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Realistic or Modern Special Forces: Death Platoon (OPEN)


The God-Emperor of Mankind

Special Forces: Death Platoon


Year:??, ??, ????

Location: 485.44km South from New Orlean, Heavengate Platform

Coordinates: 25.467581, -90.111467


Welcome, operative.

If you are reading this, that means you have chosen, or been chosen to serve under the command of Colonel Christoph
????????, also known by his codename as: "Swooping Hawk". You will be serving under him, and under the organization known as the Death Platoon, created by the United States of America in year 1952, to protect America from Terrorist threats, usually outside the country. You are about to arrive at hour headquarters, to meet Colonel Christoph in person. You will be assigned a room, and given a tour upon your arrival.

You have been chosen for a reason, and that is your talent and specialization within a given field. Just like you: There are many different operatives that have chosen, or been chosen to serve under the Death Platoon. Whether you are a mercenary, or a soldier in the army that had proven themself with skill: Welcome, to the Death Platoon.

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Updated the time. RP takes place in 2016. Also, we will start once there's enough people.
Starting the RP

David walked through the station, looking around for Zee Captain, or any other data analyst for that matter, with Zee Captain being the best of them all. In his left hand, he held a mug of his own, and in his right hand, he held some documents.

@The Black Rainbow
William leaned on the safety rail of the station platform, looking out to sea as the wind whipped his face. This whole Death Platoon thing was all very exciting; he hoped they'd be getting down to business soon. For now, he was just waiting for orders. As he waited, he idly played with a chunk of scrap metal in his gloved left hand, the glove's strange power allowing him to crush and bend the steel as if it were clay.


Meanwhile, Zee Captain was sipping in the tea he had in his mug with a straw.

Quickly he got bored, and started to imitate various animals..


Getting bored of that too soon after, he stopped.

"Gha, nothing of intrest happens in this logotomistic place above the sea! Oh well..."

As the captain sayed such words, he got up, and started to walk, taking random turns as he proceeded on his journey to find something that could "tingle" his sense of intrest.

He ended up in the colonel office.

"My mind does wonder if there is something of intrest in this place afther all"

Captain mumbled those words while checking the colonel office...

He found a pice of paper.

"Wonderfull! Magnificent! Fantastic! Extrabiliante! Iontach! Fantastique! ??!"

The captain spoke as he pulled out a set of crayons out of his jacket and started to draw....

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[QUOTE="The Black Rainbow]

Meanwhile, Zee Captain was sipping in the tea he had in his mug with a straw.

Quickly he got bored, and started to imitate various animals..


Getting bored of that too soon after, he stopped.

"Gha, nothing of intrest happens in this logotomistic place above the sea! Oh well..."

As the captain sayed such words, he got up, and started to walk, taking random turns as he proceeded on his journey to find something that could "tingle" his sense of intrest.

He ended up in the colonel office.

"My mind does wonder if there is something of intrest in this place afther all"

Captain mumbled those words while checking the colonel office...

He found a pice of paper.

"Wonderfull! Magnificent! Fantastic! Extrabiliante! Iontach! Fantastique! ??!"

The captain spoke as he pulled out a set of crayons out of his jacket and started to draw....


The Colonel was at the office's door, stomping his foot at the ground in a lack of words and impression. He slowly, stealthily made his way towards the Captain, at the desk. He looked at the piece of paper and said "Nice, but you should have added shading here." then grabbed a black crayon and started helping. He dropped it quickly afterwards, realizing what he did. "Ugh! Why am I helping you do this?" he paused, then sighed in dissapointment at his own deed.

David looked at Zee Captain and said "Anyway. I need your help solving something. This might be the toughest case yet, but the Government wants it solved. Take a look." as he gave the documents he carried around earlier to the Captein. The documents had this on them:

Report, written on July 14th by SB-4

On July 11th an attack took place. The group that stood behind the attack remains unidentified, however we have managed to secure several pieces of key evidence.

What happened:

On July 11th, 15:19 of local time, The Vieux Carre or French Quarter of New Orleans was attacked. Several armored vans drove by, and opened heavy machine gun fire upon everything around, including Civillians. Soon after, the group behind the attack deployed several Davy Crockett tripods, and threatened to shoot them around the city if the Police were to get near, or to do anything. Then at 15:23 several squads of the group entered The Vieux Carre and shot everyone inside, including the Mayor of New Orleans. All of the cameras have records, and none were destroyed at all. At 15:29, all of the Terrorists returned to the vans and drove away. They were tracked at first, but during a chase by SWAT, the Terrorists shot them down using RPG-7 launchers, and dissapeared several minutes later.


All of the Group's vans, and men wore armor with this insignia:



- Camera records that clearly show the attack, ask the Colonel to view.

- 621 shells of Ammunition used during the attack were found.

- Several pieces of hot shrapnel from the RPG-7 launchers were found.

- Witness testimonies.

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Silver Bullet

I was cleaning my guns... I have yet to get the new sniper rifle that's issued because have my good luck charm welded to thos but it affects me little. This whole outfit is strange yes but we have always gotten the job done. I await for my next mission. Making sure all my equipment is functional

Zee Captain took a deep look and read at the peice of paper, then he took it he looked at the back of it, then at the front, then at the back, he twisted, swirled, hopped and tropped the peice of paper around.

Suddenly he came at a stop. He gently put the pice of paper on the table, turned around, smashed something on his face, turned back, and he had a pair of MAGNIFICENT moustace!


"Dear colonel... as my right eye suggests, the terrorist's are well equipped and well trained. The attack purpose was to deliver a message, that's why they shot random targets and did not destroy the cameras.. I also would like to see the footage of the cameras if you dont mind.. Oh and we need to search this symbol too!"

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[QUOTE="The Black Rainbow]

Zee Captain took a deep look and read at the peice of paper, then he took it he looked at the back of it, then at the front, then at the back, he twisted, swirled, hopped and tropped the peice of paper around.

Suddenly he came at a stop. He gently put the pice of paper on the table, turned around, smashed something on his face, turned back, and he had a pair of MAGNIFICENT moustace!


"Dear colonel... as my right eye suggests, the terrorist's are well equipped and well trained. The attack purpose was to deliver a message, that's why they shot random targets and did not destroy the cameras.. I also would like to see the footage of the cameras if you dont mind.. Oh and we need to search this symbol too!"

David nodded slowly, understanding what he meant. "You watch the footage, I'll go look around for the symbol." he responded, then gave a CD with the attacks recorded on it to Zee Captain. David walked out of the room, towards the Command Center to begin his search. "And to think that under the mask of insane stupidity... hides a great brilliance." he muttered out about Zee Captain as he walked out.
thiazzi1 said:
William leaned on the safety rail of the station platform, looking out to sea as the wind whipped his face. This whole Death Platoon thing was all very exciting; he hoped they'd be getting down to business soon. For now, he was just waiting for orders. As he waited, he idly played with a chunk of scrap metal in his gloved left hand, the glove's strange power allowing him to crush and bend the steel as if it were clay.
Nick happened to walk by, but noticed what William was doing. "Does this metal have some special properties, or is it your glove?" he asked, with a curious, but confident smirk on his face. "By it's looks, I can clearly tell your glove is some new, special technology. Or maybe it's you? I don't think you have cybernetic implants, you don't look like Nanomachines either. What are you? Do you specialize in bending metal, or something?" he asked, with his smirk expanding into a grin. His face came to a sudden realization, as he made slight bow towards William and continued speaking "Oh, where are my manners? Toxic Raven, pleasure to meet you - But you've probably heard of me already. I'm one of the most revered operatives around."

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Zee Captain took the cd, and put it in the colonel's pc.

He watched the video several times, before leaving the office with his picasso painting.

He wanted to seek the new members they had gotten in their ranks.
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(Sorry it's so short, I have to go do something)

Michael was leaning on a wall in a hallway, playing with his butterfly knife. He prefered to be alone and undisturbed.
Birdsie said:
Nick happened to walk by, but noticed what William was doing. "Does this metal have some special properties, or is it your glove?" he asked, with a curious, but confident smirk on his face. "By it's looks, I can clearly tell your glove is some new, special technology. Or maybe it's you? I don't think you have cybernetic implants, you don't look like Nanomachines either. What are you? Do you specialize in bending metal, or something?" he asked, with his smirk expanding into a grin. His face came to a sudden realization, as he made slight bow towards William and continued speaking "Oh, where are my manners? Toxic Raven, pleasure to meet you - But you've probably heard of me already. I'm one of the most revered operatives around."
Inwardly bristling at the American's self-assured brashness, William looked up and smiled at Nick graciously. "Nice to meet you, Toxic Raven, I'm Second Son. I apologise, I haven't actually heard of you - I'm rather new to all this. It's certainly reassuring to hear you're a well-reputed operative - I imagine you'll be putting your skills to good use with whatever they're going to be assigning us to."

He threw the twisted metal up in the air and caught it, squeezing it like a lemon.

"You're right, it is the glove. Not new technology though, I'm afraid. In fact, it's very old - a relic even. This is merely its most recent manifestation. I believe it looked like an iron gauntlet when my family first acquired it in centuries past. Anyhow, it grants the wearer great strength in their hand, and is nigh-indestructible to boot. But also..."

William flexed his hand, and a set of sharp midnight-black claws extended from the fingertips of the glove. Holding the piece of metal in his ordinary hand, he drew one clawed finger across the surface. It sliced through the rough steel as if it were a piece of fruit. He then withdrew the claws back into the glove.

"A rather useful little artifact. So, Toxic Raven, I'm assuming you're a man of remarkable abilities yourself, judging by your presence here. Where do your talents lie?"
[QUOTE="The Black Rainbow]

Zee Captain took the cd, and put it in the colonel's pc.

He watched the video several times, before leaving the office with his picasso painting.

He wanted to seek the new members they had gotten in their ranks.

Silver Bullet

I walk up to the man after cleaning all my guns, in my civ gear I greet him "Captain"
thiazzi1 said:
Inwardly bristling at the American's self-assured brashness, William looked up and smiled at Nick graciously. "Nice to meet you, Toxic Raven, I'm Second Son. I apologise, I haven't actually heard of you - I'm rather new to all this. It's certainly reassuring to hear you're a well-reputed operative - I imagine you'll be putting your skills to good use with whatever they're going to be assigning us to."
He threw the twisted metal up in the air and caught it, squeezing it like a lemon.

"You're right, it is the glove. Not new technology though, I'm afraid. In fact, it's very old - a relic even. This is merely its most recent manifestation. I believe it looked like an iron gauntlet when my family first acquired it in centuries past. Anyhow, it grants the wearer great strength in their hand, and is nigh-indestructible to boot. But also..."

William flexed his hand, and a set of sharp midnight-black claws extended from the fingertips of the glove. Holding the piece of metal in his ordinary hand, he drew one clawed finger across the surface. It sliced through the rough steel as if it were a piece of fruit. He then withdrew the claws back into the glove.

"A rather useful little artifact. So, Toxic Raven, I'm assuming you're a man of remarkable abilities yourself, judging by your presence here. Where do your talents lie?"
Toxic Raven smiled, upon acquiring more knowledge about the glove. "Hm? My talents are very expansive, good sir. I'm good with CQC, I'm good with Stealth, Technology, but from all of these? I'm the best with a gun, especially with a little beauty like my Ruger GP-100." as he unholstered the said revolver, showing it to Second Son. Nick couldn't help but grin at the weapon, and it's master crafting. "It's made out of heavier alloys than a normal model, in order to fit into my strong hands better. Heavier, but less recoil. To me? It's only a pure advantage, rather than exchange. You see - I am one of the first soldiers of the Death Platoon that uses Nanomachines. I'm immune to any drugs, disease, or poison that you know. I'm literally immune to being in an unconcious state, and I can stop bleeding in minutes... through natural process. But truth be told: The greatest advantage lies in my enhanced condition, speed, reflexes and strength. They are all a must-be for someone on top of the leaderboard like me. And these little guys do the trick for me."

Nick stopped talking for a brief pause, and holstered his revolver again. He looked into the sea, just like William did before. "And of course: They're a perfect safeguard to ensure my loyalty. Just as they ensure I survive... they can serve as my end. If the Colonel ever decided I wasn't being loyal enough? A button press, and I'm done for. That's why my old codename: Raven, is now Toxic Raven. What is inside my body strengthens me, but can also be my end."
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Birdsie said:
Toxic Raven smiled, upon acquiring more knowledge about the glove. "Hm? My talents are very expansive, good sir. I'm good with CQC, I'm good with Stealth, Technology, but from all of these? I'm the best with a gun, especially with a little beauty like my Ruger GP-100." as he unholstered the said revolver, showing it to Second Son. Nick couldn't help but grin at the weapon, and it's master crafting. "It's made out of heavier alloys than a normal model, in order to fit into my strong hands better. Heavier, but less recoil. To me? It's only a pure advantage, rather than exchange. You see - I am one of the first soldiers of the Death Platoon that uses Nanomachines. I'm immune to any drugs, disease, or poison that you know. I'm literally immune to being in an unconcious state, and I can stop bleeding in minutes... through natural process. But truth be told: The greatest advantage lies in my enhanced condition, speed, reflexes and strength. They are all a must-be for someone on top of the leaderboard like me. And these little guys do the trick for me."
Nick stopped talking for a brief pause, and holstered his revolver again. He looked into the sea, just like William did before. "And of course: They're a perfect safeguard to ensure my loyalty. Just as they ensure I survive... they can serve as my end. If the Colonel ever decided I wasn't being loyal enough? A button press, and I'm done for. That's why my old codename: Raven, is now Toxic Raven. What is inside my body strengthens me, but can also be my end."
Williams eyes widened slightly, impressed. "A fine weapon indeed. And those nanomachines - they truly sound like a technological marvel! I have seen artifacts that can grant a man many powers, but to have such a thing in your very blood - what a gift! But at a cost, of course? Do you ever worry about it - ever think they might turn against you for whatever reason and switch you off like a light?"
[QUOTE="The Black Rainbow]

Zee Captain took the cd, and put it in the colonel's pc.

He watched the video several times, before leaving the office with his picasso painting.

He wanted to seek the new members they had gotten in their ranks.

William caught sight of a tall, mysterious figure dressed in a trench coat and an old-school gas mask. He - they? looked important. Keen to know what his first Death Platoon assignment would be, William turned and beckoned to the strange figure, extending his non-gloved hand for a handshake.

"Sir? Good to meet you! I'm Second Son. You? I was just wondering if you knew what our next assignment is going to be. If there's anything I could help with. I'm an archivist by training, I specialise in the supernatural and occult."

"GREETINGS LITTLE ONE! HOW DID YOU DISCOVER ONE OF MY MANY NAMES?! WELL, NO MATTER! Tell me, do you want to be a citizen of CAPTANIA? YES? Then I demand you to tell me your name and date of birth!"

The capitain shouted as he took a piece of paper and some crayons..

( Sorry if i posted this after, i am refering to Thiazzi1)
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thiazzi1 said:
Williams eyes widened slightly, impressed. "A fine weapon indeed. And those nanomachines - they truly sound like a technological marvel! I have seen artifacts that can grant a man many powers, but to have such a thing in your very blood - what a gift! But at a cost, of course? Do you ever worry about it - ever think they might turn against you for whatever reason and switch you off like a light?"
[QUOTE="The Black Rainbow]

Zee Captain took the cd, and put it in the colonel's pc.

He watched the video several times, before leaving the office with his picasso painting.

He wanted to seek the new members they had gotten in their ranks.

thiazzi1 said:
William caught sight of a tall, mysterious figure dressed in a trench coat and an old-school gas mask. He - they? looked important. Keen to know what his first Death Platoon assignment would be, William turned and beckoned to the strange figure, extending his non-gloved hand for a handshake.
"Sir? Good to meet you! I'm Second Son. You? I was just wondering if you knew what our next assignment is going to be. If there's anything I could help with. I'm an archivist by training, I specialise in the supernatural and occult."
Yappi said:
Silver Bullet
I walk up to the man after cleaning all my guns, in my civ gear I greet him "Captain"
[QUOTE="The Black Rainbow]

"GREETINGS LITTLE ONE! HOW DID YOU DISCOVER ONE OF MY MANY NAMES?! WELL, NO MATTER! Tell me, do you want to be a citizen of CAPTANIA? YES? Then I demand you to tell me your name and date of birth!"

The capitain shouted as he took a piece of paper and some crayons..

Nick moved his hand dismissively "Hm, no. I don't worry. Only the Colonel can turn me off, and I assure you: Despite how much it doesn't seem like it, we have a mutual trust for each other. He entrusts me with some of the most dangerous operations, and I entrust him with with placing my name on the 'Death Platoon operative of the month' frame. Just how it works around here, you'll get used to it. Besides: The ones I have are just prototypes. These geeks up at Research & Development are cooking up a fresh batch that'll be even more powerful than this one. Hell knows what I'm going to be doing?" then turned around, seeing William interact with Zee Captain.

Nick wanted to warn both of the new guys that Zee Captain is a bit of a freak, but didn't quite make it in time. Nick sighed, knowing he had to pull them out of this one. Nick turned around to Zee Captain and faced him.

"Heya, Boss. Sorry, they're not up for citizenship! I think... yeah, so... what's our next mission gonna be? Any clues, sir?"
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[QUOTE="The Black Rainbow]

"GREETINGS LITTLE ONE! HOW DID YOU DISCOVER ONE OF MY MANY NAMES?! WELL, NO MATTER! Tell me, do you want to be a citizen of CAPTANIA? YES? Then I demand you to tell me your name and date of birth!"

The capitain shouted as he took a piece of paper and some crayons..

( Sorry if i posted this after, i am refering to Thiazzi1)

Glancing over at Nick's timely intervention, William decided that perhaps it'd be best not to become a citizen of Captania. This gas mask guy seemed more than a little unhinged, although rather friendly at least.

"Uh, sorry sir, but no thank you. I'm already a British citizen, and a rightful Rhodesian citizen to boot. Three citizenships might be one too many! Anyway, uh, about this assignment...?"
Birdsie said:
Nick moved his hand dismissively "Hm, no. I don't worry. Only the Colonel can turn me off, and I assure you: Despite how much it doesn't seem like it, we have a mutual trust for each other. He entrusts me with some of the most dangerous operations, and I entrust him with with placing my name on the 'Death Platoon operative of the month' frame. Just how it works around here, you'll get used to it. Besides: The ones I have are just prototypes. These geeks up at Research & Development are cooking up a fresh batch that'll be even more powerful than this one. Hell knows what I'm going to be doing?" then turned around, seeing William interact with Zee Captain.
Nick wanted to warn both of the new guys that Zee Captain is a bit of a freak, but didn't quite make it in time. Nick sighed, knowing he had to pull them out of this one. Nick turned around to Zee Captain and faced him.

"Heya, Boss. Sorry, they're not up for citizenship! I think... yeah, so... what's our next mission gonna be? Any clues, sir?"
Looking over at Toxic Raven, William mouthed a silent "thanks" for his timely intervention, and listened with interest, hoping this enigmatic masked officer would have some information for them.
thiazzi1 said:
Looking over at Toxic Raven, William mouthed a silent "thanks" for his timely intervention, and listened with interest, hoping this enigmatic masked officer would have some information for them.
[QUOTE="The Black Rainbow]

"Firstly i need a full name and surname and a date of birth!"

The captain implied

Nick gulped and said "I am... Toxic Raven. Born on 01.10.1988." hoping merrily that Zee Captain would accept accept this as an answer. But the thing that Nick was hoping more, was that he would not have to become a citizen of Captania.
[QUOTE="The Black Rainbow]

"Firstly i need a full name and surname and a date of birth!"

The captain implied

William sighed. Looked like this one wasn't going to give up easily.

"First name is Second, surname is Son. Date of birth is the 4th of June 1981, sir."
thiazzi1 said:
William sighed. Looked like this one wasn't going to give up easily.
"First name is Second, surname is Son. Date of birth is the 4th of June 1981, sir."
Nick took a step towards William and whispered "Prepare, we're about to get money." with a suspicious, weird sigh afterwards. You could feel an uneasy mix of emotions in Nick's voice, mostly the emotion of sheer embarrasment and somewhat shame. "It comes with the citizenship..." he added afterwards and prepared for the Captain's further... 'development'
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