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Futuristic (Social) OOC

Which Stories Are You Most Interested In?

  • The Formation of Guild "Week"

  • The Rise of the Group "PK Fire"

  • The Circumstances of the Accused

  • The Secrets of the Blackland

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It's almost time... maybe :lenny:

I'm curious to see what you chose for the music ;p.

It has been a while. I picked something fitting the mood of what will happen. I really like this slowly piecing things together now that I know what I'm doing, haha. It will be up once I figure how to link it.
I don't think so if you want my honest opinion. He's not worthy enough.
He was worthy enough to do it in real life, so there's a good chance for him to do it on screen. He just might use the torch wrong this time.

I forgot to bring this up before, but if Canon is going to be the focal point of a quest, should I reveal how he leveled up?

These characters all have such great fashion sense; it's enviable. Usually when characters wear clothes like that on television shows, it looks like bad cosplay.
Kamen Rider usually has good fashion, but that's only so they can sell the clothes as cosplay for high prices on their premium shop.
He was worthy enough to do it in real life, so there's a good chance for him to do it on screen. He just might use the torch wrong this time.

I forgot to bring this up before, but if Canon is going to be the focal point of a quest, should I reveal how he leveled up?

Kamen Rider usually has good fashion, but that's only so they can sell the clothes as cosplay for high prices on their premium shop.
Fair enough! We will wait and see. And yes it can be revealed. I will work around it I assure you!
That is creative. I might make one just for fun.
That reminds me of my friend's idea for his own Stand if he had one, except it had to do with making other people increasingly paranoid.
Insomnia is my least creative Stand (along with cryokinesis Stand, Superbeast).
It was for a minor villain in a hosted project.
Other Stands:
Sweet Dreams
Stone Cold Crazy
Planet Caravan

There's also two others, but I cannot find the CS's.
I like em. They're pretty neat.
Found another one in my private workshop.
Stand name: Nobody's Fool




  • Destructive Power: C

  • Speed: A

  • Range: C

  • Durability: C

  • Precision: B

  • Developmental Potential: B

Special abilities:

#No Fool- the Stand is immune to the abilities of other Stands, even those which are beneficial. Only pure physical attacks work on it. Its ability does not extend to its user.

#Break the Ties- the Stand can generate daggers (maximum of 2 at a time) to fight with them in close quarter combat or throw them. The daggers are also immune to Stand powers and nothing can make them change their trajectory. Each dagger has a monomolecular blade (edges honed to the width of single molecule). In other words, they are impossibly sharp and can cut through almost anything.

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