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Fandom Star Wars: Terra

"Oh, I see....what is that?" Obi wan said, gesturing to the cat in her arms. "I've seen large predators that looked similar, but never one that was so small or looked so harmless"
Jessa looked down at the cat in her arms and smiled. "This is Snickers. He's a cat. We keep them like...as pets," she said as stroked the little cat before handing him over to Obi Wan, "He's friendly though sometimes he likes to hiss at people." The cat patterned around on the bed before sitting next to Obi Wan.
Obi wan slowly reached his hand out to the cat to pet it. "I can handle hissing, don't worry" he said, smiling softly. "I assume I will be getting the couch downstairs, once he finishes with his business"
Jessa smiled as the cat rubbed against Obi wan's hand. "You clearly don't know anything about the drug business. Ya see people here don't really like drugs around here so all their business is done at night. Gotta do it at night or else the cops will probably catch you. So you can wait all you want but you'll be waiting until sunrise," she said with a smile.
"People are a lot more open about those kind of things....especially now with how powerful the crime syndicates have become during the war" obi wan scratched behind the cat's ears. "Then I guess that leaves the floor, doesnt it?"
Jessa smiled and shook her head. "I guess it does," she said as she watched the cat curl up next to him, "I think Snickers likes you." She brushed a loose piece of hair back. "So what's your deal?" she asked with a raise of her brow.
"Well what can i say, he has good taste in people" obi wan said, smiling down at the cat. He then looked back at Jessa, giving the girl a questioning look. "What do you mean by that?"
"Just remember he also likes Jason so I think he's a pretty open minded cat," she replied with a smile. She took a moment to keep from laughing and shook her head. "Your deal. You've never heard that before? Wow you're older than I thought. Um...your story. What's your story?" she asked a bit more clearly.
"That would take a very very long time to explain Jessa, but I assume what you are really looking for is why Grievous is after me, and why I am a General" obi wan turned to face Jessa, leaning forward a bit to get into a more comfortable position.

"I am a general because I am a Jedi, and the Jedi are an ancient order that has stood in defense of the light for thousands of years. That usually also meant defending the republic, the primary ruling body of the Galaxy. We really became important to republic when the ancient Sith tried several times to conquer it. The Sith are out complete opposites, they are greedy and power hungry, and will kill all who get in their, and sometimes, kill those who aren't in their way too. They forged several empires, but about a thousand years ago, they were wiped out, and we became peacekeepers, until this war broke out."

Obi wan thought back the battle of geonosis, where the clone wars started. "A secessionist movement had begun a few years ago, led by powerful corporations that resented the republic's regulatuins, and eventually civil war began. I dont know where Grievous came from, but he has a grudge against all Jedi, and a even deeper hatred for any one who has bested him. I have done so many times, and caused him to lose many battles, both in space and on planet surfaces. I have even bested him in one on one combat before."
Jessa listened carefully as he spoke. She actually understood what he was telling her. Or well at least she thought she understood but nothing was ever that simple. "So since you're a Jedi you can do all those cool things without touching anyone?" she said with a tilt of her head, "because that's so cool. No one here can do stuff like that. We're all kind of...well boring."

His story really seemed to intrigue her. She had no way to know if he was actually telling the truth or nah t but she also figured that he had no reason to lie to her. "Can you teach me some of that stuff? Like to pull things without touching them. It could really help my pickpocket business," she said with a giant grin.
"The force is not something to be used for robbery or self gain. Being a Jedi, or just having the power to use the force is a great responsibility." Obi wan gave her a very serious look. "Using it for your own gain is the first step towards becoming a sith and serving the darkness" obi wan stood up. "It is also very rare for someone as old as you to begin training....most Jedi begin their training while they are still toddlers"
Jessa watched as a serious gaze over took his face. She hadn't really seen him like that. "Oh well then I guess I'm out," she said with a shrug, "I mean I wouldn't...'turn into a sith'. I'm not a bad person. I just like living and in order to do that you need money. Besides I only take from people who have more than enough to live on."
"Instead of stealing, you should try to find work. Eventually what you do will come around back to you, whether It was good or bad things that you did" obi wan looked out the window. "And not necessarily....you very strong in the force, and potentially, could become a powerful Jedi."
Jessa shook her head. "I'm not allowed to work until I'm 16. It's a law here," she replied. She stopped short though when she heard him talk to her. "What? No no I can't do that kind of stuff," she replied with a shake of her head, "No one here can do that kind of stuff. I mean I wish I could but...we see that stuff in movies. That's about it."
"The force is strong with you, I can sense it. All it would take is a teacher to guide you. You have more potential than most other Jedi who enter the order" obi wan looked back at the girl, leaning back against the wall. "There may even be a few others on this world who have sensitivity to the force, but it is a rare gift"
Jessa shook her head slightly. "I don't think so," she replied quietly, "We don't have stuff like that. We're...normal. Trust me if people could do that, the military would have us trained and fighting in their wars." She did wish she could do that though. No one would be able to hurt her like they were able to now. "Wait...could I go back with you?" she asked quietly, "I mean there's nothing here for me. Your world sounds cooler anyway."
"Most people don't even know that the force exists, even with the Jedi around. It is not a common thing, so it isn't surprising that they don't know about it" obi wan arched his eyebrow. "Are you sure about that. The galaxy is full of suffering and strife. On most planets, people are worse off than they are here....even on coruscant, many people live in poverty"
Jessa paused slightly and nodded. "They don't have bad memories there," she replied with a shrug, "I can't get away from them here. I figure maybe if I go with you and see something...new that it'll help me forget my life here. Besides...my world is going to fall into war soon. Might as well see what one at war looks like."
"It might not now that it will have a whole galaxy to worry about. The Jedi also usually step in to prevent wars, and this war will eventually end" obi wan stayed silent for a moment before speaking up again. "I can talk to the council about you....a few times in history, the Jedi did make exceptions"
"We're really good at explaining things off so I wouldn't be so sure they'd accept the whole galaxy thing," she replied with a shake of her head. She listened and turned her attention to him quietly. "You think they'd....want me?" she asked. It really did seem to peak her interest. She had never had anyone actually want her before. Well sort of.
"I dont know. The Jedi usually don't except people your age. They almost didn't accept Anakin, my last apprentice, and he was still a child. Many in the council cling to the old ways, but the war has resulted in many Jedi deaths, so they might accept you." Obi wan sat back down. "This is a serious decision Jessa. Once you make it, there is no going back. You must devote your life to the light."
Jessa listened to him carefully as she gave him her full attention, something she really wasn't used to doing. "I don't have anything else here. I mean...I don't really have anything period. I think it would be nice to have something that I liked to do. It would be nice to have people actually care about me for a change," she replied quietly with a shrug of her shoulders. The cat crept over to her and laid down by her side and meowed for her attention. She smiled slightly and scratched the kitten's head.
"Alright....when we get back to coruscant, I will speak with the council about you. I still don't know what will happen, it is still possible they will refuse." Obi wan said, as he took a pillow off of the bed. "I am going to try to get some rest, i have a feeling the next few days will keep us both very busy"
Jessa watched him carefully as he laid down and made himself comfortable on the floor. She laid down too and snuggled herself into her blankets. She thought about leaving and what that meant but she just...couldn't stay here anymore. She needed to move on. It's what her mother would have wanted her to do.
Obi wan shut his eyes, quickly falling asleep, despite sleeping on the floor rather than a bed. The next morning he awoke relatively early, with the sun just rising in the sky when he did so.

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