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Fantasy The Academy (accepting)

((I apologize, but it is almost 4 in the morning and I have work in the morning. I will have to leave you, love. (I call everybody love btw. Dont read into it.) Its kinda sad I feel the need to say that. Anyway. Goodnight. :) ))
((Unwanted, im so sorry I forgot to put into luma's timeline that class ended /)_x And Arch, yes there are dorms, and thank you for the name.))
"I... I'll wait here......." He said still looking at the ground shyly as he walked over to the tree and sat down reading his book. He had a slight blush on his face as he read the book. @giraffesarebetter
Luma nodded and ran toward the girl's dorms. After a few minutes, she was running back, without a bag, and the wolf cub in her arms was replaced by a blonde 3 year old boy running on short legs at her side. When she gets closer, you can see her cheeks are flushed and her lips have a fresh coat of lip gloss. Once Luma reaches the tree, she straightens her pale pink dress and pulls up her green thigh highs, breathing a bit heavier than normal. "Okay!" She says, oddly confident with the word. "I-I'm ready now."

Ash looked at her as she ran back to the tree after leaving a few minutes before 'Wow.... To be that fast at getting ready, she could be on equal ground with my mother....' He had gotten up nodding "L... Lead the way..." He had currently finished chapter three of his book, it was still pretty tame. He had a slight blush to his cheek. @giraffesarebetter
Luma smiles brilliantly. The elf boy was cute and shy, like her. "This way," she says quietly. Cai walks hand in hand with Luma, in between the two teens. He takes Ash's hand, his dimples showing as he grins. "What's your name, mister?" The toddler asks, looking up at Ash.

Luma swings Cai's hand, andbhe giggles. "So... do... do you want to see... uh.. well there's the dining hall, the lake, which is one of my favorites, the history wing, the science wing, the art wing..." she got on a role, and her stutter disappears. "I like the art wing!" Cai pipes up, and Luma giggles. "Hey, Ash, did you know I could do this?" He looks up and opens his mouth wide, showing two tiny fangs, kind of like a vampire's, but thicker and stronger.

'This is the most cute and adorable kid I've ever seen in my life!' Ash thought to himself. Playing along with the little one he shook his head "No I didn't Cai! That's very impressive!" And he proceeded to pat his head gently. He looked at Luma "Anywhere would be fine." He told her. @giraffesarebetter
"Okay, how about the gym. There's a pool there, and a climbing wall too." Luma smiles and looks over at Ash, meeting his eyes. After a second, she drops her gaze, blushing. It had been a long time since she had been with a guy alone. Yes, Cai was there, but he was just a child. @Archdemon
((Just a quick question, what time period are we in, is it medieval or modern?)) Ash nodded "The gym sounds nice...." It felt different to be alone with a girl, it was also different for ash to be so..... Forward. Ash's only weakness is his shyness and that stops him from making friends but maybe this school'll change him for the better. @giraffesarebetter

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