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Fandom Superheros and Villains

Watcher dodged them,knowing exactly where they would be. He smiled. "You really think they would keep money in a vault? Banks here get robbed every other day"

"Boss Atrophy is smarter than you think" One of the goons stated. They reloaded their guns and started shooting once again. Meanwhile Yara entered the Vault using the supervisors credentials and noticed the extremely small amount of money stored. She sighed and searched the room for the money delivery schedule. "As I thought. Today at the main bank in about 15 minutes. All we have to do is intercept the vehicle."
"Boss Atrophy is smarter than you think" One of the goons stated. They reloaded their guns and started shooting once again. Meanwhile Yara entered the Vault using the supervisors credentials and noticed the extremely small amount of money stored. She sighed and searched the room for the money delivery schedule. "As I thought. Today at the main bank in about 15 minutes. All we have to do is intercept the vehicle."
Peter followed the bank vehicle stealthily. If there's one thing he knew, vehicles with large sums of money made good targets in the eyes of most criminals.

"here, is that alright?" *hands the license over*
The casheir nodded. "Of course let me get you what you need."

Kas checked the clock. His shift was over. He changed into his regular clothes and went out the back. He got in his car and drove to a burger restaurant. He drove with the window down and a cigarette on his mouth.
Peter followed the bank vehicle stealthily. If there's one thing he knew, vehicles with large sums of money made good targets in the eyes of most criminals.

The casheir nodded. "Of course let me get you what you need."

Kas checked the clock. His shift was over. He changed into his regular clothes and went out the back. He got in his car and drove to a burger restaurant. He drove with the window down and a cigarette on his mouth.
"how much will that be, im kind of in a hurry."
At the restaurant Kass ordered a Bacon Cheesuber with cheesy fries. He looked out the window and saw a mugging across the street. He got up from his chair and left the diner leaving the amount of pay behind in cash. He walked over to the Alley way and grabbed the mugger. "Hey! Motherfucker!" He pulled the mugger back and socked him in the face. "Get lost!" The mugger pulled out a knife and went to stab him. He grabbed thean's wrist and twisted it making him drop the knife.

He kicked the mugger in the genitals and the muggle fell painfully. He made eye contact with the guy getting mugged. "Get your sorry ass out of here."
At the restaurant Kass ordered a Bacon Cheesuber with cheesy fries. He looked out the window and saw a mugging across the street. He got up from his chair and left the diner leaving the amount of pay behind in cash. He walked over to the Alley way and grabbed the mugger. "Hey! Motherfucker!" He pulled the mugger back and socked him in the face. "Get lost!" The mugger pulled out a knife and went to stab him. He grabbed thean's wrist and twisted it making him drop the knife.

He kicked the mugger in the genitals and the muggle fell painfully. He made eye contact with the guy getting mugged. "Get your sorry ass out of here."

*walks out and just walks around the city*
"BFF COME HERE. WE ARE IN A HURRY. I NEED YOUR HELP" Yara called out. BFF ran towards Yara as requested. "Cut a hole in the ceiling and take us to the top please. We are going to Krysteel Bank to intercept the truck" Yara said. BFF immediately wrapped a bandage around Yara and busted a whole in the ceiling, taking them to the roof. They then started off towards the money truck.
(hmm, what about someone tries to kidnap aleski? ) (would that be an idea?)
(Okay make it happen)
"BFF COME HERE. WE ARE IN A HURRY. I NEED YOUR HELP" Yara called out. BFF ran towards Yara as requested. "Cut a hole in the ceiling and take us to the top please. We are going to Krysteel Bank to intercept the truck" Yara said. BFF immediately wrapped a bandage around Yara and busted a whole in the ceiling, taking them to the roof. They then started off towards the money truck.
Spidey followed the truck stealthily.
"Boss Atrophy is smarter than you think" One of the goons stated. They reloaded their guns and started shooting once again. Meanwhile Yara entered the Vault using the supervisors credentials and noticed the extremely small amount of money stored. She sighed and searched the room for the money delivery schedule. "As I thought. Today at the main bank in about 15 minutes. All we have to do is intercept the vehicle."
Watcher dodged all the shots again. " hmm Atrophy.. Must be a new villain here. Better look her up later."(sorry guys got to work be back later tonight)
" playing with Snow." Maya said from the kitchen, in the living room Rebecca finds her son playing with the snow leopard Snow.

"Okay this is the place then" Roxie said and looked at her. "Who is talking about us."

Rebecca chuckled and sat down to watch

"I don't know mommy, but I keep hearing them" she replied
She stopped growling and looked at the picture. Slowly she changed back to normal. Her suit had several holes from where her injuries were, her blonde hair was full of knots and seemed to be covered in a mixture of dirt and ash. Taking a deep breath as her eyes changed last. " haven't been back to normal in days..." Her stomach growled loudly as it normally did when she changed back.
Zadock smiled and said "there's food downstairs." He then left to let her change and come back down.
"Yeah... just one more strike... but I don't need the help of you guys... In fact, I ask you stay away for your own safety." He said as he lit the cigarette.
Dash chuckled "I'm usually in the heart of danger don't worry about that but if you want me to stay away I'll do my best." Dash frowned and looked at his phone before waving and speeding away.
“Of course sir” Larry responded happily
He turned around and grabbed twelve donuts, putting each of them in a bag.

He pushed the box of donuts towards the man, “That will be 8.00 please.
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(If you honestly think you could hurt her)

"Hole him up boys we don't have time for this right now. BFF take guard." Yara said proceeding to the Vault with the key and finger in tow. The goons brought out their guns and shot at the weird man while BFF watched silently.

(I know I can hurt her, but the question is, how much are you willing?)
(I know I can hurt her, but the question is, how much are you willing?)
(Try me)

With Yara's hyper mobility and BFF's bandages, they were making great time. They were perfectly en route to intercept the armored money truck. "If we meet any heroes, put them in the ground okay BFF?" Yara said smiling uncontrollably from her excitement. BFF nodded in understanding and started scanning the rooftops for anyone who would be tailing them.
As Peter swu
(Try me)

With Yara's hyper mobility and BFF's bandages, they were making great time. They were perfectly en route to intercept the armored money truck. "If we meet any heroes, put them in the ground okay BFF?" Yara said smiling uncontrollably from her excitement. BFF nodded in understanding and started scanning the rooftops for anyone who would be tailing them.
Spider-Man followed the truck. To keep it safe from potential crooks.
Zadock smiled and said "there's food downstairs." He then left to let her change and come back down.

Dash chuckled "I'm usually in the heart of danger don't worry about that but if you want me to stay away I'll do my best." Dash frowned and looked at his phone before waving and speeding away.
"Hey where's Zadock?" Joey asked Kala Musicnotes Musicnotes
As Peter swu
Spider-Man followed the truck. To keep it safe from potential crooks.

Yara and BFF were right above the armored truck while perched on the building. "Alright......NOW" Yara commanded. BFF flew from the building and impaled the truck with his bandages, completely immobilizing it. Yara used another one of his bandages to zip line down do the bottom. She went over to the drivers side door and banged on it. The driver refused to open it. BFF opened the door for her and in the same instance, Yara repeatedly stabbed him with her scalpel. "Now open up the back of this truck."

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