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Realistic or Modern Special Forces: Death Platoon (OPEN)

[QUOTE="Eldritch Being](again joking about the invite thing its sounds more like a private thing and I'm not complaining just mentioning it its how I make conversation)

((I tend to trust people even online. Not like with my bank card, but you know.))
Heavengate Platform, 1st Floor, Helipads

A UH-60 slowly descends upon an empty helipad kicking dust and dirt off the ground making room for its landing. As the helicopter hits the floor, one of the side doors flings open revealing Beta standing in the frame holding on to the top steel bar. He then turns back to grab his black duffle bag from one of the seats and quickly removes himself from the aircraft before it takes off again. After a few seconds of analyzing his new surroundings, he reached into his pocket to retrieve a single piece of paper. The paper from the looks of it has been folded a number of times also seeming to be quite wrinkled. This to be said that he has had it for a while now. Glancing down at the paper, he unfolded it to exhibit a bit of writing on it. Scanning the writing once more as he did many times before, he folded back anew.

"Colonel Christoph...." he said to himself quietly.

He then proceeded to move out to one of the nearby stairwells in search of the Colonel. But as he was traveling, many of the crewman and soldiers were giving him odd looks/faces. Even went as far as whispering to one another. Alas, it did not matter. Although Beta's looks did indeed look a bit 'abnormal', he simply ignored them. Opening the doors to the stairwells, he faded into the darkness.

(OOC: Sorry, I suck at doing entrances.)

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