picking up a controller of her own. "We got sent our invitations separately - mine came through the mail and Kusuo's was in a text. And he-..." She cut herself off, for once, and looked at Saiki hesitantly. No, she couldn't tell Leo that. No matter how strange this place was, she'd made a promise to Saiki that... That...

"It's okay," Saiki said, smiling gently at Akechi as he picked up another controller. "You can tell him. I get the feeling this place is strange enough that I won't exactly stand out." He motioned over to Lilith, a smirk on his face. "No offense, of course."

Oh... Well, if Saiki said it was okay! Akechi beamed, eyes sparkling before turning back to Leo. "See, Saiki has psychic powers. A lot of them. And one of them is telepathy! So when we were at school before we came here, he noticed my thoughts about me wondering if I should come here, and he sent me a telepathic thought. He said that he got an invite too, and if I came here, he would too, so I wouldn't be alone! I know that kind of goes against what the rules in the invitation said - not to tell anyone - but since I already knew about this place, it's okay, don't you think?" Once more, she said all of this in one breath. She just wanted to get it all out!

"If it's not, I'll take the blame, Akechi," Saiki said casually. "I am the one who did it, after all."

"Oh... well, you two are definitely lucky to have each other..." Leo said with a small smile as he reclined back into the couch, nodding a bit. He let out a sigh, and ended up crossing his arms as he began to reminisce. "I have a power too... but it's not really one I want," He replied, almost casually as he began to lose himself in thought. "I was here since this place started too, I guess... I was involved in uh..." Leo paused as he had to mentally bite his tongue on that one. He knew that Stark or someone would have his ass for sharing it, after all. "Well, I was involved in the first one of these 'Incidents'. It wasn't fun... but it opened my and a lot of other people's eyes up to the greater Multiverse." Leo's pure blue eyes gazed off to the side as he continued to think on what to say, his eyes simply meeting the floor in front of him. "Whether or not any of this is a good thing is still undecided, though..."

SheaFlower SheaFlower
Saiki frowned and looked at Leo for a moment. After a beat of silence, he said, "If it's at all any consolation - which, you know, I'm sure it's not - I don't exactly want my powers either." He shrugged, leaning back on the couch as well and looking up at the ceiling. "But I understand what you mean. The multiverse has everyone kept separate for a reason. Different people from different universes being mixed together like this - and then concentrated into one facility - can't be good. But assuming you - we - are all here for specific reasons, well... I don't know if that makes the original point null and void, or..." He paused, then shrugged. "We're making Akechi uncomfortable," he announced. "We can discuss this later."

Akechi blinked, looking up from where she'd been staring at her lap. For once, she didn't say anything more - further proof, in Saiki's opinion, that they needed to stop talking about this in front of her.


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