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Fandom Superheros and Villains

“Alright nice to know you can turn into a gorilla!” Said Cole then Cole and Jacob traversed the hotel to try to find some monsters to defeat. After some time of searching they are a bout to walking into a room when suddenly they heard a growl above them on another floor.
Jacob and Cole started to head up stairs. Since Jacob couldn’t take the stairs he had to find another way up. When Cole got up stairs it was to dark for him to see so, he lit his hand up to use it as a flash light. He could hear the growling getting louder and louder as he walked down the hallway. Cole was startled when he put his hand next to the door and saw Jacob was there.
Jacob and Cole started to head up stairs. Since Jacob couldn’t take the stairs he had to find another way up. When Cole got up stairs it was to dark for him to see so, he lit his hand up to use it as a flash light. He could hear the growling getting louder and louder as he walked down the hallway. Cole was startled when he put his hand next to the door and saw Jacob was there.
“Dude! Oh my lord you scared me!” Said Cole terrified. Once more they had heard a growl in the next door over Cole and Jacob's eyes had met and they both began to move to the next room. As Cole opened the door they see giant mouse scurrying around the room with white fur with red spots around the body. Cole immediately shot a fireball at it and the fireball but it seems it did nothing.
So Jacob ran up to the mouse and grabbed it by its head and throw it across the room. The mouse was down and Cole saw his window of opportunity and started to throw fireball after fireball. Then he stored up all his fire power and shot a large beam at the rat which had destroyed the rat. Jacob then transformed back to a human. Then gave Cole a high five. “Don’t worry I had brought extra clothes there down stairs.” Jacob said. So they started to head down stairs for Jacob to change clothes.
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So Jacob ran up to the mouse and grabbed it by its head and throw it across the room. The mouse was down and Cole saw his window of opportunity and started to throw fireball after fireball. Then he stored up all his fire power and shot a large beam at the rat which had destroyed the rat. Jacob then transformed back to a human. Then gave Cole a high five. “Don’t worry I had brought extra clothes there down stairs.” Jacob said. So they started to head down stairs for Jacob to change clothes.
“So..You just have an extra set of cloths on you at all times?” Said Cole. Before Jacob could answer Cole interrupted and started to ramble on how Jacobs power was so bizarre to him. When they got to the bottom Jacob got his bag and started to get dressed while Cole waited outside to leave. It seems not even an hour had passed since they had gone inside.
“So..You just have an extra set of cloths on you at all times?” Said Cole. Before Jacob could answer Cole interrupted and started to ramble on how Jacobs power was so bizarre to him. When they got to the bottom Jacob got his bag and started to get dressed while Cole waited outside to leave. It seems not even an hour had passed since they had gone inside.
Jacob came outside and said “ Ready to go.” “Yay I’m very hungry after useing all that power.” Cole said. “Yay I could use a bite to eat to.” Jacob said. “I know this very spicey Chinese restaurant that we go to.” “Sounds good.” Cole said. So, they headed out to go get some spicy Chinese food.
Jacob came outside and said “ Ready to go.” “Yay I’m very hungry after useing all that power.” Cole said. “Yay I could use a bite to eat to.” Jacob said. “I know this very spicey Chinese restaurant that we go to.” “Sounds good.” Cole said. So, they headed out to go get some spicy Chinese food.
“So..You just have an extra set of cloths on you at all times?” Said Cole. Before Jacob could answer Cole interrupted and started to ramble on how Jacobs power was so bizarre to him. When they got to the bottom Jacob got his bag and started to get dressed while Cole waited outside to leave. It seems not even an hour had passed since they had gone inside.
(You guys new huh? If you ever feel lost, feel free to ask one of us about what's going on and we can bring you up to speed. And happy new year everyone.)
Jacob came outside and said “ Ready to go.” “Yay I’m very hungry after useing all that power.” Cole said. “Yay I could use a bite to eat to.” Jacob said. “I know this very spicey Chinese restaurant that we go to.” “Sounds good.” Cole said. So, they headed out to go get some spicy Chinese food.
When Cole and Jacob got to the restaurant and they had both ordered some spicy chicken. While Cole was devouring his chicken Jacob look a little confused.”What’s wrong you don’t like spicy food?” Said Cole looking confused. “It’s not that I’m just wondering why there is spicy chicken here. I’ve never even heard of it.” Said Jacob they had both laughed for a bit and ate their food.
When Cole and Jacob got to the restaurant and they had both ordered some spicy chicken. While Cole was devouring his chicken Jacob look a little confused.”What’s wrong you don’t like spicy food?” Said Cole looking confused. “It’s not that I’m just wondering why there is spicy chicken here. I’ve never even heard of it.” Said Jacob they had both laughed for a bit and ate their food.
Atfer they finished eating there spicy chicken they talked about how there life’s been. “You know it’s hard to have the powers that I have.” Said Jacob. “How are your powers hard to have?” Asked Cole. “There just hard to have because I reallycan’t express my emotions expect for happiness and sadness or I will turn into a animal.” Said Jacob. “Well I think it’s getting late I think we should go.” Said Jacob. “Yeah it is getting late.” Said Cole. So, Jacob payed for the meal and they both said “goodbye” and went there separate ways.
Atfer they finished eating there spicy chicken they talked about how there life’s been. “You know it’s hard to have the powers that I have.” Said Jacob. “How are your powers hard to have?” Asked Cole. “There just hard to have because I reallycan’t express my emotions expect for happiness and sadness or I will turn into a animal.” Said Jacob. “Well I think it’s getting late I think we should go.” Said Jacob. “Yeah it is getting late.” Said Cole. So, Jacob payed for the meal and they both said “goodbye” and went there separate ways.
The next day Jacob got a call from Cole while having breakfast “Dude I got the greatest idea for you.” Cole said exiting. “What is it?” Said Jacob. “Well you know how you can’t control your powers because of your emotions... well I thought we could try to fix that by making you in tune with your emotions.” Said Cole. “How would we do that?” Jacob said confused. “Well today we are going hunting for villains or monsters take your pick.”
The next day Jacob got a call from Cole while having breakfast “Dude I got the greatest idea for you.” Cole said exiting. “What is it?” Said Jacob. “Well you know how you can’t control your powers because of your emotions... well I thought we could try to fix that by making you in tune with your emotions.” Said Cole. “How would we do that?” Jacob said confused. “Well today we are going hunting for villains or monsters take your pick.”

(They better not go after my Rebecca, cuz they will regret it, lol)
"Let's get moving" Maddy said. "Yeah hopefully cause I'm still not a fan of seeing Dreema's face right now"
The next day Jacob got a call from Cole while having breakfast “Dude I got the greatest idea for you.” Cole said exiting. “What is it?” Said Jacob. “Well you know how you can’t control your powers because of your emotions... well I thought we could try to fix that by making you in tune with your emotions.” Said Cole. “How would we do that?” Jacob said confused. “Well today we are going hunting for villains or monsters take your pick.”
Joey immediately ran out of the house. She put on her filtration mask as she ran to Dru's location Drumonkey Drumonkey
"okay I will" she nodded. (Okay gonna reply slower since I just remembered Jacino said he will be gone and I don't want him to really miss much)
Dash then raised an eyebrow an I wish I was better at finding Dru. I know there are some of us who can find each other across dimensions."

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