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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

Rathalos showing up about to make Joker and Inkling feel bad about running lmao

Rathalos: *shows up*
Joker: maybe we should help with that
Fun fact: I was originally considering on the" Deus Ex Monster Hunter" to be something else compared to the popular Rathalos. However I thought it might be a bit overkill in the beginning portion and the fact Rathalos actually appeared in Smash Ultimate as a Boss, so I wanted to honor that introduction here.

What I originally had in mind was either an Astalos or a Zinogre to come in and wreck face; though I might save them for... future instances if possible~

Im a big MH fan btw~ in case yall couldn't tell.
Pfft! Go all the way! Throw 'em a Rajang!
Yall getting stockholm syndrome already?

Save yourselves!!!
Dw Inkling can keep Joker from making any more dumb decisions

But fr he probably doesn’t dislike Bowser like he would the other villains on the roster. He’d seem he has plenty of redeemable qualities and that’d be enough for him to have some urge to help
I've seriously thought about picking up DK lol

HEEEEEEY-OH! Look out down below!
Here he comes, banana-slamma'!
Dw Inkling can keep Joker from making any more dumb decisions

But fr he probably doesn’t dislike Bowser like he would the other villains on the roster. He’d seem he has plenty of redeemable qualities and that’d be enough for him to have some urge to help
Bold of you to assume that Inkling isn’t also a dumbass
Dw Inkling can keep Joker from making any more dumb decisions

But fr he probably doesn’t dislike Bowser like he would the other villains on the roster. He’d seem he has plenty of redeemable qualities and that’d be enough for him to have some urge to help
Until Bowser backstabs the whole party to get his hands on [Insert Powerful McGuffin here] several arcs down the line
Bold of you to assume that Inkling isn’t also a dumbass
Inkling noooooo. This is why they're besties. The dumbass energy radiates strong between them
Until Bowser backstabs the whole party to get his hands on [Insert Powerful McGuffin here] several arcs down the line
But Bowser, befriending Joker could get you your very own persona
OH NO! If there is ever a Rajang in the game, Pit has to keep Phos FAR AWAY from it! D:

A prime delicacy~
Bowser awakening a persona while Mario's harping on Joker for letting that happen and Joker's just like "I didn't give him a persona. He awoke it. These kind of things just happen when I'm around"
That art of Dio Bowser is still one of my favorites. l’m a Dio fan akggs very fitting for the king Koopa,

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