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Fandom Superheros and Villains

Chuck smiled "as we speak Dru is out and about putting the world to sleep so that he may help in my efforts and serve as a distraction for the heroes of the world."

(no no feel free to bring more Dru's)

(I might have a couple characters to work with chuck)
"And what would you like me to do? Get rid of some heroes?" She asked. Hearing that her shadow started to pull at the shadowball and chain frantically. Kala turned. "You're not going anywhere"
Chuck smiled "yes it would be best to use you as a distraction as well so that the heroes will be divided."
Cole was walking down the street to meet up with his friend Jacob. While walking he began to think about where his friend would take hi. Finally after about an hour of walking Cole met up with Jacob.
Jacob saw Cole through the glass window of the cafe. They talked for a little bit catching up on things. Then Jocb said “I think it time to go to the place.” Cole nodded so they started to walk to the place. When they finished walking they ended up at a old hotel.
"Anyone specific you would like me to target?" She asked standing up.
Chuck waves a hand and opened up a portal to the city. "I don't care just don't kill any of them yet. And if you have want of anything to boost your powers you need only ask of me." Chuck smiled watching the 3 views.
Chuck waves a hand and opened up a portal to the city. "I don't care just don't kill any of them yet. And if you have want of anything to boost your powers you need only ask of me." Chuck smiled watching the 3 views.
"I'll be fine. The heroes dont know all of what I can do." She said. "But first, "Got to change this." Her hand glowed grey as she whispered a few words and her clothes changed to a short dark purple dress, with armor that covered her shoulders. "Thats better." She looked at Chuck. "Have fun with my shadow." She entered the portal.
Jacob saw Cole through the glass window of the cafe. They talked for a little bit catching up on things. Then Jocb said “I think it time to go to the place.” Cole nodded so they started to walk to the place. When they finished walking they ended up at a old hotel.
As soon as Cole and Jacob got to the hotel they were met with a broken down hotel with many broken windows. As Cole scanned the area he tried to piece together what Jacob had planned for their adventure but couldn’t think of anything. “So....Remind me on why we are here again?” Said Cole.
"I'll be fine. The heroes dont know all of what I can do." She said. "But first, "Got to change this." Her hand glowed grey as she whispered a few words and her clothes changed to a short dark purple dress, with armor that covered her shoulders. "Thats better." She looked at Chuck. "Have fun with my shadow." She entered the portal.
Chuck laughed as he watched Kala leave "funny I shall have indeed."
As soon as Cole and Jacob got to the hotel they were met with a broken down hotel with many broken windows. As Cole scanned the area he tried to piece together what Jacob had planned for their adventure but couldn’t think of anything. “So....Remind me on why we are here again?” Said Cole.
Jacob said “ You said you wanted to get better with your fire powers so, I found this place and I thought this would be a good place to train.” Cole then hive fived Jacob. Then Jacob said “Let’s get to training but, first you have to make me angry or sacred whatever you want to do.”
Jacob said “ You said you wanted to get better with your fire powers so, I found this place and I thought this would be a good place to train.” Cole then hive fived Jacob. Then Jacob said “Let’s get to training but, first you have to make me angry or sacred whatever you want to do.”
Cole then raised his hands and burst into flames.”If you don’t transform I will light you on fire and won’t put you out.” Said Cole. Cole then began to edge closer and closer to Jacob trying to make him transform.
Cole then raised his hands and burst into flames.”If you don’t transform I will light you on fire and won’t put you out.” Said Cole. Cole then began to edge closer and closer to Jacob trying to make him transform.
Jacob gulped then hair started to grow all over his body, his arms stated to get bigger. His legs stated to get smaller then his clothes started to rip. Quickly Jacob had transform into a gorilla.
Jacob gulped then hair started to grow all over his body, his arms stated to get bigger. His legs stated to get smaller then his clothes started to rip. Quickly Jacob had transform into a gorilla.
“Alright nice to know you can turn into a gorilla!” Said Cole then Cole and Jacob traversed the hotel to try to find some monsters to defeat. After some time of searching they are a bout to walking into a room when suddenly they heard a growl above them on another floor.
"I think so" she said looking around. "I'm not sure, Chuck could just be tricking us"
"You and Dru have a bond that not even Chuck could break easily. Trust your gut and trust your feelings for him." Dash said automatically knowing deep down that what he said was the truth despite having no proof for it.
"You and Dru have a bond that not even Chuck could break easily. Trust your gut and trust your feelings for him." Dash said automatically knowing deep down that what he said was the truth despite having no proof for it.
"okay I will" she nodded. (Okay gonna reply slower since I just remembered Jacino said he will be gone and I don't want him to really miss much)

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