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Fandom Superheros and Villains

Jeremy went out. He needed to go for a run. "Hey Diana." He said kissing her on the cheek as he passed. Then he sped out of view.

Ben looked at where Jeremy was. "You know him?"
" hi Jeremy. " she smiled. She looked at Ben. " he's my fiancé "
Dash rolled his eyes "or I could just find a girl that gets me to slow down. Either way it sounds pretty far fetched and truthfully I don't have the time to look for someone." Dash chuckled and then gave Joey a knowing look "speaking of finding a girl that can keep up why don't you let Maddy keep up with you?"
"It has been a busy month. Sometimes, you don't have the time to slow down." He replied" Mission after mission after mission... thankfully the war might come to a close."
"Let's head home" she said

Maya nods and hands Takeshi back to her. "Hopefully they are well"

"Walk home, or portal?" Wisp asked curiously

Rebecca took Takeshi back and smiled "you know it was Takeshi's idea to visit his aunt" she chuckled
What does a lonely girl do in a big city?
Apart from something nasty, she goes on to conquer it. Making useful connections, she rises to the top of the urban hierarchy, owning a few businesses here and there, a local armed bandit group and, virtually, the whole city. But...
Well, Catherine wasn't doing a great job at conquering, if you look at it. No businesses, no bandits, not even an ice cream stand - just a small flat, worn with age. A normal person would settle down with what he has, living his life miserably and unnoticeable. But she... the Slavic girl was determined to do something about it. And probably break a few things (including someone's leg, maybe even her own).

"Journal. Day 2. The World does not conquer. A Failure" Her ironic remark was quite distasteful, in a way. World wasn't exactly a failure - just the concept of not being conquered is not right. Therefore, not being right is considered a failure.
Overthinked, is it?
"Hell, I'd do it for 20$" Yara chuckled cheerfully, "Anyone who eats peas deserves to die. Just mail it to me or something. I don't care. I'll go get him now. Ciao." She said hanging up the phone. Yara scanned the room for her favorite hair clip and bunny hoodie. After giddily putting on her outfit of the day, she head out for the assassination of her contracts.
What does a lonely girl do in a big city?
Apart from something nasty, she goes on to conquer it. Making useful connections, she rises to the top of the urban hierarchy, owning a few businesses here and there, a local armed bandit group and, virtually, the whole city. But...
Well, Catherine wasn't doing a great job at conquering, if you look at it. No businesses, no bandits, not even an ice cream stand - just a small flat, worn with age. A normal person would settle down with what he has, living his life miserably and unnoticeable. But she... the Slavic girl was determined to do something about it. And probably break a few things (including someone's leg, maybe even her own).

"Journal. Day 2. The World does not conquer. A Failure" Her ironic remark was quite distasteful, in a way. World wasn't exactly a failure - just the concept of not being conquered is not right. Therefore, not being right is considered a failure.
Overthinked, is it?
Outside the apartment building was a girl with brown hair, her hair was tied with ribbons at the end. "Can't believe they are telling me to live in this city..at least I already made am working on my own plans." She mumbled to herself, getting boxes out of the moving truck. Hunter didn't really want to be here.
"Hell, I'd do it for 20$" Yara chuckled cheerfully, "Anyone who eats peas deserves to die. Just mail it to me or something. I don't care. I'll go get him now. Ciao." She said hanging up the phone. Yara scanned the room for her favorite hair clip and bunny hoodie. After giddily putting on her outfit of the day, she head out for the assassination of her contracts.
Eric stood outside of the local arcade waiting for them to open. It had been closed for awhile since one of the local villains attacked the hole city.
Henry had staffed his place, it had three security guards, and four accountants to manage his “dealings”.
He had put out an ad on the dark web attempting to hire a super powered mercenary for work. It was what he thought was a rather generous pay, fifteen thousand a day for bodyguard work. He had also invested some money into the stock market, however his investments had not skyrocketed as predicted, but rather stayed the same. It irritated him greatly that they did not rise, as it was proof that he had failed.
Roxie lost sight of the bubble once it popped

Ayris glanced around like an idiot before remembering she already had a map. Her phone had a gps device, much easier than buying a paper map. She whipped out her phone once again to figure out where she was in the city.

Her stomach rumbled suddenly. Wow, I'm hungry, she thought. She started looking around for a cheap place to eat using her phone. She then remembered she was standing in the middle of the sidewalk, so she move over to lean on one of the buildings.

This place is a lot cleaner than i thought. Am I really i'm the right place? She wondered. It was in the back of her mind that someone might have seen her drop in.

((What is the weather and temperature, time of day, and street activity right now?))
Henry had staffed his place, it had three security guards, and four accountants to manage his “dealings”.
He had put out an ad on the dark web attempting to hire a super powered mercenary for work. It was what he thought was a rather generous pay, fifteen thousand a day for bodyguard work. He had also invested some money into the stock market, however his investments had not skyrocketed as predicted, but rather stayed the same. It irritated him greatly that they did not rise, as it was proof that he had failed.
After finding a relatively old looking building that seemed to have been very recently disturbed Peter found a hiding spot to put on his suit and walked in.

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