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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"That's good to hear." He replied "It's been too long since I last saw her."
" well that's good she's up. Did she change back?" Kala asked and got up from her chair.
Zadock nodded and said "yeah she's fine now for the most part. As for you Joey you shouldn't leave her alone for so long someone might come and steal her away from you and from what I hear that's not what you want." Zadock smiled kindly at Joey as he headed for the couch to take a seat.
BFF stuck 4 bandages deep into the ground and another 4 straight at the girl, 2 aiming for her and another 2 aiming for her mirror. He noticed that although he couldn't really hurt her, he could try to damage the object in her hand that is helping her.
Erika soon finished but saw the attack aiming for her mirror as she quickly moved it so the bandages hit the special steel on the mirror that seemed to be also around the upper part of her chest doing little to no damage as smiled "Oh going for my dark energy source. Well good luck getting the through the steel as that stuff is really durable and strong metal from space." she said as the other two ribbon impale her "Oh you got me." she said sarcastically and smiles as she launched a moving wheel with sharp blades with eye in the middle into the ground as it started to bury under the ground as dirt mound path forms heading under BFF as she soon grabs the two bandages.
((Hitting the sack Blurry Blurry ))
BFF stuck 4 bandages deep into the ground and another 4 straight at the girl, 2 aiming for her and another 2 aiming for her mirror. He noticed that although he couldn't really hurt her, he could try to damage the object in her hand that is helping her.
Erika soon finished but saw the attack aiming for her mirror as she quickly moved it so the bandages hit the special steel on the mirror that seemed to be also around the upper part of her chest doing little to no damage as smiled "Oh going for my dark energy source. Well good luck getting the through the steel as that stuff is really durable and strong metal from space." she said as the other two ribbon impale her "Oh you got me." she said sarcastically and smiles as she launched a moving wheel with sharp blades with eye in the middle into the ground as it started to bury under the ground as dirt mound path forms heading under BFF as she soon grabs the two bandages.
((Hitting the sack Blurry Blurry ))
While those two fought Peter went in and took the money from the truck. No matter what that money had to reach it's destination. He a pickup truck nearby. While Blurry was distracted with Ericka he talked to the driver and out the money in the back hiding it under the blue tarp of the truck so it just looked like camp gear.
Zadock nodded and said "yeah she's fine now for the most part. As for you Joey you shouldn't leave her alone for so long someone might come and steal her away from you and from what I hear that's not what you want." Zadock smiled kindly at Joey as he headed for the couch to take a seat.
"I'll make her a plate." She said going over to the stove where the pot of pasta still was. ,"she probably is hungry from what ever she been through." She turns to Joey. "His right. I feel like I seen you more missing and maddy is going off to find you or something." Dragunov Dragunov
Maya smiled. "So Rebecca how was your time out."

Roxie looked at her. "So do you want to eat here or at home?"

"Quite well actually, I met a void that took on human form, as well as develop its own personality" she replied

"Yeah I'm hungry" she replied
"Quite well actually, I met a void that took on human form, as well as develop its own personality" she replied

"Yeah I'm hungry" she replied
"Sounds interesting, are you going to keep an eye on it?" Maya asked.

"Okay" they get seated at a table. "What do you want?"
"I guess you will see" she said.

"Okay. How about some egg rolls or orange chicken?" Roxie suggested.

"Yes, and of course I told her if she didn't behave, ill bring the creature she's afraid of down onto her" Rebecca smirked

"Sounds yummy" wisp smiled
(I got hit with a homework bomb so I'll be RPing a lot slower til the weekend)

BFF realized that his efforts were useless in his current state and retreat was his best option. He broke off all his anchored bandages and launched two bandages into buildings on both sides of him. The bandages then propelled him high into the sky. Yara was currently falling from the sky having the time of her life, giggling and spinning. When she neared the ground, she lifted her hoodie, took off her bulletproof vest, and revealed a parachute. She pulled it last second and it jerked 5 feet above her target location, her hideout.
((ah oka))

Erika watched BFF fly away into the distance as she growled as she took off into the sky leaving the masked hero alone.

Mention: Blurry Blurry The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth
Peter shrugged as the money reached the bank safely. He swung away and saw a shooting star. Except unlike most shooting stars this one hit the ground. It was far away at a condemed block. No one went there anymore. Peter swung to the area pf impact. The creator had a black rock inside. It was small. About the size of a Lego. He picked it up and looked at it. A black substance oozed out of it. He dropped the rock surprised but the black substance wrapped itself around his hand. Then his arm. And continued going around him as he desperately tried to pull it off.

"Hey! Get of me! Off pff off off off!"

It completely enveloped him and then nothing. No pain or injury that he could feel. "Huh? What?" He looked around. He looked at his hands. They were pitch black. He looked in a puddle of water nearby. His suit was completely different.


Not only did the suit look different but he felt different. This new suit whatever that substance did. It felt good, great even. Like he could take on the world with this thing and come out on top.
"I'll make her a plate." She said going over to the stove where the pot of pasta still was. ,"she probably is hungry from what ever she been through." She turns to Joey. "His right. I feel like I seen you more missing and maddy is going off to find you or something." Dragunov Dragunov
Zadock nodded and said "yeah she's fine now for the most part. As for you Joey you shouldn't leave her alone for so long someone might come and steal her away from you and from what I hear that's not what you want." Zadock smiled kindly at Joey as he headed for the couch to take a seat.
"I know... But I did what I had to. I'm not going to just abandon her however." He replied.
"I know... But I did what I had to. I'm not going to just abandon her however." He replied.
Kala nods making a plate for Maddy. Her shadow moved around the room, stopping at where Kala had set down the two blood covered bullets and was looking at them.

Several minutes later, Maddy entered the room, she had just taken a shower so her hair was wet. She had gotten changed into a pair of her pajamas. She noticed the skeleton on the couch but didnt say anything. The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth
Kala nods making a plate for Maddy. Her shadow moved around the room, stopping at where Kala had set down the two blood covered bullets and was looking at them.

Several minutes later, Maddy entered the room, she had just taken a shower so her hair was wet. She had gotten changed into a pair of her pajamas. She noticed the skeleton on the couch but didnt say anything. The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth
"Seeing a skeleton sure is something huh?" Joey said from behind her.

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