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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"You didn't see him that day. He didn't care about anything. When he met with my parents a person walked by on the deal. The guy begged for his life. Said he wouldn't say nithing to anyone. That guy's response was to beat him to death. With a smile on his face he cut the man up, beat him, and spat on him before stabbing him the throat." ( Dragunov Dragunov if that is too much let me know and I will step back I don'r know the exaxt extent of his old self's sadism)
(Oh wow....Eliana wants to see the good in people...because that's how she sees Kaleb, not the monster others say he is.......but man that is intense...he is scary)
Eliana kept quiet listening to Kaleb speak. The mention of his parents made her stomach feel upset, she hated them. As Eliana listed she covered her mouth as she gasped, the way the man was killed was mortifying, and she was horrified that Kaleb had to witness that. All she knew of Makoto was from what she had observed before they got sent away from the city full of Zombies. But now she could see why Kaleb had been so upset when the man was being treated like one of the heroes. She could understand where Kaleb's anger was coming from more so the way Makoto acted and seemed to dismiss what he had done when it was brought up. The jolly character and how he spoke to them after knowing what happened frightened her.
(Oh wow....Eliana wants to see the good in people...because that's how she sees Kaleb, not the monster others say he is.......but man that is intense...he is scary)
Eliana kept quiet listening to Kaleb speak. The mention of his parents made her stomach feel upset, she hated them. As Eliana listed she covered her mouth as she gasped, the way the man was killed was mortifying, and she was horrified that Kaleb had to witness that. All she knew of Makoto was from what she had observed before they got sent away from the city full of Zombies. But now she could see why Kaleb had been so upset when the man was being treated like one of the heroes. She could understand where Kaleb's anger was coming from more so the way Makoto acted and seemed to dismiss what he had done when it was brought up. The jolly character and how he spoke to them after knowing what happened frightened her.
Kaleb went silent
"Depends on the memories. Haruhi huh? What was her last name?" James asked as he began setting up a weird headset.
“Her last name eludes my mind at the moment, it has been a long time” Emily said
“ Will that be an issue? I mean there is only one person I’ve ever known with that name.”
(legitimately don’t remember it)
“Her last name eludes my mind at the moment, it has been a long time” Emily said
“ Will that be an issue? I mean there is only one person I’ve ever known with that name.”
(legitimately don’t remember it)
(Takanuchi.) "Not really. If you want memories of her erased too, I can manage that."
(Takanuchi.) "Not really. If you want memories of her erased too, I can manage that."
“i’d be lying if I said I’m not curious as to what has become of the two of them, you know what James I appreciate you trying to help but I was still slightly intoxicated when we met and my mind was a little hazy.” She said. “somethings are better left un-tampered with. sorry to waste your time but but I could still help test with the sleep thing”
Jace found himself hovering over a random abandoned warehouse in Edgewood while facing down towards it, donning his black garments with a matching hooded cloak with none of his face visible except those searing yellow eyes of his. he reached his hand outwards as he felt the power swelling within him as if it were ready to explode from his body. as he clenched his fist The building was reduced to rubble as it crushed underneath the increased gravitational force around it.(idk im bored)
Jace found himself hovering over a random abandoned warehouse in Edgewood while facing down towards it, donning his black garments with a matching hooded cloak with none of his face visible except those searing yellow eyes of his. he reached his hand outwards as he felt the power swelling within him as if it were ready to explode from his body. as he clenched his fist The building was reduced to rubble as it crushed underneath the increased gravitational force around it.(idk im bored)
(Oh well this is confusing. We have two Jaces now)
“i’d be lying if I said I’m not curious as to what has become of the two of them, you know what James I appreciate you trying to help but I was still slightly intoxicated when we met and my mind was a little hazy.” She said. “somethings are better left un-tampered with. sorry to waste your time but but I could still help test with the sleep thing”
"Very well then. That reminds me, I need to invite my sister in law to dinner one of these days." He then pointed to a weird looking pod "Simply enter and lean back."
She walked over to the pod then she stepped in and leaned back.
James punched in some keys and soon she was fast asleep.
"What do you want?" He said from behind them.
"Batman... I... think you should have some information... I think another evil version of Makoto is on the loose in our universe." Demy said

Makoto pulled out a handgun and immediately began walking backwards like Leon in Resident Evil 2 "Look at me! I'm a PS1 game!" He then slowly turned around recreating the tank controls.

Musicnotes Musicnotes Suddenly Peater and Nyx received a text message. "Hello hello. How have you two been?"
James punched in some keys and soon she was fast asleep.

"Batman... I... think you should have some information... I think another evil version of Makoto is on the loose in our universe." Demy said

Makoto pulled out a handgun and immediately began walking backwards like Leon in Resident Evil 2 "Look at me! I'm a PS1 game!" He then slowly turned around recreating the tank controls.

Musicnotes Musicnotes Suddenly Peater and Nyx received a text message. "Hello hello. How have you two been?"
He looked at the two of them. "Go on."

Peter cracked up at the joke.

(I got nothing)
James punched in some keys and soon she was fast asleep.

"Batman... I... think you should have some information... I think another evil version of Makoto is on the loose in our universe." Demy said

Makoto pulled out a handgun and immediately began walking backwards like Leon in Resident Evil 2 "Look at me! I'm a PS1 game!" He then slowly turned around recreating the tank controls.

Musicnotes Musicnotes Suddenly Peater and Nyx received a text message. "Hello hello. How have you two been?"
(Don’t know what to put here)
After an hour and a half, she was awake and fully rested "How do you feel?"
(I had an idea for a hiccup with this tech pulled straight from Doctor Who but if you don't want it I'll step back. Basically the idea was that sleep was in itself a force of nature something you had to do or just eventually collapse from exhaustion, in the episode and the lines I'm thinking of is that speeding up that process is akin to fighting against nature which in the episode resulted in people turning into monsters because there was a massive build of dead skin caused by the body rushing the sleep process which is super absurd but it was a fun episode)
Jace found himself hovering over a random abandoned warehouse in Edgewood while facing down towards it, donning his black garments with a matching hooded cloak with none of his face visible except those searing yellow eyes of his. he reached his hand outwards as he felt the power swelling within him as if it were ready to explode from his body. as he clenched his fist The building was reduced to rubble as it crushed underneath the increased gravitational force around it.(idk im bored)
Misty sat on a cloud near by. She saw the building be reduced to rubble. "Hey you cant go around destroying building" she said as she flew the cloud closer to him.

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