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Fandom Superheros and Villains

Ever since discovering her abilities, she had been told rumors of a city full of people like her. After a few years of traveling the world, she met a slimy character calling himself “Oozie”. He, like her, was special, but the only difference was he chose to use his gifts for personal gain whie Ayris only wanted to help people. Despite their differences, Ayris refused to fight Oozie. Instead she befriended him and in return he told her how to get where she stood now.

She was far above the city, floating inside one of her bubbles looking over it in amazement. From as high as she was, it was impossible to tell just how chaotic and grimy the streets were. Didn't matter to her. She'd been in much worse places, at least this one looked awesome. There was no way of knowing for sure if she had even found the right place other than to go down and check it out.

Building the pressure within the bubble, she began to descend slowly. While she waited she scrolled through a message board someone made about her. Having been all over the world performing acts of mercy, she became a little popular online. It wasn't like she was famous or anything, there was just a meme of her floating around. She was once caught on camera floating away from a huge spider saying “nope, nuh uh, I'm out.”

"You?" She asked her, curiously.
"I was going to run some errands then head home." Roxie said and noticed the descending bubble. "Hmm interesting"
Ever since discovering her abilities, she had been told rumors of a city full of people like her. After a few years of traveling the world, she met a slimy character calling himself “Oozie”. He, like her, was special, but the only difference was he chose to use his gifts for personal gain whie Ayris only wanted to help people. Despite their differences, Ayris refused to fight Oozie. Instead she befriended him and in return he told her how to get where she stood now.

She was far above the city, floating inside one of her bubbles looking over it in amazement. From as high as she was, it was impossible to tell just how chaotic and grimy the streets were. Didn't matter to her. She'd been in much worse places, at least this one looked awesome. There was no way of knowing for sure if she had even found the right place other than to go down and check it out.

Building the pressure within the bubble, she began to descend slowly. While she waited she scrolled through a message board someone made about her. Having been all over the world performing acts of mercy, she became a little popular online. It wasn't like she was famous or anything, there was just a meme of her floating around. She was once caught on camera floating away from a huge spider saying “nope, nuh uh, I'm out.”
(actually belove it or not normally the streets look quite nice. It's crime ridden not a landfill)
Diana ordered herself nachos too and a few minutes later they came out
Ben put out some Pokemom food from his back pack. "Swellow, Alakazam, Beedrill, Blaziken, Houndoom, Seaking time for Dinner." He said throwing the Pokeballs into a a Largr empty space. Out came the pokemon.




"I'll be headed to the house right now." He said as he took out a cigarette.
Dash relaxed and said "it's so weird moving so slowly. I almost never move at this speed anymore." Dash said as he looked out the window.
She smiles as her shadow zooms over.

"you can keep your winnings. " Allyson said handing him his katana. "i dont know ill figure it out. might upgrade the basement."
Zadock looked at her shadow "is something up with Maddy?" Zadock took a drink from his cup of coffee and finished his plate.

"Nah I don't want my winnings I don't really need them either. Use the money for your endeavors otherwise I'll have to reinvest that into your accounts." Dru looked at her with a mischievous smile
Zadock looked at her shadow "is something up with Maddy?" Zadock took a drink from his cup of coffee and finished his plate.

"Nah I don't want my winnings I don't really need them either. Use the money for your endeavors otherwise I'll have to reinvest that into your accounts." Dru looked at her with a mischievous smile
"who's maddy?" Sans asked.
Zadock looked at her shadow "is something up with Maddy?" Zadock took a drink from his cup of coffee and finished his plate.

"Nah I don't want my winnings I don't really need them either. Use the money for your endeavors otherwise I'll have to reinvest that into your accounts." Dru looked at her with a mischievous smile
"who's maddy?" Sans asked.
"Maddy is one of the people who lives here" Alex said. Kala looks at her shadow as it points up. She nods. "She's up it seems."

Allyson looked at Dru. "Fine then"
Ben put out some Pokemom food from his back pack. "Swellow, Alakazam, Beedrill, Blaziken, Houndoom, Seaking time for Dinner." He said throwing the Pokeballs into a a Largr empty space. Out came the pokemon.




"ahh its a puppy and a fishy" she said excitedly.
"Maddy is one of the people who lives here" Alex said. Kala looks at her shadow as it points up. She nods. "She's up it seems."

Allyson looked at Dru. "Fine then"
"ahh its a puppy and a fishy" she said excitedly.
Sans nodded. "csn't wait to meet her."
Houndoom growled slightly. "Oh Houndoom doesn't like being called a Puppy." Ben said Seaking seemed to floating. Almost swimming in the air. It swam over to her. "Seaking." It said.
"who's maddy?" Sans asked.
"Maddy is one of the people who lives here" Alex said. Kala looks at her shadow as it points up. She nods. "She's up it seems."

Allyson looked at Dru. "Fine then"
Zadock nodded "she's awake that's good, she's out local medic and one of the few hard working heroes here." Zadock finished and stood up looking at Kala "I'm going to go see if she's feeling up to eating with us."

Dru smiled and kissed her cheek saying "if you want to pay me the money back then make a business and pay me back as you make money." Dru had made deals like this for most of his life and was happy to make another with Allyson.
Zadock nodded "she's awake that's good, she's out local medic and one of the few hard working heroes here." Zadock finished and stood up looking at Kala "I'm going to go see if she's feeling up to eating with us."

Dru smiled and kissed her cheek saying "if you want to pay me the money back then make a business and pay me back as you make money." Dru had made deals like this for most of his life and was happy to make another with Allyson.
"Okay we got plenty of pasta." Alex said. Kala nods. "Okay Zadock. Call us if you need us."

"Okay then." She chuckled.

In her room Maddy was still in her wolf form. She paced around, growling at the undead mage that was still there
Sans nodded. "csn't wait to meet her."
Houndoom growled slightly. "Oh Houndoom doesn't like being called a Puppy." Ben said Seaking seemed to floating. Almost swimming in the air. It swam over to her. "Seaking." It said.
"Sorry Houndoom." Diana said. She smiles at seaking.
" yes it is" Roxie said snapping her fingers, a skeleton with a bow and arrow came out of the ground

Wisp appeared from a portal "mommy what are you doing?" She asked quizically

Somewhere else Rebecca takes Takeshi and heads to Maya's place for a visit
"Oh just hanging with a new friend." She said.

Maya was at her house reading

"Really?" Wisp asked curiously before leaving her portal completely and looking at the new person "who is it?" She asked

Rebecca walked into the house through a shadow "Hey Maya, how have you been?" She asked with a smile
"Okay we got plenty of pasta." Alex said. Kala nods. "Okay Zadock. Call us if you need us."

"Okay then." She chuckled.

In her room Maddy was still in her wolf form. She paced around, growling at the undead mage that was still there
"Sorry Houndoom." Diana said. She smiles at seaking.
Sans went back to his food.

Peter opened the door to his nee apartment.

Seaking smiled back. Houndoom began eating.
"Really?" Wisp asked curiously before leaving her portal completely and looking at the new person "who is it?" She asked

Rebecca walked into the house through a shadow "Hey Maya, how have you been?" She asked with a smile
"this is Veronica, Veronica this is my daughter Wisp" Roxie said leif leif

"I been good, how are you?" She smiled
Sans went back to his food.

Peter opened the door to his nee apartment.

Seaking smiled back. Houndoom began eating.
Alex made himself a plate.

Watcher had made sure to include a small make shift lab, with some supplies and chemicals he could get on short notice.

Diana eats her nachos.
"I was going to run some errands then head home." Roxie said and noticed the descending bubble. "Hmm interesting"

Without realizing it, she had stopped moving. She was engrossed with her phone, reading the conversations and meme of her that had recently been posted. It was a good five minute later that she put it away only to find herself hanging off the side of a building, only about two or three floors high.

Ayris scratched her head and thought, maybe I shoulda been paying attention. How long have I been here? She didn't care to know the answer. With a sigh, her bubble fired a second smaller bubble at the ground. The bubble she was currently in popped and she vanished. Within less than a second, the second bubble popped. In its place, Reilara stood, stretching from the long journey.

With a yawn, she began to scan her surroundings. The first thing she decided she needed was a city map. “Now where can I get one?” She muttered, unaware of her thinking out loud.

(actually belove it or not normally the streets look quite nice. It's crime ridden not a landfill)

((She thought they'd be, and even then "not grimy" is still a level of how grimy something can be ^-^))
Alex made himself a plate.

Watcher had made sure to include a small make shift lab, with some supplies and chemicals he could get on short notice.

Diana eats her nachos.
Sans continued eating. When he was done he slid his dishes off the table and they ended up in the sink.

Peter went to the lab and looked at it. "Alright."

When they were done eat Ben returned his Pokemon. "Alright. Thanks for the food." He saod giving a respectful bow.
"this is Veronica, Veronica this is my daughter Wisp" Roxie said leif leif

"I been good, how are you?" She smiled

Wisp smiled and looked at her "hello"

"Working hard" she chuckled "not as easy as you think being a mother" she smiled as Takeshi turned into a shadow and moved into Maya's arms before becoming himself again

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