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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

The reason Mythra is out instead of Pyra is because Pyra is overwhelmed by all the attention she got on Valentine's Day and needs to recover, and Mythra is better suited for dealing with creeps.

I do enjoy the idea of Pit's personality doing a 180 during Valentine's Day. The Smash Bros. think it's a "humbug" situation, but when one asks Palutena why he is so moody and unapproachable that day, Palutena explains that on Valentine's Day, Pit gives all the love he has to the world to fulfill his role as Cupid. He makes that sacrifice every year.
On the contrary, Inkling took one look at Ren and thought “lol this dudes actually a huge nerd” and thus he lost all his cool, badassery. This is where I’d insert the dumb pic of him dropping shaved ice everywhere and proving my point of how hopeless he actually is but I do not have it on mobile and I cannot be asked to get it LOL

Bonus cuz this one does him no justice in the cool department:

The reason Mythra is out instead of Pyra is because Pyra is overwhelmed by all the attention she got on Valentine's Day and needs to recover, and Mythra is better suited for dealing with creeps.

I do enjoy the idea of Pit's personality doing a 180 during Valentine's Day. The Smash Bros. think it's a "humbug" situation, but when one asks Palutena why he is so moody and unapproachable that day, Palutena explains that on Valentine's Day, Pit gives all the love he has to the world to fulfill his role as Cupid. He makes that sacrifice every year.
The Waddle Dees came out in full force on Valentine's Day for Pyra!
Zelda: A maiden such as herself can’t deny that she’d love to be swept off her feet by a dashing knight in shining armor, but that isn’t the only thing she’d be looking for in a partner. With Zelda, I imagine she might describe a partner with a dash of princely charm, some down to earth humbleness, a good head on their shoulders, and most importantly plenty of admirable heroism. In her mind those three things would make for both the perfect partner and potential ruler of Hyrule. But outside of that, I could also see her also wanting someone who can make her laugh or smile. With a job as demanding as being a princess, she could definitely appreciate someone who could help her take a breath and view the world a little more lightheartedly. The first characters I’d think of then would be Link, Sora, Lucina, Roy, Marth, the Pits, and the Corrins as most of them seem to strike some of the balance she’s looking for.

Inkling: (for the sake of variety I’ll go ahead and ignore my lesbian hc for her) If asked she’d probably say something like “I’d like someone cool, cute, fun, and fresh!” I could see her really valuing how much of a badass a potential partner is, and would especially be into people that she could admire for their strength and skills, as it’d give her something to have a friendly rivalry in. She’d also enjoy someone who can match her energy and be just as much a best buddy as they are a potential romantic partner. Characters that I think could fit the bill would be Sonic, the Pokémon trainers, Ness, and Little Mac. They’re all characters who Inkling could think of as cool but also feel that she’s on the level to be best buds and have a friendly rivalry with.

Isabelle: She’d probably say that she’d llike someone who is intelligent, hardworking, mature, responsible, supportive and kind. She wants someone who she can high five as they both head off to their respective jobs, who’ll be there when she’s stressed or overwhelmed, and who can remind her to take it easy sometimes. With that in mind I think characters such as the Wii Fit Trainers, Olimar, Doom Slayer, and Doctor Mario would be ideal picks based on that.

Pichu: Pichu’s not going to be able to form his own response because he’s going to be too busy reacting to whatever Pikachu said!

Chskdkdkf oh gosh, imagine poor Paula trying to get advice from Captain Falcon on how to romantically pursue Ness lmao

and out of all the fighters Yoshi truly has the best answer 👏 🍈 🍎 🍌 👏
It would be hilarious and chaotic if that lol.
Now that I’m in a mood, have some cute ship/Valentines Day thoughts I’ve had:

-Pyra and Peach working together to make Valentines Day treats for everyone. Joker learns from them so he can make treats for Ann.

-Dark Pit chasing Zelda around, angrily yelling that he’s going to get her. Folks might be alarmed by that until they see Zelda’s smile, notice that Pittoo is deliberately maintaining a pace that keeps Zelda just out of his reach, and realize the two are only playing.

-The ladies dress Pikachu and Pichu in silly Valentines Day pet costumes. Pikachu doesn’t mind; Pichu does!

-Yoshi brings heart fruits from the Super Happy Tree. He notices Pit could really use one!

-Pit is passed out on the couch asleep after playing Cupid. Palutena covers him with a blanket, removes his laurel crown so he’s not disturbed, and saves some treats for when he wakes up.

-Toon Link gives all the ladies a Joy Pendant. He has a ton of them!

-Dedede is jealous of the Waddle Dees and Doos giving Pyra all the attention. Kirby gives Dedede a Valentines Day drawing. He is moved by this!

-Falco and Kazooie are insulting each other. They’re actually flirting.

-Captain Falcon and Samus go on a fancy date together. They get dressed up and everything. Then they finish the date with a wild race in their ships!
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-Pyra and Peach working together to make Valentines Day treats for everyone. Joker learns from them so he can make treats for Ann.
Maybe they should be teaching Ann since in Japan Valentine's Day is more focused on a woman being the gift giver than the man and in her Valentine's Day with Joker she does say she'll make him handmade chocolate next year. Then again Joker could probably use the lesson so he's prepared for White Day
I did say this before, but I figure I should mention it again in case I get replies and I slack on them. Persona 3 Reload did release yesterday and most of my free time is going into playing it. So yeah, I'll try not to be too much of a slacker but I make no promises lol. I do realize I never wrote for Roxas I partly forgot until this moment and I partly blame having a semi-shit week so I'll work on him when I actually decide not to dump my free time into P3RE. I apologize for that one
I will say playing this has randomly sparked an idea for my next Joker post so ig that is something I should honestly write it down so I don't forget LOL

But also my one friend asked for proof that I got my copy of the game so I sent him this

He said he couldn't believe Joker stole a copy for me
Heheh Plush Joker's :3 face

Depresso is the best Pal.

Makes me want to doodle Dark Pit doing a dead man float in a hot spring lol
:3 face Joker is just accurate on all accounts

But man that Pal is a big mood. Literally how I feel after this week
Since it’s officially the month of February I figured I could pose a cute valentines themed character prompt for yall! 😘

The prompt: Your character is asked to describe the traits they’d want in their ideal romantic (or platonic if you prefer that) partner. What sort of person do you think they’d describe? Do they have pretty high expectations or are they not too picky about it? Lmao and as a fun bonus, based solely on the characteristics your character identified, which fighters(s) in the roster would be on paper the most ideal partner for them? Whether or not they’d actually work together is beside the point 🤭
Captain Falcon -S omeone who can pull him back from doing too much but also challenges him, whether it's something he's already good at or something he's never done before. Someone who can match pace with him while also getting him to slow down. Someone who not only accepts him for who he is but someone who inspires him to be better than he is too. someone is is dependable, honest, determined, strong, approachable and clean (hygiene is a must 😤)
Welp I forced myself away from P3RE for awhile to get Roxas up since I felt bad for forgetting to get his post up earlier so yay lol. Hopefully it was good enough and gave enough to reply to. If anything needs to be added and/or changed do lmk!
Welp I forced myself away from P3RE for awhile to get Roxas up since I felt bad for forgetting to get his post up earlier so yay lol. Hopefully it was good enough and gave enough to reply to. If anything needs to be added and/or changed do lmk!
-rubs hands together- Bro your posts are always amazing you go above and beyond.
Okay so I'll try to write for Ann this weekend or beginning of next week. I'll have to do what I did last time with her and Joker and write them as separate posts before I tie them back together. I figure getting Ann up could at least give a chance for others to reply (or maybe not barring how long I take with Joker after) so others could maybe react more to the Stadium. Figured I should at least lay out my approach and all plus I need to mentally prepare myself
Random question, but do any of y'all just have a random moment when you're writing for a character and suddenly you just remember some dumb, random fact about them and feel it necessary to include in a post (either the one your working on or a future one)? This may or may not have happened as I decided to write a portion of Ann's post while I had some down time
I'm glad I'm not the only one. This was the random lil convo I recalled from P5 and now I have a need to incorporate it in a post for no reason LOL
Take as much time as you need on it! If it doesn’t get up today it’s all chill!
I know, but it’s good to let y’all know when I’m working on something. It’s my job as GM!

I’m trying to get my scooter (Honda PCX 150 if anyone is curious) fixed, and until then, I’m only going out when necessary. On the upside, that means extra time for posts!
Random question, but do any of y'all just have a random moment when you're writing for a character and suddenly you just remember some dumb, random fact about them and feel it necessary to include in a post (either the one your working on or a future one)? This may or may not have happened as I decided to write a portion of Ann's post while I had some down time
Occasionally I’ll def have a moment where I’m like “yooo this scene totally reminds me of [thing from game]” and I’ll try to incorporate it as well as I can. But sometimes I’ll get worried that if I add the thing I’ll almost be too self referential, especially since I have to keep in mind that I’m writing for a portion of people who might not know a ton about a character’s lore, so I end up feeling the need to try and find a way to both add the little reference and explain it in a way that a reader could easily understand without making it overly wordy or feel like I’m just spouting random trivia. Fhskfhdkf but 9 times out of 10 thats just me overthinking things 🫠
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Occasionally I’ll def have a moment where I’m like “yooo this scene totally reminds me of [thing from game]” and I’ll try to incorporate it as well as I can. But sometimes I’ll get worried that if I add the thing I’ll almost be too self referential, especially since I have to keep in mind that I’m writing for a portion of people who might not know a ton about a character’s lore, so I end up feeling the need to try and find a way to both add the little reference and explain it in a way that a reader could easily understand without making it overly wordy or feel like I’m just spouting random trivia. Fhskfhdkf but 9 times out of 10 thats just me overthinking things 🫠
I am a 100% offender of lore dropping in many of my posts and probably giving info others were unaware of, but in my eyes such information gives some context into a character's mannerisms, thought process, etc etc. Maybe I just like to pad my posts with useless info though... Who knows LOL. I do not deny making my posts too wordy and I'm always worried that it bothers others whether it be boring or something else but I cannot help it. When I get flowing I just kinda keep going
This is why I include links in my posts. I hope it helps get folks up to speed, especially in regards to all the different species players can run into.

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