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Fandom Star Wars: Terra

Obi wan watched their exchange in silence, before going out the door. Once they were outside, and a good distance away from the man's house, obi wan turned to her and asked. "Did you take anything from his house?"
Jessa looked at him with a rather offended look on her face. "Wow that's really the type of person you think I am?" she asked before scuffing, "That's a little insulting. But ya. Ya I did." She smiled slightly and took out a pocket knife. "This was in one of the drawers of the spare bedroom," she said as she twirled it in her hand.
"It's not that I think you are that kind of person, it's that I know you are exactly that kind of person" obi wan watched as she drew the knife she had stolen from the man's house. "Point proven....unfortunately, I don't see how that will help us get food."
Jessa rolled her eyes slightly. "Well I thought you'd have some kind of plan Mr. Know-It-All. But I guess I'll have to pick up your slack," she replied as she flipped the knife closed and stuck it in her pocket, "Trust me. If you need money, I've got us covered. Also once we get there I need to buy a phone charger, because my phone is almost dead."
"My plans got thrown away when a separatist fleet arrived" obi wan replied calmly. He then looked back to jessa. "Did you not charge it before you left for school yesterday?"
Jessa nodded slightly before shrugging. "My battery doesn't last that long," she replied with a roll of her eyes, "it won't take that long. Relax don't worry about it." They walked for what seemed like forever but they finally made it to the outskirts of the city. "They call it the city that never sleeps," she said as she looked around.
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The city itself was even more active than usual, with the roads going out completely jammed with traffi, and several convoys of national guard and U.S. army going in. Defensive positions were already being set up, with machine gun positions being set along any entering road, and atleast one or two armored vehicle accompanying the infantry.

In the bay, a large fleet of Naval ships were leaving port, forming up with a massive fleet at the edge of visible horizon, as what appeared to be almost every U.S. navy ship available in the Atlantic gathered near New York. It seemed as though several other smaller fleets, made up of ships from the UK, France and Germany, were also present. Evidently, NATO had already begun coordinating in fighting their new found enemy, and they expected something very big to happen in New York.
Jessa watched as they approached. She had never seen a city like this before. The military had completely come in attempting to protect their city. "They're not going to let us in there," she said as she looked around at all the guards, "Besides even if we do sneak in we'll stick out like sore thumbs." She shook her head before looking at Obi Wan. "What's the plan, chief?" she asked as she crossed her arms.
"The city very large, there is no way they even got half of the people out yet...and once the fighting starts it won't matter if we stick out, they won't be focusing on us, they will be focusing on the Separatists." Obi wan watched both the evacuating civilians and the military forces moving in.
Jessa looked around for a moment before shrugging slightly. "I mean...I guess so," she replied, "But how are you suggesting we get into the city. We can't just walk right by the guard. So unless you have a way of getting in there...it's not really looking to promising." She crossed her arms slightly as she started to try to find a way past the military to get into the city.
"I can get us in, all we need to do is find one of the smaller checkpoints, one with only a few guards" obi wan said, looking around at the various entrances for a suitable one to go to.
She followed him quickly. "Wait you're not going to kill them with your weird light thing right?" she asked quickly as she walked after him. She didn't figure him to be like that but she had been wrong about people before.
"No, of course not, I have something elsd in mind." Obi wan walked over to one of the less guarded checkpoints, where one of the soldiers, who seemed like some sort of sergeant. "Look, it doesn't matter what you left behind, you can not go into the city, this is a mandatory evacuation."

Obi wan looked at the man calmly, making a slight waving gesture with his hand. "You've been expecting us, your commander told you to let us through." The sergeant, almost as if he was in the trance said "I've been expecting you, the commander told us to let you through". Obi wan then continued. "We can go along now." The man nodded. "You can go along"

As obi wan continued started to walk again, the man stopped. "Hey wait...every patrol will stop you like this...take someone with you..." He looked around at his men. "Not from here, we are undermanned already...take a guy from one of the European sectors, there is a German position down the road, and there are probably French or British positions near by too." Obi wan thanked him for the advice, before moving on.
Jessa shook her head slightly. "Look we can find a way in just...," she started before stopping short when she saw what was going on. She looked from the guard to Obi Wan. How in the world did he.... She had no idea what had just happened but...it was something she had never seen before. She didn't speak up though until they were far beyond the man. "How...did you do that?" she asked as she followed close at his heels while looking back at the man.
"That is another ability of the force, but it only works on the weak minded" obi wan said, once they were out of earshot of the soldiers. "He was right though, we should pick up one of those soldiers, a mind trick my not always work."
Jessa listened as she walked with him. "That's insane," she said with a shake of her head, "But listen I don't even like working with you...let alone another person. I'm kind of used to flying solo, so if we can, can we try not to bring another person around. Plus I don't think they're going to like me stealing money from other people."

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