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Fandom Surīkirā - A "Death Note" RP

"So what're you going to tonight, kid? A plans? You're not just going to sleep are you? That's boring."

"I don't know. What do you suggest I do?" Satoru asked. "I'm a boring person. You'll have to get used to it..." He yawned, stretching his arms over his head. Right now he had no more names to write in the notebook. That would have to wait. 
"I don't know. What do you suggest I do?" Satoru asked. "I'm a boring person. You'll have to get used to it..." He yawned, stretching his arms over his head. Right now he had no more names to write in the notebook. That would have to wait. 

"You could kill the president of the United States, I heard a lot of people hate him. Ooh, or maybe you could kill your principle. There's so much fun stuff you could do."
Satoru laughed. "I know I look like I'm still in high school, but I'm twenty-six years old." He sighed. "Killing the president is too over the top. I don't want as famous as the other Kira. I'd like to keep a low profile if I can. If I rush into this without thinking I'll be stopped before I can accomplish anything important." 
"If another person besides you exists with a death note then any deaths like that would instantly be blamed on him right?"
Octavius nodded. "I trust you already know my name, but here's my number," he says, sending a text to her number with his phone number. He looked around again, before sighing. "I don't usually do this, but... do you have time tonight? I'd like to talk."

@Ash Ketchup
Etsuko took out her phone and checked the text she got from him. She immediately saved it under bae Octavius and looked back up at him only to shake her head, "I'm sorry. As much as I would like to hang out with you more, I have to go back home... My aunt's expecting me. We can text though, that'll be better." She turned around and walked away from him but not before stating, "Talk to you soon.", before running off with the pocky and coffee bag in her hand.

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"Not necessarily. The kinds of killings I'll make are out of character for him. Unless..." he smiled to himself. "I split them between countries." Satoru turned the plan over in his mind. "That's it. I'll kill the people who deserve it in Japan. The other Kira limits his murders to this country, and because he already kills bad people, those deaths will be blamed on him." 

"The other half, the people who ask for death, are located in a country with three times as many people as this one. They may or may not suspect the Kira killing in Japan, but they'll suspect those in their own country first. They'll never guess it's someone from here." 
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Octavius nodded, watching her go curiously. He walked into the store, figuring he'd need some alcohol for this. Purchasing quite a lot, he turned and headed back. 

(Time skip ready?)
"Not necessarily. The kinds of killings I'll make are out of character for him. Unless..." he smiled to himself. "I split them between countries." He turned the plan over in his mind. "That's it. I'll kill the people who deserve it in Japan. The other Kira limits his murders to this country, and because he already kills bad people, those deaths will be blamed on him." 

"The other half, the people who ask for death, are located in a country with three times as many people as this one. They may or may not suspect the Kira killing in Japan, but they'll suspect those in their own country first. They'll never guess it's someone from here." 

"You're pretty smart, did anyone ever tell you that kid? I've only dropped my death note once before. And that's why Abraham Lincoln is dead. Some people are just insane. Oh... You weren't supposed to know that, were you? Whoopsie" (my character caused a historical death, YAAAAY!!!!!!!)
"And let me guess, Kennedy too?"  He knew there was a reason for the coincidences between the two presidents' deaths. A Shinigami calling me smart? Should I be flattered? "Thanks," he said with a tentative smile. 

"Anyway, I'm going to sleep now," Saturo said. "I've got a big day of work ahead of me." He tried to ignore the strong scent of oranges and make himself comfortable beneath his covers. "Goodnight Khaat," he said, clicking off the lamp on his nightstand.
"And let me guess, Kennedy too?"  He knew there was a reason for the coincidences between the two presidents' deaths. A Shinigami calling me smart? Should I be flattered? "Thanks," he said with a tentative smile. 

"Anyway, I'm going to sleep now," Saturo said. "I've got a big day of work ahead of me." He tried to ignore the strong scent of oranges and make himself comfortable beneath his covers. "Goodnight Khaat," he said, clicking off the lamp on his nightstand.

"You know too much already, kid. Goodnight." He said, crawling on top of the box of oranges and falling asleep.
~Official Time Skip~ 

Satoru; His house; Morning.

Satoru woke up to the beeping of his alarm clock. He stretched to shut it off and yawned. The sight of Khaat in his room turned the yawn into a scream and stunned him wide awake. 

"Satoru? Is everything alright?" his grandmother called from downstairs.

"Yes! I just had a nightmare!" Satoru shouted back. "I forgot I could see you for a second there," he muttered, glaring at the floor as he climbed out of bed.

He walked over to his closet and looked over his shirts, wondering what he should wear today. The majority of his clothes were dark, but there were a few colorful shirts here and there. He paused to look at an orange one, shook his head and pulled a standard dark blue sweater from the closet. He didn't want to stand out from his colleagues when he was working. And bright colors didn't suit his work personality. 
~Official Time Skip~ 

Satoru; His house; Morning.

Satoru woke up to the beeping of his alarm clock. He stretched to shut it off and yawned. The sight of Khaat in his room turned the yawn into a scream and stunned him wide awake. 

"Satoru? Is everything alright?" his grandmother called from downstairs.

"Yes! I just had a nightmare!" Satoru shouted back. "I forgot I could see you for a second there," he muttered, glaring at the floor as he climbed out of bed.

He walked over to his closet and looked over his shirts, wondering what he should wear today. The majority of his clothes were dark, but there were a few colorful shirts here and there. He paused to look at an orange one, shook his head and pulled a standard dark blue sweater from the closet. He didn't want to stand out from his colleagues when he was working. And bright colors didn't suit his work personality. 

"Hah, you're pathetic. Morning sunshine, did you sleep well knowing that you now hold the entire world hostage?"
Ichiko's phone alarm went off, she groaned to nobody and silenced it. After about five minutes she got up and threw her work shirt one buttoning every button. She then brushed her teeth, combed her hair, and found her glasses. Skipping breakfast, she grabbed her car keys and headed to work.
"Hah, you're pathetic. Morning sunshine, did you sleep well knowing that you now hold the entire world hostage?"

"Good morning to you too," Satoru said, still sounding a bit grumpy. He fastened his watch to his wrist. "I did. But I'm not the only one holding the world hostage," he said. "And I'm still working to catch the person with the other Death Note." Satoru picked a tie to compliment his shirt and fastened it around his neck. "What would happen if I got their notebook, too? Could I use both of them?" 


The notes reverberate through his eardrums, pulling him back from drifting off in oblivion, unwelcomingly so he might add. He should have changed that ringtone years ago but, really, such a task would always slip his mind for something more urgent. One of the few things that drives him to grunt every day now comes back to bite him. Well, nibble him would most likely be the better term to describe it. It’s nothing big, just a nuisance he can’t seem to finally put an end to. He shifts in his…seat? Oh, yes, now he recalls it…he ended up sleeping in his desk. Again. He just hopes his landlady was kind enough to feed Franz. The poor woman already goes her way to look out after him even though none of it is in any way expected of her to do so, even if she insists as being a pleasure. He feels actually selfish to already growing used to her doing such a thing…especially when the house is not yours, but a temporary residence in accord to your interests.

His phone rings again, it is as if reality is desperately calling out to him. What time is it? Not that it really matters. Despite his condition, he managed to spend time sleeping without any problems, it seems. Gabriel is already used by now, that should be the most logical conclusion. No need to resort to psychology to come up with such a conclusion. The third ring does the trick. He rises from his desk, rubbing his face as he picks up the device and tries to greet the caller decently. “Yes?” Is that enough? He hopes so. A quick glance over the screen clears up his doubt of who might this person be. 6 am. The conversation is short, the person on the end of the line does not care for pleasantries, something which Gabriel does not hold it against her. "Verstanden. Ich bleibe in Verbindung." He reassures her with a firm response to her concerns regarding his stay here in Japan. He cannot say for certain the extent of it by now, as the case has proved itself to be far more complex than the original report he had gotten back in Berlin. There was a reason why he had stayed up all night gathering data... Bidding goodbye to his superior back in NBD, Gabriel sighs, impulsively clutching his phone. He needs coffee. Desperately.
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"Good morning to you too," Satoru said, still sounding a bit grumpy. He fastened his watch to his wrist. "I did. But I'm not the only one holding the world hostage," he said. "And I'm still working to catch the person with the other Death Note." Satoru picked a tie to compliment his shirt and fastened it around his neck. "What would happen if I got their notebook, too? Could I use both of them?" 

"You could. Or you could give one to me. Just a suggestion. Why do you need two death notes, anyways?"
"You could. Or you could give one to me. Just a suggestion. Why do you need two death notes, anyways?"

"I don't," Satoru replied, sitting down to tie his shoes. "I was just asking. It's not like I'll use it for anything different. I assume the one I have now won't run out of pages?" He stood up, double-checked that the drawer containing the Death Note was locked and grabbed his bag off the chair. "Alright. I'm going down to breakfast now. If I need to communicate with you, it'll be through thoughts. Can't talk to an invisible Shinigami with my grandparents sitting right next to me."

Athena Kiramoto


Athena sipped on the straw of her ice coffee drink, savouring the unusual cherry-chocolate-coffee flavour. She enjoyed the different flavours and variety they had here in Japan, much nicer than boring old Britain. She was fully dressed, coat and all, sitting up in bed with her computer on her lap. Whilst one hand held the cold plastic cup of a certain well known brand, the other flew across the keyboard, managing to do more than what most people could do with 2 hands.

Satisfied with her work, she shut it down, and hopped out of bed, going over to turn on the TV before returning to where she sat. It should be happening soon...

She changed the channel from the bubbly Japanese woman showing the weather for the week, over to a 24 hour news channel, which was all in Russian. The coverage on there would come a little earlier than it would on it's Japanese counterpart. After about 5 minutes, it came on.

((In Russian))

"BREAKING NEWS. The president is dead, I repeat, President Putin has been assassinated! At around 1:20am a trained assassin of American origins broke into the Kremlin and killed our honourable president, and all his advisers in an act of war! The Prime Minister is currently working on a speech to declare war on America. Our people went to sleep tonight under the glorious rule of our president, and they will be waking up in the morning at war... BREAKING NEWS-"

Athena switched the channel back to the weather as the night time broadcast repeated, it was the middle of the night still in Russia, which quickly changed to a similar sort of thing that she had heard on the Russian broadcast, before she turned it off.

A soft smile crept onto her face, before going out like a candle in a hurricane, her usual dead expression returning.

"Everything is going as planned, Roku. Now we just wait for the rest to play out...", her voice showed no emotion at all, and was almost robotic, as she slurped on her soon to be empty drink, and looked around the dark room with interest. It wasn't hers, after all.

@Ash Ketchup
Roku simply stared at the television that Athena put on while he sat on the ceiling eating oranges and having a white chocolate mocha with those strawberry flavored swirlies and cherries. Living on earth for about 10 years he's grown accustomed to like most of the sweets and sours this country had to offer, but still, nothing could beat oranges. He absolutely had no idea what the women on the t.v. was saying, but by all the chaos on it... He'd say Athena successfully killed Putin. And now yet another war has started between America and Russia. Yay. He looked back at Athena who held a smile on her face. Which disappeared in a second as she spoke out in that ugly robotic voice of hers. He sighed and jumped off the ceiling, edging closer to her he said, "I had no doubt in my mind that killing that president would work. So now your plan is progressing! But Athena...", he pouted as he pinched both of her cheeks and lifted them up, making her smile... Kinda. "You look so much better when you smile and I know you hate it but there's gotta be some care in that nonexistent heart of yours!", he exclaimed.

@FrostFire hope you like Roku's first official introduction to this series
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Athena stayed still, used to Roku's antics by now. She pulled on one of her masks, one of the many personalities she used out and about. Her face pulled up in a bubbly smile, and her voice chirped in a friendly and inviting manner, a polar opposite of how she had been seconds before. "You know that acting like this all the time is super duper draining!", as soon as the mask had come on, it was gone again. She threw Roku another orange, "You were the one who chose me, remember? Now, we have work to do.", Athena jumped out of bed, her voice back to it's usual robotic self.

Considering she was just going to the police station, and they knew what she looked like, she wouldn't need to wear any of her wings, nor her contacts. She was already fully dressed, and considering she had nothing with her save for her laptop and bag, everything else what in her actual home.

"Of course there is care in my heart. If someone killed a dog, I would torture them slowly until they begged for death.", she packed away her laptop as she spoke nonchalantly, not even a glimmer of emotion there.

"But for my own species? No. I hold no attachment to homo sapiens.". As she packed away her things, she wondered what her first day in this new station would be like. The JSS (Japanese secret service) had sent her to work in this particular station so that they had an agent on the front lines, while most of her colleagues stayed anonymous, she was out in the thick of it. She was also acting as their spokesperson when things happened, and she would relay information from both ends to the other.

"Well, I have a feeling they'll be all riled up at the station, so first impressions will be important. Not like that will be difficult. Sigh, I hope JSS won't make me look like too much of an asshole.", her things packed, she slung the backpack over her shoulder, and grabbed her laptop.

"Ready, Roku?".

@Ash Ketchup
Roku laughed at her as she put on her happy mask but then only continued to mumble angrily to himself as Athena continued to talk about "caring". "Fucking dogs... Only pests...", and the rest is too much of a no no for this rp. He broke out of his mumbling and snortedat her, "Yeah I'm ready. Oh, wait! Hold on!", he digged around her room and came back to her with a hair tie. He quickly put her hair in a braid and clicked his tongue, "Volia! Now we're ready!"

She sighed, and shook her head. What was the point in sentimental things like braids? Ah well, she would let Roku have his fun. 

"Very well.", she walked out of the apartment, it belonged to a couple who were on a honeymoon, and she had left the house in pristine condition. They wouldn't suspect a thing, none of them ever did.

She took the semi-short walk to the station, her face showing more emotion on it now than it had before, her face in a sort of tranquil distant thinking. She threw the now empty cup in the recycle, and popped into the same cafe to get another, this time is was a blueberry ice shake. She had quite a few oranges in her bag, so she didn't bother getting anything for Roku.

She went into the station, and approached the security at the front desk.

"Athena Saito, JSS. I believe your expecting me?", she quickly went through the security, still sipping on her blueberry shake. Her posture was business-like, and her voice was friendly yet professional, and soft.

She was lead to an office space, where she would be working for the foreseeable future, and dumped her bag on the floor next to her, taking her laptop out, yet leaving it off.

Now she just had to go and find her colleague, a Mr Wu Lìn Buelter that they had told her to become acquainted with asap. It seemed they had both come from abroad...

She got up from her desk, and went for a wander, wondering if he was around. She spotted him by the coffee machine, and she approached him.

"Ahem, Mr. Buelter. I'm Athena Saito, JSS, it's nice to make your acquaintance Sir. I've only just arrived, freshly transferred I'm afraid to say.", she held out her hand and smiled warmly up at him.

@Ash Ketchup @Gem



Gabriel cannot deny the palpable impatience in his posture as he awaits for the caffeine to take effect on his body. It is not nearly fast enough for his taste, no matter how dark and bitter the substance that fills his mug is. Muscles around his neck feel sore, he feels as if he is still drifting away in his sleep, he could blame it on jet-lag and whatnot but he knows it is an empty excuse, there has been far too many days for it to hold water as an argument. He has a feeling the next days of investigation will go around the same way, if this case is bound to get more and more complicated… News of other professionals from overseas joining the investigation team gathered here are of a positive outlook, adding to the chances of ending the purpose of his stay here to a decrease, if anything.  

As if right on cue, a voice approaches him from behind, driving him to turn around abruptly as he is called by his family name, announcing itself to be a stranger. It is an impulse on his part, given his character. He promptly observes the female in front of him, registering her facial features, the name and affiliation she provides and it comes to him. Yes, none other than the individuals crossing his mind as of late, a profile given to him the night before. Gabriel nods his head, offering her a timid smile as he shakes the hand that is held out to him gently. “Yes, a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss Saito. Welcome to the investigation.”

His hand does not linger any more than it is necessary, being someone not particularly fond of physical contact as he is. He takes a last sip of his coffee, placing the mug on the sink, a pause between the exchange. “I would have preferred to meet someone as distinct as you are in our area of work on different circumstances but here we are…” He sighs, averting his eyes for a moment. He had taken the time to study on any of his possible colleagues on the investigation beforehand. “I assume you already have your reservations about the case. I would like to hear them as soon as possible. In time, of course. You should get acquainted with the headquarters and the people involved beyond myself first, I assume.”

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Athena nodded, "Thank you, Sir.", she took another sip of her smoothie.

"I, um, if you think so?", she blushed a little at his remark, and cleared her throat, her voice still soft, but more timid now.

"I have been working on the Kira case for awhile now, but at my own department. Yes, that's probably best... Although I'm not quite sure where to begin, whom do you suggest I become acquainted with?", she inspected the coffee machine as she spoke. It looked like good coffee, and it was free, always a bonus.

"Is it good? The coffee, I mean.", she would have to try it once the caffeine in her system was out. In about an hour, all factors considered.


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