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Fantasy success full villians

Grimm sighed and got up
"Fine, be back in a bit"
He said and walked out the door
"Oi, you lasses need help with anythin'?"
Yelled out Grimm. He was referring to the pair of strippers
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The girls had already finished setting all their stuff up, including the bed, in the living room. "No" they replied together
(uno there are enough rooms for him to have his own?) Scarlet giggled and looked around before suddenly changing into virus "i dont have a room yet!" she ran out to choose a big room.
Grimm heard virus
"Hold up i need a big room too!"
Said Grimm as he suddenly began to run towards a room that seemed the largest.
she giggled "but i want a room." she smiled winked at him "i would love to share an entire room with you but i dont really want to have that commitment with you, thats scarlet's job. if your room connected with mine then sure~"
"It's not just a room it's actually like another house, it's this way" he pulls her off to the side and to the door he locked earlier
He unlocks the door and takes her into a room that looks like a house with a kitchen 2 bathrooms a living room and 4 bedrooms "this is it "
she grins and walks around "hmmmm i choose this one" Virus points to a large room and opens the door looking around turning the light on "yeah. this room will be perfect for me"
"Alright and please don't go into the room next to yours , there's some private stuff in there, I want to keep secret, and my room is to the left of yours"
He looked her in the eyes "please don't go in there, it's something that is from my past I don't want people to know about yet"
Grimm had found a fairly big room for himself, and it was already furnished luckily.
With a sigh he laid on the couch as his eye turned Red. Grimm took out his 3ds and began playing.

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