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Realistic or Modern The Bats Vs Dogs private

Videl gave a small nod hoping they could get that under control. "There is one more thing.. you can't help me with that, grandpa, but I just want you to know so you don't get hurt. I have really out of control ice powers.." She sighed wondering why she was the only one of her siblings that was having this much trouble. Bren smiled at her as he shook his head a little. "Just be there for me. That's all I really need. Is you to stay by my side." He knew that if he ever did lose it she would be the only one capable of pull him back. Mr.Ghost couldn't argue that. "Yes.. I went through both of those staging. I think the monster was mostly because I got stuck in a mind set of 'if I can't have my happiness then no one can', which slowly just became me focusing all my energy on family power and stuff to keep from thinking about her." He sighed knowing he had made many mistakes.Lane looked at her and sighed, "I see my father in you before my mother died. I see some of her in you too." He told her hoping she wouldn't get upset at that. Illya giggled at them. She could not deny they were Pride's children and seeing them made her happier then she could have imagined. "Alright, let's go back to the house and have some pie." She told them with a smile. Theory chuckled as he appeared behind Jade and pushed her enough so that she stumbled but didn't fall. "Mean? Am I really?" He asked with a cocky grin. Lyra went to bite him,but he grabbed her by her braid and gave a pull hard enough to make her whimper a little. "Major is going to be mad when I tell him about this." she warned. Sol gave a nod listening a little. He stopped and frowned having heard something strange. "Sis.. I think we should hurry up.. I got a bad feeling." He told her wondering why he felt like someone bad was following them. Salem chuckled at her pouting. "I remembering when I used to be the one pouting at you." He told her reflecting on their childhood. He missed those days sometimes. Ulric laughed at her a little. She made the world seem light and not as murky as he usually saw it. "I believe in possibilities." He told her with a soft sigh. "That and one of the elders back home is 120 and tells a lot of strange stories. She was my nanny as a child." He explained with a small smile. Cale turned into himself and walked over. "Why should I be nice? He's never nice." He grumbled as he grabbed her by the waist.
Soot nodded "thanks for telling me im sure the family will get everything under control alright..theirs no sense ..in living your life in fear "he said sighing .  Pearl grinned at him "alright i can do that ill try and keep my sanity for you "she said watching him gently "hmm our kids are going tk be great in their own way "she said smiling. Avalanche looked at mr.Ghost before sighing "oh i dont think anyone noticted "she said in a slight joking voice "hmm just so you know i wont apologize...for what i say.."she said seeming rather stubborn on that. Persia looked at him "but you dont like your farther so does that mean you dont like me "she asked frowning slightly sulking she gave a gentle sigh as she walked before making a rather how dare you face. Pride looked at illya when he heard the girls whimper "do i even want to turn around "he asked frowning. Jade growled "yes you are..and you just proved it "she said stumbling before eyeing him "grr..you jackass.."she mumbled. Major frowned and eyed theory "seriously...you needed to take it that far ?"he asked sighing watching all of them before shaking his head before looking at lyra and jade "are you two alright "he asked sighing. Aponi frowned "hmm alright come on well go..but whats wrong ?"she asked as she walked . Paige grinned watching him "hmm..i miss when we were kids remember when i used to take carw of you ?"she asked.  Melinda tipped her head slightly ".strange atories oooh tell me one you remember !" she said excitedly. Rowan smiled "posseive much cale ?"she asked watching him "oh..stop cale..play nice please..i mean adak anf katie are going to be married so we are going to be family "she said sighing.
Videl hugged her grandfather and sighed. "I know.. I just have a date tomorrow and.. well being around this boy excites the hell hound in me. I really like him too and I'd rather not end up eating him." She frowned wondering what she should do. "Maybe I should cancel." Bren smiled wondering whom their children would take after more. "I really hope they take after you my love." He told her knowing they would be in for it if they took after him. Mr.Ghost chuckled and sighed. "Why should you. I'm sure anything you say can be justified." He told her knowing he had done things to have people say worse. Lane shook his head  at her. "When my mother was still alive, my father wasn't so bad. I actually really looked up to him then. You remind me of him back then." He explained as he walked after her. "So where did you want to go shopping at?" Illya sighed and shook her head. "No.. you'll lose your tempter if you do love." She warned him having already turned around herself. Theory smirked as he shrugged his shoulders. "She was calling me names." He said in his defense though he figured his brother wouldn't buy it. "And Lyra tried to bite me. I had to put her in her place." He explained putting his hands up in jokingly defensive way. Lyra huffed as she glared at Theory. "He pulled some of my hair out." She grumbled holding her torn ribbon that had been keeping her hair in the braid. Sol shook his head as he followed after the sound of her voice. "I think someone is following us." He whispered to her as he picked up his speed a little. He was just about to say something else when a hand covered his mouth and someone grabbed him. *Run Aponi* He thought hoping she would be able to get away. Salem gave a nod and smiled. "I do. You were a great sister." He told her remembering all the stuff she used to do for him. Ulric smiled as he took a deep breath. "This one is about a hunter and gypsy. They were two girls that met in the woods one day. The hunter girl was named Vega and the gypsy girl was named Lyra. They would often sneak away from home to play with each other in the woods, but one day Vega's brother followed her and when he saw her at play with Lyra, whom was in the form of a wolf, he attacked and killed her. Vega in her anger and despair attacked her brother and took his life. After taking her brother's heart, she offered it in exchange for Lyra, however the soul reaper that appeared before her told her that she could not return Lyra, but she could reunite them in another way. So, she turned Vega into a star and Lyra become a constellation right next to Vega, the brightest star in the sky.They say on really dark nights you can hear them giggling and see them at play in the starry sky." He told her with a smile. "That was one of my favorites though their are other ones." He told her wondering what she thought. Cale rolled his eyes and sighed. "I don't mind them getting married and this is nice for me. I'm just mad that you are being nicer to his grumpy ass then you are to me when I'm grumpy." He whined and pouted at her.
Soot frowned "no don't cancel that could be the worse thing you could do..hmm..why not take someone with you..although that's putting someone else in the line of fire..hmm let's think about what to do and by tommrow if we haven't thought of anything.. then you can cancel alright.."he said sighing, Pearl sighed"maybe..one might the other one probably not.."she said frowning lightly "hmm..i just mean the other one is just a little different"she said looking at bren . Avalanche laughed slightly "... hmm yeah I suppose your right"she said before sighing *..lane Persia you two better be careful.. *she thought sighing "strange things have been happening in the town from what I hear.."she said in a slight grumble. Persia looked at her farther before sighing"hmm its not really a..store per say..more like stands.. "she said sighing shaking her head"sides..i have to pick up..something..for someone "she said with a slight eyeroll "...hmm so..your mom..what was she like?..i mean you don't have to tell..me but seeing as I don't have any grandmothers itd be nice to know something"she said frowning.  Pride frowned he could already feel his temper building he sighed "that veins sticking out of my neck..isn't it"he said running a hand through his hair clearly mad.  Major eyed him "you ever do that again..i will beat your ass into the ground got it"he said slightly snapping he sighed looking at Lyra ''hmm anything I can do to make it better?"he asked, Jade frowned slightly before crossing her arms "oh no I'm fine Major really..you know I just almost fell.."she said eyeing Lyra and Major she gave a worried sigh *great if these two ever get together..im going to be stuck by myself without any friends..*she thought slightly pouting she eyed theory"...you see why I call you an ass its because you are one"she grumbled. Aponi frowned lightly "...Sol?"she asked blinking she gave a slight frown *who the crap did that?*she wondred shaking her head *leave my brother and go get someone...or ..*she thought sighing , Melinda eyebrows raised"its sad but good.."she said sighing watching him "..so..you believe in other tales to ?"she asked watching him curioursly "okay so your not as terrible as I thought youd be "she said sighing. Rowan looked at cale before sighing"thats because I'm married to you and I put up with your grumpiness all the time... "she said rolling her eyes slightly,
Videl gave a nod and sighed. "I could always tell him the truth. If he really likes me then he wont run away." She said knowing she was going to be putting a lot of faith in this boy. "What was it like living with grandma?" She asked wondering if he had ever gotten scared that she might eat him or something. Bren smiled and sighed. "Well our children will be our children no matter whom they take after and I shall love them all the same." He assured her. Mr.Ghost gave a nod and sighed. "Yes.. and it worries me." He knew he didn't have long left in this world and he also knew the very person that would be his down fall. Lane nodded and said nothing. He wasn't sure if he wanted to know whom she was buying stuff for. "My mother was the sort that was always smiling. She had energy, confidence, and grace. She was wise too. The thing I remember the most is her fascination with dragons and wolves. She firmly believed that hunters came from such groups and originally were protectors but due to negative emotions and treatment they rose up and became something darker." He sighed wondering if his mother's old books were still at the family manner. Illya took his other hand and sighed. "Yes, love, it is. Take a deep breath. I'm sure they can handle this and if not I'll step in." She promised him, though she was rather curious right now. Theory shrugged not denying any of it. "Good luck with that brother. You know I'm not afraid of you." He told Major with a eye roll. "You know Jade, things could be really fun if you would just be bad with me." He told her with a wink before starting to walk away. "I think I'm going to go harass my grandparents while I'm here." He chuckled. Lyra sighed looking at Major. "Hair grows back. My ribbon on the other hand isn't so easily fixed." She sighed tucking it into her pocket before walking over to her father and looking at him. She was trying to hide her feeling for Major but it was hard. Jackal sighed as he cared the boy off. He only needed one right now. He used to be one of the scientist that had worked for Mr. White and he could stand it no longer, his work needed to be finished and a sibling of Sam and Aya was just what he needed. Ulric gave a nod. "I do." He smiled thinking about some of the other tales. "What were you expecting me to be, the devil?" He laughed. Cale rolled his eyes at her, but smiled. "Fine.. I guess that's a good reason." He said before kissing her cheek. 
Soot sighed lightly "...it was different lets just say that"he said with a smile"yeah you could tell him..i never told anyone till I was dead.. "he said frowning"i couldn't bear the thought of making anyone scared or knowing the truth "he said frowning lightly .Pearl nodded"i know its just worrisome at times.."she said sighing before smiling and grinning"hmm maybe when we get back home..we should scare pride "she said with a chuckle"that boy needs to lighten up ..at times.."she said with a sigh. Avalanche eyebrows arched"you worried how so?"she asked sighing"..sorry I forgot you are a person to "she said sighing"no matter what your son might say you have a heart somewere"she said rolling her eyes. Persia smiled lightly"i must get that from her..then I mean my fascation with Wolves and Dragons..or maybe it cause of Rowan..im not sure which"she said frowning she gave a quiet sigh"mom dosent talk about her family much does she?"she asked frowning lightly. Pride frowned"ugh my ears are burning..if those kids.. don't leave soon..illill snap"he mumbled lightly"i refuse to believe I'm hearing this right now"he said sighing before sticking his hands in his ears , Jade  rolled her eyes"oh yes I'm sure we could have all sorts of fun"She said sticking her tounge out slightly  she gave a gentle sigh watching Major and Lyra, Major rolled his eyes slightly"hmm alright Lyra..Jade ill see you later...okay...I gotta go stop this dumbass..before he does something incredibly stupid"he grumbled, Aponi frowned lightly before sighing and running *may aswell go get mom and dad..no matter how much trouble I might get into..*she thought before changing and running faster towards the place.  Melinda looked at ulric"kinda..a little bit..maybe"she said looking at him before smiling slightly"yeah okay a lot yes I was excepting you to be that"she said laughing. Rowan grinned before sighing lightly"remind me to call lane sometime this week"she said looking at cale"hmm cale ..we need to go on a vacation soon"she said smiling.
Videl looked at him and giggled at the thought she just had. "I bet grandma beat you up for keeping such a secret from her." She only knew her grandmother as a strong women that could be overly caring at times. "I'll tell him when I see him tomorrow. It's like mama says, if someone truly loves you then they will love you flaws and all." She wondered at what age her mother had gotten to be so wise. Bren chuckled at the idea. "That actually sounds fun. It would be a great tradition to start." He said being quite serious about it. "He does need to, though I guess my sister can get him to lighten up at times." He wouldn't think that had he not witnessed his sister's effect on Pride. Mr. Ghost just rolled his eyes a little at her. "I understand why he is so convinced of that. I wasn't the best person after his mother died. She was my reason for everything and without her I just fell apart." He sighed knowing Alphie (as he nicknamed her) would be very disappointed in him yet he knew she would still love him the same. It was just the way she was. Lane chuckled as a smile light his face. "Either or, though I like to think you get it from her." He sighed wondering if his mother would be proud. He hoped so. "No she doesn't but she has her reasons for that." Theory chuckled as he walked off toward his grandmother's Rowan's house. "I see you are tagging along brother." He called back to Major as he walked onto their grandparents porch. Lyra sighed looking back at her sister. Sometimes she wondered about her and Theory but most of the time she tried not to involved herself in Jade's business. "so... um.. daddy... you always have been grumpy." She giggled looking at Pride with a cute innocent smile. Ama sighed sitting on the porch waiting for the kids to get back. "Do you think they are alright?" She asked Samuel as she glanced over at him. She had to many bad memories of her older children being hurt to relax when they were away from her. Ulric laughed at that. "well I'm much better then that." He told her as he held onto her hand and smiled. Cale gave a nod but frowned sensing people on the porch. "You sense that?"
Soot grinned slightly"..hmm kinda in a loving way she did"he said chuckling "but she also let me know it was alright..in a sense..hmm that's cause your mothers right"he said chuckling he frowned slightly"still though are times when my hell hound form wants to go out of control like those strange full moons..and hunters moon"he grumbled. Pearl grinned"obviously she can"she said with a slight laugh"hmm..bren..home I'm not sure ille ver be ready to go back..i mean I want to see my friends and family but"she said sighing.  Avalanche rolled her eyes"..i can feel you rolling your eyes..yes I am well aware of how terrible you were heard the stories...and you were terrible before I married your son"she said sighing *I really must be bat shit crazy *she thought laughing.  Persia looked at her farther"hmm my shows having an art show coming up..if you want to come..just one of my drawings and paintings.. is being shown there"she mumbled as she walked before sighing looking at her feet. Major sighed "only to keep you doing something terribly stupid " he said sighing lightly watching him "why are you so mean to jade and Lyra?"he asked sighing, Pride nodded"yep always grumpy or always mad espically at mason"he grumbled slightly he gave a  quiet sigh"except for when theirs food involved"he said laughing slightly about it .  Samuel frowned seeing aponi running towards them"by the way shes running no"he said frowning he gave a gentle sigh hearing aponi yelling something about brother kidnapped by someone.  Rowan frowned"yep..i sense it I smell it..smells like masons and dollys scent"she said as she walked towards the door and opened it looking at the two "cale"she said.
Videl smiled as she sat down next to her grandfather. "So.. what's it like having a bond like that with grandma?" She knew they had a special relationship, and she honestly hoped she could have something like that in her future. Bren understood completely how she felt. "I know, but home is where we belong, though if it makes you feel better we can come back here every weekend." He told her knowing this place was calming and almost healing in a way. Mr. Ghost just chuckled at her. "You are thinking you are crazy, right? I don't think you are. I actually think you are pretty damn smart and brave. Not many people would have the guts to do what you have." He said as he sat back. Lane smiled listening to her, "I'd love to go. Maybe you should invite your brothers too." He did want some quality time with his baby girl though. Theory rolled his eyes a little. "I see it as pay back. Their father spent years tormenting and bullying ours, so I am turning the tables" He said, though there was more to it as well. "Plus Jade makes it so much fun to torment her." He laughed before seeing the door open. "Food!" He told Rowan knowing she already knew whom he was. "I'm not going to my other grandmother. She'll just beat me for being mouthy." He grumbled knowing Avalanche would always be Avalanche no matter the time. Lyra smiled as she followed him back to the house. "How are you going to explain us to your parents..?" She asked a little nervous what might happen. "So, do I get to see Uncle Brendon when he was young and bad?" She asked excitedly. "In our time Aunt Pearl keeps him on a tight leash cause she says he finds trouble to easily." She giggled remembering how her Aunt would say that. Ama stood up fast and ran to Aponi, pulling her into her arms. "Where is your brother? Where did you last see him?" She was thankful Aponi was alright, but scared for Sol. "Samuel.." She frowned having a awful feeling. In his fear, Sol had changed into a griffon and was calling out to his father in hopes he would hear him. Cale sighed coming to the door. "I don't even want to know how this is possible.." He grumbled and rubbed his head.
Soot smiled"its a great feeling .."he said smiling he gave a gentle sigh"weve seen each other at our worst of times..which just makes the bond even stronger"he said smiling watching Videl"so whats this guy like?"he asked curioursly watching Videl. Pearl nodded"id like that maybe once a month or until we reach our crazy limits"she said laughing she gave bren a smile before shaking her head "..hmm what are we going to do when we get back..you know the question everything is going to ask"she said laughing slightly about it,  Avalanche sighed"what..Put up with a Bratty husband..and his farther?"she asked slightly laughing before sighing "..hmm no the gypsy see me as Bat shit Crazy..part of me agrees with them on it..but ive crossed the line from Bat Shit Crazy to medically insane.."she said laughing . Persia nodded"its not just one night its two or three..i figured Bren would go one night..and mason would probably go with him or the other..night so um..what happened the day of my birth..mom just acts all werid when I ask"she said sighing. Major sighed before eyeing him"your making it sound like you like jade or something of the sorts.."he said sighing before eyeing theory and smacking him lightly on the back of the head. Rowan sighed looking at them"okay okay..you "she said sighing" kitchen table"she said eyeing the two"i don't know cale..just..go with it I'm not even going to ask how it is ..best thing you can do is not ask"she said sighing. Pride sighed"hmm..i don't know and what do you mean ..bad he goes bad?!"he asked slightly panicing looking at the two somewhat surpurised he gave a quiet sigh before looking at illya please tell me their lying "he said sighing. Samuel frowned before taking towards the sky "this way ama.."he said sighing before taking to the sky and flying towards sol his talons were out *I swear..he better unleash that boy now..or hes in for a world of pain *he thought eyeing the person.
Videl smiled seeing how happy her grandfather got when talking about his bond with her grandmother. "He's always pushing my buttons, but he can been sweet too. I bite him once though. Took a piece off the tip of his right ear.. but that only happen because he provoked me and the hell hound was in control a little. He thinks I'm cute when I get mean." She rolled her eyes a little though there was a smile playing on her lips. Bren laughed wondering, to, what they would tell them. "No matter what we tell them they will still poke fun at us." He pointed out to her. "How about we just ignore them when they ask?" He laughed knowing how much that would piss Pride off. Mr.Ghost sighed as he shook his head. "I don't believe you are insane in any form of the word. Actually you're probably more sane then any of us." He told her knowing that she had seen both sides of the world and had more knowledge to judge then most did. With all that knowledge she still chose Lane and the kids, which he thought meant a great deal. He had gotten wiser with age. Lane gave a nod thinking that was much better. "We can go see your art and then get dinner or desert after." He told her hoping she would enjoy that. It wasn't often they got alone time as father and daughter. Frowning at her question, he let out a low sigh, "A lot happen. Some good.. some not so much." He wasn't sure she was ready for all that yet. Theory stopped dead in his tracks and shot his brother a warning glare. "Never imply I like that thing in any manner again.. or I might have to bury you brother.." He told him making it known he wasn't above harming his older twin brother. Though his threat was empty in truth since he was only trying to cover his own ass. "Grandma, just know you are my favorite grandparent. You always feed me goodies, plus you never tell me how awful I am.. but I've yet to light your house on fire either." He laughed before sitting down. "Short verse, Jade and Lyra got sent back here from our time to mess with their father, Pride, and we just happen to be a happy bonus to whomever wanted to mess with him. He almost shit himself when he saw us." He laughed enjoying being the thorn in that man's side. Cale shook his head and let out a low whistle. "Poor Mason." Was all he could say about this. He knew Dolly was more then capable of handling such a child, but he wasn't sure about Mason. He almost felt sorry for him. Illya shrugged as she gave him a sheepish smile. "He does have the potential for it.. it's why I've been after you and Mason to put a stop to the awful bullying people do toward Bren." She said with a sigh. Lyra looked at her father and with out missing a beat went on, "Oh yeah he does! He fights a dragon, loses a leg, kills off half the ghost clan. He dominates most of the hunter and gypsy world in just one night." It was clear she idealized her uncle. "He's super amazing! But Aunt Pearl smacks him any time he starts to slip any more. She keeps him under control. Mom in the future says there is some serious mental scars Uncle Bren has." She said wondering what had all happen to give him such scars. Jackel had tied Sol to a tree by a rope around the boy's neck, as if he was some sort of dog. He was getting quite mad at the child's screeching. "Shut up you!" He growled storming over toward the boy about to strike him.
Soot chuckled slightly"hmm no wonder the hell hound tries to take over when hes around you"he said smiling slightly watching her before chuckling"sounds like you two will have a lot of fun together..if that's who you chose to really like"he said smiling. Pearl laughed "yes but that wont be good enough for some people"she said smiling at bren she gave a quiet sigh ",,atleast pride isn't as bad as he used to be"she said sighing. Avalanche looked at him before sighing"hmm I don't see how anyone can say that I'm not insane"she said before looking around slightly"..you know something don't you?"she asked eyeing him curioursly. Persia frowned lightly "..hmm sounds good"she said smiling"..im almost old enough to go into the games..i should be old enough to know about the brother I was supposed to have"she said eyeing him before giving hima rather stubborn ghost look.  Major looked at him before grinning"your just trying to cover your own ass..."he said grinning watching him "that's a ..empty threat and I know it"he said with a grin watching theory , Rowan smiled lightly watching them"..hmm good.."she said grinning"oh is that so..hmm must be some gypsy wanting to mess with him..wonder if its the wolf ive been seeing..strange looking one to be around town"she mumbled . Pride whined"but why do I have to do it..you know..i hate doing anything that requires a lot of work..and sides me and mason cant work together as a team theirs reasons for that"he said sighing before looking at lyra and jade he looked rather pale at the moment, Jade sighed"dont say much more..you might make him pass out or worse Lyra"she said sighing watching her farthers face she looked at lyra with an odd face *I wonder if she does like Major...*she thought sighing. Samuel  frowned before dive bombing on the person with his talons and hurling them towards a tree before getting his knife and cutting sol free"home now.."he said eyeing him *..I swear these two kids..are grounded for life..*he thought mad .
 Videl gave a nod and sighed, "Yeah.. I actually think the hell hound in me likes him more then I do.. though I do like him." She smiled remembering the over excitement she could feeling in the hound when he was around. Bren knew she was right, as she usually was. "Yeah, he's slowly growing up or getting lazy.. one of the two." He laughed knowing it was more likely the lazy one. "So we'll be home in the morning." He sighed not sure if he was ready to go back yet.. he knew what would be waiting for him back there. Lane sighed and looked at her. "I'm not even sure what happen.. one moment we had you and your brother.. the next he wasn't there any more and everyone's memory was hazy. I've tried everything to track him down if he's still alive or even find answers. Persia I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you running off looking for him. Trust me we already had to reason with your brothers about doing that." He frowned thinking about that day again. Theory just rolled his eyes at his brother. "I maybe trying to cover my ass, but I think you place to much confidence in our blood ties. I'm not above doing whatever I need to to get what I want." He pointed out to his brother. He was known for his semi evil methods of things. "It is. So grandma.. you seem to be taking this well. Is it because you are so wacky?" He smiled at her. Illya sighed and shook her head at him. "Well if you would rather deal with my brother after he loses his mind.. that's on you. And you don't have to work with Mason.. you could always go alone and maybe get your ass kicked." She could be brutally honest at times. "It's not like he knows Bren or anything and better at controlling his emotions." She said with a sigh as they walked. Lyra giggled a little as she skipped along. "You should really just do what mama says. She's never been wrong yet about things." She told him before zipping her mouth. Jade was right and she needed to filter what she said from now on. "Jade.. to answer your thoughts.. maybe." She sighed not sure of her own feeling completely yet but she could feel the spark. Jackel winced landing in the trees, but decided it would be best to back off for now. Sol took to the sky and flew off toward home. He just followed the scent of his mother. "Dad..?"
 Soot chuckled lightly"ah I see.." he said grinning "ive had that happen a few times as well.."he said with a grin  before sighing he slightly shook his head "hmm..i always hated waking up from a  black out when I was alive..i never had any idea what happened"he said frowning. Pearl frowned"your not ready to go0 yet are you?"she asked frowning lightly"ive got to say I'm not sure if im ready to go home.. but still.."she said smiling "and yes its the second one I believe if he thinks it will take to much energy other then laying down or going to sleep he wont do it"She said with a grin  she gave a quiet sigh thinking about it Persia looked at him before sighing "..that's not even right..."she said eyeing him "your telling me not to look for someone who is bascilly half of me.."she said eyeing him rather sternly about it"well maybe if my brother would have searched maybe we woulda found him by now"she said eyeing lane before sighing"i find it hard to believe it was to hazy for you to remember "she grumbled. Major eyed Theory "hmm no I'm not putting to much faith in our blood ties.."he said grumbling"i just know you try and attack me on grandmas porch..youll get your ass handed to ya "he said with a smirk, Rowan eyed him "you call me whacky..and ill beat your ass like a piñata with a baseball bat you understand "she said with a smile she gave a quiet sigh eyeing the two "no I take werid things like this well..because I know about anything can happen around here"she grumbled. Pride grumbled lightly "...okay okay fine..but I don't see what I can do..and how the heck can I work with mason on it"he said sighing "ill give it a shot"he grumbled , JAde eyed lyra before sighing lightly 'hmm..well...maybe we should track him down later ...and she if he wants to hang out"she whispred"but that thing would probably be with him"she said frowning. he sighed before flying after sol"you okay?"he asked frowning"your mother is going to murder me  I hope you and your sister know that"he grumbled.
Videl understood how he felt about that. "Have you ever blacked out around grandma or any one else in the family?" She asked knowing she had blacked out around only two people in the family. One of them had been Volt. Bren chuckled knowing he felt the same. "No, I'm not ready to go home yet.. but we have to. We both have teams waiting on us and jobs to do." He sighed not to excited about getting back to work. Lane sighed looking over at her. "Persia.. Bren has looked.. and still is looking. Do you really think he would have listen to me for long. I've looked to.. but everything about that day is just a blur. There is nothing to go off of. Whomever or whatever took your brother.. well they knew how to cover their tracks and have one heck of a scary ability." He sighed thinking about it. He still looked for signs that Avalanche and his boy was still out there somewhere. "If you want to look.. I can't stop you." Theory raised a eyebrow at his brother. "Sure I will. Mom taught me better." He grinned overly confident in his own abilities. Sitting at the kitchen table he looked at the people there and sighed. "Beside brother.. I know things you don't. You should though. You should learn to creep and listen." He chuckled leaning back. Cale sighed and shook his head, he was curious about these things Theory knew. Illya looked at him and sighed. "Just be there when things hit the ceiling.. It's going to happen soon and then you two wont have a choice." She frowned having sensed the change in the air. Lyra smiled at the idea but sighed knowing Theory would being lurking around where ever Major went. Turning to Pride, she took his hand, "We need to talk.. Alone." She whispered having something important to tell him even if it did change their future. Sol gave a nod, "I'm okay.. just startled a little.. I'm sure ma will be more relieved then anything." He tried to assure his father as they got back to the house. 
Soot frowned lightly"only my sister.."he said frowning "i woke up in a headlock.."he said chuckling"back then my sister could hold her own...that was the only person that knew "he said wrinkling up his nose"maybe my mother she might have guessed"he said sighing"what about you?"he asked sighing. Persia smiled"ah yes my girls..back home..hmm my best friends are there two and so is our familys..but eventually.."she said frowning looking at bren  before moving her feet slightly"..when you go crazy ill go slightly crazy with you"she said laughing slightly. Persia rolled her eyes slightly" yeah I'm sure they do..i know Denise.. has that ability"she grumbled lightly before sighing "i could probably find my brother faster then bren could..i mean..we are twins"she said quietly"and it seems like I take after moms side more then I do your side"she said watching him. Major sighed"hmm yeah I guess I should but then again maybe I'm happier not knowing things"he said sighing before eyeing theory"but then again..ya never know..oh and stop following me..espically when Jade and Lyra are around..you know how mad you make Jade.."he said rubbing his forehead remembering what had happened the time before. Pride frowned before sighing"hmm alright.."he said sighing he gave a curious look at jade"she looks more like my side..and lyra looks like your side dosent she"he said chuckling looking at the two  Before sighing looking at Lyra"what about?"he asked slightly curious . jade looked at her mother before sighing *..i wonder if i act anything like her..i know i get my temper..from my dad she thought sighing.  He nodded lightly watching sol"im sure your right.."he said sighing"..your sister..was already crying by the time she reached us"he said sighing worriedly"are you okay sol?"he asked worriedly.
Videl gave a nod and sighed, "I've blackout in front of Volt and Mama before. Mama doesn't want dad to know since he's already so overwhelmed by work. Bolt knows now too." She said smiling over at her brother. "I think daddy knows though.. he's always worrying about me." She sighed remembering all the questions and the way he watched her. Bren smiled at her feeling lucky for having her as his wife. "You are amazing.. to think you would go that far for me." He almost wanted to shed a few happy tears. "One more fun night before we go home?" He asked hoping to get a little lucky. Lane sighed knowing she probably could. "If you do find him, let me know and then we can bring him home where he belongs.. Just don't do anything reckless." He told her knowing she would going looking and he could stop her. Theory chuckled at his brother, "Well then I'm going to ruin your happiness. Mom is actually the Elf Queen.. like her birth mother before her. It hasn't happen yet in this time, but it will happen soon. So, by blood we are princes." He told Major with a sigh. "However, our mother's race of Elves only ever have a King when no daughter is born or the Queen has passed on and her heir is not of age. That being said, male heirs are normally assassins, knights, or married off to other kingdoms. Mom didn't want that for us, but she needed to produce a heir and our sister hadn't been born yet at the time." He glared at his brother knowing he was smart enough to figure it out and to know how half breeds often got treated compared to the pure bloods. "And I wont stop following you. Maybe I enjoy seeing Ja.." He stopped himself before he betrayed himself to Major. Illyas gave a bright smile and nodded, "They are both beautiful and I'm so happy to know how wonderful my girls will turn out." She said feeling blessed. "Jade.. would you like to go to town with me?" She figured Pride would be okay with Lyra. Lyra sighed taking his hand and pulling him away from the others. "About mom.. She's dead in our time.. I'm just hoping that if I tell you.. you can save her." She frowned glancing back to her mom. "She died shortly after having our brothers.." She hoped he wouldn't over react and would stay focused so they could plan a way to save her. "Also.. do you have medicine for.. well heart problems. Mine was left in my time and I can only go so long without it before I start to get sick." Sol gave a nod as he changed back to himself and felt his mother hug him. "I'm fine.. but that man.. he talked about Sam and Aya.." He was worried what that might mean.
Soot nodded"then he might know.."he said grinning he gave a quiet sigh"your farther smart at times.."he said sighing before shaking his head"...so do you think you will eventually be able to handle it with the familys help?"he asked curioursly watching .Pearl looked at bren "yes fine one more fun night only for you"she said eyeing him before giving him a playful look"hmm just as long as you kick pride in the ass if he ask"she said with a grin "no one needs to know right"she said laughing. Persia looked at him "dad..Ive got you and mom both in me..reckless..aint in me..you two genes bascilly leveled me out..moms reckless..you were not even going to get into that"she said laughing she gave a gentle sigh "..hmm I might have found him sorta I'm not sure"she said truthfully. Major frowned lightly before eyeing him"oh you enjoy seeing jade.."he said before sighing"then you really should like what happens when we get back to our time"he said in a slight mumbling voice before looking around at the walls "this place is different from what I remember it"he said sighing. Jade looked at Illya"sure.."she said smiling slightly she gave a gentle sigh"hmm..so whats it like at this time?"she asked curioursly watching her.Pride turned at her and said"Whatt?...and yeah we do I believe ..I always carry some in my desk at the office..just in case of your mother"he said looking at lyra "okay so I need to find some way to correct that right?"he asked sighing. He looked at sol before nodding"tell your mother that she will probably know whats going on"he said frowning lightly he had a sneaky suspicion about it to.
Videl gave a grin that radiated confidence and determination, "I know I will! I have more then enough support and love to get me through this and anything else life throws my way." She was always trying to look on the brighter side.  Bren smiled as he let out a chuckle and scooped her up into his arms. "Sure, I'll kick him in the ass and more if you ask. Anything you ask my sweets." He told her as he spun them around and fell back onto the bed laughing. Pearl was his happiness and he would always find the light so long as she was with him. Lane laughed hearing that. "I thought our two genes mixing would have the opposite effect." He told her knowing how he could get at times. "Well you know you have us if you need help." Theory sighed as he leaned back in the chair watching Major. "What if I do like seeing her?" He grumbled before jumping up. "I don't think you understand. I hate you for having the freedom I don't. You have blissful ignorance and the freedom to choose. However.. I'm stuck forever serving our sister and marrying the highest taker on my sarcastic ass. I can't like Jade and she can't like me either. You shouldn't get buddy buddy with Lyra either. Her father will never allow you two to be together." He pointed out with a sigh. Illya glanced over at Jade and smiled. She loved how much Jade took after her father. "It's probably not to much different from your own time, though there probably are different conflicts there then here. Would you like me to show you around?" She offered knowing it would be the easiest way to answer her question. Lyra gave a nod. "Some Dragon tricked you into killing her. He stole another dragon's power of illusions and tricked you into seeing something else so that you would stab mom. It was the same dragon that bit, well will, bite uncle Bren's one leg off." She told him remembering what she had been told and seen. "In my time mom has been gone almost ten years." She sighed thinking about it. "Can we go get that medicine?" Sol gave a nod and sighed as he explained everything he had heard. Ama sighed as she finally let go of her son. "Sounds like one of the head scientist that worked for Mr. White. He'd be stupid to go after Sam or Aya, but he wont waste a second going after the children.. We should tell the others." She wasn't sure how they would handle it but she knew it was important.
Soot nodded "good I'm glad..then you will be fine "he said sighing watching her "hmm...ill show you..were I learned control..this week alright"he said with a grin he gave a quiet sigh"hmm..tell your mom when you see her I said hello alright..and she and her lazy husband need to come around more often"he grumbled. Persia nodded"i know..oh um your Christmas..gift..or new years whatever mother calls it..what do you want steak knives..since mom keeps hiding all the good ones.."she asked watching her farther curiously , Major sighed lightly  before rolling his eyes" ...Theory..youll eventually learn some dads..will do anything to keep their daughters happy.. Prides one of them... "he said sighing and shaking his head "you worry to much things work themselves out in time"he said grumbling, Jade looked at Illya"its a lot different then our time from what ive noticted"she said sighing"sure..so do you want to know how we got here our are you good on that?"she asked . Pride frowned "sounds like crow almost.."he grumbled"yeah sure"he said walking "so whats it like without your mother what am I like?"he asked a little worried about that "do I do your hair or who does it?"he asked curioursly. He sighed watching ama"..yes lets do that.."he said frowning "why were you two..around that area anyways?"he asked curioursly watching them. 
Videl smiled and hugged him. "Thank you grandpa!" She was so thankful to have him. "You know mom is just going to say that she's here helping with the dragons almost every day and if that not enough she'll just move in." She giggled knowing how sassy her mom could be at times. Lane chuckled knowing Avalanche had gotten bad about taking the knives. "No, she'll just take those too. How about you just get me a cat. That will really mess with your mom." He laughed wanting to get back at her a little for all the times she called him a child. Theory rolled his eyes and sighed. "Not everything works out all the time just like that and your stupid if you think that's how things work. If you want me to believe something so silly then prove it smart ass." He told his brother in a more relaxed manner then he normally had. Illya smiled at her, "I'm good on that. However you got her, well I'm just going to take it as a blessing. I get to see how beautiful my girls will be." She told her as she took her to the ice cream shop. Lyra sighed as she looked at him. "You braid my hair every day when you are home. You work a lot and don't smile that much, but you've always been there for us. Grandma and Grandpa help a lot too. I think you all handle it so well because mom made you promise her you would." She told him as she stopped walking, thinking about it. Sol sighed as he sat down. "We were playing. It was my fault we were out there.. I'm sorry." He told his father hoping to keep his sister out of trouble.
Soot chuckled"your right she will..hmm and her moving in dosent sound so bad..that thing..though..im not sure..about him yet..he seems to work himself in the ground am i wrong?"he asked sighing looking at videl"what happened to him by the way..he seems different now"he said frowning slightly worried though hed never admit to anyone if they ever asked. Persia looked at her dad before luaghing "hmm it might or it might not remember she used to own one...she named mason after it so shell probably just kidnap it..i could just get you hunting dog.."she said luaghing about it"though that might just encourage mom..is she okay by the way i havent seen her as a wolf in awhile"she said frowning worriedly.Major grinned looking at theory"i will..and by the way their are several loopholes in what you said about your fate.."he said crossing his arms "..as dad always tuaght me look for loopholes.."he said sighing looking at his brother"..hmm so why do you aggrivate jade all the time..shes going to all crazy on your ass one day and you know it"he said sighing.Jade sighed"i want rocky road..or Moose tracks..am i really alot like dad?"she asked curioursly"i know..he says..i act like him when im in love..he said that to me one day in the future i dont understand what that means...yet"she said getting quite aggrivated quickly"..i know i have his hair color..but were does the curls come from..and my Jade eyes come from?"she asked. Pride nodded lightly" i dont sound to happy..how could i be without your mother..shes the air i breathe"he said frowning at the devstating thought"..i braid your hair.."he said with a grin"hmm ...well good even when mios grown i still have someones hair to do"he said with a chuckle, Aponi frowned lightly looking at sol"..acutelly its my fualt..i had a friend there"she said frowning lightly    He looked at sol before sighing"i know better then that..but im not going to argue "he grumbled before hearing aponi"hmm well i think this was punshiment enough"he grumbled, Denise looked around"boy were the heck did you go"she thought quite aggrivated that her grandson had dissapred on her she sighed "you best be back here soon"She thought worriedly pacing the floor *what am i even going to say to my daughter when i see her?*she wondred .
Videl sighed as she sat down next to her grandfather and pulled her knees to her chest. "He does work a lot. I think it's because mom can't any more.. that and he's trying to catch this black dragon that has become the biggest criminal in town." She said wondering if he was still working. "He's always been like that since I remember. Maybe.. it's because of what happen to mom when I was born. He's always so cautious." She wasn't sure what had happen but she knew it had had a big impact on her parents. Lane sighed knowing his daughter had a point. Avalanche could and most likely would use anything she could as encouragement or worse. "In some ways you could say she's not okay." He sighed knowing the trouble Avalanche had been having. Theory stood up and slammed his hands on the table. "Fate is bull. There is no such thing. We all die.. it's just a matter of how we waste our own time until that happens. Plus there are plenty of way around things, but sometimes doing things to get the out come you want hurts other people. I don't want to hurt our sister.. So I'll happily stay her loyal dark knight." He told Major as he tried to calm himself. "Maybe I want Jade to go crazy on me." He told him with a irritated sigh. Illya ordered their ice cream and found them a table. "You are a lot like him. Your eyes come from my father's mother. She had beautiful jade eyes like you. You also get her curls." She told her as she pulled out a picture of Alphie. "See, she had long blonde curls and jade eyes." She pointed out. "Everything else must come from your father." She laughed. She wasn't sure what he might have meant by Jade acting like him. Lyra gave a nod and sighed. "I don't think you are happy either. Mom was amazing in the short time I knew her. Life has never been the same since she died. It's been easier for our brothers since they were only a few months old when she died." She told him frowning about it. "Yes, you braid my hair all the time. I remember how you fixed it the day I first went into the games." She smiled playing with her hair a little. "My hair is curly like Jade's but I have it braided most of the time so you really can't tell." Sol hugged his sister and sighed. "You didn't have to tell dad that." He told her. He had been more then ready to take the blame for them both. Paden sighed eating his burger as he walked back home. He really didn't want to go home, but he knew if he stayed gone to long he would be in even more trouble.
He nodded lightly "..i see and yeah i remember that..such almost a tragic incident,..that day"he said frowning "do you need me to walk you home or is that why bolts here..?"he asked arching his eyebrows curioursly"hmm come over when your done with everything tommrow and we will see if we can figurie out this one problem alright"he said smiling gently before standing up, Persia frowned lightly"hmm i was afraid of that..do you think she even wanted to keep her wolf half and if so is there some way we could reverse it why does mom hate most gypsy .. i understand hunter but her ownkind?"she asked curioursly "oh...so in gym this week were going over selfe dense"she said frowning slightly " think you can write me a note to get me out of that ?"she asked clearly annoyned about the gym thing. Major rolled his eyes "...well when she does.. i dont want to be near when it happens "he said frowning"hmm you must get your temper..from slate "he grumbled. Jade nodded before smiling "..hmm is there anything youd like to ask me?"she asked sighing "hmm whats your worst fear i know what dads was but yours i dont know "she said frowning gently she gave a quiet sigh "i dont want to go back.."she said frowning. Pride nodded lightly "..your mother is amazing...shes the only person i know who can make me so mad..and make me give all at the same time "he said luaghing he frowned before getting the medience he gave a gentle sigh"here you go"he said sighing"..so you and masons kids..seemed chummy"he said slightly confused on how he felt about it. Aponi nodded"i know..i know i didnt..but this time im not letting you take the fall for my stupidness next time we will take one of our older sibblings with us"she said frowning, Denise sighed as she waited on the porch in wolf form she sighed when she smelled his scent *...what am i even going to tell them ..should Paden go see his sister atleast..*she thought frowning slightly "im going to be in so much trouble over this"she thought sulking lightly before shaking her head.
Videl stood up and hugged him before walking over to Bolt. "Bolt will take me home. I'll see you tomorrow grandpa." She told him with a soft smile before turning to her brother. "Thank you for bringing me out here and waiting too." She really appreciated it. Lane sighed thinking about that. "Sometimes I think she just wants that part of herself gone and other times I think she gets depressed without it. She hates them because sometimes your own kind can be more hurtful then any other. It's why I don't care for hunters or gypsies either. No one kind is truly good." He warned her hoping she would never have to learn that lesson for herself. "If I write you a note you'll have to make that class up in my own twisted version of it." He grinned wondering what she would choose. Theory glared at him but sighed. "Yes I do.. stop rubbing it in." He huffed clenching his fist in a effort to stay calm. "Maybe when it does happen she'll realize how great she could be with me." He chuckled just at the thought of her losing it. Illya smiled at her and  sighed. "Well, do you have other siblings beside Lyra?" She asked not sure she wanted to know to much about the future. "I think my worst fear is ending up how my own mother did.. She died young.. but her soul was destroy as well. Almost as if she never really existed." She sighed knowing how hard that would be on every one. "Why not? It can't be that bad in your time." She was puzzled by Jade a little. Lyra smiled hearing that as she took the medicine. "I have a picture of our family.. right before we lost mom. It always makes me smile when I see it cause you are teasing her in it." She laughed thinking about it. "I remember mom used to say the one thing she loved most about you was also the one thing that irritated her the most too. How stubborn and prideful you could be." She giggled remembering the face her mom used to make when she would say that. "Yeah, Major has always been a great friend. Theory is more of a tag along, but personally I think him and Jade kind of like each other and just wont admit it." She said wondering how he felt about all this. Sol gave a nod and laughed, "Sam! He's easy to convince of fault and he'd never let anything bad happen either." He knew how protective there brother could be. Paden grumbled as he saw her waiting on the porch. "I was just hungry..." He said hoping to avoid getting in trouble. He really didn't understand some of the things his grandmother did.

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