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Fandom Superheros and Villains

Ayris glanced around like an idiot before remembering she already had a map. Her phone had a gps device, much easier than buying a paper map. She whipped out her phone once again to figure out where she was in the city.

Her stomach rumbled suddenly. Wow, I'm hungry, she thought. She started looking around for a cheap place to eat using her phone. She then remembered she was standing in the middle of the sidewalk, so she move over to lean on one of the buildings.

This place is a lot cleaner than i thought. Am I really i'm the right place? She wondered. It was in the back of her mind that someone might have seen her drop in.

((What is the weather and temperature, time of day, and street activity right now?))
Wisp continued to skip along with her mother

"Just because I'm the dark center, doesn't mean I don't care, I will care for my family" she replied
Roxie chuckled watching Wisp skip as they soon walk by Ayris. "Hey Wisp are you hungry."
Henry’s eyes widen for a few moments before he stares for a few seconds at Peter, his face then quickly becomes normal and he shakes his head at Peter.

“I think I would know if I had killed someone” Henry speaks almost incredulously
"He's sleeping?" Diana tilted her head. Alex called out from the kitchen. "He's a friend. Dont attack him Diana."
Ben looked at the skeleton

Henry’s eyes widen for a few moments before he stares for a few seconds at Peter, his face then quickly becomes normal and he shakes his head at Peter.

“I think I would know if I had killed someone” Henry speaks almost incredulously
"Oh then you don't mind me checking your gun right. Y'know just to make sure. Cuz the bullet wound was very specific."
Henry’s mouth dries as he touches the gun in his pocket, he frowns and pulls out his knuckle dusters, “This is the only weapon that I have on me, sorry”
A void portal soon appears in the park as it does a bunch black floating goo soon clings to it and start to change shape into a female figure as the goo soon stopped the body soon gained color and started to move as the female started to look around "New world huh. That means more friends! And that damn worm won't find!" she said happily but soon falls on her butt on the grass "I hope my friends from the other world are going to be okay..." she said as she frowned.
A void portal soon appears in the park as it does a bunch black floating goo soon clings to it and start to change shape into a female figure as the goo soon stopped the body soon gained color and started to move as the female started to look around "New world huh. That means more friends! And that damn worm won't find!" she said happily but soon falls on her butt on the grass "I hope my friends from the other world are going to be okay..." she said as she frowned.
Watcher was walking around when he saw the portal open. "hmm"
“Just happy to see you?” Henry tries
He frowns and then pulls out his gun and fires towards Perer
His Spider-Sense went off and he dodged the bullet . He jumped over Henery grabbing the gun. "Huh. Guess it is the same. Are you sure you didn't kill anyone." He quipped. He crushed the gun.
Ben looked at the skeleton

"Oh then you don't mind me checking your gun right. Y'know just to make sure. Cuz the bullet wound was very specific."
"I brought a friend. He has creatures called Pokemon." She said. Alex smiled. "Really?" He came out excitedly. "Can I see!"
"I brought a friend. He has creatures called Pokemon." She said. Alex smiled. "Really?" He came out excitedly. "Can I see!"
"You... Know what Pokemon are? I thought this weren't in this world?" He didn't know about the Pokemon games or their popularity in this world.
"You... Know what Pokemon are? I thought this weren't in this world?" He didn't know about the Pokemon games or their popularity in this world.
"Give me one second." He said before running to his room and brought out his binder full of pokemon cards. "Yep. I know all about them. They are really popular"
Henry fidgeted towards the man, “I have security systems, like cameras”
Henry looks towards a camera and grins devilishly, “ I also have a guard watching the cameras,isn’t it interesting how you miraculously dodged that bullet?”
Henry fidgeted towards the man, “I have security systems, like cameras”
Henry looks towards a camera and grins devilishly, “ I also have a guard watching the cameras,isn’t it interesting how you miraculously dodged that bullet?”
"Let's see I wear skin tight red and blue suit." He said gesturing to his suit. "There is Spider on my chest and back. No I'm pretty I Dodge bullets onna regular basis. (His suit was on when he entered)
Watcher was walking around when he saw the portal open. "hmm"
The female sighed and lifted up a mirror as she does a few black goo comes out of them as one them lands on her hand "I wonder what the world of theses people will think of me." she said as she began to mold the dark energy into a butterfly.
Henry frowned and whispered something under his breath, he sighed and spoke quietly “ So what now?”
He stared at Peter
“You leave me in webs, the newspaper headline will be ‘Spiderman catches the bad guy’?”
He chuckles, “ I’ll just be in jail, but when I get out, and trust me I will”
He stops for a moment thinking something, and then he makes a commitment
“When I get out, I am going to find out your identity and kill everyone you love”
Henry frowned and whispered something under his breath, he sighed and spoke quietly “ So what now?”
He stared at Peter
“You leave me in webs, the newspaper headline will be ‘Spiderman catches the bad guy’?”
He chuckles, “ I’ll just be in jail, but when I get out, and trust me I will”
He stops for a moment thinking something, and then he makes a commitment
“When I get out, I am going to find out your identity and kill everyone you love”
"That's gonna be hard. Considering they're already dead." Peter said. "And no, the evidence is clearly against you. No amount of Lawyers could get you out." He webbed Henry against the wall. He went up to deal with the guard crawling in places the security came couldn't look. Mostly the ceiling.

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