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Futuristic Space Royalty (honestly fuck coming up with good titles)


New Member
Okay so here's my idea: we're all citizens in a giant futuristic empire that spans most of the galaxy, and it's ruled by an actual empress, but after almost 200 years, her rule is coming to an end and everyone can see it. No one likes her and her "reforms" (which really just oppress the small rebellions popping up everywhere) are unpopular as ever. She's restricted the main communications routes, and placed full blockades on the most important planets to prevent rebels from escaping while she hounds them out with her notoriously cruel PKF (Peace Keeping Force). Now is the time to seize the power from the old hag. Now you may play an up and up on her court who really just wants power, or an idealistic rebel whose looking for some real change, but our goals are all the same. I'm thinking a lore-heavy RP that we all help to create together, with all kinds of alien races you can make yourself. The technology level would be all over the place depending on where you live in the galaxy and how rich or important you are. I get this is kind of vague -I'm kind of leaving it as a blank canvas- so ask away!

EDIT: So when this does get up and running here's some important info about my style: I prefer semi-long posts (maybe 2 or 3 paragraphs), realistic FCs and tech, well-balanced characters who don't think they're the main character (there shouldn't be any main characters in an RP), big-ish character sheets... so.... yeah this will probably be a detailed RP. 
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Especially with that title lol. In all seriousness though I'm liking the RP's premises even if it is just a skeleton right now. Lots of amazing ideas could come out of this with the help of some competent RPers. Good luck and hopefully I'll be able to join in the future.

Annnnd I've also got an idea for an alien race if you're interested.
This is a very interesting plot and I would definitely consider (More like completely join) this rp. The title is also very funny and I literally laughed my butt off when I first saw it even though it is more creative than anything I could come up with in my complete lifetime. 
you had me at your avatar LadyPilate 

you had me at YOUR FACE rissa

This is a very interesting plot and I would definitely consider (More like completely join) this rp. The title is also very funny and I literally laughed my butt off when I first saw it even though it is more creative than anything I could come up with in my complete lifetime. 

yissssss <3 I was a little worried I'd be reported for foul language honestly 
You caught my interest.

Do you think there would be place for a Bounty Hunter of some sort? I guess he could work for the Queen to deal with the Rebel Leaders, or vice versa.
I actually tried to work out this whole plot with @rissa last night and man I actually don't know how this would work. I kinda dove in headfirst without actually thinking about the consequences??
Hey i would love to join and im good at working out plots and stuff. (I have a character thought up and 1 or 2 arcs as well.) Plz pm me when you start or if yo want help with plots etc... 
I would be interested! I have an alien spider character who would work really well for this, But I don't have a realistic fc for her. I could probably find one, but she has some illustrated concepts that I really like that I'll likely attach in there.
The plot you have seems a lot like the BattleTech universe (basically Game of Thones in space).

The discussion of the lore starts from 3:02 - 6:25. The rest is mostly mechanics, geek humor and a bit of nerdrage.

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