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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

take as much time as you need! feeling up to posting is important! don't be like me who has been dreadfully sick and powering through posts
I called this ticket to work program it helps people with disabilities find jobs. I was nervous and my anxiety was at all time high but I did it. I emailed them too.
I called this ticket to work program it helps people with disabilities find jobs. I was nervous and my anxiety was at all time high but I did it. I emailed them too.

Best of Luck!

I have anxiety talking to people/talking on the phone too, so I feel you!
Haha, Same! :D Thats why I like delivery over ordering in, though sadly it's twice as expensive (and quite a longer wait time, too!) @A@;
oh door dash it’s expensive but you get access to restaurants that need a car. I don’t drive.
I definitely want to post, it’s just whether or not I have the brain fog by the time I get home!
I definitely want to post, it’s just whether or not I have the brain fog by the time I get home!
dvdichakf I’m feeling that too 🥲 I think I may have to just put out a bit sized post just so I don’t stall on them. Better to get something small out than nothing at all right 🤷‍♀️
Yeah mood I’m trying to save my creative juices for Sephiroth lol 😭 I’m not the most confident person so yeah.
completely understandable. it do be like that sometimes

let me offer a sora in these trying times remember when i said this was all a joke lmao. let's overlook my shitty background though
Also, if anyone's been wondering why I haven't put up Zelda yet, it's cause I've been wanting to wait for 1 or 2 new peeps to join so that there could mayyyybe be a new group? All of the other ones seem a bit filled for now, apart from the duo act of Snake and Steve.
i do have roxas by himself if that is of any interest. i don't plan on throwing him into the group that already formed somewhat nearby (since 4 interactions with the same person is a bit too much for me). but if you rather wait, that's all cool. just throwing the offer up
Ploegy Ploegy Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat

Do you guys want the Pyra group to meet up with the groups (Isabelle Group or Snake Group) by the Military Base, or do you want more pirate shenanigans? I want to see what y'all want before I post.
Oh boy shit’s about to go with Isabelle’s group I can’t see Seph letting Isa or Doom Slayer just leave it will be too chaotic . Snake’s group for me tho I’ll wait for Ploegy Ploegy to reply
i am fine with either outcome tbh. i'm vibing either way lmao
This is how I see the two maps connecting (unless anyone has better suggestions), so it's possible for Pyra's group to meet up with Team Samus

I think Team Samus would rather remain a Girl's Team though XD
pyra dumping all the kids to join the girl squad
Ploegy Ploegy Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat

Do you guys want the Pyra group to meet up with the groups (Isabelle Group or Snake Group) by the Military Base, or do you want more pirate shenanigans? I want to see what y'all want before I post.
Awesome, luckily Steve managed to get enough wood to make even more pickaxes! Guess the buddy-cop mining adventure is turning into a dysfunctional found-family mining trip! Or something else, who knows?
Steve could be digging underground, accidentally hit the pipe while digging, and he and Snake can drop in on everyone XD Cue the Super Mario Bros. underground music!
Oh Lordy dungeon crawling with goombas, koops troopas, and fire turnstiles,
Toon Link's got some sass!

I'll get a Pikachu post up when I can. I'm hit with the snifflies!

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