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Realistic or Modern Special Forces: Death Platoon (OPEN)


Zee Captain started to draw quickly and switly on a pice of paper, then another. Afther he finished he got from his jacket 2 pices of purple paper.


Zee Captain handed each one a "citizenship" and 100 captarians.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/British.png.a7c491759e1cfcc4ced79a254f3cfea8.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142681" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/British.png.a7c491759e1cfcc4ced79a254f3cfea8.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Toxicraven.png.bd02b90ba66fcac9ac094aeae900c735.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142682" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Toxicraven.png.bd02b90ba66fcac9ac094aeae900c735.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/captaniacredits100.png.0a6ed714ab018306b7ca5b2eb6469cf5.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142683" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/captaniacredits100.png.0a6ed714ab018306b7ca5b2eb6469cf5.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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[QUOTE="The Black Rainbow]

Zee Captain started to draw quickly and switly on a pice of paper, then another. Afther he finished he got from his jacket 2 pices of purple paper.


Zee Captain handed each one a "citizenship" and 100 captarians.

William gingerly deposited the citizenship card and the 100 captarians in his jacket.

"Thank you, sir. Now, uh, about this whole assignment thing...."

"AH, YES. Zee Mission. I do suspect we will have to deal with some dindy dandy terrorists..."

"And i do not like them. I do not like them. I really dont like them, nope no no no."

"Zee Terrorists are well equipped and trained, we do not know much else.."
thiazzi1 said:
William gingerly deposited the citizenship card and the 100 captarians in his jacket.
"Thank you, sir. Now, uh, about this whole assignment thing...."
[QUOTE="The Black Rainbow]

"AH, YES. Zee Mission. I do suspect we will have to deal with some dindy dandy terrorists..."

"And i do not like them. I do not like them. I really dont like them, nope no no no."

"Zee Terrorists are well equipped and trained, we do not know much else.."

Nick sighed in relief, then saw David coming along. Nick quickly changed his glance towards him and saluted. "Colonel!" he said respectfully, as he saw him approach.

David looked around and said "We have a new lead. I am inclined to believe that the group has a base in Houston. Three days ago, several cargo trucks were seen heading inside of a factory there. I have already received the fifth freedom from the President, and we are good to infiltrate their supposed facility. I believe this might be a trap... they're attention seekers after all, and the medias just exploded about it. I'll dig a bit further into it, but meanwhile: Did you find out anything from the tapes?" the Colonel said, looking at the Captain.
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Birdsie said:
Nick sighed in relief, then saw David coming along. Nick quickly changed his glance towards him and saluted. "Colonel!" he said respectfully, as he saw him approach.
David looked around and said "We have a new lead. I am inclined to believe that the group has a base in Houston. Three days ago, several cargo trucks were seen heading inside of a factory there. I have already received the fifth freedom from the President, and we are good to infiltrate their supposed facility. I believe this might be a trap... they're attention seekers after all, and the medias just exploded about it. I'll dig a bit further into it, but meanwhile: Did you find out anything from the tapes?" the Colonel said, looking at the Captain.
William smartly saluted the Colonel.


He listened with interest to the Colonel's explanation.

"So, these terrorists - do we have any idea who they are, what they're fighting for?"
thiazzi1 said:
William smartly saluted the Colonel.

He listened with interest to the Colonel's explanation.

"So, these terrorists - do we have any idea who they are, what they're fighting for?"
David responded "They're fighting for our attention. Literally. We don't know who, or what they are. Except for their symbol. An eye with... aquila edges, 3 triangles above it and a... sort of tear, dropping from it. I have no idea what this is supposed to mean, but I know they are looking for specifically our attention." with a rather curious voice, as if he was worried, but impressed at the same time, and both of those emotions were rare for him, which made this moment unique for anyone that has been around him for a while.

Nick grinned at an opportunity of tracking a group like this. He would jump through, to the top of the leaderboard and would gain David's favour. That would be the thing that would make him become the... *Gasp* next leader! He smiled confidently on that thought, and looked at David. "Sir, should I have our men scan the area?" as David responded "10-2, Houston has lots of Civillian population. I will track the trucks and their whereabouts myself... remotely." This response didn't shatter Nick's tender enthusiasm. "Sir, if I may: If the trucks were military-grade, I suggest we check all possible sources. All of the sellers that could have provided the Terrorists with them, even the black market!" as David's eyes crossed with thought, and wonder. "Sure, I'll have someone work on that. If you have more questions, ask The Captain" as he walked away, giving a final, brief look at their faces. Nick's smile turned even more confident, nearly sinister from the passion that he had in gaining the Colonel's favour.

He faced Zee Captain and William. "Well, you two excuse me. They're serving shrimps at the canteen." he said, with his passion still brimming, yet slowly fading, as he walked away towards the Canteen.

@The Black Rainbow
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[QUOTE="The Black Rainbow]

Zee Captain stared dead at the colonel as he sneakly activated a little speaker in his jacket.


The Colonel was annoyed with the sounds, and said "STOP YOUR STUPID PLAYS, CAPTAIN!" and sighed in annoyance, continuing to walk towards the Command Center and ignoring the sounds.
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Birdsie said:
David responded "They're fighting for our attention. Literally. We don't know who, or what they are. Except for their symbol. An eye with... aquila edges, 3 triangles above it and a... sort of tear, dropping from it. I have no idea what this is supposed to mean, but I know they are looking for specifically our attention." with a rather curious voice, as if he was worried, but impressed at the same time, and both of those emotions were rare for him, which made this moment unique for anyone that has been around him for a while.
Nick grinned at an opportunity of tracking a group like this. He would jump through, to the top of the leaderboard and would gain David's favour. That would be the thing that would make him become the... *Gasp* next leader! He smiled confidently on that thought, and looked at David. "Sir, should I have our men scan the area?" as David responded "10-2, Houston has lots of Civillian population. I will track the trucks and their whereabouts myself... remotely." This response didn't shatter Nick's tender enthusiasm. "Sir, if I may: If the trucks were military-grade, I suggest we check all possible sources. All of the sellers that could have provided the Terrorists with them, even the black market!" as David's eyes crossed with thought, and wonder. "Sure, I'll have someone work on that. If you have more questions, ask The Captain" as he walked away, giving a final, brief look at their faces. Nick's smile turned even more confident, nearly sinister from the passion that he had in gaining the Colonel's favour.

He faced Zee Captain and William. "Well, you two excuse me. They're serving shrimps at the canteen." he said, with his passion still brimming, yet slowly fading, as he walked away towards the Canteen.

@The Black Rainbow
Curious, William returned to his room, and browsed through a couple of books from his fairly extensive collection - these were books on the subject of cults, secret societies and symbology. He was looking for the symbol the Colonel had been talking about - perhaps it would shed some light on this strange group they were facing. He also input the symbol onto his tablet, and had it run through the search feature of the Fiennes family's private database, hoping there'd be a match somewhere.

( @Birdsie does William find any information?)
thiazzi1 said:
Curious, William returned to his room, and browsed through a couple of books from his fairly extensive collection - these were books on the subject of cults, secret societies and symbology. He was looking for the symbol the Colonel had been talking about - perhaps it would shed some light on this strange group they were facing. He also input the symbol onto his tablet, and had it run through the search feature of the Fiennes family's private database, hoping there'd be a match somewhere.
( @Birdsie does William find any information?)
All to be found were some records of ex-military members that served in a lot of classified operations. There are only a few documents, with a few people mentioned. However most of the information is covered up by [DATA EXPUNGED] and [REDACTED] marks, or the "" marks. The symbol appears to have been the one that their unit carried, but none of the actual names are visible. A few things to deduct is that they were all specialists of one squad of about 15 members. The documents of 12 of them are missing and\or not available, the 3 others are as mentioned above: Mostly covered up. Even their names aren't available, and the little data that was there to be dug up was the data of a few, unrelated operations and the things that read above.
Birdsie said:
All to be found were some records of ex-military members that served in a lot of classified operations. There are only a few documents, with a few people mentioned. However most of the information is covered up by [DATA EXPUNGED] and [REDACTED] marks, or the "" marks. The symbol appears to have been the one that their unit carried, but none of the actual names are visible. A few things to deduct is that they were all specialists of one squad of about 15 members. The documents of 12 of them are missing and\or not available, the 3 others are as mentioned above: Mostly covered up. Even their names aren't available, and the little data that was there to be dug up was the data of a few, unrelated operations and the things that read above.
Satisfied by his findings, with his rather limited findings summarised on a sheet of paper, William headed to the canteen to eat. After setting down his meal at a table, he walked over to where the Colonel was seated.

"Sir, I looked up that symbol you mentioned in my archives. There wasn't much on it, but here's what I could find. I hope this helps."
thiazzi1 said:
Satisfied by his findings, with his rather limited findings summarised on a sheet of paper, William headed to the canteen to eat. After setting down his meal at a table, he walked over to where the Colonel was seated.
"Sir, I looked up that symbol you mentioned in my archives. There wasn't much on it, but here's what I could find. I hope this helps."
The Colonel took a look at the data, and immidieately muttered out "15?... 15, of them? Only 3..." and paused. He was thinking, and he was thinking a lot. As if he was in a sea of endless thoughts, swimming on a small boat. You could tell that there was some disbelief on his face. "How peculiar... and to think I forgot from all the people out there." he added, and picked up his tray from the table, getting up. He looked William straight in the eye. "Good find, Second Son. I need to go and make a phone call. You, soldier, go and take some rest. You've earned it. If my theory is correct: We can leave Houston alone, that's not where they are..." with an unsatisfied tone.
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Birdsie said:
The Colonel took a look at the data, and immidieately muttered out "15?... 15, of them? Only 3..." and paused. He was thinking, and he was thinking a lot. As if he was in a sea of endless thoughts, swimming on a small boat. You could tell that there was some disbelief on his face. "How peculiar... and to think I forgot from all the people out there." he added, and picked up his tray from the table, getting up. He looked William straight in the eye. "Good find, Second Son. I need to go and make a phone call. You, soldier, go and take some rest. You've earned it. If my theory is correct: We can leave Houston alone, that's not where they are..." with an unsatisfied tone.
"Happy to help, sir."

William headed for his room, ready to go and read a book, begin winding down for the night. However, he had a thought, and turned around to look for Toxic Raven. Once he found him, he got the man's attention.

"Mr Raven? I was wondering if you might be amenable to a little sparring session? Might be good to get some practise in, and I must admit, I'm curious to have a tussle with a man of your reputation and abilities."
thiazzi1 said:
"Happy to help, sir."
William headed for his room, ready to go and read a book, begin winding down for the night. However, he had a thought, and turned around to look for Toxic Raven. Once he found him, he got the man's attention.

"Mr Raven? I was wondering if you might be amenable to a little sparring session? Might be good to get some practise in, and I must admit, I'm curious to have a tussle with a man of your reputation and abilities."
Hearing a challenge, Nick couldn't help but accept. "Let's do this. To the simulation room." as he started walking towards the mentioned, then stopped. "Actually... Go there, and wait for me. I have an idea." he said, then ran towards his room with all haste, you could tell he was running faster than a normal human, and by a few seconds he was already on the other side of the platfrom, heading towards his room.
Birdsie said:
Hearing a challenge, Nick couldn't help but accept. "Let's do this. To the simulation room." as he started walking towards the mentioned, then stopped. "Actually... Go there, and wait for me. I have an idea." he said, then ran towards his room with all haste, you could tell he was running faster than a normal human, and by a few seconds he was already on the other side of the platfrom, heading towards his room.
Filled with curiosity, William headed for the "simulation room". Reaching the appropriately-labelled door, he waited patiently for Toxic Raven's return, flexing his gloved hand and throwing a series of supernaturally fast punches enhanced by his magical cowl in preparation for the coming challenge.
thiazzi1 said:
Filled with curiosity, William headed for the "simulation room". Reaching the appropriately-labelled door, he waited patiently for Toxic Raven's return, flexing his gloved hand and throwing a series of supernaturally fast punches enhanced by his magical cowl in preparation for the coming challenge.
Nick came there nearly a minute after... with a boombox in his right hand. He walked through the door, that automatically opened up as he walked up to it, and said "Let's go, Second." as he put the boombox down, and clicked the 'play' button with his left hand. The following song echo'ed through the Simulation Room, that was now empty, due to most people being asleep.


Nick took on a combat-ready stance, and moved out his right hand forward, then did the 'come at me' gesture with it, preparing for any of William's attacks. He was moving all of his bodyparts as much as he could, to make the Nanomachines more active, and thus increase all of his capabilities by a few percent... but well. Even a few percent can be an advantage.
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Birdsie said:
Nick came there nearly a minute after... with a boombox in his right hand. He walked through the door, that automatically opened up as he walked up to it, and said "Let's go, Second." as he put the boombox down, and clicked the 'play' button with his left hand. The following song echo'ed through the Simulation Room, that was now empty, due to most people being asleep.

Nick took on a combat-ready stance, and moved out his right hand forward, then did the 'come at me' gesture with it, preparing for any of William's attacks. He was moving all of his bodyparts as much as he could, to make the Nanomachines more active, and thus increase all of his capabilities by a few percent... but well. Even a few percent can be an advantage.
William took up a confident boxing stance, ready to take on the technologically-enhanced Raven. He rolled his shoulders, intending to use his enhanced reflexes and limb speed to their full advantage.

"So, uh, this Simulation Room, huh? Are we in our real bodies or what?"

He grinned.

"Just wondering how hard I should go on you."
thiazzi1 said:
William took up a confident boxing stance, ready to take on the technologically-enhanced Raven. He rolled his shoulders, intending to use his enhanced reflexes and limb speed to their full advantage.
"So, uh, this Simulation Room, huh? Are we in our real bodies or what?"

He grinned.

"Just wondering how hard I should go on you."
Raven moved his neck around, and you could hear a few cracks. With an unbothered face he responded "We are. Why are you asking? Because you're afraid that I won't go easy on you?" then however, Nick realized insulting was not the best option to win a fight. He had to remain focused and calm, especially that he didn't know much about William's skills or specialization... and, well. He was about to discover. Nick saw William grin, and made the deduction that this meant he was getting confident. That meant he would probably boast\mock in a second. Trying to read William's body language to avoid his hands blocking the incoming attack, Nick launched a punch, trying to aim just under William's hands, into the stomach. While he punched, he slightly bent his knees, to move the bodyweight forward and gain a rush-like advantage, and a clear field of attack, as his position was now lowered.. He made sure to spin his hand while punching, to make the punch far more harder and stronger than a normal one would be. Everything was executed with superhuman speed, as his Nanomachines were giving him an advantage.
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Birdsie said:
Raven moved his neck around, and you could hear a few cracks. With an unbothered face he responded "We are. Why are you asking? Because you're afraid that I won't go easy on you?" then however, Nick realized insulting was not the best option to win a fight. He had to remain focused and calm, especially that he didn't know much about William's skills or specialization... and, well. He was about to discover. Nick saw William grin, and made the deduction that this meant he was getting confident. That meant he would probably boast\mock in a second. Trying to read William's body language to avoid his hands blocking the incoming attack, Nick launched a punch, trying to aim just under William's hands, into the stomach. While he punched, he slightly bent his knees, to move the bodyweight forward and gain a rush-like advantage, and a clear field of attack, as his position was now lowered.. He made sure to spin his hand while punching, to make the punch far more harder and stronger than a normal one would be. Everything was executed with superhuman speed, as his Nanomachines were giving him an advantage.
As Nick closed in and swung a fierce punch at William's stomach, his magically-enhanced reflexes took over to bring down his left hand to intercept the blow at lightning speed, titanium-hard gloved fist ready to knock Raven's aside. Simultaneously, William twisted to deliver an equally fast right fist towards Toxic Raven's face, body swaying with the motion to move it away from Raven's own blow lest his block should somehow fail.

Damn, this guy's fast, was all William had time to think while he did so. He was really going to be pushing his reflexes to the limit in this fight.
Meanwhile Zee Captain was observing the fighting scene behind an observation glass in an observation room. He then proceeded onto taking a cd container from his jacket. It was astonishing how many things Zee Captain could fit into his jacket. He proceeded onto opening it and taking out the cd.
thiazzi1 said:
As Nick closed in and swung a fierce punch at William's stomach, his magically-enhanced reflexes took over to bring down his left hand to intercept the blow at lightning speed, titanium-hard gloved fist ready to knock Raven's aside. Simultaneously, William twisted to deliver an equally fast right fist towards Toxic Raven's face, body swaying with the motion to move it away from Raven's own blow lest his block should somehow fail.
Damn, this guy's fast, was all William had time to think while he did so. He was really going to be pushing his reflexes to the limit in this fight.
Reading his body language from before, Nick quickly realized this was a ruined cause, and so as soon as his hand hit William's he moved back, dropping to the ground on his back, then continuing to move his body, with his legs upwards, as he placed his hands on the ground and used them to thrust himself into the air, jumping high in it and performing a sort of backflip, as he stood back on his two legs. He moved around the fingers of his hand, you could read that Nick felt a moderate amount of pain that remained after hitting William's glove. Fortunately, the nanomachines were capable of quickly fixing the pain up, as Nick repeated to himself, in his thoughts: Pain is weakness leaving the body... with a confident, and proud smile.

His face turned into a focused, slightly aggressive one again, as he stood in a martial arts position. He had to put all of his CQC knowledge into this one. Now, standing several meters away from William, he was at a disadvantage to attack, so instead Nick waited for William to do so. Nick decided to tease a little bit, to make William strike. "Nice defense. To be honest: you're not so bad at CQC as I thought. Anyway, your turn to attack, Second." not calling William; 'Son' as he was the older one here.

He did not pay attention to Zee Captain, but did notice him behind the observation glass. He could not pay attention during a spar like this one, he had to put 100% focus, 100% strength and 100% speed into the fight. He had to go all-out.

@The Black Rainbow
Zee Captain then put the cd in a reader. He then proceeded onto turning the speakers into the room, he activated the microfone and tapped on it twice, while in the room an speaker activation sound could be heared.
Birdsie said:
Reading his body language from before, Nick quickly realized this was a ruined cause, and so as soon as his hand hit William's he moved back, dropping to the ground on his back, then continuing to move his body, with his legs upwards, as he placed his hands on the ground and used them to thrust himself into the air, jumping high in it and performing a sort of backflip, as he stood back on his two legs. He moved around the fingers of his hand, you could read that Nick felt a moderate amount of pain that remained after hitting William's glove. Fortunately, the nanomachines were capable of quickly fixing the pain up, as Nick repeated to himself, in his thoughts: Pain is weakness leaving the body... with a confident, and proud smile.
His face turned into a focused, slightly aggressive one again, as he stood in a martial arts position. He had to put all of his CQC knowledge into this one. Now, standing several meters away from William, he was at a disadvantage to attack, so instead Nick waited for William to do so. Nick decided to tease a little bit, to make William strike. "Nice defense. To be honest: you're not so bad at CQC as I thought. Anyway, your turn to attack, Second." not calling William; 'Son' as he was the older one here.

He did not pay attention to Zee Captain, but did notice him behind the observation glass. He could not pay attention during a spar like this one, he had to put 100% focus, 100% strength and 100% speed into the fight. He had to go all-out.

@The Black Rainbow
William calmly assessed Raven's movements as he backflipped away and got to his feet. He'd clearly been hurt hitting the glove, but that seemed to be fading rapidly as his nanomachines did their work. This guy was clearly going to be a challenge to deal with - strong, energetic, and he couldn't even be worn down by hits... What else had he said? Oh yes, immune to poison and drugs too.

These nanomachines were clearly very good, but surely they had their limits? Raven had said they were an old model. Perhaps if he could overwhelm them, force them to work overtime on something, it'd weaken Toxic Raven temporarily? William wasn't sure; he was no engineer. But it was worth a try.

His left fist gently brushed his right arm as he slowly circled. But silently, quietly, he'd protruded the claw on his little finger, to puncture through the vial of elephant tranquiliser contained in the sleeve. Coating the sharp black tip in the potent fluid. Raven may be immune to drugs and unconsciousness, but hopefully something this strong would be enough to keep those nanomachines busy.

Moving in towards Toxic Raven slowly, keeping up a perfect fighting stance, William readied himself to deliver a forceful left hook to Raven's face, to gently scrape the skin just enough to get the drug into his system.

A split second before he swung, he switched to use his right fist unexpectedly, aiming a quick jab to try and disorientate his opponent and throw him off guard. With his snakelike reflexes the switch was virtually instantaneous, and his right hand whipped towards Toxic Raven's face like a bullet. His left fist, its potent load primed and ready, was prepared for a follow-up strike the instant his right fist made contact.
Zee Captain then pushed some buttons and a relaxing and calming music started to play. Afther a bit.. he started to sing..



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