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Fantasy The Amnesia Games


"Ngr... Where I Am...?" Auron said as he opened his eyes. His head hurt a lot, as if he just got hit by a truck or something like, soon, he just got up from the floor. Taking a look as his surroundings he could conclude it was a forest of some sort. Quickly the noise of creatures and people apparently into some fight came to his ears. "What the heck is going on here?.... wait.. what just happened? I cant remember nothing! Oh right that jerk voice announcer!" Auson said molested as he recalled the Watcher message... but as soon as he figured out he was in some sort of game.. a group of lizzardman appeared. "Uh oh...Time to go!" He said while moving as fast as he could, pulling out his game. "Well at least I remember how to use this!" Said it, he lauched a bunch of mini pixeled meteors at the lizzardmen, destroying at least 3 or 4 of them, however he soon realized there wer more than just 5 or 10. "Yikes! I need help! Gotta find someone"

He soon found a group of people fighting against the same creatures. Auron tried to reach them, but for his bad luck he was quickly surrounded by the monsters. "Uh oh... not again!" he shouted as he pulled out a card, summoning a barrier like, as he was preparing an attack on his device. "Hey! Help here please!" Auron shouted to the group, as hoping the barrier he created wouldn´t fade fast.


The smell of humidity came around Kyle´s noise as he slowly opened his eyes. After listening the Watcher´s message he just took a little bit of a breath, summoning his keyblade: Lightning Strike on his right hand. "Welp, at least I caan still use this. HE said while starting to move. "There´s gotta be someone else here." he said, suddenly crossing paths with a group of lizzardmen. "Well.. I guess you´re not the friendly welcome group. hehehe... oh no..." Kyle said looking nervous as he prepared himself to battl.

He started to slash the monsters with his keyblade moving as fast as he could across the mass of enemies in front of him. HE needed to find someone to fight together and soon. A lizzardman caused a scratch on Kyle´s arm, but quickly he struck it down. Soon he saw a group of people, mayority ...humans as well, fighting those things. "Need some help?" Kyle shouted as he tried to reach the group, while attacking enemies.


"Mmm really? you need to be more creative on this. We won´t want to destroy all the players just in round one. I agree with Oryx on this, things are gonna be more satisfying if we just ...play along for a littlee bit. Tee hehehehe.." The young lady replied to the two sort of allies she had, as she played her orange hair with her fingers, she turned to the black swited man. "So Cyler... What will be the plan to follow up? I´m way tooo eager to begin this game." She said with a kind of creepy, yet joyful smile.
"Oh Vendraa's garters!" Fenarro cried in frustration, slamming a pillar of earth up, sending most of the lizards flying away . "Get your head outta yer arse!" He yelled, a lizard glomping him from behind, only to be suffocated by Nour. His boots scuffed the earth, and the metallic smell of blood filled his sharp nose. This wasn't unpleasant, fighting on the winning side of the war. But taking on this many foes at once... It angered him that he couldn't recall why.
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Just then Frostbite remembered something and turned into a car "I almost forgot I could do this!" she would smile now if she had a face,and began driving around running over lizardmen left and right,she made sure to wipe her windows and go fast so that she wouldn't get any clingers on the hood or anywhere around her hood "Lets see if I still have weapons.." she focused and her doors had her blades on the side and allowed her to chop off anything coming from the side or preform a 360 and cut lizard people in half with the side blades on her doors she by now had probably killed 20 or more lizards she wasn't counting she was just trying to protect any sneak attacks from happening
Rija had become a whirlwind, her blaster pistol firing perfect shot after perfect shot, picking off stragglers and threats with ease. Meanwhile her other hand was quite busy wielding her lightsaber, the blue rod of pure destructive energy slicing off the heads of those that dared come near her. She strode across the battlefield, keeping tabs on everybody. Suddenly, a large group jumped from the trees and surrounded her. They began to encroach on her slowly, waiting for an opening. Rija took a deep breath. This was fine. She switched her sword off, and put it back onto her belt. The Soldier clenched her fists, and the electricity began to crackle around her gloves. Rija made the first move, rushing forward and punching straight through a shield. It shattered, and she then unloaded a several blaster shots into its chest. Rija turned around quickly, and ducked under two strikes that came right for her, sweeping with her leg in a wide arc. As they fell, she fired two more shots, one for each head. Now they began to come quickly, and the Soldier fought without thinking. She pistol-whipped one across the face, the electricity arcing from her glove right into the enemy's skull, stunning him long enough for her to fire a blast right after ward. As more surged forward, Rija leaped up, then off a lizard's shield. She flipped in the sky, quickly switching out her laser battery for a canister of very familiar gas. She fell in a dive, punching an enemy out of the way, and driving electricity through her glove enough to kill it. Now on the ground, she pulled the trigger on her pistol once more. A huge jet of flames shot out, and she spun slowly, thoroughly drenching all of them in flames enough to last them the night for a bonfire. She stood once more as they fell, one by one, the flames proving too much to stand.

Neena was just about finished with this encounter. As she ended another lizard with a hammer of light that had descended from the sky, she knew what was next. Neena vanished into a dark corridor, then reappeared again above the thick of the army. She was clothed in a short black dress, with lace trim. Her skin had paled to a deathly white, and her eyes went yellow. Her jet black hair was far longer, down to her waist, and she wore black sandals. And she was much more powerful. As she descended, a black aura began to surround her, and once she touched the ground, she exploded, darkness flying everywhere, killing them by the dozens. And then she was gone from her landing site, behind a lizard, her blade already having crossed its throat. She spun, swinging her blade in a wide arc and sending a wave of darkness shooting from the blade, killing the lizards that were in her general vicinity. Then she pulled out her bow and fire a triple shot. They flew true, each going a different direction. As they neared their destination, Neena pulled out another arrow and spun it between her fingers, before stabbing it into the ground. The three arrows exploded in another dark blast, taking out about ten each. But this was only the beginning. Nothing dark exists without a corresponding light. And so, as lizard upon lizard pounced upon her, the Assassin sent light magic through her blood. And the lizards that had dogpiled soon regretted it, torn to shreds by a golden broadsword. Neena stood, though she was far less recognizable, garbed in a beautiful suit of gold plate mail. Her hair, now a sunny blonde, was up in a ponytail. Her blue eyes played off her tanned skin, creating a figure of pure beauty. But that was not what mattered. Not in the slightest. Because she hefted her blade up, and pointed it right at the majority of the remaining army. Dozens and dozens of blades of light began to materialize behind her. She wound back, then chucked her sword with all her strength. The rest of her blades followed, butchering the lizard army.


Kinzoku pranced into the center right by Jack, her discs continuing to whir and churn through the enemy's ranks, cutting them down repeatedly. She spotted an outlier, a newcomer that was coming close enough that Kinzoku worried for his safety should Jack do something threatening enough. She spun her hands, manipulating her discs into a scoop of sorts, then flew it over to Kyle, bashing a couple lizard skulls in along the way. Without warning, she picked him up, and then threw him like a lacrosse ball into the center. She giggled a tad. "I'm sorry for the rudeness!" She apologized to him.

Ryonne was still in the midst of battle, tearing through the enemy like they were nothing. His blade flashed alongside his rifle, beating enemies into the great beyond. But Ryonne felt another power tug on him. He sheathed his blade in a moment of respite and shut his eyes. He could feel the chemicals rushing through him, and a storm was generated as he sorted through himself, rain and wind pelting the enemies, with occasional flashes of "light"ning. Ah there it was. He opened his eyes once more, and a huge sword had been generated in front of him. He surged forwards, the blade responding to his every thought. It shot forwards with him, destroying everything in it's path. He pulled out his own sword, and sliced cleanly through an enemy. The sword aura responded to this as well, slicing downward destructively. It stuck in the ground, but Ryonne knew that would not be the end of it. He stabbed through an enemy, and the sword, not being able to dislodge itself, split into dozens of tiny knives, and stabbed forwards with him. He flowed from enemy from enemy from then on, the knives shredding the enemies to pieces as they did same thing that the blade he held did. He glanced up from this occupation to see the others gathering in a single area. He let the daggers shoot forwards one last time, then sped over to the center. "Henry!" He called to his comrade that was also still out and about, murdering.


"I know everything about conventional swordsmanship. What you do is far from conventional." Alysa responded, slicing through another opponent. She noticed the other's boosting their power as well. She smiled slightly. She hadn't even reached quarter capacity yet. Alysa surged her power through her blade, and a huge burst of obliteration came from the weapon. The lizards nearby evaporated. Alysa moved forwards, slicing through enemies like they were nothing. She summoned a shotgun out of nothing with her blade, and picked it up. The Fencer dashed forwards into a crowd, and shot one down immediately. Alysa spun around, then surged her power through the blade. A huge blade was created out of her own sword as she spun, the momentum creating a curve and throwing it forward after it left it's summoning. It chopped several more in half. Then she turned a sharp 180, and fired the second shotgun shell point blank into the head of a lizard that thought it was a ninja. Then she threw the empty shotgun at Derik for fun.

The Doctor whistled in awe as he watched the dragon do some work. "Remind me later hunter, that I must simply take a full inventory of your repertoire after this is all said and done." Unfortunately, while he did have some beasts that were as large and fantastic as the dragon, he dared not summon them, at least not now. They were dangerous, and he was uncertain that he could control them, particularly with all the chaos about. So instead he summoned John, dismissing the Romanian Serpent in the process. The Vukodlak's fur rippled with the muscles underneath, and it promptly bit a lizard in half. The Doctor also summoned his bow, and leaped onto the Bear-Wolf hybrid. "Onward!" He cried, firing off an arrow, right into a lizard that was behind Derik. "I must also add that you seem to be the only one dumb enough to get hit with a sledgehammer!" The Doctor cried his witty remark on the conversation that had occurred so far. John began to get to work, charging into a huge group of lizards and tearing them limb from limb, it's fur quickly becoming matted with blood.


Cyler rubbed his hand through his hair. "You guys are giving me a headache already. This will be a long game. Alright, as an executive decision, we split up to meet the groups in a bit, once they start travelling. I'm taking the Deserters. Divide the rest among you how you will, I don't really care. We'll try and come up with a long term plan after that." He said, standing up from his seat and stretching. The Serial Killer promptly left the room.

After running a lizard through, Oni turned to see who the new voice belonged to. She spotted Kyle as Kinzoku scooped him up and flew him into the group. Using a few Blizzard spells to cover herself, she backed up, so as to get closer to Kyle.

"You okay?" She asked, hitting a lizard man in the chest with magical ice. "I'm Oni, by the way. Who are you?"


Kira whistled as she paused a moment to see Frostbite's vehicular homcide taking place.

"Now, that's what I call style." She said with a grin.

She chose to ignore Derik and Alysa for now. Their egos were gonna take time to wind down. Maybe they'd die before then. Either way, they wouldn't be Kira's problem anymore.

With a few lizards getting closer, Kira used a little bit more of the absorbed magic to blast them with fire. Her wrist device beeped, informing her she was running low on mana again.

"And getting more is fun." She grunted sourly.

Going back to the trusty revolver, the Gunslinger kept blasting bits of lizard off.


Vec shook his head sadly.

"So rude." He said, commenting on Cyler's departure. "I guess we'll have to play this by ear."

He glanced between Oryx and Akane, then shrugged.

"Care to join me in introducing ourselves to the Meadow group?" The Void Warlock asked Akane.
[QUOTE="Yuffie Kisaragi]Rija had become a whirlwind, her blaster pistol firing perfect shot after perfect shot, picking off stragglers and threats with ease. Meanwhile her other hand was quite busy wielding her lightsaber, the blue rod of pure destructive energy slicing off the heads of those that dared come near her. She strode across the battlefield, keeping tabs on everybody. Suddenly, a large group jumped from the trees and surrounded her. They began to encroach on her slowly, waiting for an opening. Rija took a deep breath. This was fine. She switched her sword off, and put it back onto her belt. The Soldier clenched her fists, and the electricity began to crackle around her gloves. Rija made the first move, rushing forward and punching straight through a shield. It shattered, and she then unloaded a several blaster shots into its chest. Rija turned around quickly, and ducked under two strikes that came right for her, sweeping with her leg in a wide arc. As they fell, she fired two more shots, one for each head. Now they began to come quickly, and the Soldier fought without thinking. She pistol-whipped one across the face, the electricity arcing from her glove right into the enemy's skull, stunning him long enough for her to fire a blast right after ward. As more surged forward, Rija leaped up, then off a lizard's shield. She flipped in the sky, quickly switching out her laser battery for a canister of very familiar gas. She fell in a dive, punching an enemy out of the way, and driving electricity through her glove enough to kill it. Now on the ground, she pulled the trigger on her pistol once more. A huge jet of flames shot out, and she spun slowly, thoroughly drenching all of them in flames enough to last them the night for a bonfire. She stood once more as they fell, one by one, the flames proving too much to stand.
Neena was just about finished with this encounter. As she ended another lizard with a hammer of light that had descended from the sky, she knew what was next. Neena vanished into a dark corridor, then reappeared again above the thick of the army. She was clothed in a short black dress, with lace trim. Her skin had paled to a deathly white, and her eyes went yellow. Her jet black hair was far longer, down to her waist, and she wore black sandals. And she was much more powerful. As she descended, a black aura began to surround her, and once she touched the ground, she exploded, darkness flying everywhere, killing them by the dozens. And then she was gone from her landing site, behind a lizard, her blade already having crossed its throat. She spun, swinging her blade in a wide arc and sending a wave of darkness shooting from the blade, killing the lizards that were in her general vicinity. Then she pulled out her bow and fire a triple shot. They flew true, each going a different direction. As they neared their destination, Neena pulled out another arrow and spun it between her fingers, before stabbing it into the ground. The three arrows exploded in another dark blast, taking out about ten each. But this was only the beginning. Nothing dark exists without a corresponding light. And so, as lizard upon lizard pounced upon her, the Assassin sent light magic through her blood. And the lizards that had dogpiled soon regretted it, torn to shreds by a golden broadsword. Neena stood, though she was far less recognizable, garbed in a beautiful suit of gold plate mail. Her hair, now a sunny blonde, was up in a ponytail. Her blue eyes played off her tanned skin, creating a figure of pure beauty. But that was not what mattered. Not in the slightest. Because she hefted her blade up, and pointed it right at the majority of the remaining army. Dozens and dozens of blades of light began to materialize behind her. She wound back, then chucked her sword with all her strength. The rest of her blades followed, butchering the lizard army.


Kinzoku pranced into the center right by Jack, her discs continuing to whir and churn through the enemy's ranks, cutting them down repeatedly. She spotted an outlier, a newcomer that was coming close enough that Kinzoku worried for his safety should Jack do something threatening enough. She spun her hands, manipulating her discs into a scoop of sorts, then flew it over to Kyle, bashing a couple lizard skulls in along the way. Without warning, she picked him up, and then threw him like a lacrosse ball into the center. She giggled a tad. "I'm sorry for the rudeness!" She apologized to him.

Ryonne was still in the midst of battle, tearing through the enemy like they were nothing. His blade flashed alongside his rifle, beating enemies into the great beyond. But Ryonne felt another power tug on him. He sheathed his blade in a moment of respite and shut his eyes. He could feel the chemicals rushing through him, and a storm was generated as he sorted through himself, rain and wind pelting the enemies, with occasional flashes of "light"ning. Ah there it was. He opened his eyes once more, and a huge sword had been generated in front of him. He surged forwards, the blade responding to his every thought. It shot forwards with him, destroying everything in it's path. He pulled out his own sword, and sliced cleanly through an enemy. The sword aura responded to this as well, slicing downward destructively. It stuck in the ground, but Ryonne knew that would not be the end of it. He stabbed through an enemy, and the sword, not being able to dislodge itself, split into dozens of tiny knives, and stabbed forwards with him. He flowed from enemy from enemy from then on, the knives shredding the enemies to pieces as they did same thing that the blade he held did. He glanced up from this occupation to see the others gathering in a single area. He let the daggers shoot forwards one last time, then sped over to the center. "Henry!" He called to his comrade that was also still out and about, murdering.


"I know everything about conventional swordsmanship. What you do is far from conventional." Alysa responded, slicing through another opponent. She noticed the other's boosting their power as well. She smiled slightly. She hadn't even reached quarter capacity yet. Alysa surged her power through her blade, and a huge burst of obliteration came from the weapon. The lizards nearby evaporated. Alysa moved forwards, slicing through enemies like they were nothing. She summoned a shotgun out of nothing with her blade, and picked it up. The Fencer dashed forwards into a crowd, and shot one down immediately. Alysa spun around, then surged her power through the blade. A huge blade was created out of her own sword as she spun, the momentum creating a curve and throwing it forward after it left it's summoning. It chopped several more in half. Then she turned a sharp 180, and fired the second shotgun shell point blank into the head of a lizard that thought it was a ninja. Then she threw the empty shotgun at Derik for fun.

The Doctor whistled in awe as he watched the dragon do some work. "Remind me later hunter, that I must simply take a full inventory of your repertoire after this is all said and done." Unfortunately, while he did have some beasts that were as large and fantastic as the dragon, he dared not summon them, at least not now. They were dangerous, and he was uncertain that he could control them, particularly with all the chaos about. So instead he summoned John, dismissing the Romanian Serpent in the process. The Vukodlak's fur rippled with the muscles underneath, and it promptly bit a lizard in half. The Doctor also summoned his bow, and leaped onto the Bear-Wolf hybrid. "Onward!" He cried, firing off an arrow, right into a lizard that was behind Derik. "I must also add that you seem to be the only one dumb enough to get hit with a sledgehammer!" The Doctor cried his witty remark on the conversation that had occurred so far. John began to get to work, charging into a huge group of lizards and tearing them limb from limb, it's fur quickly becoming matted with blood.


Cyler rubbed his hand through his hair. "You guys are giving me a headache already. This will be a long game. Alright, as an executive decision, we split up to meet the groups in a bit, once they start travelling. I'm taking the Deserters. Divide the rest among you how you will, I don't really care. We'll try and come up with a long term plan after that." He said, standing up from his seat and stretching. The Serial Killer promptly left the room.

"If you knew everything, then you would realize on thing about sword fighting: if it works and does so like a sword, you don't question it. If it kills like a sword, don't question it."

He drove the beam saber through a number of the lizards, using it like a pole lance, they piled up to about seven before he flung the corpses off with a horizontal slash towards Alyssa's pile of to-be-dead bodies, crushing two of them under some lifeless corpses, and those that evaded met the edge of the buster sword as it tore through their flesh in the next following swing. Derik saw the incoming shotgun, then, and holstered the beam saber once again to catch it, using it to bash in the head of another lizard, opened the barrel chamber and slammed it into a lizard's neck, and forced it closed: crushing it's throat completely.

As the Derik covered for a lizard on his back, and followed with his quip, Derik responded with his own assist: shooting three of the lizards on his tail with the neurotoxin picks he had.

"Stupidity and matter of a case are two diffrent things. We can't avoid every attack: it's not possible to evade every strike every battle and never take a hit. So should it come that we face someone with a sledgehammer, I figure you would rather be the "idiot" as you so claim I am that has to stay in close-quarter with them, be they fast enough to hit our lovely super-evading Doctor." He let the snark on the tail end of that statement be hard to mistake, almost biting in nature. At this point, there were likely about three to four hundred or so of them left, if not, less. Time for one of Derik's special moves. He won't scream the name from to Heavens, but it would still be plenty good enough.

He reloaded his pistol with his spare time, and had the full twenty-shot clip again. And he was off.

Another crowd was forming up, mostly of shield users, setting up to try and jam Frostbite's spinning blades, even if it meant their bodies were the thing to jam even one of them. There were about thirty of them, layering their shields together in one direction as Derik walked up to the wall of them, killing four or five more en-route, and tapped on the shoulder of the one in the very middle. As it's head craned around, keeping it's shield in position, the frantic squirming the monster made as Derik made his seemingly sudden appearance, buster sword over his shoulder and ready to slay them forced the wall to colapse. As it fell, Derik killed all but the one he had selected before, grabbing it by its neck hard enough for force it to release it's grip on the two tools that gave it the chance to survive. The cold, reptilian skin began to shake and pulsate, almost convulse as Derik brought it into the air. He threw it sky high, and as it fell, he swung the flat plate side of the Buster Sword, crushing the thing's spine and sending the mangled ball of organs and shattered Dino bones flying into a group of it's subordinates, clobbering them. With the extra momentum from the swing, Derik threw himself to the sky and aimed right down on another one of the lizards: aiming it's scimitar at Zion. He soared through the sky like a comet, becoming a comet-gillotine of sorts, the blade piercing through the sand. Using the less-than-compact land that they were fighting in to his advantage, he rode this momentum until he felt a serious slowdown in speed before sending what was left of the momentum into a backflip, carrying him over to the next group of monsters as the blade (with assistance from gravity ) cut through three of them with the initial down-slam, and knocked away about fourth with the wave of sand that was produced as a result. He was beginning to sweat a little, likely from his antics of preforming all these big moves in one big burst, but it wasn't gonna stop him. Not yet.

(Note right quick: Fighting something that basically is like a peice of paper with a Buster sword and a beam saber but trying to keep it intresting is quite a task. Especially without a form of magic. Reguardless...)

Now, it was time to finish the afflicted field off. He drew the Beam Saber once again, using it on the sand to make a sort of "lense" of glass out of the sand by carving it out of what little undisturbed sand there was. As soon as it was finished, he took the liberty of tossing it into the air, and then striking it with the beam saber, sending out rays of the saber's beam out around in a arc-shape towards the knocked over lizards. Most of them died with the last vision in their life being a cut through their head or torso, some only lost a limb or got a substancial but non-lethal cut, left to bleed out as time went on. In total, he had ended about sixty in this combo total. That was pushing it, though, he couldn't keep doing insane combos like that. Mostly as his Buster Sword's care manager beeped to him that it required checking as the structure of the core seemed rather damaged from these galavants, and his beam saber was running low on output. He switched to his pistol, picking off two more, but missing most of the rest of his shots: only nicking a few of the lizards here and there.
Frostbite left vehicle mode to go back to her humanoid mode only to start getting swarmed by angry lizards "I need assis-" her words were cut off as she tripped over a lizard killing him in the process but allowing the swarm to crawl on her back and try to pierce her armor "So glad these things know nothing about my kind" she said with strained effort to shake off the pest only for more to replace them one after the other.Some more sheild lizards began surrounding her to try and prevent her escape but she froze a rings around her self scattering them once they remember what that stuff could do to them.

She launched into the air and did a spinning backflip dislodging most of the lizards and allowed her to pick off the remaining lizards and crush them but she still had weapons stuck in her body,they didn't hurt but they were an annoyance and she could feel them

She kept up her gunfire, taking down as many as she possibly could, unsure of what was going on now. This was devolving fast.

"Status!" Sarah shouted. "Everyone still alive?"


Oh, how cute. He found time to make a magnifying glass while everyone else fought for their lives. She didn't thank you right off the bat for the save though, as four more jumped her. She executed a really neat flip...and as her hair splayed, a scimitar gave her a haircut.

Her hair was easily not even to her shpulders, it was barely to her neck. She stood there, her beautiful, long locks gone.


A pure explosion of magic blasted a clear area around her, Zion's pure unchecked fury released. Her Keyblades disappeared as she rocketed into the sky, and spread her wings. She began to spin, bolts of pure light releasing. It soon became a miniature galaxy, and she stopped. Her eyes flashed a bit, her irises taking in the battlefield.

"Albion Strike - Firestorm."

She released them in a hail of bolts. Alone one was not very powerful, but like all automatic weapons, the strength was how many bullets were fired.

Albion Strike devastated one hundred of the extremely weak lizards, Zion still enraged. She became a meteor, slamming into a group of them, Keyblades summoned as singles, making it eight keyblades in the sand all around her.

Her chest heaved as she stood, blades coming up in defensive positions.

"Who's next you bastards." She panted. She used too much power too fast...she needed this ended, and she couldn't figure out why her more powerful abilities couldn't be accessed...what the hell was wrong?
Princess Anime was looking rather flustered, minor tired, even. Odd, considering this felt rather easy to the "Stupid man". He was showing off, gallivanting around like the unnatural monster he was. Regardless, this was not the moment. One of them was lining another attack up from her rear: how uncourageous, how dishonorable. He planted the Buster Sword in the sand and rushed off: He knew that he wouldn't make it in time with it slowing him down. With dash and a slide, he managed to reach back to Zion in time. "Get yourself together!" he yelled, taking the stab through the gut intended for Zion.

Had he had his armor, it wouldn't have been much issue: It would have bounced off like all the rest. But he lacked such convenience right at this moment. After taking the blow, Derik gripped the weapon, as to keep it from being hastily removed, and then the neck of the rather daring lizard. Though his blood poured and body screamed in pain, Derik refused it an inch as he crushed the lizard's neck with his bare hand. with what time he had, he made a quick patch on himself then: puling out the beam saber and switching it to low-output mode, he pulled the weapon out of himself and quickly cauterized the wound. Did it suck? Hell yes. Did it keep him from bleeding out? Hell. Yes.

"Alive!" Oni called out. "If you can keep the lizards off me, I can provide healing to anyone who is low."

Kneeling down, she started to check Kyle for injuries.


"Crap." Kira grunted, seeing the situations Frostbite, Zion, and Derik were in.

The Transformer got out alright, but the other looked drained and injuried, respectively. The Gunslinger advanced, firing fast to pick off lizards moving on Derik and Zion.

"You two, pull back and recharge!" She yelled to Zion and Derik. "The uglies are dwindling, and spending too much on this battle will get us killed later. I'll cover you."
rikunobodyxiii said:
"Alive!" Oni called out. "If you can keep the lizards off me, I can provide healing to anyone who is low."

Kneeling down, she started to check Kyle for injuries.


"Crap." Kira grunted, seeing the situations Frostbite, Zion, and Derik were in.

The Transformer got out alright, but the other looked drained and injuried, respectively. The Gunslinger advanced, firing fast to pick off lizards moving on Derik and Zion.

"You two, pull back and recharge!" She yelled to Zion and Derik. "The uglies are dwindling, and spending too much on this battle will get us killed later. I'll cover you."
"This, this is nothing. I'll have you know I lost my right arm in the war of nineteen-ninety five and i was still figniting to my best." He tried to put up a front, but it wasn't going to be easy to fight like this. He re-holstered his beam Saber and reloaded his gun, managing to shoot three more dead and injured two before having to reload again.
Tolan cruz -

Tolan kept a steady pace after his last attack, slicing down lizards by the numbers every now and again, his pace in killing did not let up, he kept it steady. Until he saw Neena's attack, which made him stop to watch it a bit, impressed by the fireworks of the ninja, he was distracted and such was soon stabbed in the back with a sword by a lizard.

Too bad that his blood spilled out quite abruptly and powerfully, stunning the lizard as Tolan simply turned towards him. without even flinching much, he dashed forward at the lizard and stabbed its chest with his left arm. Instead of absorbing its blood Tolan did something else, all the blood that was spilt onto the lizard started moving to the area where Tolan stabbed, as he took his arm out a blood reb orb was left, as Tolan simply kicked the lizard hard, as it flew backwards into a crowd of others, as the Orb glowed brightly before exploding in a devastating blast of blood magic, destroying at least twenty lizards in one fell swoop.

Tolan simply took the opportunity to take out the lodged sword out of his back, as he pulled it out blood came out of him like a geyser, from all that absorbed blood a while ago. After pulling it out and throwing it onto the ground, the wound began to slowly heal itself.


Henry Lexor -

"What?!" Henry shouted in question to Ryonne calling him earlier, as he was just finishing slashing down a crowd of lizards in his fire style, before thrusting his hand forward as a blast of darkness energy erupted in front of him, obliterating what remained of the lizards. Soon realizing what the others were trying to do. "Oh, alright then." Henry said as he entered his wind style, and teleported in an out throughout the combat zone, slashing up lizards with his sword as he went, soon arriving in the area the others were gathering. "I got kinda carried away, it might happen again..." Henry joked.

He stood beside the others as they defended the area they managed to claim, wondering what Jack would do. Mostly using his wind style's summoned blades to cut down lizards as they came, as well as doing controlled darkness blasts as he could.

Until he glanced at Sarah, who was in a rather sticky situation, which immediately caught his attention. "you know what, fire the spell Jack, I got this." Henry said as he dashed over to her, slashing down the lizards around her and him as he stood right next to her, "I'd ask for permission first, but at a situation like this...I won't" Henry said as he walked close to Sarah, almost touching each other as he switched to his earth style and created a shield dome around him and Sarah, to protect from Jack's upcoming attack.


Drax Omolon -

THe dude just went on and on about these things, it was getting on everyone else's nerved...Drax though? he didn't care. Smirking at Kira's sarcastic remark about his dragon. "I dunno any dragons that don't" He joked back.

He kept a good pace, his dragon completely devastating the lizard forces, the hawk, leth killing some individual lizards and Drax, firing spirit arrows non stop, amassing a good killcount, that was until Zion went and spent all of her power. "god dammit." He muttered as he waved at the dragon, motioning for it to head over there, as Drax did the same.

A Lizard was about to lunge at Kira's back, but it was stopped by an arrow straight to the head, as Drax was up in the air having used a random lizard as a jumping tool, before the lizard body hit the ground the Dragon soon bit it in half as it arrived at the scene.

"Shes right, spending too much will get you killed, but I can help...sorta" Drax said letting one last arrow fly out of his bow as the dragon kept him covered, and Leth helped a lot too. He concentrated as his eye glew, as did his hand, channeling a lot of spirit energy into it, magical energy to say the least.

"Lets see if this helps" He said, putting his hand on Zion's back, as the spirit energy channeled into the hand went to her, restoring her magical energy, almost completely, in a matter of seconds. He didn't expect a Thank you, but it would be nice to receive one.

He quickly went back into the fight, alongside his dragon and his hawk, noticing they also had a freaking transformer on their side now. He simply frowned as he continued firing, without moving from his position, allowing Zion some time to recover her magic with his potential buff.
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She lowered her gun as the earthen dome covered them. She panted, multiple cuts on her arms, her jeans ripped further...but overall, she was intact.

"Thanks. I'm used to having a team at my back. Then everyone's gone and I'm trapped." She fell to a knee. "Happen...to know...healing magic?"


And then her wings flashed to life.

"Oh...yeah." She said. With a grin she threw herself over Derik, keyblades flashing around like funnels, lasers blasting more lizards. In her hands came a sole katana, which she paired with a very large handgun. She began devastating more and more lizards.


And so, Princess Mahou Shoujo Anime brought her Keyblades to herself, all pointing outwards.

"Flower of Devastation - Amaryllis!"

And then, she redefined the meaning of laserspam. From her Keyblades, her wings, she just fired.

And she stood there amidst the carnage, panting. "...FINALLY I NAMED THAT! Like, I think I never named it. Did I name that?" She tapped her lip thoughtfully. "Oh well." She turned, and began to walk to Derik, Keyblades orbiting her like a satellite defense network. She raised her hand, and healed him.

"You're an asshole and I want to stab you, but thanks."

She then looked at Drax. "Oh. And thanks for the power boost. Needed that."
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Xion136 said:
She lowered her gun as the earthen dome covered them. She panted, multiple cuts on her arms, her jeans ripped further...but overall, she was intact.

"Thanks. I'm used to having a team at my back. Then everyone's gone and I'm trapped." She fell to a knee. "Happen...to know...healing magic?"


And then her wings flashed to life.

"Oh...yeah." She said. With a grin she threw herself over Derik, keyblades flashing around like funnels, lasers blasting more lizards. In her hands came a sole katana, which she paired with a very large handgun. She began devastating more and more lizards.


And so, Princess Mahou Shoujo Anime brought her Keyblades to herself, all pointing outwards.

"Flower of Devastation - Amaryllis!"

And then, she redefined the meaning of laserspam. From her Keyblades, her wings, she just fired.

And she stood there amidst the carnage, panting. "...FINALLY I NAMED THAT! Like, I think I never named it. Did I name that?" She tapped her lip thoughtfully. "Oh well." She turned, and began to walk to Derik, Keyblades orbiting her like a satellite defense network. She raised her hand, and healed him.

"You're an asshole and I want to stab you, but thanks."

She then looked at Drax. "Oh. And thanks for the power boost. Needed that."
"Assholes generally take the brunt of a group's frustrations forcing the sum to work together better, even if as a result it is in an attempt to tear down the "asshole". At least according to the strategic combat data that accompanied my direct combat skills. Also, next time I might just let them impale you with that attitude." The last statement was made in obvious jest as he gave his thanks to Zion, before his attention was turned to probably the last hundred or so lizards. Beamspam was one helluva tactic.

"Yo, Sailor Moon, you up for a combo attack? I've got an idea to finish this off in one last go."
Zion smirked. Up for a combo? Always.

"Always, Kamina." She jested back. "Just tell me what you need." She pulled her Keyblades and took to the skies.
Xion136 said:
Zion smirked. Up for a combo? Always.
"Always, Kamina." She jested back. "Just tell me what you need." She pulled her Keyblades and took to the skies.
"Drag them into one pile, and once you do, get in the air and keep them there. Then wait for my signal."

With the little amount of energy his Beam Saber had left, Derik flicked it back to life, the beam shining quite brilliantly still. He took the edge of it. and ran for a more flattened area of the sand, and then began to carve out a rather large circle in the sand. The sand hissed with the stroke, forming the start of another mirrorglass. The rim shined in what little light there was coming from the beam of which were it's origin. After completing the circular body, he widened the width of the blade and began to make the core of the glass: Though not pristine like average glass, this batch was coming out a lot cleaner than the first. Smoke filled the air as Derik worked furiously to prepare for the final attack.
Frostbite turned back into a car most of the weapons stuck to her fell off and the others flung into the lizards,what she did next was began revving her engine,she kicked up a ton of dust blocking the lizard men around hers vision and then proceeded to speed around in the dust cloud running over lizards left and right,they didn't even see it coming and the only thing she heard was a bunch of bones cracking and blood splattering.Some curious lizard men came over to the dust cloud to try and fight only for her to burst out and run them over.She charged her ice beam in the dust cloud hiding now she could hear the approach of lizards and kept charging until she built enough a large flash came from the dust cloud and ice came over every inch of the battlefield,in some places it was thin in others it was thick but it froze the lizard men to the ground.

Zion figured that, you know...the sandstorm and the heat would really not work with the ice. And some of them weren't fully frozen, and as they broke free, she flew up.

"OI, DIO. I NEED THAT SUPERMIRROR POSTHASTE!" She shouted, drawing her keyblades to her.
Xion136 said:
Zion figured that, you know...the sandstorm and the heat would really not work with the ice. And some of them weren't fully frozen, and as they broke free, she flew up.
"OI, DIO. I NEED THAT SUPERMIRROR POSTHASTE!" She shouted, drawing her keyblades to her.
Derik finished the mirrorglass within time, throwing it like a Frisbee right below Zion, ready to be shot at the moment's notice. "Right back at ya Yuno." He replied, then beginning a mad dash, and then a leap into the air far above.
Zion smirked. She pulled her Keyblades together.

"Seventh Wing: Keyblade Formation - Twin. Buster. RIFLE!"

The Keyblades, having connected to form a sort of buster rifle, drew in power at the tips. Coalescing into a single ball of pure light energy, she fired straight into the mirror, her wings flaring to full to keep her steady and stationary.
Xion136 said:
Zion smirked. She pulled her Keyblades together.
"Seventh Wing: Keyblade Formation - Twin. Buster. RIFLE!"

The Keyblades, having connected to form a sort of buster rifle, drew in power at the tips. Coalescing into a single ball of pure light energy, she fired straight into the mirror, her wings flaring to full to keep her steady and stationary.
The mirror burst with light as the beam crossed it's crystallized struct or, intensifying it. The particles almost seemed to gather as the attack began to refract off of the glass. Doubled. Tripled. Quadrupled in power, and in size due to the width of the glass. The light danced, and energy roared through the air, blowing away the sandstorm in the area: The beam fired with brilliant blue and white blast of pure light energy, a blast so brilliant that looking at it was near blinding; hair would be singed, the heat became sweltering as the blast ripped through the desert. a streak of glass nearly half a mile long was burned into the sand by the intense blast, erasing all but a few remaining lizard enemies, to which Derik's part came forth.

"Dive... A kicku!"

Derik dived from the air, face first towards the mirrorglass. As he neared, streaks of wind flying off of his body, he flipped around and brought his feet back around as he reached the glass, heel-kicking the glass and forcing it to shatter on impact, showering the remaining lizards in a rain of super-heated, high-velocity glass right into their bodies. The final blow was done.
Frostbite stared at the scene playing before her and watched the lizardmen get destroyed "I wonder if they had families?" she looked at the combo and yelled at Derik and Zion "IS THAT ALL OF THEM?" she was looking around but her optics were recovering from the flash
Neena stabbed the final goon right through the throat, and watched as it fell to the ground in a limp heap of lizardy flesh. "This Watcher guy is not off to a great start in my book." She commented, glancing around at the carnage. Slowly, each lizard corpse began to dissolve into dirt and pine needles, and it was not long before it appeared as if they had never been there at all. Rija smirked a little bit as a joke came to mind.

"Well damn, and I was hoping for a roast lizard feast tonight." She said.

Then the Watcher's voice came back on, not waiting for an encore.


Jack's attack was never unleashed, but as it turned out, it wasn't needed. Kinzoku was getting bored of all this. She brought out all of her ingots, and slowly formed them into a huge curved blade. Then the Metal Mage flicked her wrist, and sent the whole thing spinning in a wide arc all around the group, the razor sharp blade destroying all resistance in its path. And finally, all was quiet once more. Kinzoku smiled towards the rest of the group as her blade came back in ingot form and slipped into her bag.

"That was fun, we should try it again sometime." She noted cheerfully. Ryonne grunted, not really agreeing.

And of course, the Watcher was back.


A lizard appeared out of the sand behind Derik as he landed. How unfortunate. Dickwad with the trenchcoat was going to die. Alysa sighed, then threw her blade. It flew across the desert then nailed the lizard in the back. Alysa clenched her fist and a lizard mannequin was created out of the blade. And two lizard shaped things can't exist in the same place at the same time... So the living one exploded into a shower of scales and blood. The mannequin toppled over, and Alysa picked up the blade again. "I've decided that it would be more fun to watch the opponent you decide to tank tear you to shreds opposed to me stabbing you through the throat. So you live another few hours I guess." Alysa noted to Derik. Their delightful conversation was then interrupted by their dear friend the Watcher.


Congratulations all!

You have successfully defeated your small legion of soldiers

And the crowd loved every second!

So, the memories

These second memories

Are rewarded to

Neena Mors, Henry Lexor, and... Zion de Wynter!

And I have more!

In your pockets

Or on the ground in front of you should you have no pockets

Has appeared a small bag of coins

100 gold for each and every one of you!

What you choose to do with it is up to you

But you will continue to receive them as things go on

Now I will reveal, the end goal.

Off in the distance, you should see a beam of light

It is equally far from all of you

And you cannot teleport to this location

Nor can you teleport very far at all

I disabled that little ability if you had it

The game is no fun if you just cheat right?

Your goal

Is to reach the beam of light

At the top of the mountain

That is where I will return what I have stolen from you in full.

So good luck to all

I'll be in touch

Some friends of mine will be there to check in shortly


(your cue NB)

Frostbite just took the gold and put it in her chest compartment "One task after the other" she looked at the beacon and became a car "If anyone needs a ride say it now or forever hold your peace because this is my kind of task as long as there isn't random boulders ready to crush me..." she revved her engine and turned to face to beacon seeing the mountain now "how did I miss that?!"
"And I've decided that you're going to be the most annoying, whiney, bitchy party member ever that brings the game down from a ten to a four." Derik responded to Alysa, not bothering to thank her for the help with the last enemy: if he were acting the force of the jerk, then she was the shining example of how he should play the role.

With that, he walked off to gather his coat and buster sword, leaving Alysa with the image of him walking away from her with two middle fingers raised to the sky until he reached his equipment and put it all back onto himself: the sand had covered his coat, but this was fine. Just a little sand never hurt anyone, at least not in this capacity.

Suddenly, near each group:

In the shade of the trees for the Forest group...

A little ways away from those in the desert, like a mirage...

In the center of a field of purple tulips, black roses, blue orchids, and at his feet, a patch of black grass...

"Hehehe... Welcome, strangers..."

A dull, gravely voice called to all three groups, their attention was brought over to the man from which it was origin. Shrouded in a long, black trench coat with a hood, his head concealed completely aside from his brow to the bridge of his nose by a purple cloth. His dead grey eyes could make even a titan shutter in fear, despite his warm, exaggerated tone, as you looked him over you didn't see much more than his brown shoes and pant legs, as he stood slightly hunched over, beckoning for the group to approach him. The black wood torch, lit with a blue flame, could somehow put anyone at-ease, almost like this man- though his presence in itself was disturbing -had constructed the torch to give the feeling of catharsis upon a glance. It was a weird sort of peace.

"Hiya, come one, come all, lads and lasses...

I'm the Merchant. Of course, I have a normal name and a past, much like you all. But I'm only here to help the important people, like you all! ...For a good price, that is. My deals and selection are far greater than any other service in the land, but they're still gonna cost some coin... Sorry, but no doubt with how amazing you lot are, that you're not too low on funds, and if you have cash I got weapons, just for you lot."

He unhooked his trench coat on the right side, pulling it back, to reveal quite an impressive armory. Guns, laser rifles, arc guns, pulse rifles, knifes, metal, ammo, swords, hell, even sledgehammer's and long-bladed scythes. Anything imaginable.

"I can see you're a little impressed, friend! Come, come, I've got so much to show you!"


(The Shop is here! You can use this to update your gear, or get a few items to help in combat.)

(Sorry it's not in BBcode, don't feel like messing with it on Mobile)


Group items:

(multiple players can put in Gold for these. If requirement is not met, no gold is lost)

Refill/Repair/recharge/restock all weapons and restore whole party to full health and Energy: 300 G

Refill Ammo/Repair/Recharge/Restock weapons: 200 G

Restore all players to full health and energy: 200 G

Broken Butterfly

-Powerful revolver with very good accuracy and power, but as its a revolver, it has a lower fire rate and low ammo capacity.

100 G

Hand Cannon

-Akin to a shot gun in power, the Hand Cannon is a powerful revolver-like gun with shorter range of damage and a slight bullet spread like a shot gun. It's most notable for its explosive power. Quick to fire, but reload time is big and it only fires a few times before it runs out.

350 G


-Lower damage Revolver, but as its a energy weapon, it's fire rate is only limited by overheating the device and energy pack. As it is a laser armment, it's more effective on armor as a result.

150 G

The Machina

-longer range Sniper Rifle, requires one to be using the scope to fire it and the shot it fires leaves a tracing line, but it is armor piercing and has a quicker fire rate. It is a beam weapon, and it can't be used in quick succession.

250 G

The Kunai of Soul

-Throwable knife weapon, when it hits the enemy, it heals you slightly. Returns to the owner at the end of Combat or after a few minutes of combat.

150 G

Long Arc Sword

-a sword, akin to a Beam Saber, but the length and danger of the weapons instability require two-handed use. The beam is made of a solidified bolt of electricity and damages machinery or objects made of conductive material better.

100 G

Beam Katar

-a three-pronged knuckle weapon, akin to a set of claws. They are made with an unstable beam core, meaning the damage can be a bit iffy, but they're great for tearing armor down.

100 G


Healing Spray

-Heals even the gravest of wounds as long as the user is still alive at time of application, requires to be out of combat. This includes machines.

50 G

Healing Powder

-Restores one somewhat.

25 G

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