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Realistic or Modern Special Forces: Death Platoon (OPEN)

[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]"So, a guy like you must have a companion of sorts." Krieger said, going into the fridge and pulling out two beers, one for himself, and one for his new friend.

"Companion? No I don't have a handler, if that's what you're implying. They couldn't afford to replace it so often if I did. I'm a really nice psychopath. I either want to be surrounded by people and play nice, or I run away into solitude and only kill people if they try to stop me, usually; there have been exceptions." He sat down in an actual chair and crossed his legs in what could be misconstrued as a suggestive manner.

"If you mean a romantic relationship, however, I don't do those. Last two times I tried, I fried my favorite doctor and his girlfriend then froze my favorite officer and her wife. Although I did have this one night stand with this devilishly handsome %(*(*$# from a couple galaxies over. They keep the nicest people down in Area 51, completely sane too."
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(I changed Krieger to look like Germany from Hetalia.)

"Ah. Well, I am not usually one to be in a relationship either. Not since Kristof died." Krieger said, stopping for a bit after he said that name.

"But such is to be expected when we are soldiers... Do you want a beer, mein freund?"
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer](I changed Krieger to look like Germany from Hetalia.)
"Ah. Well, I am not usually one to be in a relationship either. Not since Kristof died." Krieger said, stopping for a bit after he said that name.

"But such is to be expected when we are soldiers... Do you want a beer, mein freund?"

"Correction: you all are soldiers. I'm just the wacky prototype sci-fi weapon your boss bought that may or may not lead to your own destruction, and I'm ok with that."

Upon seeing Heinrich hand him the bottle, he shivered violently and thrust his hand outward, wardingly. The bottle and its contents flash froze and and crumbled into snow.

"I don't do alcohol. As insane as I know I am, alcohol makes it worse. Trust me when I say that a drunk Null Nova is the Four Horsemen car pooling with Armegedon, riding on Apocalypse while going to date night with Ragnorak and having unprotected sex on top of the black hole at the center of the universe."
Delacare said:
"Correction: you all are soldiers. I'm just the wacky prototype sci-fi weapon your boss bought that may or may not lead to your own destruction, and I'm ok with that."
Upon seeing Heinrich hand him the bottle, he shivered violently and thrust his hand outward, wardingly. The bottle and its contents flash froze and and crumbled into snow.

"I don't do alcohol. As insane as I know I am, alcohol makes it worse. Trust me when I say that a drunk Null Nova is the Four Horsemen car pooling with Armegedon, riding on Apocalypse while going to date night with Ragnorak and having unprotected sex on top of the black hole at the center of the universe."
"Sounds like a party." Krieger said with a smile, before handing him a plate with kielbasa, sauerkraut, and potatoes. "So what do you do for fun then, Nova?"
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]"Sounds like a party." Krieger said with a smile, before handing him a plate with kielbasa, sauerkraut, and potatoes. "So what do you do for fun then, Nova?"

Nigel accepted the plate graciously and grabbed some utensils to eat with.

"You mean besides torturing terrorists and executing enemies of the state? I do like anatomy, acupuncture, fans, whips, chains and-OHWOW this is amazing! WHAT IS THIS? Since when did food start tasting this good?" He spoke in between bites and chews, but his mouth never opened wide enough to let his food show; that would be rude.

He paused in his eating for a moment and eyed Heinrich with a fake suspicious look, "Are you magical, because this food cannot be made by mere mortal hands."
Delacare said:
Nigel accepted the plate graciously and grabbed some utensils to eat with.
"You mean besides torturing terrorists and executing enemies of the state? I do like anatomy, acupuncture, fans, whips, chains and-OHWOW this is amazing! WHAT IS THIS? Since when did food start tasting this good?" He spoke in between bites and chews, but his mouth never opened wide enough to let his food show; that would be rude.

He paused in his eating for a moment and eyed Heinrich with a fake suspicious look, "Are you magical, because this food cannot be made by mere mortal hands."
"I'm not magic. It's just that us Germans make the finest food." He said with a laugh.
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]"I'm not magic. It's just that us Germans make the finest food." He said with a laugh.

Nova smiled and nodded his head before divimg back into his meal.

"Thank you for the meal."

This Heinrich Krieger guy was pretty interesting.

'He may keep me warm for a while. I don't like being cold.'
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Delacare said:
Nova smiled and nodded his head before divimg back into his meal.
"Thank you for the meal."

This Heinrich Krieger guy was pretty interesting.

'Hey may keep me warm for a while. I don't like being cold.'
"Keine Sorge, mein freund." Krieger said with a smile. "It is a pleasure to cook for you. Do you want to do something else now?"

God, he's cute. No way he would be attracted to someone like me, though.
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]
"Keine Sorge, mein freund." Krieger said with a smile. "It is a pleasure to cook for you. Do you want to do something else now?"
God, he's cute. No way he would be attracted to someone like me, though.

"Well, a teeny tiny little bird told me that you have a bunch of training rooms here that I've been dying to check out. I wouldn't mind a companion, to show me around. Especially the Psycho Room for people with abilities."
Delacare said:
"Well, a teeny tiny little bird told me that you have a bunch of training rooms here that I've been dying to check out. I wouldn't mind a companion, to show me around. Especially the Psycho Room for people with abilities."
"Definitely. Let me clean up first."
Delacare said:
"Alright. I'll wait right here."
After he finished putting the dishes away, Krieger put on his hat and gloves, before exiting the kitchen.

"Are you implying that we train together? I would not mind that at all."

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[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]After he finished putting the dishes away, Krieger put on his hat and gloves, before exiting the kitchen.
"Are you implying that we train together? I would not mind that at all."


Nigel was dumbfounded.

"Train together? Us? Do you actually have a death wish? If we trained together, there's literally no guarantee that I wouldn't accidentally burn or freeze you, or both at the same time. I can't believe you'd go to such lengths to be rid of me. God no! I want you to escort me around this place. The higber-ups prefer me having a chaperone whenevwr humanly possible, even though most humans have terrible warranties." He had doubled over in laughter but recovered quickly. There were tears in his eyes.
Delacare said:
Nigel was dumbfounded.
"Train together? Us? Do you actually have a death wish? If we trained together, there's literally no guarantee that I wouldn't accidentally burn or freeze you, or both at the same time. I can't believe you'd go to such lengths to be rid of me. God no! I want you to escort me around this place. The higber-ups prefer me having a chaperone whenevwr humanly possible, even though most humans have terrible warranties." He had doubled over in laughter but recovered quickly. There were tears in his eyes.
"I have taken down many a superhuman in my day, Null. But if you insist, I will." Krieger said, before taking him by the hand and leading him down the halls.
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]"I have taken down many a superhuman in my day, Null. But if you insist, I will." Krieger said, before taking him by the hand and leading him down the halls.

"And Dr. Slader said that chivalry was dead. What did I do to end up being escorted around by a handsome stranger? Besides, being a walking disaster area of course." Nigel followed the smartly dressed gentleman easily.
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Zee Captain went onto his journey in finding his tools. On his way, he went into the cafeteria, and then, into the kitchen.

On his way out, he had a squared shaped pice of cake, with a little candle on it.
She arrived in a helicopter that quickly left after She stepped out. She looked around hoping for some form of formal greeting. She would wait here for some time off needed as her eye told her that all systems were active and her weapons mags were empty.

(Open interaction)
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Delacare said:
"And Dr. Slader said that chivalry was dead. What did I do to end up being escorted around by a handsome stranger? Besides, being a walking disaster area of course." Nigel followed the smartly dressed gentleman easily.
"Handsome? I wouldn't say that." Krieger said, although obviously flattered by the comment.
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]"Handsome? I wouldn't say that." Krieger said, although obviously flattered by the comment.

"Good thing I didn't ask for yur opinion then." He replied cheekily with an infectious smile.

[QUOTE="The Black Rainbow]Zee Captain then, started to walk down the halls eventually meeting Krieger and Nigel.

"Heinrich, does this place employ cyborgs as well as freaks?" He tugged on the man's arm and pointed like a child.
Delacare said:
"Good thing I didn't ask for yur opinion then." He replied cheekily with an infectious smile.
"Heinrich, does this place employ cyborgs as well as freaks?" He tugged on the man's arm and pointed like a child.
"Perhaps. You.. you are quite a bit of work, aren't you?" The German said, returning the smile.
"Yes! Of curse we do! We hire the best men we find. Anyways.... i have never seen you two. Who are you fine little ones?"

Zee Captain sayed with an exited tone of voice.
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]"Perhaps. You.. you are quite a bit of work, aren't you?" The German said, returning the smile.

"I wouldn't be any fun otherwise."

[QUOTE="The Black Rainbow]
"Yes! Of curse we do! We hire the best men we find. Anyways.... i have never seen you two. Who are you fine little ones?"
Zee Captain sayed with an exited tone of voice.

"I'm Null Nova and this is my... my friend, Heinrich." He spoke in an awed tone after his break; he'd never had anyone he thought of as a friend before.
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