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Fantasy The Academy (accepting)

((Modern. ))

Luma nods, still smiling. She moves a bit quicker, as the sky seemed to darken a bit, like its going to rain. It made her nervous, she didn't want to get caught with a tail in the middle of the courtyard. "Let's hurry, before it rains, Ash." Luma glances up at the sky and hugs herself. Cai runs up ahead to the building holding the gymnasium, leaving Ash and Luma alone for real. Luma steps a bit closer, blushing.

(( Good morning everyone ^^ ))

Lucy laughs at Cas' reply, skipping forward a few steps in front of him. She couldn't help but notice the slightly dazed look upon his handsome face. "That expression really doesn't work very well on you," she comments lightly, smiling. "Come on, where's that badboy smirk and cocky smile?" Internally, she felt a wave of confusion as she so often did. When you were a faerie, you could never be sure if people liked you for who you really were, or if they were simply weren't strong enough to resist the faery charm. Lucy was keeping hers as low as she could. It shouldn't be effecting another supernatural... But the insecurity permeated her mind. "Come on," she called back towards him. "It's going to take us months to get there at the rate you're going at!"
Cas blinks hard and smirks. "Happy?" Suddenly, hebsprints ahead, making it to the dorms in mere seconds. When she reaches him, Cas is wearing a look of confidence and sarcastic boredom. He leans against the building, his arms crossed. "Took you long enough," he jokes, opening the door for her.
(( I live in the Middle East, so my time zone doesn't seem to match up very well with most of the other users here :P What time zone are you in? O.o ))

Lucy gives Cas a light smack at his sarcasm. "That's cheating, dear sir," she complained, eyes twinkling with amusement. With an awkward curtsy, she dips her head at him as she'd learned medieval women used to do. "Why thank you, my Lord." Laughing, she breezes through the door, leaving behind a faint smell of the ocean. "Come, to the castle!"
(( Hahaha, I'm going back to Australia to study soon, so that might make it awkward. America and Australia have got like a 16 hour time difference or something :P ))
(( Oh, I guess you didn't see it. I'll copy and paste my post here xD ))

Lucy gives Cas a light smack at his sarcasm. "That's cheating, dear sir," she complained, eyes twinkling with amusement. With an awkward curtsy, she dips her head at him as she'd learned medieval women used to do. "Why thank you, my Lord." Laughing, she breezes through the door, leaving behind a faint smell of the ocean. "Come, to the castle!"
Cas laughs at her and follows her through. "M'lady, you are going the wrong way!" He grabs her arm and leads her down a corridor in the opposite direction, stopping at one of the bathrooms. "Brace yourself. " Cas opens the door slowly, revealing a dark bathroom with three urinals, three stalls, three sinks, and three showers, plus one bathtub. He lets go of her arm and opens one of the shower doors. At first glance, it appears to be normal, but Cas does something to the door and a steep cement staircase is revealed.
"H-hey," Lucy protested, noting the distinct sign marking the the door. "This is the male bathroom." At Cas' directions and quiet eagerness, she shrugged and walked in. The thought of being somewhere she shouldn't was thrilling. Frowning slightly at his strange behaviour, the young faery managed to keep her mouth shut. Until the floor panel slid away to reveal a dark staircase. "Oh my god," she whispered, wings fluttering in surprise. "What the..." She turned back to Cas with excited eyes, slightly fearful. Trying to lighten her own heart, she joked, "You're taking me into a dungeon to rape me, aren't you? I don't appreciate that, my Lord."
Cas looks down at her. He took advantage of girls, definitely, but he wasn't a rapist. He cups Lucy's face and stares down at her impasively. "I don't really appreciate that insinuation, my Lady." His voice was soft, but it was clear he was hurt and trying to hide it. As many girls as he'd had, all of them had given consent. All of them. If that was a rumour spreading, that he was a rapist... well, he would find some way to end it.
Lucy felt her face flush at contact with him. His hands are surprisingly soft. Shaking away the thought, she focused on the movement of his lips, on his words. At the expression on his face, she felt a pang of gut-wrenching guilt. Feeling terrible, she turned her eyes away, "I'm sorry, Cas. It wasn't appropriate." She bit her lip, hating herself for letting the rumours get to her. "Look, those girls are probably just angry and jealous. They're trying to make themselves feel better. I... I'm sorry." She didn't know if she was saying it to him, or herself.
Cas studies her face, his hand still on it. He watches as she takes her lip between her teeth, her obvious remorse for saying what she did. He had a very strong urge to lean closer, to breathe in her ocean-y smell, to press his lips against hers. But he didn't. Instead, he drops his hand to his side, accepts her apology, and starts down the stairs. He has to duck in order to avoid hitting his head. Soon, it's dark enough that a human wouldn't be able to see. Cas could though; all merfolk could see in the dark. He wasn't sure about Lucy, though, so he waits at the edge of the light for her.
Lucy found herself staring into his ocean blue eyes. They were beautiful like they contained waves just behind the surface. He was beautiful and she found herself hoping against reason that he would hold her closer, found herself wondering what his lips felt like. Immediately, she shook off the thought. He's a womaniser. That much is certain. He's luring me in. The young faery mourned the loss of his touch and followed him through the dark passageway. Only the dark fey could see in such blackness. Lucy fumbled along the steps, stumbling several times. "I won't be able to see down there," she warned gazing into the intimidating darkness. A twinge of fear ran through her. "I might bump into you or step of your feet or something. Apologies in advance."
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Cas nods. "I figured. Just hold on to my waist until we get where we're going. There's light there." He takes her wrists in his hands, though he only touches her with his thumb and forefinger. The fae was casting some kind if spell over him, and he would be damned if he gave in to it. Cas decides then in there, this would be platonic. So, touching her the least amount possible, he places her hands on the fabric of his white T-shirt, turns, and continues into the darkness.
Lucy felt her face flush at the thought of holding onto him. Despite herself, she couldn't help but notice his sudden reluctance to touch her. As much as she didn't want it to, the realisation stung. He, too, was reacting just like everyone else around the fey. Always believing they were luring them in with their touches and charms. It wasn't true and she felt a flash of anger. Sure, faeries could be addictive when they wanted to be, but she wasn't. Not around him. Wordlessly, she followed him through the darkness, trying not to dwell on the pain in her heart. It isn't fair.
Cas walks through the darkness, trying not to dwell on the fact that the warmth of Lucy's skin burned through his shirt, or that all he really wanted to do was take her head in his hands and push her against the stone wall and kiss her, or that he knew in his heart a platonic relationship with her would be impossible. He slows his pace, unsure if whether or not he should turn the corner that keads to the pool or turn around and lead her back to the school.

"How did you do it?" He asks quietly, turning hisbhead slightly to look at her over his shoulder. Not that she could see the action or anything.
Lucy slowed down with him, clinging onto the thin cloth of his shirt like it was a lifeline. In that moment, she admitted to herself that she was afraid. She focused on Cas' heat, imagining it burning away all of darkness and fear. His voice, however, broke her out of her reverie. Taken aback, she missed a step, crashing down onto the hard concrete, dragging Cas down with her. Sharp edges dug into her back as she lay in the darkness, wincing from the pain. "I'm sorry," she murmured, trying in vain to see him. "Are you okay?" She found his hand, and clung to it, fearing she'd lose him in the darkness. Softly, she added, "How did I do what?"
Cas feels himself going down and shifts so he doesn't land fully on Lucy; he ends up half on and half off, with one leg between hers and his hand lands near her head. His muscles strain as he keeps himself from crushing her with just the one arm. Cas lets out a small, near silent gasp when Lucy clutched his hand. "How... how did you make me... nevermind." His breaths rustle her hair as he lays suspended above her, only touching her with hisbhand and the brief expanse of jeans and leg that had no choice but be pressed together.

((I would likd to apologize in advance, for there us a possibility I fall asleep on you soon.))
(( That's okay. I've done it plenty of times xD Goodnight and sweet dreams in advance! ))

Lucy was barely breathing. Her mind was spiralling in a million directions before finally settling on blank. All she could think, understand, feel was the proximity of Cas. His hand in her hand. His leg tangled up in hers. His heat radiating towards her, their breaths mixing together in the dank air. She opened her mouth to say something, but was at a loss for words. In the darkness, she couldn't see him and somehow, it felt more intimate that way. Voice raspy, she whispered, "No Cas, say it. How do I do what?" She didn't move, didn't want to break the moment.

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