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Fandom Superheros and Villains

Henry had worked to be careful, he had a squeaky clean record, just another. Person in a busy city. He suspected that something was greatly wrong, something in his gut told him something was going to happen, but he ignored it. Henry did not believe that there was anything that could get in his way.

He had decided to use the money he gained from the ransom to create a “legitimate” business.

“Trust me, you are going to make a lot of money with this job” he spoke to the small group of people.

“You are independent contractors, you will buy this product from the company and sell it” he spoke slightly hesitantly

The crowd spoke to each other and Henry grinned, people could be so stupid sometimes.

(He started a MLM business, or a pyramid scheme)
Henry had worked to be careful, he had a squeaky clean record, just another. Person in a busy city. He suspected that something was greatly wrong, something in his gut told him something was going to happen, but he ignored it. Henry did not believe that there was anything that could get in his way.

He had decided to use the money he gained from the ransom to create a “legitimate” business.

“Trust me, you are going to make a lot of money with this job” he spoke to the small group of people.

“You are independent contractors, you will buy this product from the company and sell it” he spoke slightly hesitantly

The crowd spoke to each other and Henry grinned, people could be so stupid sometimes.

(He started a MLM business, or a pyramid scheme)
Peter swung across the the city keeping anneye out for suspicious activity. That bullet wound is from a caliber with high peircing power. The size od the wound paired with that means that someone is either a very good theif or has money to throw around.
Henry stared at his new office, it was a rather ugly four story building, it was where his company base would be. It had a certain quality to it that he couldn't put his finger on, but he decided to ignore it. He opened the door and went up to the top story, where his office was. He opened his ledger that held all of his accounting and money management on it, it wasn't exactly right, but it was a manual copy. He pressed a button hidden under his desk and a safe came out of the ground, he entered the code and it opened. He stared at what was held inside and smiled, there were stacks and stacks of cash. It was his secret stash, inside it held two and a half million dollars. He got on his computer and put out ads for his company online, no better time to hire security, and common workers.
Henry stared at his new office, it was a rather ugly four story building, it was where his company base would be. It had a certain quality to it that he couldn't put his finger on, but he decided to ignore it. He opened the door and went up to the top story, where his office was. He opened his ledger that held all of his accounting and money management on it, it wasn't exactly right, but it was a manual copy. He pressed a button hidden under his desk and a safe came out of the ground, he entered the code and it opened. He stared at what was held inside and smiled, there were stacks and stacks of cash. It was his secret stash, inside it held two and a half million dollars. He got on his computer and put out ads for his company online, no better time to hire security, and common workers.
Peter went into an alleyway amd changed back to his street clothes unnoticed by anyone. He looked around at the buildings to see of any of them were recentlyade into businesses. Whoever this person was, they were smart. They'd have a legit looking business as a front.
In Maddy's room, she was still in her wolf form pacing up and down,growling at the undead mage. Drumonkey Drumonkey
Zadock entered and saw Maddy prowling and sighed "Maddy you gotta turn back to normal your family needs you besides Joey is on his way to see you." Zadock slowly approached handing his sword to his mage.
"I'm sure it does... sounds like you need to find a girl who can keep up with you." He replied with a smirk hidden by his mask.
Dash rolled his eyes "or I could just find a girl that gets me to slow down. Either way it sounds pretty far fetched and truthfully I don't have the time to look for someone." Dash chuckled and then gave Joey a knowing look "speaking of finding a girl that can keep up why don't you let Maddy keep up with you?"
Zadock entered and saw Maddy prowling and sighed "Maddy you gotta turn back to normal your family needs you besides Joey is on his way to see you." Zadock slowly approached handing his sword to his mage.
She barked at Zadock when he entered before sniffing the picture that had been slid under the door.

Jeremy looked at the picture of Joey. He slipped it under the door.

Ben nodded. "Let's go." He held out his arm. "I don't mind."
Dian nodded, taking his hand and teleporting the in front of the house.
Zadock entered and saw Maddy prowling and sighed "Maddy you gotta turn back to normal your family needs you besides Joey is on his way to see you." Zadock slowly approached handing his sword to his mage.
Dash rolled his eyes "or I could just find a girl that gets me to slow down. Either way it sounds pretty far fetched and truthfully I don't have the time to look for someone." Dash chuckled and then gave Joey a knowing look "speaking of finding a girl that can keep up why don't you let Maddy keep up with you?"
(Jeremy already saw her well heard her as he walked past her room)
She barked at Zadock when he entered before sniffing the picture that had been slid under the door.

Dian nodded, taking his hand and teleporting the in front of the house.
Jeremy went out. He needed to go for a run. "Hey Diana." He said kissing her on the cheek as he passed. Then he sped out of view.

Ben looked at where Jeremy was. "You know him?"

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