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Realistic or Modern Secrets Kills OOC

Don't worry about it, love. We’re here because we want to have fun. Take your time and we can start when you’re ready. :D
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any idea when we will be starting? it’s fine if it’s not anytime soon, i’d just rather know.
I’ll get my introductory post up after work. Hopefully I’ll just do 8 hours today....

I’ve pretty much written it, I just need to type it up and post it.
I hope I'll be able to keep up with the length of all of your posts... o-o
Now I'm kinda scared to start tying, oh boy
Sorry that took so long, I knocked out soon as I got home 😴

Intro up and ready. I haven’t gone thru to edit so I’m sure there’s some auto-correct errors. I do all my typing on my phone. It can be bothersome, but I rarely have time to get to a computer. I’ll read thru it tomorrow and touch it up, but figured I should at least post it for the sake of moving things along. I’m just a tad of a perfectionist and like to be sure it’s all good, whether or not anyone goes back to reread it : p
The idea of contraband in a dorm seems funny to me, lol
Shouldn't they be able to go off campus and buy stuff (except alcohol and cigarettes)
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lol me too. I had a friend that went to a private catholic school for a year though, she says that contraband snacks were floating around everywhere. Guess it just depends on how strict the school is
Well. The dorm I'm staying at is basically like, you can leave and buy whatever except alcohol (you can't smoke on the school grounds, except the smoking corner at the school gates on the outside) but you can bring back like, anything. We have to buy our own toilet paper, we bring food, drinks, snacks, fruit. We even have a dorm kitchen where we can cook if we want XD
We go home every weekend but if I had to stay in a dorm for a whole school year and not be allowed to buy myself stuff, I'd actually kill someone lol
Like, we can bring goddamn McDonalds with us! XD
I went to a catholic college my last two years and stayed in the dorms and if you were over 21, you were allowed to purchase alcohol and bring it on campus so long as you kept it in your room and no one in your dorm room was under 21. We could also come and go as we pleased and weren’t restricted to cafeteria food or anything.

For the most part we were left alone, so long as we didn’t cause problems. But my home state’s pretty lax on such things as alcohol and stuff. So long as you followed the laws and smoked in designated smoking areas around campus (not in the dorms cause fire alarms), then they let you be an adult.
Well. Our laws are different. European laws make you legal to do everything at 18, except get specific driver's licences for motorcycles, I think. So we can drink outside, but we can't come high or drunk or intoxicated in any way back on campus. So it's just like. Be responsible. We just have a curfew since I'm in a dorm for teens from 15 up. 1st years are allowed to be out until 8, 2nd until 8:30, 3rds and up until 9. If you're over 18 (me) you can inform the supervisors of an extended leave if you have any kind of things to do past that time. Like going to another city for something or such.

It's a pretty good place, they don't bother much, we just have like, 2 hours as designated study hours. at 4 PM until 6 PM with a 5 minute break in between. 1st years have to study in the school and years above have to study in their dorm rooms~
The college rules are pretty lax in california as well, although I only dorm'ed it during my first year. We were basically able to do what we wanted, as long as we didn't disturb anyone. I've had friends go to college's with stricter rules though. I know one or two had a doorman that monitored the ins and outs and was super strict about visitors. They had to be out by a certain time, and male visitors were not allowed in the female dorms after a certain time, like 7ish or something. It was crazy.
here (I'm in Europe lol) guys can only come visit female dorms for 30 minutes. the curfew to go sleep is at 10 and we have a security guard after 10 until morning

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