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Fandom Shirou Emiya's Smithing Shop - OOC

So! Who's ready for this war to begin in like, two days with how many people are signing up to be masters? As far as I see, we have uh...two masters in the works.
So! Who's ready for this war to begin in like, two days with how many people are signing up to be masters? As far as I see, we have uh...two masters in the works.
I am very excited! ... I just hope Saber and Berserker fight each other in a far corner away from everyone else .
Yeah. That pleasant fellow that none of us want to deal with right now. Especially since, well...their class Skill is 'Anti-Humanity' last time I checked.
Emiya approaches your table to take your order. "Which Servant would you like, ma'am?"
Well since this war seems to be turning into a crazy test of power, I'm tempted of asking for one of the stronger classes shown so far, because my master is gonna already be super strong. Ya know, so there's that Herc/Ilya team out there :P What classes are up for grabs?
Well since this war seems to be turning into a crazy test of power, I'm tempted of asking for one of the stronger classes shown so far, because my master is gonna already be super strong. Ya know, so there's that Herc/Ilya team out there :P What classes are up for grabs?

As far as I'm aware...everything but Archer and Assassin are up for grabs.
Well since this war seems to be turning into a crazy test of power, I'm tempted of asking for one of the stronger classes shown so far, because my master is gonna already be super strong. Ya know, so there's that Herc/Ilya team out there :P What classes are up for grabs?
Welp, Saber's yours.

*Pats your shoulder*

Good luck.

*Runs away*
Has anyone here ever thought of using Koschei as a servent before? He'd be pretty OP.
*Blows up half the city*

"...Wait, I was meant to prevent unnecessary causalities?"

*Beserker blows up the other half*

"Oh well..."
cojemo cojemo @Gabriel97 Dalamus Ulom Dalamus Ulom

Godhowsae Godhowsae Hanarei Hanarei HTCOR HTCOR @Darkholme @Xel Mion Mion LostHaven LostHaven
I'll be honest with you. I originally intended for Beast to come out after like 1-2 Servants died or after it was Night 4, but at this rate, I might be in for a change of plans. I need to cull Team Overpowered over there into a corner before they hurt the squishier Servants.
I'm making a genderswapped servant, and as a general rule of thumb, genderswapped servants are always op

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