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Fandom Surīkirā - A "Death Note" RP

Arisu's eyes widened as she watched the men collapse and the reporters frantically covering the situation. Kira had struck again. She shut off her television and leaned back into the couch, shutting her eyes. On some level she felt safer with someone taking out criminals like this. She'd often feared someone would kidnap her for ransom. She certainly had a few stalkers though. And not just the ones snapping photos for gossip magazines. It was difficult for her to sleep at night. The fear had left her restless. Sleep medication never helped. But ever since Kira had started doing his work, she felt as if she could sleep with the lights off again. How bizarre that such a dangerous person helped her feel safe.   
Yeah, no. There was no way he was going to bed like this. Slipping into his shoes he shrugged on his jacket and headed outside, walking towards downtown. Might as well pretend to shop while he was out. He was currently wearing a while dress shirt, a black hoodie, and a pair of black jeans. He locked his door behind him, tromping down the stairs of the apartment building and onto street level. 

(Serious Mode:ON)

Well, while Honda's, Full name being: Eiichi Honda, little mental short circuit was still fresh in the kid's adolescent mind. Aswell was the mental trauma of seeing one his favorite characters get so utterly and bluntly rejected, the pain of which didn't seem to go away no matter how many amount times or how hard he hit himself or explained to himself that it was not real. Dejected, not waiting to watch another episode for the foreseeable future, Honda decided he would take a journey to his favorite store. "Lucky Star" (for all your anime needs and more) to see if any of the cool merchandise could relax his mood. 

The 19-year-old sat up from his black, leather "gaming" chair and walked toward his caramel brown colored closet door, he stuck out his hand and grasped the metal door knob turning forcefully. Afterward, he silently poked around through his limited selection of clothing, before finally pulling a yellow standard hoodie, with words on the front which read "I  <3  humanity" in black japanese characters. Eiichi slowed shrugged the hoodie onto his back, pulling his arms through the jackets sleeves before sliding it all the way on, relishing the warm and soft feeling of the coat before heading of his apartment and onto the road. 
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"Aw man, you're seriously considering giving up the notebook? If you do that I'll have no death note, and in turn I'll die one day. You can't do that, plus the death note has your fingerprints on it right? Wouldn't it be fishy if they found the death note in your house?"
Octavius made it to the shops, browsing the windows idly... he kept an eye out for people who might seem to be following him. These last few days, he had been aware of this girl he kept seeing over and over. He couldn't help but wonder if she might have been following him, and why perhaps she might be following him. He hadn't take his Death Note with him - what kind of fool would do that? He had experimented with the book, however, and kept a slip in his pocket in case he got into trouble and needed to get away. Apparently, the pages worked regardless of if they were in the notebook or not. 
"Aw man, you're seriously considering giving up the notebook? If you do that I'll have no death note, and in turn I'll die one day. You can't do that, plus the death note has your fingerprints on it right? Wouldn't it be fishy if they found the death note in your house?"

"No," Satoru said. "I can't trust anyone else with the notebook. Giving it up is out of the question. No matter who has it, they'll either forfeit ownership, or use it for something even more evil. It's safest with me." He looked down at his drawer. "I might have to put it in my file cabinet where I keep the files from the investigation," he said. His grandparents hadn't thought out about that in all the years he'd had the files there. 
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That was it. She got it. His address. It didn't take much digging around the internet to find it, all you needed was to really look and you can find anyone's home. She had to pay some money, sure. But it was only some. She grabbed her pale tan jacket and slipped it on and rushed downstairs to her shoes, slipping those on too. Her hand clasped around the door knob when her aunt spoke to her, "Etsuko.", her body shook. She turned ever so slightly and said, "Yes? Aunt Haruki?", her voice small. Her aunt smiled, "If you're going out, could you buy some pocky and coffee from the store? We've ran out." "Oh. Okay.", with that she opened and left. "I'm so glad she's nice.", Etsuko mumbled.

She made it to the store and quickly walked inside. Grabbing what she needed she headed out and basically ran to his house. This was the day(night) she decided to finally talk to him. Though, that was stopped short, when she saw him in front of the stores. Just there. It was fate, she told herself. That he was right there. She walked up, face flushed and her voice gave out, "E-Excuse me?"

"Hey Timmy Wilkes?"  The Musketeer asked in a young girl's voice as he sat on top of his car and checked his makeup.

"Who the hell-"

"Face? The guys with all faces?"

"Dayum son callin me up outta da blue like dis," the deep voice on the other side said with a hint of worry "thought you was done wit de biziness."

"Yeah well what can I say, criminals dying left and right. Might make things a little less crowded for artists like us, quality control and all that eh big guy?" he sighed

"Well if you's callin' me up, I take it dat means you need somethin'?"

"One body, it needs to be disposed of." he said with a smirk as he stretched in his humble dress, femininity radiating off of him like the soft young belle he was "She's a hot young thing so if you've still got guys on your payroll who are into that kinda thing she's still pretty warm."

"Irrelevant my man, you dump her at one of de regular spots and my boys take care of it. Any relatives I should be worryin' about?"

"Nah, both surviving family members are dead. Mom dismembered and her brother stabbed to death with her prints all over both of the scenes, long with several other convicting pieces of evidence that would've landed her in prison if I hadn't killed her. Won't do much since I burned down the house after setting it all up, so all our little scape goat here needs to do is escape like the frightened little crook she is now."

"Still as effective as evah, eh?" Wilkes cackled "My boys' gonna take care of her good."

"Nice nice... I don't really need the dead weight slowing me down." the Musketeer said with a soft sigh before sliding off the top of his car and glancing around the gas station he was at "I'm also going to need you to put me in contact with Guster, I'm going to need to know what he and his lackeys are doing nowadays."
"No," Satoru said. "I can't trust anyone else with the notebook. Giving it up is out of the question. No matter who has it, they'll either forfeit ownership, or use it for something even more evil. It's safest with me." He looked down at his drawer. "I might have to put it in my file cabinet where I keep the files from the investigation," he said. His grandparents hadn't thought out about that in all the years he'd had the files there. 

"Oh come on!" He poked satoru "just.., do something. I thought dropping my death note would be more fun" he sat on the bed and pouted with his arms folded.
Looking over, Octavius noticed the girl. So she was here. But she was talking to him? Not much of a stalker, then. Perhaps just idly curious about his appearance? He turned to her with a kind smile. A girl this young... it was grey territory for him. "Yes, hello. How can I help you?" he asked, giving her his undivided attention and the warmest smile he could manage. 

@Ash Ketchup
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"Oh come on!" He poked satoru "just.., do something. I thought dropping my death note would be more fun" he sat on the bed and pouted with his arms folded.

"Oh, I'll be doing something with it," Satoru said. He unlocked the file cabinet, put the Death Note inside and pulled out a file. He took out a blurry photo of two men dressed in black from head to toe and showed it to Khaat. "These are the men who killed my parents," he said. "Nobody knows who they are. I won't rest until I find out. And when I do, I'll kill them myself. But until then, only those who ask for death, or those who deserve it."
"Oh, I'll be doing something with it," Satoru said. He unlocked the file cabinet, put the Death Note inside and pulled out a file. He took out a blurry photo of two men dressed in black from head to toe and showed it to Khaat. "These are the men who killed my parents," he said. "Nobody knows who they are. I won't rest until I find out. And when I do, I'll kill them myself. But until then, only those who ask for death, or those who deserve it."

"Ooh, revenge. I guess humans really are interesting. This'll be fun to watch, but how are you going to find out their names and faces... You know... There's a little deal that shinigami can offer humans who have the death note. You can trade half of your remaining lifespan for shinigami eyes. You'll be able to see the name of a person above their head with shinigami eyes. Think of it like in a video game or something."
Ichiko was lying in bed, her first day at work had gone by. She hoped she had made a good impression. Bringing cinnamon rolls for her co workers and trying to meet new people, sadly though she wasn't one for making friends. She spent another night alone, but she didn't care. She didn't care about boyfriends or girlfriends or spouses. All she cared about were having friends. (Basically just a paragraph saying that Ichiko is asexual)
Her already flushed face deepened when his smooth and deep voice talked to her. His smile absolutely made her melt and she would've fainted if they weren't in the public. "U-Umm...", her voice quavered. She thought to herself, What am I doing? I'm going to mess it up! He'll hate me! He'll hate me!, her mouth formed in a thin line as she said, very clearly and bowed, "I love you!", she kept her head down as she continued, "You can reject if you want but all I ask of you is to give me a chance please! I'll do anything!" Her eyes stayed closed as she waited for a response.

"Ooh, revenge. I guess humans really are interesting. This'll be fun to watch, but how are you going to find out their names and faces... You know... There's a little deal that shinigami can offer humans who have the death note. You can trade half of your remaining lifespan for shinigami eyes. You'll be able to see the name of a person above their head with shinigami eyes. Think of it like in a video game or something."

"I don't think that will be useful until I find out where they're hiding," Satoru said with a sigh, sitting down on the edge of his bed. "Their faces were concealed with hats, but what I saw of them's etched into my mind. Especially their eyes."

Half of his remaining lifespan. He thought about that for a moment.

There was no way of knowing how much time he had left. "I don't want to die before I find them. Or before my grandparents. After those things happen, I don't care what happens to me, or where I go when I die. Maybe I'll make the deal with you then, or maybe not."

He looked out the window, thinking about the future. Many things could happen in the time it took to find the criminals. He might meet someone, fall in love, and get married. Although he didn't see that happening for himself, but it was a possibility. 
"I don't think that will be useful until I find out where they're hiding," Satoru said with a sigh, sitting down on the edge of his bed. "Their faces were concealed with hats, but what I saw of them's etched into my mind. Especially their eyes."

Half of his remaining lifespan. He thought about that for a moment.

There was no way of knowing how much time he had left. "I don't want to die before I find them. Or before my grandparents. After those things happen, I don't care what happens to me, or where I go when I die. Maybe I'll make the deal with you then, or maybe not."

He looked out the window, thinking about the future. Many things could happen in the time it took to find the criminals. He might meet someone, fall in love, and get married. Although he didn't see that happening for himself, but it was a possibility. 

"Don't worry kid, you've got a long life ahead of you. Even if you trade half your lifespan that's stil a lot of time to be alive. Unless you're a shinigami. But I've only got a few years left. So you  can either live a long life without the death not, or half as much with the death note. Your choice.
Octavius was flabbergasted. Love him? He hesitated, looking around him. People were staring. What was a man like him doing with a girl like her? They were too far apart in age... people would think he was a creep, and that would be suspicious. But if he turned her down... would she make a bigger scene? "Please, ma'am, don't make a scene," he said, waving his hands before him to brush off her statement. The public around him moved on. When they were more or less alone, he set a hand on top of her head. "Girl. How did you find me? What makes you say those words with such passion, such conviction?" he asked, his voice lowered.

@Ash Ketchup
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"Don't worry kid, you've got a long life ahead of you. Even if you trade half your lifespan that's stil a lot of time to be alive. Unless you're a shinigami. But I've only got a few years left. So you  can either live a long life without the death not, or half as much with the death note. Your choice.

Satoru was surprised the Shinigami had told him that. Although he may have been lying. But he believed it. He didn't drink, he didn't smoke, and he looked both ways before crossing the street. He didn't know his life should have ended when his parents' did. He had no idea his life had been prolonged by another god of death. 

"I'll think about it," Satoru replied. "Are you always going to follow me around everywhere?" he asked, leaning back against his wall. "You'll probably like my job. It involves a lot of death. Well, going to the scene of one and finding out who caused it." 
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"You're a detective with a death note? This should be interesting. And yeah, I've kinda got to follow you around now. By the way I need another orange, and fast."
"That's actually how I found your death note. It was lying in the forest near the scene of a murder." 

Satoru reached beneath his bed and retrieved a small crate of oranges. "Knock yourself out," he said with a smile. Thank God I found a way to get rid of these oranges. 
"That's actually how I found your death note. It was lying in the forest near the scene of a murder." 

Satoru reached beneath his bed and retrieved a small crate of oranges. "Knock yourself out," he said with a smile. Thank God I found a way to get rid of these oranges. 

"Oh my, I haven't had oranges in a hundred years. finally!" He said, picking Up a handful and eating them like grapes.
Octavius was flabbergasted. Love him? He hesitated, looking around him. People were staring. What was a man like him doing with a girl like her? They were too far apart in age... people would think he was a creep, and that would be suspicious. But if he turned her down... would she make a bigger scene? "Please, ma'am, don't make a scene," he said, waving his hands before him to brush off her statement. The public around him moved on. When they were more or less alone, he set a hand on top of her head. "Girl. How did you find me? What makes you say those words with such passion, such conviction?" he asked, his voice lowered.

@Ash Ketchup

(flabbergasted is such a nice word)

She felt like her knees went weak when she felt his touch. She didn't dare move, as she wanted his hand to linger on her head longer. "It was just by chance...", she lowered her voice, as she listened to him tell her to not cause a scene. "That I found you. It felt so long ago, that I've almost forgotten how I found you. It was on the internet, I just came across your parents profile and it mentioned you. It was just supposed to be a small thing, observing you... But it turned larger and I'm sorry for that." She sadly moved away from his touch and looked him in the eyes, his were so gorgeous while her's was plain like every other Asian with brown eyes, "I love you and I can't help that. I feel weird when you talked to other people... It feels like a burn in my chest.", she looked down again, chuckling. She wrote down what she was going to say to him as she confessed so many times that she developed calluses on her both her fingers as she was ambidextrous. She hoped what she said was enough.
This is going to work out well, Satoru thought to himself. If he played his cards right, he'd be able to do everything he'd set out to achieve. Even if he had to die for it. "Just make sure to put the peels in the trash bucket, okay? Oh. I forgot. You eat those too."  He shuddered at the thought of a time when he'd accidentaly bitten into an orange peel. 
This is going to work out well, Satoru thought to himself. If he played his cards right, he'd be able to do everything he'd set out to achieve. Even if he had to die for it. "Just make sure to put the peels in the trash bucket, okay? Oh. I forgot. You eat those too."  He shuddered at the thought of a time when he'd accidentaly bitten into an orange peel. 

"So what're you going to tonight, kid? A plans? You're not just going to sleep are you? That's boring."
By chance... then she didn't know. She didn't know about how he killed criminals, his plans for the new world he would create. Perhaps, however, perhaps she could help him. Perhaps she would be a tool for his use. When he looked at her, so innocent and naive, he saw his little brother, and felt a deep need to protect. That was his goal, after all. To protect the innocent from those who wished to do harm. "What's your name?" he asked at last. "Do you have a phone number? Some way I could contact you?"

@Ash Ketchup
Her eyes widen at his words. Did it actually work? Were her feelings returned? She mentally shook her head, no no, she shouldn't think too far ahead. He just asked for her name and number. Still, she smiled at him and gave her name and number, "M-My name is Etsuko Ui and my number is 301-555-0189(this is secretly a reference to a cartoon cuz im trash.). Um, I also have social accounts which I go by Akiyama M.", she lifted up her finger and adjusted her glasses.

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