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Fandom Shirou Emiya's Smithing Shop - OOC

Okay, cool! I have an idea for an extremely strong Master who'd actually be able to fight with Servants on occasion, though of course they'd have some pretty big drawbacks. Making that one huge threat for a Master seems like it'd be fun, ya know?
Emiya approaches your table to take your order. "Which Servant would you like, ma'am?"
Rider will live. For a bit. Hopefully. I can't make promises. There's five other people who wanna kill everyone else.
Also. That glorious moment when you literally need to pull up your inventory twenty item inventory and write it down. Bleh.
This is blatant discrimination!!! I demand justice for Rider! :angrypuff:
Eye can see why you might not perceive it as a good option, but if you open both your eyes you might be able to see the depth of why such an option might be...

You get it darn it lots of puns mocking Rider having 1 eye! Listen Its hard to make these okay I tried my best!

Let's kill Lancer first. She's a witch and needs to burn!
Lies! He knows she isn't a witch he is just saying that cause he is mad I sent him like a 5 page long backstory for my character!
Saber is more than ready for combat. *Grabs the tactical nuke meant for Beserker, and aims it in a new direction*
Eye can see why you might not perceive it as a good option, but if you open both your eyes you might be able to see the depth of why such an option might be...

You get it darn it lots of puns mocking Rider having 1 eye! Listen Its hard to make these okay I tried my best!

Lies! He knows she isn't a witch he is just saying that cause he is mad I sent him like a 5 page long backstory for my character!
Listen. Blind girls are just better! That's it! Eyes are useless!

Shush, you vixen!
Mion Mion

EX Luck was bad enough for me. Now we have someone who can have two EX Stats, Beserker who can have one EX Stat in Endurance...

Then again, this is Saber and Beserker, the two classes that are most likely to have EX Stats.
Mion Mion

EX Luck was bad enough for me. Now we have someone who can have two EX Stats, Beserker who can have one EX Stat in Endurance...

Then again, this is Saber and Beserker, the two classes that are most likely to have EX Stats.

They also require certain conditions to reach that point.
Yeah, which is why they have the ( ) around them. Its not a constant buff for any of us, as far as the general public is aware. Beserker's though...I have an inkling of an idea for him.
Oh yeah its always time for fun 'guess who they are' game! Little harder with just images and Class but hey, not impossible! :P *She says having probably one of the harder heroes to guess*
Oh god. Is- Is Saber who I think it is?

*Flicks through my notes furiously and looks at him*

"...It would seriously fit."
cojemo cojemo Captain Gabriel Captain Gabriel Dalamus Ulom Dalamus Ulom

Godhowsae Godhowsae Hanarei Hanarei HTCOR HTCOR Darkholme Darkholme Xel Xel Mion Mion @Kitty-Sama
I'll be honest with you. I originally intended for Beast to come out after like 1-2 Servants died or after it was Night 4, but at this rate, I might be in for a change of plans. I need to cull Team Overpowered over there into a corner before they hurt the squishier Servants.
I know right, get those Op servants so the weaker servants like Lancer stand a chance! *shifty eyes cause taking the OP servants out probably will push her to the top.*
Nobody's ever going to guess my servant based on appearance. You'll all just have to wait for actual RP.

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