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Upon the count's confirmation, Aya tilted her head to the right for a moment. So Dulcifer was a child the whole time? She thought to herself shaking her head at the revelation. Though she sort of got the reason he did it. But, the battlefield is not a place for a child to be but she wondered just how long Dulcifer had been doing this before. Seeing at the count was visibly agitated she turned around and started to walk away and rejoin the others. When the count asked if anyone had anything to share she shook her head folding her arms across her chest.

When the soldier returned from scouting ahead and told them of the village Aya cocked an eyebrow. "They set up a village? They set up a village and no one knew about it?" Aya inquired looking toward the Count Light. Well, this just makes things more complicated. There are still too many unknowns about this whole situation. She thought to herself letting out a sigh and shaking her head. Upon sticking her head through the foliage she saw the state that the village was in and the fires that were trying to be put out.

"Well, they are monsters after all. However, even goblins have some degree of intelligence. If you slaughter the whole village the goblin soldiers that remain will attack the village at some point. On the other hand, if you leave them be they will regrow in number and cause trouble again. So this is what I would propose that we do, we light the village on fire and drive the goblins from the village. Once they see armed forces approaching they should run away." Aya suggested as she scooped up her three tails and ran her hand through them.

mentions: AbenSur AbenSur Nero Kunivas Nero Kunivas L Lulidew Faynorae Faynorae LadyOfStars LadyOfStars
Ahah! Being a delinquent pays off! Also, they deserve to die because they're ugly.
As the dog girl inspected Sariel's vessel the only thoughts that went through his mind continued to circle. There was no way some random person I don't even know was just sniffing me up like some cream puff. Gross he thought to himself, lying face flat on the ground, slightly not touching the floor to avoid getting dirt on his face. He quickly then rose up, sitting to the side, and then looking despisingly at Aya.

"Who the heck are yer callin' Dulcifer? I may be a child right now, but that doesn't mean yer can just belittle me like that!"
He shouted, scolding the person before, completely ignorant of his own shortcomings concerning mannerisms and general politeness. In retrospect being completely hypocritical, he should be referring to everyone else as miss and mister as they are both older and above him. On the other hand, Sariel was firm in his belief that he shouldn't be bowing his head down to anyone but his parents. So he believed he was free to say whatever he wished to say. "Plus, they should cut me some slack, I'm a cute little girl after all. Hmph." He muttered under his breath. Making sure no one could hear him.

Get up. Was the words he heard from the pompous prick he deemed unworthy of respect who also ridiculed the poor "Innocent" little girl. I'm basically an orphan and here you are scolding me! Shouted Sariel. In his head. Instead, he just glared at the countly person. He didn't feel like saying this to the person's face. At least not while in this form. Sariel got up slowly. Rubbing the dirt off of the vessel's white shorts, and loudly tapping his ballet flats. He then glared at the count's back as he walked on. "Hey, wait up you menagerie of jerks!" Sariel barely shouted as he tried his best to catch up with his child's legs.

The audacity of these people. Thought Sariel. My name's not even dulcifer, hah! Losers you barely know the name of a new foe! One day I'll beat the crap out of y'all! Sariel thought to himself as he'd try his best to run from behind everyone with their stupidly long legs. He had a slightly annoyed expression on his face. He could barely if couldn't keep up with all these people. They were too fast and their legs too long they have an unfair advantage! Why the heck are these assholes so fast?! Sariel thought to himself, he wanted to say it out loud, but he was saving his breath for once they would stop.

And stop they did, right in front of the base of operation of the ugly fish faces dubbed goblins. Mr pompous prick my fancy pants probably the second-born wanted the opinions of those around him. Sariel, huffing and puffing as he caught up took some time to think. Despite his manner of speaking and profession of punching things, Sariel prided himself in wasting his brain power on stupid things he was invested in. Right now he was invested in the massacre of ugly things. Of course though, "I wouldn't say I'm a good person, but I'm not a horrible person." Sariel said in a very loud tone. As he breathed in and then let it out again. The vessel's voice was somewhat high-pitched and hard to ignore.

"Now, I probably don't have much say in this, but it'd be awfully immoral to fight someone who hasn't fought back," Sariel said with a nonchalant look on his face. "Now I don't know about y'all at all, but I've been taught in my lifetime that'd it's best to rally up and recruit passive or neutral parties into one's own gang of hooligans," Sariel said pausing for a second before continuing while looking toward the count. "These uglies ain't fightin, not causing any trouble and just tryin' to patch up their homes so they can get on with their days. I humbly say, that we try our luck at a truce with these ugly freaks of nature and figure out what's happening. Cause they ain't fightin for no reason. They're clearly hung up on something, and find us threatening." Sariel assertively said, he was confident in his theory.

After all, to Sariel, a former high school delinquent who still thinks his a high school delinquent, this was like gangs. The ambushing goblins only ambushed them because they found them threatening. Why? I don't know! While these goblins are trying to patch things up after what seems to be an invasion of something. Therefore, they need help, and we can form a truce in exchange for whatever these nutjob jerks need. This is an opportunity! "OH and I don't want to fight, cause, I am like; a child. Boohoo, wook at how cute, innocent and totawwy harmwess I am! I also don't feel like dying today..." Sariel said pinching his cheeks, mockingly. "Okay maybe I do because I hate this-" He muttered under his breath.

Miracle♥Makeup! ~ 1 Post Cooldown.
Mentions: Nero Kunivas Nero Kunivas L Lulidew AbenSur AbenSur LadyOfStars LadyOfStars saxon saxon

Tired of dealing with the brat who flopped onto the ground, Tobias decided to learn from the rest and ignore her. Even the Count was starting to get mad by her fooling around. Did she think that this was just a playground?

The group then headed for their next location, the goblin settlement. Upon arrival, the air had gotten a lot fresher, which Tobias was thankful for. It also seemed that the village only had women and children, creating a dilemma for them. To brutally kill the women and children, or to let them live and potentially let them grow into an even bigger threat in the future.

The answer was clear. They should eliminate potential threats and kill off the goblins now. Either they die here, or more humans will die by their hands later. Recalling back to when the gang were ambushed, they too weren’t shown any mercy or given any chances, so why should they grant mercy to these monsters?

However, Tobias also couldn’t bring himself to suggest killing all the goblins outright. The thought of dirtying his own hands made him shudder, and so he listened to the others. Aya had proposed setting more fire to their settlement to chase them away, while Dulcifer proposed making a truce with them.

“I’m with Aya on this one. We should chase them far away, so they don’t grow into a bigger threat in future.” Tobias said. At least this way he wouldn’t have to end the lives of the goblins with his own hands. "Anyways, I don't see us making peace with the savage monsters who tried killing all of us earlier."

AbenSur AbenSur LadyOfStars LadyOfStars Nero Kunivas Nero Kunivas Faynorae Faynorae saxon saxon
Niall Riordan

Niall was almost disappointed the scent of death no longer permeated the air, if only because it meant that trouble was no longer afoot, as they all neared the end of their job together. Now they had arrived at the Village of the Goblins, Niall found himself in disbelief: How had the Goblins established their own settlement without anyone knowing? More to the point, what had devastated it so? The great beast mentioned before? Either way, there were no warriors present; only women and children. Defenseless. Weak. And very poor sport. Niall frowned, he had no intentions of slaying the meek and defenseless, not even to satiate his blade's thirst.

"The Goblins are unlikely to leave the people here alone, even if we allow them to rebuild peacefully, but that does not give us the right to slaughter them wholesale. We follow Aya's suggestion: Burn the village, chase them away. If we're lucky, or unlucky depending on your view, the beast that attacked might rear its head and we can slay it too. Two birds with one stone." Niall spoke with a firmness that even now hadn't been heard from him, as he spoke of not slaying the weak so callously. His words were of a faster pace and approving tone when he spoke up about Aya's plan, indicating his unreadable expression had relaxed.

"As the rest of you work on setting the place ablaze, I will work on scaring off any Goblins that refuse to retreat, even at the sight of flame. Does that work for you, Count Light?" The black knight went on, clutching the handle of his blade tightly, then gesturing with his free hand in an aggressive manner towards the village as he described his plan, looking to the Count for approval.

LadyOfStars LadyOfStars AbenSur AbenSur Faynorae Faynorae saxon saxon L Lulidew

After watching on amused my at Dulcifer’s childish indignation Tyrmar continued with the rest of the group expectant of yet another ambush.

To his great and utter surprise they arrived at the goblin village unassailed, upon hearing that the village was filled with only Women and Children laid out little chance of reprisal.

So why didn’t he feel like it was that easy?

“Where’s the Beast?” His eyes widened as he considered the prospects, his companions chiming in with a suitable plan. “I agree, I think it’s best to drive them away but they only solves one half of the problem.” He quickly turned to directly address Count Light.

“The enemies we encountered on our way here were all aggressive in their approach, and they seemed to be fanatically gathering supplies for this Beast. I believe that the Goblins we killed were the last fighters attempting to quickly find a way to sate the beast, most likely to keep it from attacking the village again. In any case while I believe driving them out will work, there’s nothing to say the beast won’t come back and draw its efforts towards the nearby populace.”

“I believe we should set fire to the camp and stake out the area until the Beast arrives to ambush it, if that’d be to your liking Count Light.”

Nero Kunivas Nero Kunivas LadyOfStars LadyOfStars Faynorae Faynorae saxon saxon L Lulidew
Count Linneus Light

The sell-swords were all noble of heart and Linneus appreciated that about them. While he viewed monsters like most other people, he was not one to order needless bloodshed. However, their idea to drive the goblins away did not give the Count enough confidence to believe this region would be safe from this threat in the future. He was trying to protect the people living nearby and better their lives, a returning goblin menace would slow the progression of that goal. "I'm sorry." Linneus said with a soft voice before he turned to his soldiers. If Tyrmar was right then this group of goblins that stood before them would be the last in the forest and they could put an end to the goblin threat here. Forever.

"K-Kill them all." He ordered with a shaky voice. A terrible, sickening feeling swept over Linneus as he watched his soldiers nod their heads and start towards the village. "Monsters are a threat to the safety of everyone around them, I simply cannot let them go free." The noble explained as he looked to his mercenaries. "You all can stay here, we will handle this." This would be the first time that Linneus had to make a decision that would most likely weigh on his conscious, already he felt regret.

Without saying anything further, Linneus and his soldiers made their way down to the village, where the remaining archers made the first kills and sent the goblins scattering through the shambles of a village. While the soldiers hunted the pests, their cries resounded through the forest. The noise muffled the sounds of a goblin soldier who approached the mercenaries from behind, only to be enraged by the sight that greeted him when he stepped through the bushes and trees. "No!" The small monster cried out. His left arm had been broken, but still he raised his right hand with his dagger in hand and charged the mercenaries, throwing himself at Dulcifer in the hopes that he could kill one of the human children for the loss of his own family.

Nero Kunivas Nero Kunivas AbenSur AbenSur Faynorae Faynorae saxon saxon L Lulidew
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Aya couldn't help but smirk at the child's tantrum, she found the whole thing rather cute. Her tails swayed from left to right rather happily as she turned to face Sariel as he spoke about not being a bad person. She walked over and crouched down to the child's level as she poked Sariel's nose. "Oh come on now, how could someone so cute think they are not a good person, you should think more of yourself," she replied before patting the child's head before turning her attention to what the others were saying about the situation. Though from what it seemed to her the party thought the goblins should be spared from more death. But Aya also knew the risk that could be brought with that as well.

She looked over to Tyrmar and gave a slight glare, "yes it only solves half the problem but that is one less headache that we will have to deal with at a later date." Aya explained still crouched down before turning her attention back to Sariel as she noted the rest of the group's thoughts on the matter. "A soldier's job is to protect those who cannot defend themselves," Aya paused for a moment. "However, at the same time what separates us from monsters? Emotion? I think not, they have emotions as well if only a bit more primitive. Is it our ability to think? That isn't it either they can make ambushes and traps. What separates us from them is the empathy and our reasoning." She concluded as she turned to face the count who seemed to be very much deep into thought as Sariel spoke once again.

Aya turned to see Sariel pinching his cheeks and acting like a small child, at which point Aya felt her hands reaching out toward the child's cheeks. Pinching them and pulling out a bit to make it look like the Sariel was smiling. "Oh now that is cute," Aya chuckled before Sariel started to say that he didn't want to die. "There, there all the people here will protect you, that I'm sure." She smiled until the count gave the order.

"Very well, though I shall not take part in any of this bloodshed," Aya confirmed upon turning to look back at Sariel she was going to cover his eye's when she saw the goblin start to rush at Sariel. Quickly using Quick Slash, drawing her blade as she rushed the goblin attempting to finish it off quickly to protect Sariel.

mentions: AbenSur AbenSur Nero Kunivas Nero Kunivas L Lulidew Faynorae Faynorae LadyOfStars LadyOfStars
  • Quick Slash - Kitsune Style E, Fast F, Sword F - Aya uses her speed to quickly rush a target within 10 feet and deliver a quick slash attack with her sword. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown

Hearing the responses from the remaining others, Tobias was glad everyone had a good heart and weren't into killing off the helpless families of goblins. He thought that mercenaries tended to be more evil and merciless, so it came as a nice surprise for him. Well, excluding the Count, that is.

The Count was the only one who opposed their ideas, ordering for all the goblins to be killed. It seemed that he too, had came to the same conclusion as Tobias, that the goblins had to be killed now. Linneus then explained his reasoning to the mercenaries.

"Well, if you think it is for the best..." Tobias nodded slightly in agreement. He was impressed that Linneus didn't let himself be swayed by the others opinions like he had, sticking to his own decision regardless of how the others would view him. And at least the Count had also spared them from dirtying their hands. He felt bad about the situation, but it had to be done.

All of a sudden, he heard an unknown voice shout from behind. Turning around, he saw Aya running up to a goblin to slice it. Shaking his head, he couldn't help but to pity the poor goblin.

Mentions: AbenSur AbenSur LadyOfStars LadyOfStars Faynorae Faynorae Nero Kunivas Nero Kunivas saxon saxon
Niall Riordan

It came as quite a shock to Niall, perhaps the first feeling of such he's had in a very long time, when the good Count ordered the massacre of the entire Village of the Goblins, albeit with a clearly shaking voice and a willingness to allow the sellswords present to avoid taking part, which many present already agreed to do and stood by. A Goblin Warrior from before, clearly wounded, attempted to attack their heathen child, but was relieved of his head by the kitsune Aya, in an impressive show of speed and precision. Turning back to the Count, Niall looked him over for a few moments; it was clear that Linneus was unhappy about his own decision, yet he made it regardless, for the safety of his people.

Sheathing his blade for the time being, Niall approached the Count as his soldiers went about their solemn duty. "I won't begrudge you making your own decision against our recommendations, Count. You are a leader to your people, they look to you for protection. And protection oft times means difficult decisions must be made." Niall spoke with little emotion, save for a contemplative tone at first, then a softer, yet still cool voice as he went on. He would then rest a hand upon the Count's shoulder in a firm, yet comforting manner. "I only hope that the regret does not crush you later. I don't agree with your decision, but I fully respect your strength of will, Count Light." Niall finished, expressing his hope in the Count's resolve remaining true, as well as his respect for the nobleman's will, even though he knew it shook the Count to his core.

"The Count is a man true to himself, yet is willing to go against his own morals to do what must be done...if I am to make the sacrifices necessary to attain the renown and greatness I seek, I see no greater inspiration than he. Perhaps I should swear an Oath to him after all of this is done." Niall thought to himself, none were privy to this thought of his, at least for now.

Niall understood the unspoken implication that every single Goblin must be killed. All of them. For if even one escaped, Goblin forces from across the land would be rallied by this massacre and war would begin. Even a tough decision like this was a gamble in the end.

LadyOfStars LadyOfStars saxon saxon L Lulidew AbenSur AbenSur Faynorae Faynorae
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Awwwe, look at you making friends! How Cute.
"Ugh. Are you kidding me?!" Sariel said to himself in a moderate volume as he watched Linneus's soldiers march off to cause mass murder on a defenceless population of goblins. Sariel scoffed. None of the folk around him took his statement seriously, probably due to his prior lack of cooperation, nonexistent tact and because his current state looked like a child. I mean I'm not opposed to this, their ugly and they deserve to die! Sariel thought to himself. He sat down on the floor, hugging his knees. He thought that maybe they would've considered a peace treaty or something and then everyone could be friends. Maybe then one of the feathers would appear in front of him and he can get a move on...

7 feathers. What a pain. Sariel thought about the goal that he was given against his will, he didn't really actually want to be in this stupid group full of dimwits. Though there was one cool person... But Sariel wasn't able to get their attention nor did they seem to be interested in perhaps teaching the young child some cool sword tricks. Whatever. It didn't seem like this place was involved with seven holy feathers or whatever the heck they were. Sariel sank his head into his knees. "How annoying..." he muttered to himself under his breath.

Though, I've gotta say that these other folks' idea was quite a nice approach. Sariel thought to himself once more, he was quite impressed. It wasn't as harmful as mass murder, nor was it as risky as a truce or peace treaty. But it didn't matter at all anyway anymore, since their ideas were ultimately not used. That princely pompous prick only gave them the illusion of choice! What a jerk! "I actually my brain for once, and he wasn't grateful! The utter audacity." Sariel angrily said aloud, swinging his arms, as he kicked the ground.

Suddenly the young foxed-eared lady poked his nose. Sariel squeaked prematurely as a confused looked was put upon his face. After she pats him on the head, she suddenly went on a tangent about how these monsters and the people gathered here weren't so different. Sariel pouted, his face still a tinge bit red from the embarrassment he felt. Sariel muttered, "Well I guess the only real difference between us is that those things are a pain to look at." Sariel said under his breath as he scoffed while looking at the fox lady. She then started to pull and pinch his cheeks. Sariel's face went red, as he felt even more embarrassed.

This situation reminded him of when he was still in his last life. When he was young, a lady his family often visited would always pinch his cheeks saying how cute he was. After he had gotten into high school, the lady had grown old, but she would still pinch his cheeks, and it hurt a lot. Though he never retorted. Sariel quickly his face in his knees, trying to hide the fact that he was so embarrassed. Who was this fox lady? A yokai? Did she relish in his embarrassment? Is she a kitsune? Kitsune are told to be mischievous. Don't they eat people's souls? Was she eating his soul right now pinching his cheeks? Sariel thought to himself as he tightly hugged his knees.

Sariel suddenly heard the pitter-pattering of something nearing him, however, when he looked up to gaze, the fox lady suddenly covered his eyes. "Huh-" Sariel let out confused. The jewel tied around his neck began glowing again as it seemed its power had been restored. If it had not been for Aya. Sariel would've been too slow to actually dodge the goblin's attack. Though he'd still be quite able when it came to taking the attack. As his best friend once said, "If one cannot avoid incoming attacks, take it on head-first." Such valiant advice.

Sariel would try his best to push Aya's hands off his eyes, realising the situation. "Oh. So that's what happened-" Sariel said with a slightly annoyed tone, "Ugh! I could've absolutely handled that myself Miss! I'm not just a child! I know self-defence and I have fists too! A weakling like that goblin doesn't stand a chance against me even if I'm like this! Hmph!" Sariel said in a tone which could only be described as an embarrassed child overestimating their abilities. Sariel sighed, before mellowing down, he looked toward Aya, "But uh. Thanks for having my back anyway. I owe you one." He said, somewhat softly as he crossed the body's arms, after which he pouted and looked the other way while blurting out a brattish "Hmph!"


As Tyrmar watched Linneus give his order and his nights go about their duties he nodded with an expression of distaste. He didn’t like this, not what they were doing, not that they were killing weak creatures not fighting back and most of all despite the fact that he should be helping to make sure the job is done he instead turns his head away.

“I’ll be back, if there are any more stragglers I’ll take them out before they can see what’s become of their people” A small mercy if nothing else “I’ll try and gather some firewood as well, we should make a pyre as well so the materials here aren’t misused in the future.” It would also hopefully throw off whatever entity this beast is if it think the village has up and vanished.

If they were gonna wipe out a village there would be no half adding, even if he had to drag every corpse to the flames himself.

Making his way towards the direction the injured goblin had ran in from he tried to take in his surroundings and follow any tracks it or others might’ve left behind, his body poised to take them down with his full ability.

Faynorae Faynorae saxon saxon LadyOfStars LadyOfStars Nero Kunivas Nero Kunivas L Lulidew
It was a hard pill to swallow and Linneus felt immediately changed by the choice that he had made. The words of the mercenaries were not wasted on him either. They disapproved of his decision and it hurt to know that the people thought he had chosen the wrong path. Even the dark knight who had seemed to enjoy fighting and killing, did not approve of this. Was this what it meant to be a leader? Would he forever be isolated from those around him for the choices that he made on their behalf? When he had to defend his own villages in the past and make hard decisions in those moments, he was not left with this awful feeling in his soul. Perhaps this was what was meant when they said heavy is the head that wears the crown.

Linneus gave a slight nod to Niall, thanking him in silence for his honesty and words that brought him the smallest glimmer of peace. The count joined his knights as they moved through the village, being thorough in their duty. Plumes of black smoke rose up from the village, darkening the forest as the sun's light was blocked out.

Aya's aim was true, rending the goblin and causing it to collapse to the ground. Its blood pooled in the grass as he breathed his last breath.

Tyrmar's trek would lead him to find very little they had not already seen. But in his stepping away from the group's somewhat covered position, he revealed himself to the forest's other inhabitant.

"ARRRRGH!!!" A loud roar shook the leaves in the trees as the deafening cry seemed to come from all around the forest.

Then the sound of breaking branches and rustling leaves betrayed the direction from which an attack came. Through the foliage, like an arrow through the wind, came the body of a goblin. "Ahh!" The miniscule monster hollered. The pest flew by, Tyrmar, almost as if it was meant to hit him but instead slammed into a tree behind the mercenary. Bones shattered and its body fell apart as the monster died on impact.

Then came the attacker. Trees were toppled and the ground trembled as the beast came into view. Raging towards Tyrmar, the beast towered over him, standing at an impressive 10ft tall and weighing at least a ton. Around its neck and wrists were shackles and broken chains that were stained red with blood. "Hargh!" The beast roared again as it leapt into the air and brought its giant fists down in an attempt to crush Tyrmar. 1656119599815.png

The noise startled Linneus and his knights and they quickly turned to focus on what was going on, but from their position in the village they were not able to see the beast. "Finish up here and we will rejoin the mercenaries. Hurry." He commanded.

(OOC: Ignore the rider in the image.)

AbenSur AbenSur Nero Kunivas Nero Kunivas Faynorae Faynorae saxon saxon L Lulidew
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Aya let out a small sigh as she felt the blade cut through the goblin, examining the blade she saw the blood and wiped it on the body of the goblin. Once again she covered her nose from the smell of goblin blood. "I hate the smell of goblin blood," Aya complained as she turned to face Sariel now who was now speaking to her. Aya gave a slight chuckle as she walked back over and crouched down so she was on his level again. "Oh, I'm sure you could have. However, I was already facing that direction and I'm pretty sure that I saw it first," she explained patting Sariel's head once again. "Plus, who would let such a cute girl at your age fight," Aya teased Sariel as she ruffled his hair.

"Oh yes, I'm sure you could kill the goblin single-handed," Aya smirked as she brushed some loose silver hair behind her fox ear as her three tails rested on the ground. "But, you are welcome, see you should be nicer to those around you. You never know when they won't be there anymore," she advised as she looked over her shoulder as Tyrmar walked down a path away from the group. Which caused her to cock an eyebrow though she didn't think much of it. That was until there was a roar from down the path that Tyrmar had walked down.

"You have got to be kidding me," Aya complained as she clenched her jaw before letting out a sigh. "Well, it looks like that creature is back whatever it is," Aya concluded, and then if Sariel allowed it she would throw the child on her shoulders to speed up getting to Tyrmar quicker. After all, she would be able to move faster than Sariel would. Regardless of the decision, Aya would then be off as she rushed off toward the sound until she came upon the sight of the goblin's corpse. "Oh, that is a big creature, whats the plan?" She called out to Tyrmar and if Sariel was on her shoulders she would crouch down to let the child off before drawing her katana.

mentions: AbenSur AbenSur Nero Kunivas Nero Kunivas L Lulidew Faynorae Faynorae LadyOfStars LadyOfStars
  • Quick Slash - Kitsune Style E, Fast F, Sword F - Aya uses her speed to quickly rush a target within 10 feet and deliver a quick slash attack with her sword. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
Honey Flash!
Sariel was flabbergasted. Sariel's face was flushed with embarrassment. To be honest he didn't really like being treated like a child because it reminded him of how young he truly was. The way Aya crouched down to level herself with this body made Sariel want to cry. Before he had become this person, he was a few years away from entering adulthood. He was steps away from being respected and treated like a man, and then it was all robbed because he couldn't chew his food properly. Like a child.

At Aya's statement, Sariel couldn't help but start blurting out. He showed an expression of anger, as he swung the body's arms relentlessly in futile pursuit. "I'm NOT cute! I'm... I- I'm Cruel! Brutal! Strong and Menacing! I the great Sari- I mean. Dulcifer, will exact revenge on all those who dare to face me! One day you'll hear my name and tremble where yer standing!" Sariel shouted in a moderate tone, before pouting and crossing his arms. "Of course, I could handle one goblin, and maybe even an entire hoard!" Sariel scoffed at Aya's next statement. "I don't need to be kind! If I'm nice people'll take advantage of me cause I'm cu-" Sariel stopped in his tracks, before shouting, "Actually! Nevermind! I only need to be nice to people who are worthy of my niceness! Hmph!" Sariel said with an angry expression and flushed face.

Suddenly a roar echoed. Sariel covered his ears, "Ugh, what's with these horrendous noises!" Sariel blurted out, before being picked up by Aya and swiftly carried to the location. "Hey wai-" Sariel was about to say, but stopped. This was quite perfect for him. This girlish body was slower than a snail! He had a lot of stamina, but running and getting to locations swiftly took up all that stamina because of his small child legs. So Sariel let Aya carry him even if he was a bit embarrassed about it. When Aya had reached the location, he got slowly off and stared.

"Ew, what an ugly creature. It looks like an Oni pretending to be a bull. A hideous Oni... Oh but it doesn't have a third eye so is it a hideous bull pretending to be an Oni?" Sariel said ponderingly. He'd often read books on folklore when he was younger, but he'd only know miscellaneous facts. But then his eyes lit up. This was his chance to shine! He'd often watch anime and read the manga. In shows like C*tey H*ney or S*per S*ntai, the heroes would often fight big super villains, and through a long difficult battle, the hero would come out on top. It shouldn't be that hard to fight an ugly bull with a bunch of people on your side, Right?

Sariel saw as the ugly monster thing leapt into the air. It was aiming to crush the lame-haired guy Tire or whatever. Sariel thought back to the words of Aya. "If I'm nicer to people... hmm Well having comrades requires to be nice..." Sariel muttered. Sariel look at the man, he thought about it, Tire or whatever didn't do anything to upset Sariel yet, and he was pretty strong... Sariel took off his choker, raising it in the air and shouted "Miracle Makeup!" as a shining bright red light glittered around Sariel. After the lights faded, sparkling mist covered the area around Sariel's body revealing Dulcifer.

Now transformed, Sariel cleared his throat. "Oi! Tireman or whatever is! Get outta the way if yer' don't wanna be crushed!" Sariel shouted. "Miss, You're the fastest folk here currently, go and inform the others and tell' em we hafta regroup! I'm pretty flashy so I can try my best to distract that thing while you guys try and flank it!" Sariel said in a moderately loud voice with a hasty tone. Why'd he waste his time increasing his strength when he could've taken up the offer from that thing to learn some cool magic...

Miracle ♥ Makeup! - Magic Affinity D, Spell Duration E, Transformation F:
While transformed, the characters' strength is two grades higher (D), their speed is one grade higher (F) and they gain access to the contact fighting style [Heart-Throbbing Strawberry Sweetness]. Physically, they become a foot taller, and they age by 6 years. This transformation lasts for 1 hour. Rank D Spell, 2 Post cooldown.
Mentions: Nero Kunivas Nero Kunivas L Lulidew AbenSur AbenSur LadyOfStars LadyOfStars saxon saxon
Seeing what Linneus had to go through, Tobias realized how tough it was to be in charge. Sometimes, you're going to have to make the decisions that won't please everyone, and end up being hated for it. Sometimes, you are the one making the wrong decisions, and have to live your life in regret knowing that you could have done better then. It was a task that not anybody could take on, and so Tobias had respect for the Count.

Seeing Tyrmar leave the group with the excuse of catching some stragglers and gathering firewood, Tobias wondered if he was going to use this chance to go home because he was done following Linneus's orders. With the displeased look on his face, Tobias felt it was better to just leave him be. He wasn't sure what he could say to cheer the fighter up.

However, it wasn't long before a loud howl could be heard coming from the path Tyrmar had went down. Tobias whipped his head in the direction of the sound, fearing for the worst.

"Whoa, I didn't know he could scream so loud like that. He must be really upset, huh." He said aloud to no one in particular, before hearing Aya mention about the beast being back. In response, he'd shrugged his shoulders. "Okay, I can't be the only one who thought he walked away to become a werewolf or something, right?"

Aya then took off, carrying Sariel on her shoulders. "Careful not to drop her! She's a fragile one." Tobias called out to the duo, before he took off himself, trying to catch up with them.

Tobias had finally caught up with the others and arrived at the scene, where a giant monster jumped at Tyrmar. Apparently the sparkly girl had once again transformed herself. "Go sparkly princess! Maybe you'd scare the beast off with your weirdness! But you should probably save Tyrmar first with your magic."
Mentions: AbenSur AbenSur LadyOfStars LadyOfStars Faynorae Faynorae saxon saxon Nero Kunivas Nero Kunivas
Niall Riordan

Niall was glad to see his words had their effect on Linneus, easing his mind, if only by a small bit, before he joined his compatriots in silencing the Village of the Goblins, allowing the Mercenaries themselves a few precious moments of peace. A peace that was swiftly broken by the frightful roar of a terrible beast, resulting in the sellswords making their way towards the commotion, and Tyrmar, who had left moments ago to catch stragglers.

Catching sight of the beast as he arrived, Niall felt his blood begin to boil as the rush of adrenaline and excitement hit him hard once he looked upon its horrifying countenance. A once bound beast judging by its chains and shackles, all broken through sheer force and stained with blood, much like the beast itself, the creature roared and attempted to crush Tyrmar beneath its feet. Drawing his blade, Niall let out a vicious battle cry as he rushed the monster and swung his sword as hard as he could towards one of the beast's large fists to protect Tyrmar and hopefully cause some damage while he was at it.

"I'll keep the beast occupied, the rest of you: Strike where it's weakest!" Niall bellowed as he made his move, gesturing provocatively at his prey, intending to hog the monster's attention and allow his swifter allies to make their marks and bring the great beast down. This was sure to be an especially thrilling encounter, for the dark knight's heart sang in the midst of such an ordeal.

LadyOfStars LadyOfStars saxon saxon AbenSur AbenSur L Lulidew Faynorae Faynorae


Tyrmar’s frustrations soon led him towards a seemingly unmarried path, no group of rogue goblins would date the anger that lied in his chest and there looked as if the only things left were the non combatants in the village, and not for long at that.

Taking in a deep breath he rationalized everything, he knew that logically this was the correct choice, and that with how they were raised those kids would’ve most likely just gone elsewhere and grown to murder more innocents.

But his heart and mind still shook at the fact that it was necessary, but another part of him was thankful towards Linneus for not directly ordering him to attack as well, he respected the man and that respect kept rising but he’d find himself hard pressed on what to decide.

As he composed himself and began turning back to the others he heard it, the roar made him tense in surprise, the cracking of wood and the impact of something flying past him and bursting into a corpse made him turn into the direction of the beast.

He barely had anytime to collect himself when suddenly his companions were rushing in and he was in the middle of being attacked.

‘Ah finally’ He thought, his legs spreading wide to form a solid stance, his arm reaching back for a powerful blow and his heart beating with anticipation and righteous anger. ‘Something to take my anger out on with all my strength.’

His yell was accompanied by a simultaneous strike at the descending arms in timing with Niall, the glowing energies of [Crushing Strike] glinting off his polished sword and armor.

Skills Used: [*]Crushing Strike - Exalted Heart Fist [Body] E, [Aura] F - Hardening his hand with his Aura deeper than before he sends a descending chop meant to slam down upon his enemies and break their bones - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown

LadyOfStars LadyOfStars L Lulidew Faynorae Faynorae Nero Kunivas Nero Kunivas saxon saxon
With Niall and Tyrmar being the only ones to meet the beast's attack, their combined efforts managed enough strength to prevent the monster from crushing them, but the pain they would feel in their bones from halting the force from a 1 ton beast would be hard to ignore as it rattled their arms. "Rargh!!!!"

With another ferocious roar, the beast pulled its hands away and quickly swatted Niall and Tyrmar with enough force to send the two fighters flying a few feet away. If they were lucky they would hit the ground and not a rock or tree. The creature then turned its attention to the shimmering dust that Sariel created. A low growl grew in its chest, vibrating the ground just enough to be felt by anyone standing with 10ft of it.

Without further warning, the beast charged at Sariel, horns aimed at her torso and ready to turn the girl into a kebab.

The constant roaring worried Linneus and he was certain that something was going on that warranted his attention, as well as the assistance of his soldiers. He looked back over his shoulder and watched as the group rested and cleaned their blades of goblin entrails and blood. The sight made him nauseous, but he managed to keep down the vomit. Instead he took a deep breath and gave his new orders. "Regroup with the mercenaries!! I am ready to take my leave of this forest." At his behest, the soldiers rose to their feet and rushed from the village. They would catch up with the others soon enough.

Nero Kunivas Nero Kunivas AbenSur AbenSur Faynorae Faynorae saxon saxon L Lulidew
Heels aren't very easy to run in.
"Hey!" Sariel shouted with an irritated tone at Tobias. "I may use magic to transform but I haven't learnt how to actually wield magic yet! And it's all that stupid critter's fault cause they couldn't bother to help me out! Ugh!." Shouted Sariel furiously. He flipped the body's hair. Raising his hand as he manifested the [Candy Cutie Staff] once more. He then looked over to the cool knight and the tire-named guy. Sariel was suddenly super excited and impressed. "Hell yeah!" Sariel shouted excitedly, "Block it with your faces, always ends well!" He shouted with a tinge of sarcasm in his voice. He was a hypocrite because he would've done the exact thing.

As the beast roared, Sariel wobbled a bit, before looking toward the beastly monster that was trying to violently kill everything. It was now beginning to charge forth at Sariel. "You know, maybe this would've been easier if I learnt to shoot magic at its eyes," Sariel said to himself with an annoyed tone. Sariel then angrily stared toward the beast's direction, "Come at me yer' fat ugly sunburnt demon cow!!" Sariel yelled at the beast with a voice full of fury as he ran forward toward the beast, but just when he was a bit too close to the beast, he ducked down intending to slide between its legs. "Damn, bein' short sure is useful for once..." Sariel muttered, as he stood up and prepared a swing with his staff.

Red light glittered around the jewels on Sariel's neck and the jewel of the staff. With one violent swing, Sariel aimed for the back of the beast's ankle. A sparkling pink mist would appear in the place that Sariel had stricken. After that single swing, Sariel made haste and began running in the opposite direction of the beast and once he had some distance he stopped and then turned toward it again. "Oi! You ugly sunburnt cow-head, over 'ere! You've missed!" Sariel yelled at the top of his lungs with a mocking tone at the beast.

"Oh no! I'm an innocent and totally helpless young maiden, it seems like there isn't anyone around to Help Me in this awful time of need. My oh my if only there was someone to incapacitate this creature trying to hurt little ol me." Sariel shouted in a condescending tone while pointing at the beast's ankles, making sure to try and get his point across as subtly as possible. He didn't know how sentient the beast was or if it was at all, but it was better to be safe than sorry. If everything went as planned, Sariel wouldn't end up being a pile of sparkling flesh at the end of this skirmish. Hopefully. Sariel banked on his luck that this creature had a negative IQ.
Miracle ♥ Makeup! - Cooldown Starts at the end of the Transformation.
Full-Heart ♥ Impact - Fighting Style Heart Throbbing Strawberry Sweetness F, Pretty Power F:

The fighter gathers their strength into the weapon of their choice, imbuing it with the energy inside their heart. They then let out one heavy swing, which on [contact] creates a sparkling heart-shaped ring of mist. Continuous exposure to this mist, causes the target to feel a secondary impact after being consecutively attacked.
F Rank Attack, 0 Post cooldown. Secondary impact only affects creatures of F grade or lower after being exposed to it multiple times.
Mentions: Nero Kunivas Nero Kunivas L Lulidew AbenSur AbenSur LadyOfStars LadyOfStars saxon saxon

Tobias watched as Tyrmar and Niall's combined strength was just barely enough to ward off the attack from the beast. They were then swatted away like flies by it, showing how strong their opponent was. This was the same monster who had killed off most of the goblins they had seen earlier, leaving numerous dead bodies in its wake. Contrary to the weak goblins who had to team up to fight against them, this guy seemed to be on another level. Even with all of them up against it, they might not leave this battle unscathed, which made Tobias feel slightly nervous, but also excited at the same time.

The beast let out a growl that shook the very ground, but fortunately Tobias was able to keep his balance. It then charged towards Dulcifer, who was standing right in front of Tobias.

"Oh great! Now it's coming for us!" Tobias dived to the side, trying to avoid getting caught up in the charge as well. Dulcifer, on the other hand, managed to slide underneath it and deliver an attack of her own. Afterwards, she continued to taunt the beast into attacking her again, before requesting the others for their help. Seeing how fearless she was being, Tobias was spurred on to take action himself.

Since he didn't think the beast would just let him run up to it and hit it's ankle, he didn't listen to Dulcifer's advice. Instead, he charged right for the beast as it was recovering from the charge, trying to deliver a punch to it's face with [Strength booster] applied while letting out a warcry like a madman as he did so.

[Strength booster] - Super Strength F: the user temporarily increases strength output - Grade F - 0 post cooldown

Mentions: saxon saxon Faynorae Faynorae LadyOfStars LadyOfStars AbenSur AbenSur Nero Kunivas Nero Kunivas
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Aya watched as the creature was throwing the others left and right even the other front line fighters were struggling. Well, I guess I could try and slow it down though I probably won't be much help against that creature. Speaking of which where is the count surely he heard the roar. Aya thought to herself as she let out a small sigh. Tuning back into the fight she saw the creature start to prepare to charge at Sariel.

Aya even had to admit she was impressed with how the roar shook the ground, which only brought to her mind that this creature was going to be a pain to handle. Aya rushed forward as she was going to attempt to follow Sariel's lead and slide between the legs of the creature using quick slash to try and make a cute in the hopes that it would at least slow the creature down a bit.

  • Quick Slash - Kitsune Style E, Fast F, Sword F - Aya uses her speed to quickly rush a target within 10 feet and deliver a quick slash attack with her sword. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown

AbenSur AbenSur Nero Kunivas Nero Kunivas L Lulidew Faynorae Faynorae LadyOfStars LadyOfStars
Niall Riordan

Niall's intention had been to catch the beast's attention, but the monster was more interested in rampaging against anyone and everyone around it. It was a fearsome creature at that, with even the combined strength of the dark knight and Tyrmar only barely keeping it held back, before it counter-attacked, throwing the pair to the side before charging at the heathen child. Niall managed to keep his balance, skidding away still on his feet. The sheer strength of the beast caused something peculiar to happen; his accursed blade seemed to produce a deep ringing sound as a red energy flashed over it. The being inhabiting his weapon seemed...excited? It had a knock-on effect for Niall, who's blood was already boiling from the thrill of this fight.

Swinging his blade to the side, Niall let out a growl of his own, his voice sounding hollow, almost like that of a demon and a far cry from his previously cool tone, before charging at the creature. He had no love for the heathen child begging assistance, but he wasn't going to leave their calls for help unanswered. Closing the distance, Niall readied his longsword and thrust it towards one of the beast's large legs, using Draining Thrust in an attempt to slow down its movement as well as cause damage, in particular, he aimed for the tendons to further his damage to its mobility.

LadyOfStars LadyOfStars saxon saxon AbenSur AbenSur L Lulidew Faynorae Faynorae

Abilities used:
  • Draining Thrust - Fighting Style Accursed Blade (Swords) F, Drain (Speed) F - Single target afflicted with an injury by this attack will also reduce the target's (Speed) by 1 grade. Niall readies his sword in a 'stand-off' stance before suddenly thrusting forth, injuring the target and afflicting them with Drain (Speed). - F grade - 1 Post Cooldown


Tyrmar’s arm creaked in protest as he flew through the air from the Beasts strike, reaching out he skidded across the ground on his good hand and took stock of his companions efforts.

The others thankfully avoided its attacks as best they could, not being as sturdy as himself or Niall, who speaking of which seemed to rush forward eagerly to stab at the Beasts leg. The swordsman and Dulcifer had aimed their weapons at its legs to take away its mobility, in a seconds observation in the midst of [Regeneration] returning his arm to full functionality Tyrmar charged in behind Tobias.

As he swung towards the monsters face Tyrmar jumped above him and released a double dropkick onto the crown of the Beasts head. From what he could tell the monster would take all that they had to take down and he couldn’t help but laugh in morbid joy.

LadyOfStars LadyOfStars Nero Kunivas Nero Kunivas L Lulidew saxon saxon Faynorae Faynorae
Sariel's stunt had been somewhat effective against the beast, causing its leg to buckle and a surge of pain to course through it. Her voice drew the beast's attention to her, now irritated by her showboating and arrogance. It was preparing to charge once more when Tobias' fist slammed into its face and rattled the monster's head. It let out a roar and turned to face Tobias, ready to strike him down, but Aya came to his rescue.

Tyrmar didn't miss a beat and even as he regenerated he rejoined the fight. Sneaking in behind Tobias paid off as the beast hadn't even noticed Tobias, let out the man behind him. Coupled with the bolstered punch to the face, the drop kick sent the already disoriented beast's head crashing to the ground.

Her, Quick Slash, cut clean through the beast's hide and into its muscle. A loud cry shook the trees as the beast dropped down on now wounded leg. Niall who had been disengaged from the fight made a quick recovery, which the beast had not anticipated. It had been fighting weak goblins for days now and they usually went down with one hit. So while it had completely forgotten about the knight, it quickly was reminded of him when the blade sunk into its leg and cut through muscle just as Aya's attack had done.

With two weakened back legs, the beast was greatly limited in how it could maneuver, and being surrounded by enemies who had managed to do a substantial amount of damage to it, the beast felt it had little chance of winning the fight. But it would not go down without a fight.

Driven by anger and desperation, the beast lashed out at those surrounding it. With Tobias and Tyrmar being so near its head, the beast threw its head at them, slamming its horn into the duo and pressing them to the ground in an attempt to crush them both beneath its weight. Giant claws ripped through the air and Niall was caught as one of the blade-like claws swiped across his chest, tearing through his armor and rending his flesh. With its other hand it grabbed hold of a boulder that lay nearby and hurled it Aya with all of its strength.

Linneus and his soldiers finally returned to the forest and happened upon the battle. It seemed that the mercenaries managed o limit the beast's mobility, but it was dead just yet. "Aya! Look out!" The count called to the swordswoman. "Get in there and help them." He ordered the soldiers. Right away his archers let loose several bolts at the beast, two of the landed in the beast's left eye while the other bolts missed the mark. The beast's roared again and this time, Linneus and his soldiers felt it.

Keeping with their Lord's orders, his spearmen rushed to aid Tobias and Tyrmar, attempting to lift the Beast's horn off of them.

AbenSur AbenSur Nero Kunivas Nero Kunivas Faynorae Faynorae L Lulidew saxon saxon
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Aya felt the blade cut through the flesh of the creature, the blade itself once again red with the blood of her target. However, she hadn't expected it to cut through so cleanly or easily. She figured there would be a lot more resistance, maybe a tiny cut but nothing to the extent of damage that she had done. She turned to face the creature as she saw it go for a boulder nearby, seeing it get hurled towards her.

Oh, this is going to hurt a lot... she thought to herself as she ducked down, not quick enough to dodge the boulder entirely as part of it slammed against her shoulder. She let out a yelp of pain as she moved away from the creature holding onto the shoulder that took the hit from the beast. However, she was glad the soldiers had finally arrived, though they could have probably been here sooner.

  • Quick Slash - Kitsune Style E, Fast F, Sword F - Aya uses her speed to quickly rush a target within 10 feet and deliver a quick slash attack with her sword. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
mentions: AbenSur AbenSur Nero Kunivas Nero Kunivas L Lulidew Faynorae Faynorae LadyOfStars LadyOfStars

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