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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

Even Rex is technically forced to pick a preference in XC2 though it's purely player choice so there is no canon answer and I leave my choice a mystery. He still ends up with both of them so lol. Bro said he loved everyone and really god damn meant it

Hopefully the fighters don't get too passionate over the correct choice and start some kind of waifu war

Also just a fun fact, Pyra and Mythra have different names in Japanese which are Homura and Hikari!
Apparently my brain is in "have lil HC thought mode" today so here are a few various ones for my characters:

-I've mentioned before how it'd be funny if nobody actually recognized Joker when he's just his normal self, but obviously over time people would get used to it, but then comes the issue of what to call him. While he probably let's Joker slide most the time, it does kind of defeat the purpose of it being the name his other self is supposed to go by. It takes awhile for others to get used to calling him by Ren. Some of the fighters even go as far as to call him Amamiya (with or without honorifics depending on how respectful of his culture they're trying to be). He definitely is very appreciative of those who go above and beyond, though he probably tries to assure them they're close enough that his first name is fine. He understands the Smash Realm doesn't revolve around Japanese culture norms

-While staying at the Smash House, it isn't uncommon for Byleth to be awake late into the night with his nose stuck in a book. He loses track of time far too much despite having the ability to control time itself. It probably wouldn't but unusual for him to bring work from his own world with him to do in the middle of the night while he's at the Smash Realm. The papers won't grade themselves!

-When it's Halloween time and he's in the Smash Realm, Sora shows up in his Halloween Town outfit and pulls silly pranks on some of the other fighters. He gets Roxas to do the same, even though he wants no part in Sora's antics

-Shulk has 100% tried (and has varying success) tinkering with the other fighters mechanical belongs, like Samus' power suit or you know, Mega Man as a whole lol. He is simply very intrigued by how they work and wants to learn what makes them tick!

-As Pneuma, Pyra and Mythra allow the other fighters to refer to them however they'd like. Time for fighters to reveal who they favor more between the two. They generally won't let themself be called Pneuma, so the safe ground isn't an option lol

poor joker’s got a bad case of Clark Kent syndrome 👓 lol I could imagine some of the fighters occasionally calling Joker “Ren Mama-mia” whenever they want to tease him.

omg that reminded me, I never did mention what I’ll have Inkling’s name be did I? Fhskfhdkf since canonically none of the player characters actually have names, the closest ones to them would have to be the player names used in trailers. So going off of that the Inkling girl’s name would be Kaori (That would then make the inkling boy’s name John which I find v funny lmao)
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poor joker’s got a bad case of Clark Kent syndrome 👓 lol I could imagine some of the fighters occasionally calling Joker “Ren Mama-mia” whenever they want to tease him.

omg that reminded me, I never did mention what I’ll have Inkling’s name be did I? Fhesjfhd idk if I should keep it a surprise or not since I figure it could be a cute In rp reveal later down the line, sorta like how Inkling found out Joker’s name in the rp. Maybe for now I’ll just give a hint to what it is and if I get too impatient I’ll just actually say what it is lmao

Hint: Based on the naming scheme I’m using, the blue inkling’s name would be John.
Poor Ren really gonna get hit with the whole "Mama Mia" joke so much. He was better off never having his real name ever known LMAO. But also that reminds me of this silly comic dub

Joker will forever be unaware of Inkling's real name. The greatest mystery for him. Joker's own name was bound to come out eventually whether he liked it or not. I await the moment when Inkling calls him "WenWen" after possibly hearing that RenRen is what Ann and Ryuji playfully call him

I am too dumb to figure this out but Male Inkling being named John kills me
Is "Kamui" Corrin's Japanese name? I want to make sure I'm getting it right. I can understand how personalities can be different between localizations; in the RP I'm playing Pit and Dark Pit more off their Japanese characterizations. This is why my Pit is more intelligent and my Dark Pit is less selfish.

I do have a belief that Pit isn't as touchy-feely as a lot of the fanbase likes to think he is. A lot of the fanbase likes to portray him as having absolutely no sense of personal space, and I very much disagree with this. In Uprising, Pit never initiates physical contact with Palutena. I think it's pretty telling when his goddess collapses to the ground and he doesn't even try to catch her or help her up. He reaches out to her, but stops himself. In Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters, the manual states that being able to sit with Palutena is considered a rare honor. This gives me the impression that there are rules and boundaries when it comes to god/angel interactions, and Pit definitely knows what personal space is. The only time Pit initiates physical contact is when it's necessary to help or protect another person. He jumps on Magnus when he was a dog, but that was clearly an act of desperation.

Another reason for this belief is Pit's directive to not get directly involved with humans unless absolutely necessary. I've had a thought of a curious human reaching out to touch Pit, only for Pit to instinctively step back or otherwise avoid the touch. It's not that he dislikes physical contact, but that maintaining a distance is so deeply ingrained into him.

This also means that I imagine Pit and Dark Pit becoming very flustered when someone does manage to give them a friendly touch, especially when they're not expecting it!

Thankfully, when it comes to the Super Smash Bros. tournaments and the Smash Realm, the rules are different! In an old SSB RP I was in years ago, my Pit loved to jump onto Ike's back or steal his headband (or both). They were total bros and Ike was the only person he did that to!

Milton sees everything happening between Kaida, Harkinian, Cinth, Percy, Melina, and Mika, and is very happy he's single!
Yes, Kamui is Corrin's Japanese name. Neither the male nor female Corrin change between localizations, but I love the name Kamui so yea.

Huh, that's pretty cool. I wish my characters changed (even if only slightly) between localizations. The only thing that really changes is between genders of my characters, and those are very subtle. M!Corrin is more laid back while F!Corrin is more peppy.

Aww, that's cute! People might think it's strange that just a small hug or pat on the back gets such a reaction out of the two angels.

Good thing the rules DID change, it would be kinda awkward to be in smash otherwise XD

Lmao, Clementine and Laurel are in the same boat! Laurel seeing her younger brother struggle is enough, while Clementine is more focused on the relationships of her pegasus XD
Even Rex is technically forced to pick a preference in XC2 though it's purely player choice so there is no canon answer and I leave my choice a mystery. He still ends up with both of them so lol. Bro said he loved everyone and really god damn meant it

Hopefully the fighters don't get too passionate over the correct choice and start some kind of waifu war

Also just a fun fact, Pyra and Mythra have different names in Japanese which are Homura and Hikari!
Toon Link and Pit are both pretty simple: they'll address Pyra/Mythra by whatever form they happen to be taking at the time. If it's Pneuma, they'll just say both names.

Fire and Light respectively, makes sense!

Pit's Japanese name is Pitto. I used to think it was based off "putto," but it turns out to be based off "Cupitto," Japanese for Cupid. I always thought Pitto was kind of cute! I once had Pit joke in an old RP that "Pit" is actually a nickname and that his real angelic name is a mouthful.

I can only imagine the teasing Dark Pit would get if the other fighters learned about his other nicknames: Burapi/Blapi (Black Pit) for Japan, which supposedly doubles as a Brad Pitt reference; and Tip, his nickname in France and Italy. In another old RP where I RPed Samus briefly, she had a tendency to give people nicknames. Dark Pit's would have been "Sparta," because there was no way she was going to call the poor thing "Pittoo!"

I'm disappointed that there is no Greek dub of Uprising.
As for Kaida and Harkinian, it may take a while for them to be able to express affection toward each other without feeling paranoid, even after marriage. Link definitely has himself to blame! Imagine Harkinian trying to ask Dark Pit or Zelda for love advice. It goes as well as y'all would probably imagine!
Lmao, as soon as they share a kiss that lasts for more than a nanosecond, they look around anxiously to see if someone will try to stop them XD
Lmao what the hecc did I come back to?? Posts for da bois Link, Shulk and Pittoo (+Pika), that's what!
Plus your classic OOC shenanigans ofc-

Kamui is a very strange person. She could brutally massacre an entire squadron of enemy units, then turn to her allies and do a complete 180 like:
View attachment 1118902

And as for those two, a simple gesture would be enough for dragon gorl here. Just to let her know that her efforts to be kind aren't going unnoticed.

Lmao, Cinth would probably write about how he and Kaida are destined to be soulmates after that little exchange there! It would be TERRIBLE if Daisy or Marth somehow found that entry in his journal and ask him about it XD

Omg, poor Kaida! I think she might make it right up to ringing the doorbell or something before chickening out, only for the person she's with to ring the doorbell for her and ditch her there lmfao

You could literally replace Kana with ANYONE that Kamui cares about. If anyone even lays a finger on someone she considers close to her, she will not hesitate to go sicko mode.

As for the war, Corrin might send Kaida and Percy away, maybe to Hyrule or Destiny Islands or something, just so they don't get hurt somehow. Of course, I'm sure they'd want to stay and help their parents, regardless of Corrin's wishes! She would ask for Link and Sora's help, but she wouldn't force them to stick around if they didn't want to. She's used to creating armies by scratch, and she has the families of Hoshido and Nohr to back her up!

Nice pun there lmao, can't wait to write for blueberry boy XD

Speaking of Link, I thought about Link and his Gerudo outfit. I feel like he'd stuff his top with apples or something and see how long he could go before people notice he's not a girl. I feel like Sheik would catch on the fastest (since she is a fellow crossdresser) but not realize Link was wearing this and trying to fool everyone as a joke. Then this would ensue:

Kamui is such a cutie though! Don't look at the bloodstains on her armor or the remains of fallen enemies around her, instead, look at that <3 smile! <3

Aww! Sheik would probably think of Corrin as her little sister or something, wanting to show her how to be a good ruler while Corrin wants to show Sheik how to be a good friend :3

Lmao it would be even WORSE if the Valla kids were invited to Altea or Sarasaland, Cinth shows Kaida his bedroom, and she somehow gets the opportunity to look around on her lonesome. She then sees his journal open and reads the entry XD

Ding dong ditch, but Kaida will NEVER forgive you for ditching her lmao

Lmao as soon as someone threatens her comrades, Corrin will be the face the person sees in their nightmares XD
I'd like to imagine someone making fun of Marth in Corrin's vicinity, and the next day, it is discovered that the person had suffered a "happy little accident" lmfao

Aw, Link would definitely want to stay and help Corrin out! Maybe he would ask Zelda for help as well!

Lmao XD
Sheik: "I didn't want to say this in front of Tetra...that headdress makes you look like a girl."
Link: "...Am I a 💕pretty girl💕?"
Kamui is such a cutie though! Don't look at the bloodstains on her armor or the remains of fallen enemies around her, instead, look at that <3 smile! <3

Aww! Sheik would probably think of Corrin as her little sister or something, wanting to show her how to be a good ruler while Corrin wants to show Sheik how to be a good friend :3

Lmao it would be even WORSE if the Valla kids were invited to Altea or Sarasaland, Cinth shows Kaida his bedroom, and she somehow gets the opportunity to look around on her lonesome. She then sees his journal open and reads the entry XD

Ding dong ditch, but Kaida will NEVER forgive you for ditching her lmao

Lmao as soon as someone threatens her comrades, Corrin will be the face the person sees in their nightmares XD
I'd like to imagine someone making fun of Marth in Corrin's vicinity, and the next day, it is discovered that the person had suffered a "happy little accident" lmfao

Aw, Link would definitely want to stay and help Corrin out! Maybe he would ask Zelda for help as well!

Lmao XD
Sheik: "I didn't want to say this in front of Tetra...that headdress makes you look like a girl."
Link: "...Am I a 💕pretty girl💕?"
She may be sweet, but man, is her innocent appearance one hell of a poker face lol

That's so cute! Kamui would definitely try to break through Sheik's tough exterior, and form a sisterly bond with her when she does! ^^

Lmao Cinth would just see her standing next to his journal, acting nonchalant, and put two and two together. He would curl up and die on the inside as soon as Kaida leaves XD

Kaida will look for you. She will find you. And she will injure you, but probably not kill you.

XD It's all fun and games until you disrespect Corrin's companions in front of her! It would be really funny if Marth just sees all the people that hate him immediately get hit with karma, but not know who's behind it all.

It's good to know that Link has Corrin's back! Speaking of these two, I had a funny thought: You know how Corrin is incapable of being a housewife because of her terrible household skills? Well, I can imagine some of the fighters trying to teach Corrin how to cook. When Link is up to bat, he just does his thing and randomly throws ingredients into a pot to produce a 5-star meal. Corrin does the same thing, and produces the most dubious of dubious food! Even Link wrinkles his nose at it, but chokes it down to be nice XD

Sheik: "Oh, well uh...you're beautiful!"
T'ink: *gives Sheik a side-eye*
Yes, Kamui is Corrin's Japanese name. Neither the male nor female Corrin change between localizations, but I love the name Kamui so yea.

Huh, that's pretty cool. I wish my characters changed (even if only slightly) between localizations. The only thing that really changes is between genders of my characters, and those are very subtle. M!Corrin is more laid back while F!Corrin is more peppy.

Aww, that's cute! People might think it's strange that just a small hug or pat on the back gets such a reaction out of the two angels.

Good thing the rules DID change, it would be kinda awkward to be in smash otherwise XD
Pitto is generally more intelligent, serious, and aggressive compared to his English counterpart. Black Pitto is more cool and noble, while Dark Pit is characterized as more of an "Anti-Pit." While he does get enjoyment out of battling Pit, he also helps out of a genuine desire to do good, and he still cares very much about Palutena to the point that he refers to her respectfully as Palutena-sama. If you want good examples of how different Pitto is from Pit, I suggest checking out the Japanese versions (Eng subs) of Palutena's Revolting Dinner and Thanatos Rising.

The whole, "No you, no me," thing was completely made up in the English dub of Uprising. Same for Pit's illiteracy, which is why for this RP I have Pit be fluent in all languages his games have been translated in with the exception of English. It'd make for a potentially funny 4th wall break joke in the RP. It's a good thing the "two sides of the same coin" thing is an English-dub only thing because it would be a pain to have things happen to Pit in the RP and have to stop and be like, "Oh yeah, this will probably affect Dark Pit too. Crap!" x_x Imagine the headache if someone else was RPing Dark Pit instead!

I find the changes to Pit's characterization for the English dub especially funny in SSBU because he's given cheerful-sounding victory lines and taunts while his face is >:C

As for Japanese Palutena, she's a ditz. XD This is from one of two official manga released to promote KI:U.

Pitto is generally more intelligent, serious, and aggressive compared to his English counterpart. Black Pitto is more cool and noble, while Dark Pit is characterized as more of an "Anti-Pit." While he does get enjoyment out of battling Pit, he also helps out of a genuine desire to do good, and he still cares very much about Palutena to the point that he refers to her respectfully as Palutena-sama. If you want good examples of how different Pitto is from Pit, I suggest checking out the Japanese versions (Eng subs) of Palutena's Revolting Dinner and Thanatos Rising.

The whole, "No you, no me," thing was completely made up in the English dub of Uprising. Same for Pit's illiteracy, which is why for this RP I have Pit be fluent in all languages his games have been translated in with the exception of English. It'd make for a potentially funny 4th wall break joke in the RP. It's a good thing the "two sides of the same coin" thing is an English-dub only thing because it would be a pain to have things happen to Pit in the RP and have to stop and be like, "Oh yeah, this will probably affect Dark Pit too. Crap!" x_x Imagine the headache if someone else was RPing Dark Pit instead!

I find the changes to Pit's characterization for the English dub especially funny in SSBU because he's given cheerful-sounding victory lines and taunts while his face is >:C

As for Japanese Palutena, she's a ditz. XD This is from one of two official manga released to promote KI:U.

View attachment 1119101
Neat, I only watched the English versions of those two shorts. It's nice to know that DP has more depth than just being "Edgy Pit" like most people tend to think.

Pit knowing all sorts of languages is pretty cool! He'd understand Min Min's mandarin, and even the ancient languages that the FE and LoZ characters know!
And yeah, good thing both Pits are under the same person's control. Otherwise there would have to be a lot of planning to make just one or two posts.

I've always had a feeling that Palu was a bit of an airhead, somehow. Good to know my suspicion was indeed correct lmao
She may be sweet, but man, is her innocent appearance one hell of a poker face lol

That's so cute! Kamui would definitely try to break through Sheik's tough exterior, and form a sisterly bond with her when she does! ^^

Lmao Cinth would just see her standing next to his journal, acting nonchalant, and put two and two together. He would curl up and die on the inside as soon as Kaida leaves XD

Kaida will look for you. She will find you. And she will injure you, but probably not kill you.

XD It's all fun and games until you disrespect Corrin's companions in front of her! It would be really funny if Marth just sees all the people that hate him immediately get hit with karma, but not know who's behind it all.

It's good to know that Link has Corrin's back! Speaking of these two, I had a funny thought: You know how Corrin is incapable of being a housewife because of her terrible household skills? Well, I can imagine some of the fighters trying to teach Corrin how to cook. When Link is up to bat, he just does his thing and randomly throws ingredients into a pot to produce a 5-star meal. Corrin does the same thing, and produces the most dubious of dubious food! Even Link wrinkles his nose at it, but chokes it down to be nice XD

Sheik: "Oh, well uh...you're beautiful!"
T'ink: *gives Sheik a side-eye*
Lol, she reminds me of one of those small fluffy lapdogs, you know, the ones that look absolutely precious, but if you touch them the wrong way they suddenly go feral and bite your fingers off.

Bro that's so heartwarming. It would be really cute if Sheik becomes one of the people Corrin trusts to touch her wings, horns, tail, etc when she's in her humanoid and/or dragon form. Maybe at some point, Sheik learns Azura's song and has to try and calm her down, only for Corrin to almost hurt her, just like with Azura. There's some angst for ya qwq

It's funny how Kaida is destined to the same fate as her mother, dealing with two boys at once.

Omg, Link totally would! Bro could probably eat frogs, but Kamui's terrible cooking is a bit too much for his strong stomach to handle XD He'll just nod and smile in encouragement, trying to not vomit from the aftertaste.
Toon Link and Pit are both pretty simple: they'll address Pyra/Mythra by whatever form they happen to be taking at the time. If it's Pneuma, they'll just say both names.

Fire and Light respectively, makes sense!

Pit's Japanese name is Pitto. I used to think it was based off "putto," but it turns out to be based off "Cupitto," Japanese for Cupid. I always thought Pitto was kind of cute! I once had Pit joke in an old RP that "Pit" is actually a nickname and that his real angelic name is a mouthful.

I can only imagine the teasing Dark Pit would get if the other fighters learned about his other nicknames: Burapi/Blapi (Black Pit) for Japan, which supposedly doubles as a Brad Pitt reference; and Tip, his nickname in France and Italy. In another old RP where I RPed Samus briefly, she had a tendency to give people nicknames. Dark Pit's would have been "Sparta," because there was no way she was going to call the poor thing "Pittoo!"

I'm disappointed that there is no Greek dub of Uprising.
It's really funny in the game when the question is posed and it's Mythra telling Rex to call her whichever when they're in that form, but when you pick Pyra as the name, she gets all huffy and basically is like "Oh that's how it is." So poor Mythra clearly gets jealous when Pyra is referred to over her in Pneuma form and that is amusing to me

Off the top of my head, I'm pretty sure all my others aside from Joker have their names consistent. I don't recall Byleth being like the other FE protags (Corrin and Robin specifically) and having different English and Japanese names.

Joker though is a weird situation. In P5 he didn't have a canon name beyond Joker being his code name. He was purely namable by the player, but when P5 was made into an anime and manga he received 2 canon names- Ren Amamiya in the anime and Akira Kurusu in the manga. Ren has now become his more canon name with it being in P5D and is the name P5R will default him to for the player though he's still able to be named whatever. Even the later manga specials moved to the name Ren lol. Good thing I always preferred Ren over Akira lol god I am such a nerd for this character LMAO
Neat, I only watched the English versions of those two shorts. It's nice to know that DP has more depth than just being "Edgy Pit" like most people tend to think.

Pit knowing all sorts of languages is pretty cool! He'd understand Min Min's mandarin, and even the ancient languages that the FE and LoZ characters know!
And yeah, good thing both Pits are under the same person's control. Otherwise there would have to be a lot of planning to make just one or two posts.

I've always had a feeling that Palu was a bit of an airhead, somehow. Good to know my suspicion was indeed correct lmao
The English dub of Uprising definitely took away a lot of Pittoo's depth, which is a shame. He's the physical manifestation of Pit's repressed feelings. Making him into Pit's opposite, and then putting in the whole, "No you, no me" thing to make his motivations for helping Pit and Palutena more selfish pretty much defeats the point of that. The Japanese version implies that Pitto is so pure-hearted that Black Pitto is only neutral at worst. The Japanese version never actually explains where Black Pitto was or what happened to him in the three years Pit was sealed away in the ring.

Classic Marth's design was Greek-inspired; maybe Marth knows Greek too, and he and the Pits will sometimes converse in the language? A part of me was tempted to explain the illiteracy thing as the Greek language changing so much that Pit, being immortal, can't keep up, but I think having him be literate in other languages BUT English would be funnier, and it keeps to the canon of both versions of the game. He does read in the original KI for the NES, and there's even art of Classic Pit reading. In Japanese, Pit laments not eating more at dinner before going on that mission.


I have a headcanon that Pit knows a bit of the Chozo language too, due to Kid Icarus and Metroid sharing history. Robed crow people appear as NPCs in KI: OM&M and I like to think they're the KI equivalent of the Chozo, like how Komaytos are KI's Metroids.

It's really funny in the game when the question is posed and it's Mythra telling Rex to call her whichever when they're in that form, but when you pick Pyra as the name, she gets all huffy and basically is like "Oh that's how it is." So poor Mythra clearly gets jealous when Pyra is referred to over her in Pneuma form and that is amusing to me

Off the top of my head, I'm pretty sure all my others aside from Joker have their names consistent. I don't recall Byleth being like the other FE protags (Corrin and Robin specifically) and having different English and Japanese names.

Joker though is a weird situation. In P5 he didn't have a canon name beyond Joker being his code name. He was purely namable by the player, but when P5 was made into an anime and manga he received 2 canon names- Ren Amamiya in the anime and Akira Kurusu in the manga. Ren has now become his more canon name with it being in P5D and is the name P5R will default him to for the player though he's still able to be named whatever. Even the later manga specials moved to the name Ren lol. Good thing I always preferred Ren over Akira lol god I am such a nerd for this character LMAO
Hopefully no one tries to pressure T'ink or Pit into choosing which Baeblade they prefer! XD I can imagine Pit saying something like, "Choosing between Pyra and Mythra is like choosing between cake and ice cream; they're both great apart and together! Why should I have to choose one over the other?" and he's blissfully unaware of the ways people could interpret what he said, as well as what happens between Pyra/Mythra and Rex in their future! XD

I'm nerding out about a game series with only three games (one of which most folks who are even familiar with Kid Icarus don't even know exists), and has a relatively small fanbase compared to other Nintendo franchises. You're good lol
Hopefully no one tries to pressure T'ink or Pit into choosing which Baeblade they prefer! XD I can imagine Pit saying something like, "Choosing between Pyra and Mythra is like choosing between cake and ice cream; they're both great apart and together! Why should I have to choose one over the other?" and he's blissfully unaware of the ways people could interpret what he said, as well as what happens between Pyra/Mythra and Rex in their future! XD

I'm nerding out about a game series with only three games (one of which most folks who are even familiar with Kid Icarus don't even know exists), and has a relatively small fanbase compared to other Nintendo franchises. You're good lol
I’m sure nobody would pressure them to pick between the two of them. I’d see no reason for anyone to actually be forced to decide
Lmao, as soon as they share a kiss that lasts for more than a nanosecond, they look around anxiously to see if someone will try to stop them XD

Lmao it would be even WORSE if the Valla kids were invited to Altea or Sarasaland, Cinth shows Kaida his bedroom, and she somehow gets the opportunity to look around on her lonesome. She then sees his journal open and reads the entry XD

Lmao XD
Sheik: "I didn't want to say this in front of Tetra...that headdress makes you look like a girl."
Link: "...Am I a 💕pretty girl💕?"

Lmao Cinth would just see her standing next to his journal, acting nonchalant, and put two and two together. He would curl up and die on the inside as soon as Kaida leaves XD

Sheik: "Oh, well uh...you're beautiful!"
T'ink: *gives Sheik a side-eye*

It's funny how Kaida is destined to the same fate as her mother, dealing with two boys at once.

I feel so bad for Cinth, especially after Kaida makes her choice! Poor fellow.

I tried to picture Harkinian keeping a journal. It turns into a sketchbook instead. I've done this.

I’m sure nobody would pressure them to pick between the two of them. I’d see no reason for anyone to actually be forced to decide
T'ink and Pit stubbornly insist that both Pyra and Mythra are perfectly fine and it's unfair to demand folks to pick one over the other. 😤 Meanwhile, Dark Pit immediately chooses Pyra. I don't think he and Mythra would get along. XD At least when I imagine Mythra and Pit arguing, they do so because they care. Mythra and Dark Pit arguing would just turn into an all-out war!
T'ink and Pit stubbornly insist that both Pyra and Mythra are perfectly fine and it's unfair to demand folks to pick one over the other. 😤 Meanwhile, Dark Pit immediately chooses Pyra. I don't think he and Mythra would get along. XD At least when I imagine Mythra and Pit arguing, they do so because they care. Mythra and Dark Pit arguing would just turn into an all-out war!
I feel like a lot of people wouldn’t like choosing between the two of them even though I’d imagine there’d be some bias because of certain personality traits lol. People are probably naturally drawn to Pyra’s kindness over Mythra’s temper
I feel like a lot of people wouldn’t like choosing between the two of them even though I’d imagine there’d be some bias because of certain personality traits lol. People are probably naturally drawn to Pyra’s kindness over Mythra’s temper
It's like asking the fighters which Link or Zelda, or Pit is better. It's unnecessary and leads to hurt feelings. Not all the fighters on the roster are kind, considerate folks, though! I can imagine there'd be bias towards the kinder, gentler Pyra over Mythra. Poor Mythra.

At least T'ink and Pit have complete faith in Mythra. Nothing like a bunch of horrible near-death experiences to forge a bond of friendship! They both know there's a kind heart beneath that moody exterior, and considering the folks T'ink and Pit have interacted in their games, a short-temper and sassiness is something they're already very familiar with.
Poor Ren really gonna get hit with the whole "Mama Mia" joke so much. He was better off never having his real name ever known LMAO
More thoughts on this:
Ren plays along with the joke the first few times and is typically very laid back about it but eventually it gets to a point where he’s on the edge of losing it but he’s too composed and calm to be that way. Arsene’s in his head encouraging him to let loose and release his anger but Ren just ignores him. He will not resort to being angry, but he will politely ask if the others would stop. Arsene is disappointed. Besides Ren knows he doesn’t need to get mad. If people continue they’re gonna have an angry Ann to deal with

Also silly thing about Arsene, that’s actually hinted at in the gameplay trailer for Joker, but he’s actually a pretty weak persona. The worst one in the game actually (if the player doesn’t max stats or anything like that ofc). He’s meant to be swapped out very early once Joker discovers his wildcard ability to wield other personas. Smash Bros makes Arsene seem strong lol
I like to think there’s some kind of magic the Hands put in place to alter the fighters’ powers and abilities during tournaments in an attempt (key word: attempt) to keep things fair. Otherwise, Kirby could just eat everyone and win all tournaments!

A lot of the fighters on the roster can become too OP for RP if care isn’t taken. I intentionally nerfed the Pits for this reason, and Develius did the same with Samus.

I personally don’t mind it too much as I like the thought of the Smash Bros being considered legendary fighters in the Smash Realm. They have to be a genuine threat to the BBEG for him to brand them as outlaws and try to turn the Realm against them!
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I like to think there’s some kind of magic the Hands put in place to alter the fighters’ powers and abilities during tournaments in an attempt (key word: attempt) to keep things fair. Otherwise, Kirby could just eat everyone and win all tournaments!

A lot of the fighters on the roster can become too OP for RP if care isn’t taken. I intentionally nerfed the Pits for this reason, and Develius did the same wi Ty Samus.

I personally don’t mind it too much as I like the thought of the Smash Bros being considered legendary fighters in the Smash Realm. They have to be a genuine threat to the BBEG for him to brand them as outlaws and try to turn the Realm against them!
Yea, when you consider the canonical powers of some of the Smash Bros. it honestly quite crazy but still cool lol.
3vsysbkx77661.jpgBut I can totally see Master Hand having to nerf most of the stronger fighter while also buffing non-combat fighters to justify their inclusion in the tournament. But given that their is no tournment and the Hands have disappeared, we could play around with their canonical powers if we so desire 😈 (without breaking the rp itself hopefully lol
Pit and Dark Pit have killed gods; several gods. Why the heck ain’t they in the “killed gods” tier?? XD Heck, in Uprising, you CAN have Pit kill Palutena!

And what god has Young Link killed to be put in that category while Toon Link is put on the “powerful” tier? Is Majora really that powerful compared to Ganon?

And pretty much! The Hands are gone so there are no rules, and the fighters can be at full power if players want them to be. Really, the only way I’ve nerfed the Pits was by not giving them their full arsenal. And I haven’t even brought up the Powers that they can be equipped with! They still have their durability and immortality. If you’ve ever seen Pit run during a flying stage (such as the Moon Base level) he can run so fast he can potentially keep up with Sonic! For the RP, I’m putting that as being a buff given by the Power of Flight though.
I personally nerf most of my characters. I don't find it super fun to have OP characters hence why I have Joker remain with only Arsene (and now Raoul) since they are the personas directly tied to him and not the ones he could obtain. I try and at least keep their abilities there that are OP (like Shulk vision or Byleth's time control) but heavily nerf them in turn to make it more fun
Yea, when you consider the canonical powers of some of the Smash Bros. it honestly quite crazy but still cool lol.
View attachment 1119199But I can totally see Master Hand having to nerf most of the stronger fighter while also buffing non-combat fighters to justify their inclusion in the tournament. But given that their is no tournment and the Hands have disappeared, we could play around with their canonical powers if we so desire 😈 (without breaking the rp itself hopefully lol
Fbsjdjfn this is such a random thing to notice but I’m surprised whoever made this tier list ranked Pichu and all the other Pokémon so much higher than poor jigglypuff. This can’t be anything else but fairy type discrimination smh smh/j

I personally nerf most of my characters. I don't find it super fun to have OP characters hence why I have Joker remain with only Arsene (and now Raoul) since they are the personas directly tied to him and not the ones he could obtain. I try and at least keep their abilities there that are OP (like Shulk vision or Byleth's time control) but heavily nerf them in turn to make it more fun
Same same, though luckily most of my characters aren’t so op to begin with to have to worry about that 😅
And what god has Young Link killed to be put in that category while Toon Link is put on the “powerful” tier? Is Majora really that powerful compared to Ganon?
It can be debated. Majora's origins are still up in the air and he did need to the Fiearc Diety mask to fight Majora, however, you could say the FDM was unneeded and Young Link could've beaten Majora without it as he still had the Triforce of Courage (i think) as the FDM is optional (and might not even be canon or Link hasn't canonically worn the mask). Wher in most cases, Ganondorf can't be killed unless it's by a divine object and can only be stopped by someone else who wields a piece of the Triforce. On top of Ganon already being a demi-god without it due to his ties with Demise. So i personally give the edge to Ganon in that regard
Same same, though luckily most of my characters aren’t so op to begin with to have to worry about that 😅
I certainly have the opposite problem lol. I got too many god slayers so I got that OP problem LMAO

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