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Servant of Conflicts [with TaeYon]


The Pun Tyrant
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
It was late on that Sunday afternoon, when it happened. I was simply walking down the street, my stomach growling by the lack of food it had received in those last few days, when I encountered this old man laying in the middle of the road. I rushed over to him and helped him stand. I could see some blocks of wood lying next to him, leaving me to wonder why such an old person would be carrying that amount of wood around.

"I...I need to get this, back to the...mansion." The man told me with difficulty, amongst the coughing.

"Let me give you a hand." I told him back, as I helped him stand "Why do you need all this wood, anyway?"

"I don`t. The family I serve wants it for the fire. Now, if you`ll excuse I should get carrying..."

"Please, don`t. I don`t mean any offense, but you cannot handle it."

"I`m afraid I have no choice. My contract ends next month, but until then, I`m that family`s servant, I have to obey them."

I couldn`t help but feel pity for the poor man. I picked up a few blocks of wood, hoping to at least that way be able to be helpful to that unfortunate person.
The fingertops of my hand would glide over the edge of the balcony, my eyes staring of into the distance. The scenery in front of me was beautiful as if I was in fairytale and gone from all the madness inside of this mansion. If only things would become better for everyone, maybe I would be able to live in a more peaceful way. Not having to worry about my true self from which people were scared of. It was not like it was an unusual thing for people to be scared of me, but still I do want to live a comfortable life. The butler was out of the mansion, the only man that I could honestly speak with without having to hold myself back to speak passionately about something. Telling all my worries to him in order for me to relieve some stress since I would not be able to handle it if I were to keep it all inside of me. Though the fact that the butler was going to retire anytime soon, made her feel some kind of sadness.
As we arrived to the mansion, bringing the wood, there was a large, blond, well built man standing at the gates.

"Finally." He said "You`re late, mr. What happened?"

"I`m sorry, master, I..." the old man began, before I interrupted him in rage.

"This old man was on the verge of dying just to serve you faithfully and you dare complain about him being LATE?"

"And you are?" The tall man inquired in response, his facial expression unchanged. I fell silent, knowing no response I could give would mean anything to that man, except for a good reason to laugh. "Well?"

"Hedart Dunt." I said at last.

"I see. And what is your profession?" the man asked.

"I...I`m unemployed."

"Well then, you don`t have the grounds to criticize me, do you? Now, mr., your contract still has a month to go, you know?"

It was so frustrating. I had to do something. But what? Only one thing occurred to me.

"What if I work in his stead?" I proposed

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