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Fandom Superheros and Villains

*Doc sat down in his chair and pats his shoulder putting out the flame as the regeneration begins* "Ok note to self.....do not go for the big leagues on the first day..."
"Feels like a couple of weeks" maddy said shrugging.

Nyx looked at Peater. "Let's go meet who ever is texting us. We can deal with the safe another time." The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth She stepped into the shadows.
"I'm on an extended job for the Century Times. Edgewood's news organization. Photo journalism. Though I'm not sure howany of these photos I'm actually going to put through." He said. "Not sure people need to see zombies on their news feed."

"Works for me." Peater said.
"I'll start looking into it." He said.
"Good... the sooner the better" Demy said "I just felt like it needed to be pointed out to someone."

"Not to mention any government cover ups" Makoto replied

The unknown individual waited at the warehouse.

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