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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

I hope I get a chance to do a masquerade ball plot in the game! Maybe that's how all the fighters get together: they all have the same idea of using the ball to sneak into the citadel and take it down.

It was fun! I had a friend from Washington come all the way here to Florida to visit me and go to the faire as they've never been to Renaissance faire before.

I've got a new prompt if folks are up for it: Lunaris approaches your PCs and tells them that he can make everything better and give them what they desire. The catch? Another Super Smash Brother must be sacrificed. To make it more interesting, the PCs are aware that Lunaris is telling the truth about what he can do, and the Smash Brother he is asking for in return is either one of the villains such as Ridley and Ganondorf, a neutral fighter such as Wario or Dark Pit, or one of the odd, not-human fighters such as ROB or Game & Watch. How tempted would they be?
Captain Falcon: He would be HARD pressed not to sacrifice Ness but in the end, he couldn't do that to him or any of the Smash Bros. because of how attached to them he all is. Besides, he's a firm believer in making your own dreams come true with one's own efforts. And for Cap, there's one wish that Lunaris can't grant: His friend's happiness. Because they get that from one another.
Your PCs come across an oracle or fortune teller (maybe Katrina from Animal Crossing lol) who gives them a glimpse of their futures. They are shown the Future AUs we have been discussing in this thread. What is their reaction? How much of said "future," whether just a glimpse or something more detailed, is up to y'all.
-Joker coming across an oracle? He already has Futaba who is codenamed Oracle! She ain't seeing his future! Jokes aside, he'd probably be calm in most scenarios whatever scenario it might be. The kid one might get him a bit flustered and all he's a teenage boy who could blame him lol. Thinking of becoming a dad of 5 wasn't in his list of things he thought would be on his mind

-Yoshi would be very confused and very lost with what to. Head too full! He doesn't want to think about any of it!

-Sora is probably like Yoshi. Brain overloaded but he would start overthinking it all. He doesn't know how to handle all these future events in his head. He's just a kid after all. He tries to be cool over it, but fails!

-Mythra is pissed and decides to believe it's all bullshit. No way would any of these things happen? Her showing weakness of some kind?! Her having children?! All lies. She will not buy into any of it. Pyra on the other hand is a bit more concerned over such things and probably wants to talk to someone about it, but doesn't know how to really approach it

-This is Shulk's everyday life. He is his own oracle. None of this fazes him, but he's overthinking it all anyways!

-Byleth finds it all very interesting and probably writes it all down and mulls over the information a lot trying to make sense of it all and deciding if he did the right thing in said future events. He tries to plan ahead for it all to come
It'd be fun if it isn't revealed that a lot of those kids are the result of Crazy Hand discovering fanfiction and shipping, so the SSBs are left wondering how in the heck those pairings happened lol

Mika has everyone going "Whaaaaaaat?" XD
Sorry for another prompt so soon, but this one suddenly struck me. Again, no rush! Answering these is entirely optional anyway.

Your PCs come across an oracle or fortune teller (maybe Katrina from Animal Crossing lol) who shows them their futures. They are shown the Future AUs we have been discussing in this thread. What is their reaction? How much of said "future," whether just a glimpse or something more detailed, is up to y'all.

Inkling trying to figure out how the heck a human and squid are supposed to make an whole ass child:

Suffice to say she doesn’t believe Katrina for a single second and walks off laughing, eager to tell joker all about the bogus fortune she just got if only she knew it wasn’t so bogus after all

Zelda: Fhskfjdfhdjf oh dear god. Zelda walks in expecting a normal fortune and instead gets fucking pelted with the “You’re going to have six kids with three men and two women” as is just going to be completely baffled and a little mortified. On one hand it’d certainly give her some relief knowing that she’s able to successfully continue the royal family’s bloodline but still, that’s a heck of a lot of husbands and wives to care for! She walks out of Katrina’s tent and immediately starts booking family planning appointments in preparation for the future

I can see Pit trying to protest, realize it's useless, then let out a sigh of defeat before getting a stiff upper lip and taking charge! He is the captain of an army, and often puts up with Palutena's shenanigans, so managing the chaos that is the Smash House shouldn't be too much hassle... right? I can see Pit having the other Smash Bros. (the cooperative ones, anyway) standing outside in a single file while he marches down the line giving orders, with Isabelle following behind with her notepad. He goes into Captain Mode and assigns the gathered fighters duties based on their abilities, then dismisses them with a salute. He adds extra duties to the list such as After Breakfast Snack, After Lunch Snack, and After Dinner Snack.

Pyra: (*trying not to giggle*) Captain Pit, sir! What about After Dessert Snack?

Pit: Brilliant idea, cadet! Fantastic! Isabelle, make a note: 'promote ahead of peers!'
Fhskfhdkf omg I love the image of lil Isabelle following pit around writing away on her notepad, it’s just too cute! And she’d definitely be happy to lend Pit a hand fhsjdjf though I’m sure having the constant ringing noise from the bell in her hair following behind poor Pit might start to get pretty annoying after a little while 🔕
It'd be fun if it isn't revealed that a lot of those kids are the result of Crazy Hand discovering fanfiction and shipping, so the SSBs are left wondering how in the heck those pairings happened lol

Mika has everyone going "Whaaaaaaat?" XD
Inkling trying to figure out how the heck a human and squid are supposed to make an whole ass child:


Suffice to say she doesn’t believe Katrina for a single second and walks off laughing, eager to tell joker all about the bogus fortune she just got if only she knew it wasn’t so bogus after all
To make this 100x funnier, when she goes to tell Joker she does so by drawing him a picture. She draws herself, him and a baby. Joker who got told the same thing is just staring at her drawing completely flushed and thinking she’s asking him to have a kid right then. He never expected her to be so forward with him like that! The miscommunication is strong on this one. He’s definitely getting smacked for even thinking this was what was actually being presented to him
Then Joker and Zelda learn the truth and aren’t sure if that is a relief or just makes things worse lol

Isabelle also has the job of reading the list out to Pit because he can’t read English!

That makes me think of a possible situation happening in the RP where the Realm’s magic goes haywire and suddenly everyone is speaking their native languages. Pit starts speaking Greek to Mythra mid-conversation and she thinks he’s just trying to annoy her. The FE fighters go back to speaking Japanese and Joker has to translate. The LoZ fighters are speaking their variations of Hyrulean.
Sorry for another prompt so soon, but this one suddenly struck me. Again, no rush! Answering these is entirely optional anyway.

Your PCs come across an oracle or fortune teller (maybe Katrina from Animal Crossing lol) who shows them their futures. They are shown the Future AUs we have been discussing in this thread. What is their reaction? How much of said "future," whether just a glimpse or something more detailed, is up to y'all.

Dark Pit would scoff upon hearing Katrina’s vision of his future. Married, with kids, and a KING?! YEAH RIGHT!! He doesn’t tell anyone about it, only that the seer lady is crazy. Yet, despite his claim he gives Zelda a soft, unsure look of contemplation. Folks may start to notice his overall demeanor toward her softening as well.

I’m of the impression that Dark Pit probably doesn’t think he’d live long due to his nature and lifestyle, so the very idea of him having a family, let alone becoming a lord, is crazy to him.

Meanwhile, a grim-faced Pit leaves Katrina’s tent. He had been shown a vision of two worlds colliding, and his bloodline meeting a bad fate. He doesn’t speak about what he was shown, not really sure if he understands it or even believes it, but he does state firmly that if these events were to pass he will do everything in his power to stop it!

My headcanon for Toon Link is that he becomes the first king of New Hyrule and rules alongside Queen Tetra. T’ink is happy at the thought of his and Tetra’s mission being successful, but unsure how he feels about marrying her and being king. Tetra is his best friend! In his childish mind, he can’t marry his best friend! And he doesn’t even know how to be a king! He probably only tells the Zeldas and other Links what he was shown.
Then Joker and Zelda learn the truth and aren’t sure if that is a relief or just makes things worse lol

Isabelle also has the job of reading the list out to Pit because he can’t read English!

That makes me think of a possible situation happening in the RP where the Realm’s magic goes haywire and suddenly everyone is speaking their native languages. Pit starts speaking Greek to Mythra mid-conversation and she thinks he’s just trying to annoy her. The FE fighters go back to speaking Japanese and Joker has to translate. The LoZ fighters are speaking their variations of Hyrulean.
For Joker, it's probably a relief. He can be happy in knowing he never was unfaithful

But also on the flip side for Joker, I had the stupid thought of Ann coming to him to tell him about the future she was told, but unlike how he reacts with Inkling, he's 100% more flirtatious over it while poor Ann is flustered. He has to quickly be reminded Smash Bros is for "good boys and girls"

If all the language barriers were be put up it would be funny trying to figure out some characters native language. My dumb brain thinks most of my characters default to Japanese, but god I would not want to take away the glorious Xenoblade English dub British Shulk is too strong. But poor Joker would probably struggle as a translator. He does know some English given he canonically learns and understands some of it, but he's not perfectly fluent. He probably is doing his best translating but gravely messes up and creates a big misunderstanding. How did discussing a battle strategy turn into a what's for dinner? Joker does not know. He does not know where he went wrong in translation get him his girlfriend. she is actually canonically fluent in Japanese and English
Sorry for another prompt so soon, but this one suddenly struck me. Again, no rush! Answering these is entirely optional anyway.

Your PCs come across an oracle or fortune teller (maybe Katrina from Animal Crossing lol) who shows them their futures. They are shown the Future AUs we have been discussing in this thread. What is their reaction? How much of said "future," whether just a glimpse or something more detailed, is up to y'all.
Captain Falcon: Either two thing. He either sees himself speeding down the road with all the Smash Kids in the back, either screaming in excitement and/or fear as they're off on a field trip or he sees nothing, in which case, he would be sad but wouldn't be surprised.
Zelda: Fhskfjdfhdjf oh dear god. Zelda walks in expecting a normal fortune and instead gets fucking pelted with the “You’re going to have six kids with three men and two women” as is just going to be completely baffled and a little mortified. On one hand it’d certainly give her some relief knowing that she’s able to successfully continue the royal family’s bloodline but still, that’s a heck of a lot of husbands and wives to care for! She walks out of Katrina’s tent and immediately starts booking family planning appointments in preparation for the future
One thing we haven't really touched on is that in this AU, Dark Pit is the legal stepfather of most of those kids! XD

Captain Falcon: Either two thing. He either sees himself speeding down the road with all the Smash Kids in the back, either screaming in excitement and/or fear as they're off on a field trip or he sees nothing, in which case, he would be sad but wouldn't be surprised.
The reason:

Turn on captions for lulz. To quote one of the comments: "Canonically dying by going for the disrespect edge-guard I really can't see Captain Falcon going out any other way."
That makes me think of a possible situation happening in the RP where the Realm’s magic goes haywire and suddenly everyone is speaking their native languages. Pit starts speaking Greek to Mythra mid-conversation and she thinks he’s just trying to annoy her. The FE fighters go back to speaking Japanese and Joker has to translate. The LoZ fighters are speaking their variations of Hyrulean.
Dhxuchf f oh gosh, Isabelle can only speak in animalese, Zelda’s speaking in hyrulean, meanwhile Pichu and Inkling!…it’s business as usual form them lmao. Or to make things even more goofy, they somehow magically start speaking in perfect English lmao

To make this 100x funnier, when she goes to tell Joker she does so by drawing him a picture. She draws herself, him and a baby. Joker who got told the same thing is just staring at her drawing completely flushed and thinking she’s asking him to have a kid right then. He never expected her to be so forward with him like that! The miscommunication is strong on this one. He’s definitely getting smacked for even thinking this was what was actually being presented to him

One thing we haven't really touched on is that in this AU, Dark Pit is the legal stepfather of most of those kids! XD
He isn’t just the step-father, he’s the father who stepped up 💪
He isn’t just the step-father, he’s the father who stepped up 💪
Lol I can imagine Zelda feeling so bad about that! This is the real reason Pittoo ends up having grey hair.

I pictured a scene of Dark Pit calling Aster over to give her a figurine he carved for her, then Zelda showing up with MOAR babies because Crazy Hand went absolutely nuts!

The reason:

Turn on captions for lulz. To quote one of the comments: "Canonically dying by going for the disrespect edge-guard I really can't see Captain Falcon going out any other way."

Imagine this happening, and folks such as Samus, the Star Fox Team, and the Pits witness that epic explosion from space and wonder what in the world just happened!

-After reading a bunch of fairy tales that feature wicked stepparents, Aster became paranoid of Dark Pit. Worried that he may be up to something nefarious and will hurt her and Zelda, she starts spying on him. Pittoo is fully aware of her following him around, but never acted on it as he figured it's just little kid shenanigans. One day, she was spying on him from behind a large potted plant when she lost her balance and knocked the planter down, shattering the pot. Aster tries to flee, but Dark Pit firmly grabs her by one arm. He kneels down and inspects her closely, muttering soon afterward that she is unhurt. Aster starts to ease up when a servant appears with a broom and dustpan, and Dark Pit intercepts them. He takes the broom and dustpan and gives them to Aster. She broke the planter, so she should clean up her mess. Being a princess doesn't absolve her from taking responsibility for her mistakes.

She complains to Roxas later.

"He made me sweep dirt!"
"You mean from the plant you knocked down?"
"Yes! Er, wait-!"

She's probably gone to Zelda too.

"He's gonna make me like Cinderella, Mama!"
"Aster, dear, he only told you to clean your room."

-Zelda and Roxas have expressed concern that Aster is not warming up to Dark Pit. Pittoo responds that they cannot force Aster to accept him. So long as she understands that she can go to him for anything, he's content. Roxas and Dark Pit having a dad talk would be interesting. Roxas voices his doubts in raising Aster, and Dark Pit advises him to reflect upon his own life and draw upon that. What were the things he wished he had learned, or had someone teach him, when he was young?

-The months following the announcement that Hyrule will have a new crown princess was not a good time for Aster. Palutena had predicted the baby would be a girl, and there was hustle and bustle in the castle as everyone prepared for her arrival. There was plenty of conversation about the baby as well, which got on her nerves. It seemed like everyone was obsessed with this child, and she felt alone and forgotten. Soon before Harkinian's arrival, Roxas told Aster that Dark Pit wanted to see her. Huffing, she goes to see him. When she gets to the king's office, Dark Pit presents her with a chest of toys he handmade for her. Of course Roxas and Dark Pit would understand Aster's feelings very well, and wanted to let her know she is loved and cherished. I also love the idea of Dark Pit handmaking toys for his children.

-When Roxas is away, Dark Pit tells Aster stories of his adventures with him and Zelda when they were young. This was how the two bonded.

-After Dark Pit returned from war, he heard about how Aster protected the infant Harkinian from those who would try to steal him away from Hyrule. He later presented her with a laurel wreath for her bravery and triumph. She got her wreath before she was even 10 years old!

-Not stepparent related, but I wonder how awkward those conversations were when the kids asked where they came from and the parents had to explain that Crazy Hand created them! Though, Roxas and Dark Pit, being artificially created lifeforms themselves, might have handled the topic well enough.
I should sit down and watch the F-Zero anime one day, but I also really enjoy Kameron’s Captain Falcon, and the anime might ruin that lol
Imagine this happening, and folks such as Samus, the Star Fox Team, and the Pits witness that epic explosion from space and wonder what in the world just happened!
All they know is they have this sinking feeling that they lost someone 😔
I should sit down and watch the F-Zero anime one day, but I also really enjoy Kameron’s Captain Falcon, and the anime might ruin that lol
Captain Falcon is played pretty straight compared to the Captain Falcon I play as lol. He's alot more meta (combined by his time in the Smash games and and the fading of the F-Zero franchise). So I took alot of liberties with Captain Falcon with how little he gets characterized between medias. But it warms my heart that you enjoy how I play him! 😊 (i need to post for him soon)
Since it’s officially the month of February I figured I could pose a cute valentines themed character prompt for yall! 😘

The prompt: Your character is asked to describe the traits they’d want in their ideal romantic (or platonic if you prefer that) partner. What sort of person do you think they’d describe? Do they have pretty high expectations or are they not too picky about it? Lmao and as a fun bonus, based solely on the characteristics your character identified, which fighters(s) in the roster would be on paper the most ideal partner for them? Whether or not they’d actually work together is beside the point 🤭
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Since it’s officially the month of February I figured I could pose a cute valentines themed character prompt for yall! 😘

The prompt: Your character is asked to describe the traits they’d want in their ideal romantic (or platonic if you prefer that) partner. What sort of person do you think they’d describe? Do they have pretty high expectations or are they not too picky about it? Lmao and as a fun bonus, based solely on the characteristics your character identified, which fighters(s) in the roster would be on paper the most ideal partner for them? Whether or not they’d actually work together is beside the point 🤭
Pit can be tricky to think about in regards to this topic because of how different his JAP and ENG versions are from each other. He shows no interest in anyone outside of an anguished confession that he "really, really likes Palutena-sama a lot!" in Japanese, while any attraction is absent in the English dub. In the ENG dub of the game, he asks Palutena for a "machine-gun robot girlfriend," and seemed quite happy (and flustered) by Phosphora's flirting, which doesn't happen in the JAP script. The ENG dub of SSBU gives him a crush on Zelda; he shows no such interest in the JAP version.
I can very easily see Pit, regardless of version, describing a woman that is very, very close to Palutena's description. I think he'd also say things like, "She's gotta be kind, and smart, and wise, and funny, and really really pretty!" If Palutena is close by when asked this question, expect Pit to become red-faced and stammer with embarrassment.
If we take the ENG dub of Uprising and Smash into consideration, he seems to have a preference for blondes and action girls. That would fit most of the ladies in Super Smash Brothers! Samus and Mythra would probably be on the top simply because of the whole "machine-gun robot girlfriend" thing: Samus has her armor and weaponry, and Mythra pilots a mecha!

I think if Dark Pit were asked about his preferences he'd just scoff and claim that "no one ties him down!" Let's say for the sake of the prompt Dark Pit was more open to answering such a question. He'd probably give an answer similar to Pit's, but more toned down. "They should be kind, and selfless, and honest. Smart, fun, and not full of themselves."
Based on this, characters such as Pyra, Corrin, Rosalina, and Zelda might appeal to him.

Toon Link, being a child, would likely just rub the back of his head sheepishly. If pressed to answer, he may just shrug. Dunno, maybe someone who is nice and pretty? Oh! And a good cook too! The only ones on the roster who fits that description off the top of my head are Princess Peach and Pyra. Too bad he's too young for them!

Pikachu claps her pika-paws to her blushing cheeks and gushes in pika-speak. It seems she has a strong opinion on the matter, but being a Pokemon, her speech can't be understood!
Seph’s (pre Nibelheim/learning the truth) ideal woman is someone who is strong willed he has no preference for how she looks just she’s a smart and strong gal. Preferably around his age.

Paula: Ahem 👀 *Stares at Ness*
Since it’s officially the month of February I figured I could pose a cute valentines themed character prompt for yall! 😘

The prompt: Your character is asked to describe the traits they’d want in their ideal romantic (or platonic if you prefer that) partner. What sort of person do you think they’d describe? Do they have pretty high expectations or are they not too picky about it? Lmao and as a fun bonus, based solely on the characteristics your character identified, which fighters(s) in the roster would be on paper the most ideal partner for them? Whether or not they’d actually work together is beside the point 🤭
God I am very scatterbrained and drained so excuse me for my thoughts being all over the place for this but here we go:

-Joker is a bit hard to pin down with exactly what his type is though based on how he can respond to this when asked about it in P5 he can answer one with a great body, someone who is smart, one who is mysterious or just claim to have no type so he likely holds interest in the first three things albeit he doesn’t need all of them in a partner (I mean Ann hardly fits smart or mysterious after all lol). But he probably also looks for someone who is firm in their beliefs and is strong in that right, but also is kind and caring. Putting Ann aside completely he probably pairs well with characters like Lucina or even Pyra

-Yoshi does not care about a partner! He just wants fruits

-Pyra would probably describe someone that is similar to Rex- kind, strong hearted, determined, loyal. She doesn’t mind if they’re a little awkward or odd, as long as they are a good person who would take the time to understand her. Some possible candidates might include Marth, Pit, Sora, Joker. But also the thought of someone understanding being a clone of sorts would be an interesting thing for her so Dark Pit might be a sleeper pick

-Mythra on the other hand would be hard to get an answer from but hers might be a little different from Pyra. While she likely looks for the same things I think she’d want someone mature and strong. Compared to Pyra I think she’d drift a little bit from the “nice” and while she might clash a bit with their bluntness, someone like Cloud or maybe even Ike might fit her

-Sora would definitely want someone kind and sweet. He wants someone who he can have fun with and have an extremely tight bond with. He probably is into the more soft spoken types that would listen to him ramble and just be happy, but also would not be afraid to be a little snarky when necessary! Zelda and Pyra come to mind when it comes to him. Though maybe super friendly bubbly personalities like Corrin would work as well

-Byleth could go in an array of way given he can pair with a lot of kinds of people in Three Houses and be said to have a different type depending on who you think best suits him. Theoretically, I’d think he’s drawn to someone who actually makes him feel something. Someone who helps him experience emotions and encouraged him to open up. They’d likely be mature and wise, yet understanding and patient. Zelda and Robin come to mind as potential candidates for the likes of him

-Shulk definitely needs someone who is willing to drag him out of his shell and makes sure he actually is taking care of himself (whether he’d admit that is a whole different story). She needs to be able to hold her own so he might be naturally drawn to a strong personality as well as someone who is still kind. Lucina would fit well with him in that regard. Some other choices that might work would be Rosalina, Robin or Byleth

Just cuz I wanna include Ann and Roxas here they are too though imma leave potential partners out:

-Ann’s “ideal man” is very blatantly described as a man who is calm, mature and acts like a gentleman (they really didn’t try not to point at Joker). She doesn’t like men who are superficial and only care about her for her looks. She definitely needs someone who can keep up with her strong personality but also will support her emotionally

-Roxas needs someone who is patient and willing to help him understand the things of the world. There’s a lot he does not know and understand and his partner would need to know that. His ideal partner would likely be someone he can consider a best friend and feel so strongly towards at the end of the day. He wants to feel something and be driven by it
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Since it’s officially the month of February I figured I could pose a cute valentines themed character prompt for yall! 😘

The prompt: Your character is asked to describe the traits they’d want in their ideal romantic (or platonic if you prefer that) partner. What sort of person do you think they’d describe? Do they have pretty high expectations or are they not too picky about it? Lmao and as a fun bonus, based solely on the characteristics your character identified, which fighters(s) in the roster would be on paper the most ideal partner for them? Whether or not they’d actually work together is beside the point 🤭

Zelda: A maiden such as herself can’t deny that she’d love to be swept off her feet by a dashing knight in shining armor, but that isn’t the only thing she’d be looking for in a partner. With Zelda, I imagine she might describe a partner with a dash of princely charm, some down to earth humbleness, a good head on their shoulders, and most importantly plenty of admirable heroism. In her mind those three things would make for both the perfect partner and potential ruler of Hyrule. But outside of that, I could also see her also wanting someone who can make her laugh or smile. With a job as demanding as being a princess, she could definitely appreciate someone who could help her take a breath and view the world a little more lightheartedly. The first characters I’d think of then would be Link, Sora, Lucina, Roy, Marth, the Pits, and the Corrins as most of them seem to strike some of the balance she’s looking for.

Inkling: (for the sake of variety I’ll go ahead and ignore my lesbian hc for her) If asked she’d probably say something like “I’d like someone cool, cute, fun, and fresh!” I could see her really valuing how much of a badass a potential partner is, and would especially be into people that she could admire for their strength and skills, as it’d give her something to have a friendly rivalry in. She’d also enjoy someone who can match her energy and be just as much a best buddy as they are a potential romantic partner. Characters that I think could fit the bill would be Sonic, the Pokémon trainers, Ness, and Little Mac. They’re all characters who Inkling could think of as cool but also feel that she’s on the level to be best buds and have a friendly rivalry with.

Isabelle: She’d probably say that she’d llike someone who is intelligent, hardworking, mature, responsible, supportive and kind. She wants someone who she can high five as they both head off to their respective jobs, who’ll be there when she’s stressed or overwhelmed, and who can remind her to take it easy sometimes. With that in mind I think characters such as the Wii Fit Trainers, Olimar, Doom Slayer, and Doctor Mario would be ideal picks based on that.

Pikachu claps her pika-paws to her blushing cheeks and gushes in pika-speak. It seems she has a strong opinion on the matter, but being a Pokemon, her speech can't be understood!
Pichu: Pichu’s not going to be able to form his own response because he’s going to be too busy reacting to whatever Pikachu said!

Paula: Ahem 👀 *Stares at Ness*
Chskdkdkf oh gosh, imagine poor Paula trying to get advice from Captain Falcon on how to romantically pursue Ness lmao

-Yoshi does not care about a partner! He just wants fruits
and out of all the fighters Yoshi truly has the best answer 👏 🍈 🍎 🍌 👏
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Inkling: (for the sake of variety I’ll go ahead and ignore my lesbian hc for her) If asked she’d probably say something like “I’d like someone cool, cute, fun, and fresh!” I could see her really valuing how much of a badass a potential partner is, and would especially be into people that she could admire for their strength and skills, as it’d give her something to have a friendly rivalry in. She’d also enjoy someone who can match her energy and be just as much a best buddy as they are a potential romantic partner. Characters that I think could fit the bill would be Sonic, the Pokémon trainers, Ness, and Little Mac. They’re all characters who Inkling could think of as cool but also feel that she’s on the level to be best buds and have a friendly rivalry with.
Inkling wanting someone cool, fun, fresh and valuing badassery and Joker not fitting the bill is the funniest thing to me LOL
Inkling wanting someone cool, fun, fresh and valuing badassery and Joker not fitting the bill is the funniest thing to me LOL
dhsjdjdj no wait you see, Joker’s too cool and badass that he’s totally out of her league, totally not because I somehow forgot about him, nope not at all/j

I have no excuses, I honestly have no idea how I completely forgot about joker! Maybe the bromance is just so strong it removed any capacity for me to see him as a romantic candidate even within a hypothetical lmao
Lol I can imagine Mythra and Pit sitting together with the same scowl on their faces during Valentine's Day; Mythra because Mythra, and Pit because he spent the whole day spreading love to the World of Nintendo as Cupid that he is overworked, exhausted and has no love left for himself. He's like a disgruntled retail worker working the holidays.
dhsjdjdj no wait you see, Joker’s too cool and badass that he’s totally out of her league, totally not because I somehow forgot about him, nope not at all/j

I have no excuses, I honestly have no idea how I completely forgot about joker! Maybe the bromance is just so strong it removed any capacity for me to see him as a romantic candidate even within a hypothetical lmao
On the contrary, Inkling took one look at Ren and thought “lol this dudes actually a huge nerd” and thus he lost all his cool, badassery. This is where I’d insert the dumb pic of him dropping shaved ice everywhere and proving my point of how hopeless he actually is but I do not have it on mobile and I cannot be asked to get it LOL
Lol I can imagine Mythra and Pit sitting together with the same scowl on their faces during Valentine's Day; Mythra because Mythra, and Pit because he spent the whole day spreading love to the World of Nintendo as Cupid that he is overworked, exhausted and has no love left for himself. He's like a disgruntled retail worker working the holidays.
And it only gets worse when people see them together and think they’re a couple of some sort

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