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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"How can he help us?"

Makoto immediately summoned a marching band that started playing. The performers were perplexed. "Just play! I'll protect you!" Makoto shouted as he looked at the conductor, who was another version of him. "PLAY LOUD PLAY PROUD!" the conductor shouted as he began his routine.
"He's Batman. If there's anyone who can figure out whats really happening its him."

Peter tore the door off its hinges. "We're here ro get you out of here."
"Gotham? We're going to meet Batman?" She asked (So they built a new Gotham?)

"Ah okay!" He then flew into a building. A few seconds later he popped out "Three down... how many more to go? Check your scanners Pete! Should automatically pop up!" Makoto then flew out on the jetpack. "They didn't look injured so far" Musicnotes Musicnotes

"Don't worry. Just enter the tower and we can put it under lockdown. The soundproofing will help block out the battle." James guided her inside the tower. He looked over at the security desk "Initiate lockdown procedures."
"So what now?" Emily asked as the lockdown procedures began. "Shall we continue where we left off?"
"Gotham? We're going to meet Batman?" She asked (So they built a new Gotham?)

"Ah okay!" He then flew into a building. A few seconds later he popped out "Three down... how many more to go? Check your scanners Pete! Should automatically pop up!" Makoto then flew out on the jetpack. "They didn't look injured so far" Musicnotes Musicnotes

"Don't worry. Just enter the tower and we can put it under lockdown. The soundproofing will help block out the battle." James guided her inside the tower. He looked over at the security desk "Initiate lockdown procedures."

(Yes Bruce Wayne bankrolled most of it. It's fairly small right now)
"Yes." He said.

"We have an adult and a kid in that store. They're surrounded by zombies!" He landed in a car and looked at the zombies. "Hey over here! Come and get me!" His yelling and overall level if noise attracted the zombies which shambled toward him.
Maddy turned back to human. She chuckled seeing the marching band. "Guess that will cause a good distraction. "
"He's Batman. If there's anyone who can figure out whats really happening its him."

Peter tore the door off its hinges. "We're here ro get you out of here."
Maddy turned back to human. She chuckled seeing the marching band. "Guess that will cause a good distraction. "
"He is Batman after all" She said as she held to Josh tightly

"Okay everyone! Into the portal quickly!" Makoto shouted
"So what now?" Emily asked as the lockdown procedures began. "Shall we continue where we left off?"
"Of course, what memories did you want erased?" James walked up to the elevator and swiped his key card
"He is Batman after all" She said as she held to Josh tightly

"Okay everyone! Into the portal quickly!" Makoto shouted

"Of course, what memories did you want erased?" James walked up to the elevator and swiped his key card
Articuno began to fly at a high speed. As it flew across edgewood it summoned snowfall. (Which considering that Edgewood is in Utah is DESPERATELY needed)

Peter grabbed a car and threw it into a bunch of zombies.
"He is Batman after all" She said as she held to Josh tightly

"Okay everyone! Into the portal quickly!" Makoto shouted

"Of course, what memories did you want erased?" James walked up to the elevator and swiped his key card
Maddy made sure the civilians got through the portal safely
"Screw them. They aren't real heroes." He said under his breath. "A hero makes sure that the evil gets what it deserves. If they're willing to let that guy walk free then they're just as bad as he is."
"But arnt heros there to help those around them....help those who can't defend themselves and those that need rescuing?...maybe they helped him and rescued them from himself, we don't know his past Kaleb.....He did not go to prison for a reason and they seem to think that he redeem himself. " Eliana said.
Maddy made sure the civilians got through the portal safely
Articuno began to fly at a high speed. As it flew across edgewood it summoned snowfall. (Which considering that Edgewood is in Utah is DESPERATELY needed)

Peter grabbed a car and threw it into a bunch of zombies.
"How far is New Gotham?" Demy said looking at the snow

"Uh... we have a cure for the disease right? So why is Peter throwing a car at the zombies?" Makoto said looking at Maddy "Is zombification permanent?"
"How far is New Gotham?" Demy said looking at the snow

"Uh... we have a cure for the disease right? So why is Peter throwing a car at the zombies?" Makoto said looking at Maddy "Is zombification permanent?"
"It's in Wyoming. Lots of land there that wasn't being used." He said.

"Yes." Peter said. "We tested. Anyone who is zombie is also clinically dead. Its like the virus keeps the corpses moving."
"He is Batman after all" She said as she held to Josh tightly

"Okay everyone! Into the portal quickly!" Makoto shouted

"Of course, what memories did you want erased?" James walked up to the elevator and swiped his key card
“Memories of a man named Josh, a Pokémon trainer i believe. It’s been a while” she said with a somewhat upset look on her face. “ i’ve done some things that Id rather not say. There’s also this lady named haru-“ she stopped talking before she could finish the sentence.
“Memories of a man named Josh, a Pokémon trainer i believe. It’s been a while” she said with a somewhat upset look on her face. “ i’ve done some things that Id rather not say. There’s also this lady named haru-“ she stopped talking before she could finish the sentence.
(So what's she gonna do when they keet agains and hw remembers her?)
"How far is New Gotham?" Demy said looking at the snow

"Uh... we have a cure for the disease right? So why is Peter throwing a car at the zombies?" Makoto said looking at Maddy "Is zombification permanent?"

"It's in Wyoming. Lots of land there that wasn't being used." He said.

"Yes." Peter said. "We tested. Anyone who is zombie is also clinically dead. Its like the virus keeps the corpses moving."
"There is a cure for if anyone starts getting symptoms but once they go zombie there isnt anything we can do sadly." Maddy said
"You didn't see him that day. He didn't care about anything. When he met with my parents a person walked by on the deal. The guy begged for his life. Said he wouldn't say nithing to anyone. That guy's response was to beat him to death. With a smile on his face he cut the man up, beat him, and spat on him before stabbing him the throat." ( Dragunov Dragunov if that is too much let me know and I will step back I don'r know the exaxt extent of his old self's sadism)
(That's inaccurate. Makoto used to have poison breath and acid spit he couldn't control. His filtration mask would hide his mouth and any spit would dissolve the flesh like xenomorph blood. Furthermore he needs a reason to kill the guy. Why did Makoto kill the man in the first place? Makoto is a man of focus, commitment and sheer fucking will. He didn't kill for pleasure except on rare occasions.)
(That's inaccurate. Makoto used to have poison breath and acid spit he couldn't control. His filtration mask would hide his mouth and any spit would dissolve the flesh like xenomorph blood. Furthermore he needs a reason to kill the guy. Why did Makoto kill the man in the first place? Makoto is a man of focus, commitment and sheer fucking will. He didn't kill for pleasure except on rare occasions.)
(Alright gimme an accurate renditionof wouod have happened?)
“Memories of a man named Josh, a Pokémon trainer i believe. It’s been a while” she said with a somewhat upset look on her face. “ i’ve done some things that Id rather not say. There’s also this lady named haru-“ she stopped talking before she could finish the sentence.
"Oh no, go on, it helps with the memory erasure unless you want to keep this... Haru... whats her name?" James said, noticing her stop
"It's in Wyoming. Lots of land there that wasn't being used." He said.

"Yes." Peter said. "We tested. Anyone who is zombie is also clinically dead. Its like the virus keeps the corpses moving."
"There is a cure for if anyone starts getting symptoms but once they go zombie there isnt anything we can do sadly." Maddy said
(LMAO) "Is the climate the same as Gotham before?"

"Wow... may I go full Chris Redfield?" Makoto said as he pulled a machine gun from a portal
"Oh no, go on, it helps with the memory erasure unless you want to keep this... Haru... whats her name?" James said, noticing her stop

(LMAO) "Is the climate the same as Gotham before?"

"Wow... may I go full Chris Redfield?" Makoto said as he pulled a machine gun from a portal
(Considering Gotham is a representation of New York. Probably not?)
(Alright gimme an accurate renditionof wouod have happened?)
(A man passed by the deal and he was given the order of no witnesses. He threw a throwing knife into the man's throat with extreme percision with no hesitation before quickly dragging the body away and disposing it by dissolving the corpse in his spit.)
"Oh no, go on, it helps with the memory erasure unless you want to keep this... Haru... whats her name?" James said, noticing her stop

(LMAO) "Is the climate the same as Gotham before?"

"Wow... may I go full Chris Redfield?" Makoto said as he pulled a machine gun from a portal
“Her name was Haruhi” Emily said while looking to the side. “How long will this process take” she asked

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