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Fandom Surīkirā - A "Death Note" RP

'Just wanted to get to know you,' he lied. Really, he was digging for her opinion on Kira, but coming right out and saying that would be too obvious. 'Hobbies, interests, all that.'

@Ash Ketchup

"Oh.", Etsuko said aloud as she made her way to her bedroom. Typing, she placed her bag on her bed and took out her laptop. She opened and peaked for one second at the larger screen just to put on some music. She looked over her text 2 more times to make sure she didn't misspell anything and say anything that made her look stupid. 'Well, I really enjoy hanging out at the (insert name here) cafe near my school. That's where I am most of my time when school ends. I'm not really interested in anything that's not technology. So I'm really good at computers and other sorts of technology haha. Kinda filled my time growing up. You see, my parents hated me. At first they just neglected me and that was fine until my mom died from a heart attack. Then dad started to abuse me, I have no idea why and I never questioned it. He died from a car accident eventually and now I live with my aunt.', she press sent. Then Etsuko started to type again. This time about what he wanted to hear,

'I guess the big answer here though is about Kira, since their the biggest craze in Japan right now. Or the "The Dark God" by their followers as I've recently found out. I'm pretty sure you know who they are, since their all over the news and media now. My honest opinion on them? I'm fine with what they're doing. Their doing what the law and the cops can't do! Those criminals on the streets? There are still out there and Kira's taking care of them. The only thing wrong about it is that they're trying to play god while doing it. No one can play god. They want to create a new world where there's no violence and everyone's happy. That's bull. They're free to achieve it but I don't think they can.' Sent.
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Hm, interesting. Ignoring what he assumed to be a hallucination of the Shinigami for now, but giving the monster a wide breadth, he made his way into the living room. Octavius supposed he'd need to do more digging  on this Etsuko person. Why him, of all people to follow? Was she part of the police? Was she going to be able to keep his secret? Would her opinion change if he told her the truth? More importantly, if she learned the truth, what would she be willing to do for him? Would she turn him in? There was simply too many factors. If he played his cards right, he could get an invaluable help. If he was careless, he could wind up in prison. But that was a risk from the get-go.

Octavius had looked into the online communities that sprung up around the internet as his killings made their way into the main stream news. He himself had never posted anything - that was perhaps the easiest but most overlooked way to get caught. One could trace the IP address of a poster claiming to be Kira and arrest them in their homes. However, it wasn't too hard to fling one's computer identity around the web. In fact, if one did a little digging, it wasn't even that hard to find already made programs. With a few tweaks to the code, Octavius was all but ready to give it a try. The only downside is that he would be relying on the network already provided by the base program. Perhaps he should look into contacting some sort of underground business to manufacture a small virus that spread easily and allowed him to extend his network of false identities further around the web. 

For now, however, the base network provided would suffice. Booting up the browser, he waited it to connect to a random IP, and once it had connected, he tabbed his way to the online Kira community he had seen. A lot of it was mere speculation, and very inaccurate at that. But it had the biggest following, and large forum space. Here, he decided, he would stoke the flames. Double checking that his custom browser would reroute all tracing attempts, he saw that his computer was properly projected to be a desktop currently in Italy. Well, here goes. Octavius made an account on the forums, claiming the surprisingly unused username 'The Dark God'. A single post went up from him, a simple 'Greetings.', and it didn't take long for the online community to swarm around it. He quickly disconnected his computer from the internet, closing the browser and leaving the post but no trace of where he was actually located.

Picking up his phone, he debated how to respond to Etsuko. 'I'm sorry about your parents.' came his first reply. He paused for a moment, before sending another text, 'Tell me more about why you find me interesting. I mean, there's more stories like me, right? Why me specifically?'

@Ash Ketchup


Gabriel starts out by humming in response, accompanying it with a slight nod. He assumes she must mean she will be working at her residence here, as opposed to here in the headquarters. It is a concept he finds somewhat troubling, given his own work ethics. But of course, he is not about to voice his thoughts, respecting her decision. “A commendable attitude of you to take that much interest in our work here. Do not fret, we all have our own responsibilities, I was assured of it on my first day in fact. We simply came together to end a complex case, after all.” It felt natural for him to reassure those around him, empathetic as he was. “I assume you must be speaking of the latest grand-scale assassination…I wish you good luck with your affairs.” He chuckled wryly at her, a bit of a nervous tick. Not that the murder of the Russian was particularly amusing, far from it. “But when you say ‘already been’…?” Before he could request her to elaborate on what she was saying, the distinct sound of the arrival of yet another member of the investigation team drew back his intentions. “Ah, Miss Mitsuzaki.” He bowed his head in greeting. “Good morning. A new member arrived just recently. Miss Saito, this is Ichiko Mitsusaki, one of the detectives involved in the case. Miss Mitsuzaki, this is Athena Saito…I assume you have heard of her? Or at the very least you’ve read the data given to us yesterday regarding her arrival.” He promptly takes it upon himself to introduce the two, as he thinks it is best to get that out of the way and aid Saito on her first day.

Athena nodded, and she smiled a relieved smile, grateful for the support. "Oh! Already been to the coffee shop, haha!", she held up her shake again, before bowing to Miss Mitsuzaki. "It's nice to meet you!", she smiled over at Miss Mitsuzaki. She was glad that they were given something other than just 'Expect this person', and considering her rank in the JSS, she was higher up than most here, but she wouldn't barge in and upset the harmony of the station, even if her boss had given her some... Orders, if certain things were to happen. And MI6 themselves had also given her things to do. So now she was juggling 3 agencies, but she could handle it. Hell, she had before.

@Gem @Datbrony


Gabriel starts out by humming in response, accompanying it with a slight nod. He assumes she must mean she will be working at her residence here, as opposed to here in the headquarters. It is a concept he finds somewhat troubling, given his own work ethics. But of course, he is not about to voice his thoughts, respecting her decision. “A commendable attitude of you to take that much interest in our work here. Do not fret, we all have our own responsibilities, I was assured of it on my first day in fact. We simply came together to end a complex case, after all.” It felt natural for him to reassure those around him, empathetic as he was. “I assume you must be speaking of the latest grand-scale assassination…I wish you good luck with your affairs.” He chuckled wryly at her, a bit of a nervous tick. Not that the murder of the Russian was particularly amusing, far from it. “But when you say ‘already been’…?” Before he could request her to elaborate on what she was saying, the distinct sound of the arrival of yet another member of the investigation team drew back his intentions. “Ah, Miss Mitsuzaki.” He bowed his head in greeting. “Good morning. A new member arrived just recently. Miss Saito, this is Ichiko Mitsusaki, one of the detectives involved in the case. Miss Mitsuzaki, this is Athena Saito…I assume you have heard of her? Or at the very least you’ve read the data given to us yesterday regarding her arrival.” He promptly takes it upon himself to introduce the two, as he thinks it is best to get that out of the way and aid Saito on her first day.


Athena nodded, and she smiled a relieved smile, grateful for the support. "Oh! Already been to the coffee shop, haha!", she held up her shake again, before bowing to Miss Mitsuzaki. "It's nice to meet you!", she smiled over at Miss Mitsuzaki. She was glad that they were given something other than just 'Expect this person', and considering her rank in the JSS, she was higher up than most here, but she wouldn't barge in and upset the harmony of the station, even if her boss had given her some... Orders, if certain things were to happen. And MI6 themselves had also given her things to do. So now she was juggling 3 agencies, but she could handle it. Hell, she had before.

@Gem @Datbrony

"Oh, thank you" she said, waving at Gabriel. "Nice to meet you too... Uhh... Athena." She said, fiddling to put on her glasses "that's quite a nice name" she smiled. "Oh, I made another batch of cinnamon rolls if anyone's hungry."
This is nothing. They could do better. Or worse. Depending on how you look at it. The light switched and he got across the road just fine. He wasn't alone- the streets were crowded so he still couldn't talk to Khaat out loud without looking insane. 

Just a head's up. If you hear someone mentioning a Yori Sato when we get to the police station, they're talking about me. I work under a different name to protect my identity. And to separate my work from my private life. Saturo wanted to get that out of the way so he wouldn't get asked about it later. 

"Now remember kid, you can give me half of your remaining life span for the shinigami eyes. This'll be useful for eliminating people with aliases."
"Now remember kid, you can give me half of your remaining life span for the shinigami eyes. This'll be useful for eliminating people with aliases."

I'm seriously considering it, you know. Satoru knew there was a reason that he was still alive. He should have died when his parents had, and by some miracle he'd been spared. But he didn't want to find out something he didn't want to know. I'll tell you when I want them. He reached the parking lot of the police station and walked through the doors. Most of his colleagues seemed to have arrived already. He hoped he wasn't too late. 
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“Thank you, Miss Mitsuzaki, but I’ll have to decline. Not too fond of sweets, you see.” Gabriel offers the young woman a kind smile in apology. He hopes it will excuse his frank, honest reasoning for it, as a woman’s cooking is not one to go unappreciated. He cannot help but chuckle ever so slightly at her choice of pastry, however, for reasons that remain his own solely. “Well, Miss Saito, shall we…?”

@FrostFire @Datbrony
"Ooohhh... Cinnamon rolls! I like this one already Athena.", Roku commented as he walked around Ichiko. "I'm pretty sure you're-......", he cut himself off as he stared in front of him. Is that...? He then began to burst out laughing and tried to talk but was interrupted by his laughter, "Athena! Athena! Haha! Oh my god... Oh this is great!", he suddenly stopped laughing and had on a straight face. "Guess who found the other Kira...", he whispered.

@FrostFire @Gem @Datbrony @snowstormspawn
"Ah, thank you! I would love some... But I'm on a diet, sorry.", Athena apologised, a hint of regret in her voice. "Yes, I suppose we should.", she followed behind Mr Buelter, still ignoring Roku outwardly, but she soaked in what he had said. It made sense that a Kira was here, it would avoid suspicion, after all. Internally, very, very deep down, where she locked away her real self when a mask took hold like this, she began to scheme. Interesting...

Her eyes looked around normally, and to anyone observing she was just looking around the room, but to Roku it would mean; Keep an eye on them, gather information, and tell me everything when we're alone.

@Gem @Datbrony @snowstormspawn @Ash Ketchup
Saturo became a completely different person as he strode through the doors. The transformation was apparent in his walk and the cold, determined look in his eyes. He walked into the office area to set his messenger bag and orange juice down in his cubicle. Chief Ohara would be expecting him. He grabbed his file full of crime scene reports related to Kira and a ballpoint pen to jot notes down with. 

On his way to the chief's office, he spotted a group of three people heading in the same direction. He knew Mitsuzaki, but he didn't recognize those other two. Saturo decided he would wait until he knew if they were investigating with him to introduce himself. 
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So the human had woken up. Great. In quite a loud and chaotic manner nonetheless, not that Khaoul cared. It was understandable for a human to be scared of his appearance, he doubted the mortal that now lay shocked before him had ever seen such a creature in his short life. Congratulations. He thought to himself, still not moving as the mortal tried to gather it's thoughts. Apparently becoming distracted with his phone, the human began tapping away at the device, seemingly ignoring the tall slender creature in his room. Did the human think he was an illusion? Perhaps he should inform him that such an assumption was not the case.

Turning his head with a cracking of the bones to stare at the mortal duly, Khaoul spoke up with a rusty hollow voice that had a bit of base to it, "So you are the one to have acquired my death note." The Shinigami seemed to consider something as his eyes looked away for moment, before returning to the new Kira, "I suppose you are not one for first impressions. I am real and this is not a dream, by the way." Khaoul's gaze was penetrating, magnetising even, as his two pure white dots seemed to draw the human in with the all the knowledge of something that killed for a literal living, something that held the secrets as to a person's very death and identity. But of course, Octavius would not know that yet. No human would know of the existence of the Shinigami unless they possessed a death note and had met its previous owner. As far as Khaoul was aware, there were no such humans yet, but he could simply just be uninformed.

I'm seriously considering it, you know. Satoru knew there was a reason that he was still alive. He should have died when his parents had, and by some miracle he'd been spared. But he didn't want to find out something he didn't want to know. I'll tell you when I want them. He reached the parking lot of the police station and walked through the doors. Most of his colleagues seemed to have arrived already. He hoped he wasn't too late. 

"Alright, kid. Just remember I'm taking back the death note once  I run out of years. I've got about ten left because I was lazy."
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Octavius froze in his motions. Had the hallucination just spoke? Turning to look at it, he considered what it said. Folklore spoke of shinigami, but granted Octavius never really payed attention. There was something magnetic about the creature, something Octavius couldn't explain.

"Your Death Note?" Octavius echoed back to the supposedly real shinigami in his house. "I guess that makes sense, but... why do I have it if it's yours?"

@Destructus Kloud
Etsuko's fingered hovered over the letter c as she sat on her bed and pondered if he remembered. So she asked him, 'You really don't remember, do you? I tried to give you a night to remember me and you still don't? We were really young, I know, and I had longer hair back then. Well, if you don't remember I'll gladly tell you.' She press sent and immediately started typing again. This text was sent a minute prior to her previous one. 'You helped me. It was near one of my old houses. I was getting bullied for my curly hair by these girls. You yelled at them, they got scared and ran away. You made sure I was okay before you left.'




"Yes, my Death Note. I am the one who dropped it into the human realm. Purposefully, of course. I am not incompetent like some of my kind up there..." Khaoul glanced up at the ceiling, referring to the Shinigami realm with distaste in his distorted voice. It was incredibly dull and boring up there to the point where Khaoul was worried it was affecting him now as well. He certainly felt more tame than he had usually been before, Back in his gambling days, that is, when he was young, risky and foolish. Although 'young' was a relative word for him, he wasn't particularly in old age or anything. There was no set expiry date for Gods of Death, so for all he knew, he was still in the infancy of his species. The King of the Shinigami was certainly much older than himself, having existed since time immemorial as far as he knew. 

"Then I'm assuming you don't want it back. Not yet, at least?" Octavius asked. If the shinigami really wanted his Death Note back that badly, the human realistically couldn't do anything to oppose him. So if Octavius still had the book, it was because this shinigami wanted him to have it. "Well, regardless, you'll get it back eventually. Perhaps when I die." Flipping the Death Note open to where he had left off, he reconnected his computer to the internet and started doing searches, pulling up names of criminals. He could pass his judgment all day today, given how he didn't need to go into the office at all. Perhaps he should work remotely more often...

Getting a text from Etsuko, he picked up his phone, looking the message over. 'No, sorry, I don't remember... but I'll try harder to remember. How old are you, exactly?' he responded, hitting send after he finished typing. 

@Ash Ketchup @Destructus Kloud



"Yes. Perhaps..." Khaoul echoed, eyeing the lifespan that hung in red over the mortal's head, "I have indeed not come for my death note. Rather, I am simply here to observe how you use it. Although make no mistake, I am more than capable of ending a human's life still. You see, I do have more than one Death Note." His skeletal hand disappeared into his black robes and reappeared again, now holding a second Death Note that looked identical to the one Octavius currently held. After letting the mortal see if it for a few moments, he returned it to inside his robes. Khaoul then glanced down at the device the human kept tapping on, "Oh, a human phone. I suppose chatting with that other human is more important than this incredible discovery you have made, then. It's not everyday a mortal gets to meet a God of Death, you know." The Shinigami didn't say it provocatively or with any intent as if he cared whether Octavius was concerned with his being there or not, but it was more that Khaoul was just interested in how the human was reacting to him on a less personal level. His voice hadn't changed from it's odd dull and distorted fashion and it still held the same general gravelly hollow sound. The situation was like an ant first realising that there are humans walking amongst the planet with the power capable of crushing them at a moment's notice. Of course, ants didn't care much either, they simply went about their business as normal. Generally, though, a human would panic at the sight of a Shinigami and remain that way for quite some time. But apparently this particular mortal had gotten over his fear rather quickly, perhaps due to becoming accustomed or resigned to death? Khaoul did not know, but it was certainly something that caught his interested nonetheless.

@Noivian (Sorry, I thought my last post had sent an hour ago, but apparently not.)
She smilied, looking over his text. "He really cares about me.", she said. Her fingers started typing away as the song she was playing previously looped itself. 'I'm 17. We're only 7 years apart.'


Meanwhile, Roku was doing what he was told. And that was to watch the other Kira. This other Kira, Satoru Yukimura, passed Roku and the others. Was he headed the same way Athena was being led to? Oh, what a thrill it would be if they were working on the same case. The shinigami that followed behind Satoru didn't pay any mind to him. Well, they will later. When Athena decides to talk to this other Kira. He checked Satoru's life span and chuckled to himself.
Octavius raised an eyebrow at the God of Death, looking over the notebook the other held wearily. As he suspected, his life was but putty in the shinigami's hands. On some level, Octavius had a feeling he already knew that. His life had been plagued by death thus far, why would the appearance of a literal death god surprise him? Deep down, he was entirely unnerved by the shinigami's appearance, but there was more pressing matter than how he felt about the other. "Do you have a name?" Octavius asked, not so much thinking of writing the shinigami into his Death Note, but more so that he would have something to call the god of death. "Assuming you're going to be sticking around for a bit, I should let you in on my plans. I'm going to cleanse this world of suffering and strife, simple as that. Anyone who stands in my way will be eliminated. I need to know, how many Death Notes do you have? Are there more that exist in this world, at this moment? If there's more, is there any way for people in possession of a Death Note to discover others who possess one?"

Octavius had to restrain choking sounds when he looked at the text he received. Only seven years? She said that like it was no big deal. She wasn't even an adult yet! 'How old were you when I saved you from those bullies?'
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Akemi Azami furiously typed on his computer. So much had happened. It was such an interesting time to be a independant agent. Everyone was up in arms in any thing remotely government controlled. War between America and Russia and Kira. It was wonderful, he chuckled to himself. And who else would challenge them. He was right now erasing his existence from the annals of history. To play with these kind of people, one could not exist. Not his real name at least. He had been observing Kira from the background preparing for war. Both the government and the mafia had asked him to hunt down Kira for huge sums of money. The kind of money that made someone risk his life. Akemi grinned slowly and laughed out loud. It was going to be a fun time soon. 

Now his deductions from Kira had revealed a few interesting things. There were definitely two Kira's at least two users of this strange power. A more careful one who had existed for years and one more recent. However now, his eyes had lit upon a strange case in America. Another killer? Maybe. Nonetheless, they had no right to rule humanity through this strange power. It was up to him and his hacking abilities. Ah he was gone from the internet, not a trace. Now, he activated his feed to all the major stations in the world and hacked through their defense. It was time to challege 'gods' . He slipped on a mask since he wasn't quite sure of how the gods killed people. Probably names or faces from his deductions, nevertheless, he had to be cautious. A red light turned on showing him that he was on air. 

"Good evening ladies, gentlemen, and those who would play at being god. Yes I know you are out there. Those two, no three who can kill without liscence, without creed, without check. A mysterious power, destined to kill hundred more. Yet here I am, no name no face, Nemo God Killer. How will you kill me? You are not immortal, and you are not sovereign. So now, I challenge you all to a duel! Let us see. Who will drop dead first? Me the powerless? Or you the 'gods'?" Find me before I find you. The game is set, the field prepared, the guns loaded, the safeties are off. Let us match. MATCH MY WITS! I will destroy you cursed above all! Killers of man! Hmm, I'm rambling. I tell you we will see. Your prize is my life, the life of Nemo the God Killer. My prize is your life and your power to destroy. Let the game begin!" 

With that Akemi shut off his computer and broke the link, destroying the router he had used. Now, search for me. Lead me to you. 
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The Shinigami glanced at the phone again, distracted as it bleeped for attention. Looking back to Octavius after his barrage of questions, Khaoul answered very simply, "I am called Khaoul. I am also in possession of two other notebooks, aside from the one you now hold." Khaoul saw no need to hide such a fact from the man before him. It wasn't like his death notes could be stolen from him and the human couldn't simply write his name in his death note to kill him, Shinigami could not be killed in that way, it required them to either live too long without killing a human or sacrificing one's self to save a human's life. Those were the only two ways Khaoul knew of how a Shinigami could die and he was definitely safe of both of those methods. He then sought to answer the rest of Octavius' questions, "I do not know if there are more death notes in this world. However, there is a way to find out if a human is in possession of one." Khaoul brought his thin skeletal hands up and used his index fingers to make circles around his eye sockets, "The Shinigami eyes. A human is able to barter for possession of them at the expense of half of their remaining life span. It allows you to see the name and current life span of any human, however, those who have used the death note will have their life span hidden from those with the Shinigami eyes, such as yourself should you accept the deal. It is through this, can someone with the eyes determine who a user of the death note is." Khaoul dropped his hands and leaned ominously in to get a better view of Octavius, "A user of the death note may never go to heaven nor hell. You should cherish what time you have in this world, but you may not have much time without the aid of the Shinigami Eyes, mortal." The god of death leaned out again and stared down at the human passively with his creepy, unblinking white pupils, "Make your choice wisely, mortal. One you accept the deal, there will be no way to get back the half of your life span that you will have lost." Finished with his explanation and offer to the human, Khaoul simply stood there, staring and waiting for a response. 

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Octavius raised an eyebrow at the God of Death, looking over the notebook the other held wearily. As he suspected, his life was but putty in the shinigami's hands. On some level, Octavius had a feeling he already knew that. His life had been plagued by death thus far, why would the appearance of a literal death god surprise him? Deep down, he was entirely unnerved by the shinigami's appearance, but there was more pressing matter than how he felt about the other. "Do you have a name?" Octavius asked, not so much thinking of writing the shinigami into his Death Note, but more so that he would have something to call the god of death. "Assuming you're going to be sticking around for a bit, I should let you in on my plans. I'm going to cleanse this world of suffering and strife, simple as that. Anyone who stands in my way will be eliminated. I need to know, how many Death Notes do you have? Are there more that exist in this world, at this moment? If there's more, is there any way for people in possession of a Death Note to discover others who possess one?"

Octavius had to restrain choking sounds when he looked at the text he received. Only seven years? She said that like it was no big deal. She wasn't even an adult yet! 'How old were you when I saved you from those bullies?'

'I was 7 when you saved me from them. At that time you should've been 14. Your hair was brown back then though, I'm surprised I still noticed you haha! Do you mind telling me why you dyed your hair?', she sent in the text then heard her aunt call to her from downstairs, "Etsuko! I'm off to work! All the doors should be locked so if anything happens just call the police alright?!", she got off her bed and opened her door, saying in her normal tone, "Alright," She saw her aunt down at the steps of the stairs with her make up on and neatly dressed. "There's dinner in the fridge." "Okay." "Etsuko. Who are you texting up there?", she froze. How did she...? "U-Um... My boyfriend..", her aunt raised an eyebrow, "Boyfriend? Hmm, alright. Just be careful." "Of course." Her aunt opened the door and took her leave. "Finally.", Etsuko breathed out and closed her door. She went to her blinds and closed those too. Now her room was completely dark as she sat on her bed waiting for another reply. The only sounds were the music from her laptop.



 “It is best to get formalities out of the way.” Guiding her across the headquarters, taking the chance to inform her of each room and its function as a whole, it would not take long for the two of them to stand outside the office of the man overseeing the case that had corrupted  the world into worldwide state of chaos. “Chief Ohara.” Gabriel knocked on the door, announcing his presence before opening the door. “The new member for the Kira case is here, sir.” He moved out of the way for her to enter first and introduce herself. It all starts now… Yes, he had a feeling answers would be found from this very point onwards.

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Athena agreed with him on that, although in her current form dictated she enjoyed meeting people. 

She stepped into the office, bowing low towards her new co-worker. Technically the chief wasn't her boss, but she would still act as if he were.

"Athena Saito, JSS. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Chief Ohara. I look forward to working with you and your team.", she smiled over at him warmly. So... This was the chief. Ever since she had walked in she had been committing every name, every real name to memory, and she paid special attention to his.


(I'm guessing you're doing the chief?)
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