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Realistic or Modern 𝐒𝐄𝐗𝐓𝐔𝐒 𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐔 ─ 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧



𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙨 𝙖𝙬𝙖𝙠𝙚𝙣









  • sextus sensu




♡coded by uxie, from the wonderful mind of dreamglow♡

  • H


♡design by dreamglow, coded by uxie♡
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.ezra lexington.


name : Ezra Gabriel Lexington III
nickname : Zed
age : 22 yo
year : 3rd year
birthday : june 27
star sign : cancer
gender : male
sexual orientation : pansexual
nationality : french - german - english
role : the ferox

fc : maxence danet fauvel


virtues and vices :
There are a lot of things that can be said about Ezra but the word ‘boring’ will never be one of them. Some people can describe him as a capricious young man. A wild card. Or in his father’s word, a wasted potential. In Zed’s defense, he sees it as living in the moment. Carpe Diem as he would like to say. He has no regard of his future as long as he is making his present worthwhile. He would go above and beyond just to chase the latest adrenaline rush he can give his mind and body. It is more than safe to say that is he is a bit reckless, obstinate and irresponsible. A daredevil who likes to push things to their limit and gamble everything away that he has to offer. May it be in words or in actions. He likes to think that he can command fate and can make them bow down to him and his whim.

It may not look like it but he is a dutiful son and a good brother. He has a strong sense of responsibility and obligation. All instilled by the lectures and fear of his father. Family still means something to him and Zed loves his brother deeply. He would put his love one’s safety and needs above his and he would go great lengths for it. No hesitation.

Despite of the vanity and the positive demeanor he is showing, Zed has a lot of insecurities hiding deep within. He would often fill the void with gallons of alcohol, clouds of smoke, tons of parties, and life-threatening adventure but in reality, he just wanted some sense of belongingness. The feeling that he’s somehow wanted and needed. As much as he is vocal, he is having a hard time saying things from the heart. He often hides his feelings behind heavy sarcasm and flippancy. He is a little hypersexualized due to the crowd around him and the outrageous parties he’s been in. Sex is the consolation he has if he can’t find love. He has a crude sense of humor, and often times would spout sexual innuendos wherever and whenever. He is manipulative and a good liar but he understands when someone says no and enough. After all, he came from old money and being a gentleman is the first thing he was taught ever since he was a little boy. Most of the times he has the attention span of a goldfish but whenever he wants something, his determination and focus is unwavering and unparalleled

His carefree and laid-back aura might be overwhelming but he has a sensitive side albeit only known to some. He’s never the romantic type but if he likes someone, he tends to be borderline cheesy sweet and crazy. He can’t confess upfront but he will do random gestures and crazy stunts in order for the other party involve notice. He may not be a sage and a good advisor but he is a great listener and a good confidant, especially whenever he is sane and sober. With all things to consider, Zed is a reliable and an understanding friend and he may not the first one to be there, but he’ll stick with them through and through. Zed can also be considered as an athlete but he is not playing to win, he is just playing to be challenged. A trait that pisses his father greatly but the young man gave up a long time ago to care for his opinions. Competent, clever, witty and agile, others consider him as jack of all trades but he’s not one to ponder.

In his milder and calmer days, Zed cherishes his alone time just within the solace and comfort of his own room, finishing his jigsaw puzzles and drinking hot cocoa if he is not sleeping like a house cat, all curled up on his couch.

appearance : Ezra stands in 6'1 in height and he weighs an average of 183 lbs. His build is somehow slim yet lean due to him playing sports and intense physical activities. He has a strong angular face and mild bony nose. That and his smoldering bold blue eyes are all from his father's features. Family friends often spouted he's the spitting image of his father but his short untamed light chestnut brown hair is from his mother. He often dons a simple shirt, hoodie, jeans and sneakers to pair up with but whenever it's time to dress to impress, he sure knows how to carry a Varvatos and Devore.

scars, marks & body mods : nothing notable, just small scars here and there due to small accidents.

strengths: horse back riding ; jigsaw puzzle ; cooking ;

weaknesses : swimming ; conveying what he's feeling ; hypocrisy ;

likes : jigsaw puzzles ; reading ; horses; hot cocoa and mallows ; smoke and booze (preferrably camel and a gibson or a classic whisky) ; extreme sports ; expectacular parties ; sleeping ; good massages ; engaging conversations ; spicy foods ; beautiful people ; black and white films ; rainy days and stormy nights ; motorcycles ; sleeping

dislikes : cauliflowers ; horror movies (slasher & gory genre) ; power tripping ; secrets ; violence ; his father ;

hobbies : he is into extreme sports ; he collects his completed jigsaw puzzles and places them in a frame on display.

quirks : he can sleep anywhere like a cat ; he likes to fiddle with his smoke. sometimes he's not even lighting it. he just like to play it with his lips and/or tucking it on his ear.


Ever since when Zed was a kid, he already had a strain relationship with his father, Ezra Gabriel Lexington II. It wasn’t something that he understands before when he young, and it wasn’t something that he will pretend to understand now when he’s already a grown up. Although his father pampered them with material things, he’s just as bad as an absent father. Zed, his mom Emily and his little brother named Keith, lives in the country manor in Cheshire, England while his father only comes home during the weekends as he works in the city managing their cargo business. Nevertheless, whenever he is at home he is still working and had no time to spare for his sons. Whenever he speaks to them, it is to complain or to reprimand.

Their relationship became even more dreadful when an accident happened one summer when Zed was just 7 and Keith was 5. They were spending time in their lake house and the two kids left unsupervised. Both his parents trusted him to take care of his younger brother. They were playing on their boat by the dock, creating their own worlds about pirates and Indians when suddenly the rope anchoring them snapped and the wind took them father and farther away from the dock. Probably out of panic, instead of sitting still, Keith moved and somehow fell. Zed could see his brother trashing and trying to scream for help but he was frozen in place. He wanted to reach out but his mind was clouded. His visions even became blurry from the tears streaming from his eyes. It was a good thing when one of their helpers found them and immediately swam in their direction. When they were back on dry land, Keith was unconscious and Zed was cold and unmoving. Keith recovered and somehow forgotten about the incident but Zed was traumatized and suffered sleepless nights from guilt. He didn’t speak for months and as much as he can he never strayed away from Keith again. After the incident, he vowed to protect him no matter what. He promised that he will be brave and even if it cost him his life, he will never let anything happen to his baby brother.

Of course, the treatment of his father became much worse. Before it was all cold shoulders, and now he could feel the wrath on his father’s eyes and disappointment. Zed understood, as he felt the same way about himself.

They continued having an au pair and tutors instead of going back to school. As part of rehabilitation, Zed was given a horse and was taught on how to ride and take care of it. As it turns out he has penchant for horses and riding. It’s in his blood as the men in their family used to compete in sporting events. After a year he was able to show a part of his old self again, playful and caring but only to Keith. He is his constant companion and best friend.

The next year the two were shipped off back to their school and even then, Zed would still look after his brother.

Their mother was diagnosed with Huntington’s disease after two years. It’s a fatal and degenerative disease. Now they know that the endearing clumsiness their mother has is because of something much crueler. They could see the progression of the disease taking over her body. On her sick bed, there she told Zed that he had to live his life. That Keith needs to live his life too and Zed can’t protect him always. Since it is a genetic disease, there is a high chance that they could have it as well so they need to enjoy what they have. They need to live their lives and value it with no regrets and no what ifs. Life is truly precious because it ends.

It was the push Zed needed and he fulfilled his mother’s words. He may have done it with much more intensity and risky stunts (from snowboarding to extreme skiing and wild after parties.) but still, he is now living his life. Even then, he never forgotten his promise of him taking care of his brother.


Zed couldn't care less about his life in the university. He knew after graduation he would be taking care of the family business and he needed to be as serious as he can in order to excel and actually help out. He needs to hold the fort until his brother graduated. Or that’s what he believes. His first year was all going well when he received a mysterious letter. On his accommodation, a letter in a fancy black card with only a place in time written in an elegant and elaborate golden script was delivered.

It was an invite from Lord Thomas Cabot. A business magnate, so influential and so powerful that a mention of his name can get you in any fancy hotel or even out of trouble. Half intrigued and half pissed; Zed went to the meeting. There Lord Cabot proposed an arrangement. He will write a respectable letter of recommendation for Zed to some secret organization hidden by their university and only known to a number of students in exchange for his help. He is a sure thing, Lord Cabot promised since Zed already had the name and the background. His great great-great grandfather was a member but something happened. It’s probably his ancestor’s fault but nonetheless, the organization will look past it since he’s probably got one of the most vital part of the requirement. The money. Though his attitude can be questionable at times, it can still be corrected while some might find them endearing. After all, he's a young man and Lord Cabot believed that he still got time to reflect on his behaviors.

All he had to do is once he got accepted is to provide him information of what is happening within the secretive organization in order for the gentleman to destroy it.

See, Lord Thomas Cabot’s father was a member of Sextus Sensu, so as his father before him. Naturally, Lord Cabot felt it was a birthright that he should be invited in as well. Oh, he got in alright but Lord Cabot has a twin brother, they were both thinking that they will be invited but Theodore, his twin, waited year after year, his invitation never came. Only Thomas received one and under a binding oath, he can't tell him about it. It may be a small thing, but Theodore took it hard and bad. He got obsessed in finding out about the enigmatic society that it drove him mad and eventually, drank himself to death. Although Thomas Cabot is part of it, he blamed the organization solely for the tragedy of his family. It was misplaced anger but it is better than blaming himself for the death of his brother. He knew he can't just break a great institution no matter how powerful he is, not without help. And thus, Zed came into view. He is not certain if he can tear the whole thing apart but a small dent on the elitist society would be an achievement.

In exchange for his help, Lord Cabot will help out his father’s company. Zed wasn’t aware but last 3 years ago, their cargo business is on the brink of bankruptcy then it miraculously recovered quickly. Lord Cabot provided him proofs of his father dealing with shady business partners to help out the company and now, some of the authorities are closing in. Lord Cabot promised that he will stop it from happening if and only if Zed will keep his mouth shut and help him out.

Zed was never the good son. He was the one labeled as the black sheep. The bane of his father, and now, he was given a chance to help the family business, a way to help his brother out and give him the future that he deserves. He promised himself that he will not throw away his shot even if it means to betray and use people just to do it.

After a month, an invitation from Sextus Sensu came for Ezra Gabriel Lexington III.


> he is part french from his mother side and part german and english on his father's side. he's multilingual and speaks the languages fluently.
> he knows the basic of swimming but he's terribly afraid of the water especially if he can't reach the bottom. His mind blacks out as soon as his head is underwater.
> horrible at singing. definitely a tone deaf but he can hold himself on the dance floor.
> hates the name Ezra and prefers to be called Zed or anything but his given name.
> playlist:
believer - imagine dragons
demons - imagine dragons
carry on my wayward son - kansas
i'm gonna be (500 miles) - the proclaimers
there's nothing holding me back - shawn mendes


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  • the scurra.

    mr. blue sky

    electric light orhcestra

    full name

    theodora marie chase.


    she's almost exclusively known as theo among her peers, though her family members all call her teddy. she will not let anyone outside the family call her that.




    she's in her third year.






    the scurra.

♡design by natasha., coded by uxie♡

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And the end of all our exploring, will be to arrive where we started, and know the place for the first time. -T.S.Eliot
basic information
Bonnie Macnally
The Medium
Face Claim
Madchen Amick

Bonnie doesn't have any particular fetures aside from her height that make her stand out in a crowd. Her medium lenght wavy hair is typically swpet off her face by either a headband or a ponypail. She almost always opts for her glasses round framed glasses, and only reaches for her contacts when she feels like it's a special ocasion. She has fairly slim build with little to no visible muscle definiation. Her personal style trends towards late 80's early 90's fashion.
Obsessive: Bonnie's biggest vice is her inability to deviate from her plan. Once she sets a goal, she is incredibly hard on herself until said goal is met. She needs to know every minute detail of a plan, and if it's at all possible, she tries to sieze control of said plans to make sure they continue on in what she believes to be the best course of action. She expects others to keep up with her and gets very distrught when her expectations are not met.

Competitive: Despite her only child upbringing, Bonnie is fiercely competitive. She always compared herself to her peers growing up, and felt the need to be better than them, this behavior was rewarded by her parents so it was never something she grew out of. Bonnie would stay up all hours of the night to study for an exam, just to prove that she could get the highest marks. She'd practice her instruments until her fingers were sore and calloused to prove she was just as good, if not better than her peers. She'd but in all this effort behind the scenes and then play it off as if she had "barely studied", or she "only practice for a few minutes." She needed others to be impressed by her.

Over-cautious: Bonnie is the opposite of a risk-taker, she always says that taking risks gives her hives. She's always going to go with the safe bet. Unplanned outcomes are not welcomed in her life. Her friends make her feel like she's aged 30 years since meeting them since it seems like no one else has a bone of self-preservation in their body. Maybe it's just the mom friend instinct, she wants to keep her more adventurous friends safe, so she feels like she has to overcompensate by being completely risk-averse.

Confident: Bonnie is always so damn sure of herself. She's worked very hard to get where she is, and she's proud of herself for what she's accomplished. She prides herself on her good work ethic and truly believes that's there's nothing she couldn't do without some time and effort on her part. Despite first assumptions, Bonnie is good at talking to people and has a way of making people feel comforted by her presence. She speaks with certainity and usually with positivity.

Intuitive: Her gut feelings never lead her wrong. She swears she has a spidey sense for when things are about to go sideways, and she always trusts her instincts. Bonnie can also read a room as easily as one reads a book. She can usually tell when something is on someone's mind, and while she "doesn't want to pry" (yes she does), she will try and talk things out with that person. It makes her feel good when she can try and take a burden off of someone else's shoulders.

Creative: Out of the box thinking is the only way to solve a lot of puzzles. Bonnie loves when a good plan comes together, but it's nothing quite like trying to formulate and develop the plan. The ultimate serotonin kick is when someone tells her "oh, I never thought about it like this/ seen it this way before." Undescribable. Bonnie takes pleasure in other creative activities such as music performance and painting.

Hobbies: Playing violin and piano, painting, reading, gardening.

Likes: School, online shopping, quiet nights in, a challenge, board games, traveling.

Dislikes: Spur of the moment plans, lack of order, being outdone, second-hand embarrassment.
code by @Nano
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the animo
  • cowards
    and the brave
    are all looking to save
    what little pieces
    left of their imagination
code by valen t.
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Tatianna Delacroix.

The Medium.
title : info.
title : info.
title : info.
title : info.
title : info.
title : info.
title : info.
title : info.
faceclaim ~ Katherine Langford.
eye colour ~ hazel-gray.
hair ~ wavy, long, dark brown.
body type ~ slightly tall and plump
body ~ 5'6/168cm.
weight ~ 62kg.
Tatianna's bright intellectual hazel-gray hues always seem to be inspecting something with genuine interest, be it the subtle engravings of an antique table or the frills on someone's blouse, giving away her easily distracted nature, but in fact, Tatianna possesses a gift to recall the smallest detail, even if it was one she noticed weeks ago. As someone who spends a majority of her time with her head in books, Tatianna is slightly plump in the kind of way that gives one's overall appearance a youthful aspect.
- positive traits :
: Intuitive .
trait : .
trait : description.
- negative traits :
: description.
trait : description.
trait : description.
- likes : info.
- dislikes : info.
title : Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus pretium ligula enim, vel finibus lorem interdum quis. Suspendisse viverra lectus tortor. Nam dui orci, hendrerit quis risus quis, placerat mattis augue. Phasellus in felis orci. Donec in ligula nisl. Sed at consectetur velit, ut placerat velit. Sed tristique interdum dui, sit amet euismod nunc mollis vel. Nulla facilisi. Praesent a elit neque. Vivamus in scelerisque metus. Maecenas in libero bibendum, feugiat leo in, auctor metus. Morbi vulputate libero sit amet ligula feugiat, non facilisis eros tempus. Fusce blandit risus enim, in consequat libero commodo nec. Proin pretium velit vitae lorem scelerisque mollis. Etiam eleifend scelerisque nunc a scelerisque. Nulla ipsum diam, lobortis in ipsum et, ullamcorper interdum magna.

coded by incandescent
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  • Lies
    I don't mean to mislead you
    I promise
    So uncomfortable being dishonest
code by valen t.
Is not extra but will be a jokester......


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coded by weldherwings.
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  • basics

    kori ezekiel

    Name: Kori Ezekiel

    Nickname: Zeke

    Age: Twenty

    Year: 3rd

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Ethnicity: Anglo-American

    Role: The Medium

coded by weldherwings.

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